Disney's Bolt Club
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posted by boltbiggestfan
Okay, so my uncle worked on the movie Bolt, here's a picture from the permire (Don't know if they have more than one picture) you can also find it at kokoleo.com (My aunt's website) and click on blog, than 2008 and scroll down and click on older posts. So here it is and this is what she said:

"Saturday night Erik and I got all gussied up and went to Disney's BOLT wrap party in downtown Hollywood. First was the screening at the Kodak Theater (home of the Oscars) (did you know the stars have to walk through a mall before the get to the actual theater? weird). The movie was awesome and in true Disney fashion I even got choked up at one point. If you see it, and you should, stay until the very end where they list the "Production Babies" and look for McKenna's name (at the top of the second column). Erik's name is in there somewhere too, but not with the babies
After the movie we went to the party upstairs for food, drinks, music, gambling, etc. I took that picture on the roof overlooking Hollywood Blvd. where there were a couple hundred people protesting Prop 8 (I'm with the NO crowd) and a bunch of police in riot gear. What a wild night! Like my hair? I got lots of compliments on it that night. I did it myself with a bottle of color from the 99cent store. I'm fancy cheap like that"

So there ya have it! Wait, sorry, I can't get on the picture, just try to find it.