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Okay I have this movie on blu-ray and dvd so I don't even have an excuse for being late on putting this article up except maybe this; I don't like this movie as much as I used to...

Tonight's rewatch: Beauty and the Beast 2017 remake
Last time watched: 2017

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
I watched this movie as an adult but I still like to think I'm a kid at heart. So if you've read my article for Beauty and the Beast, you know I have a huge love for Beauty and the Beast, for nostalgia reasons and because I just love the movie. So when I watched the trailer for this movie I felt so much excitement that I haven't felt for a movie since the last Harry Potter movie was released (not the lame Fantastic Beasts movies, the actual Harry Potter series) and I begged my husband to have us see it at IMAX on opening night. I went to see it with my hopes up really high with my Belle keychain on my beltloop of my jeans and my husband and I even slowdanced to the Ariana Grande version of Beauty and the Beast at home before going to see the movie. I was smiling for the first few minutes but it didn't take long for that smile to slowly disappear. I didn't like that the movie was almost exactly like the original (I spent 20+ dollars to see a movie I could have just watched in cartoon form at home for free). I ended up buying the dvd/blu-ray when it came out because I was thinking "Give it another chance" but then after watching it one or two more times I left the movie on the shelf where it stayed for 2 years.

Why I love this movie so much:
So here's some possitive things about this movie and why I kinda like it.

The costume designs for most of the characters were very beautiful (except the yellow dress Belle wears. I'm sorry, but come on someone thought that looked good?) and the servants designs looked elegant and unique the same with the castle.

The new songs had a place and were well written, the only problem I have is the singing. I think the only singing I liked were Audra McDonald, Kevin Kline, and Luke Evans and sorta Josh Gad. Every one else sounded so plain or just couldn't sing at all

There were a few scenes that had me laughing like Maurice seeing Chip move and supposedly being calm about it but then shoots out of his seat and runs the heck out of there and when Belle asked a hairbrush what it's name was.

I didn't have a big issue with the "I'm not a princess" line because that actually had a place in it unlike in Moana (yes, I know that's just an in joke so I'm not mad at that line but it still didn't make too much sense being in that movie) since Belle really wasn't a princess at the time. I just wish she didn't make the face she made when she said it. She could have just said it like "Oh, haha I'm not a princess" while looking flattered or something but in this she looked...disgusted I guess?

Old vs New:

So first off, I love that this movie actually fixed some of the plot holes from the original like the fact that everyone somehow didn't remember that they had a prince or even remember his staff.

Considering how all the singers in the original sounded like they should be on broadway I think the people who worked on this movie should have tried harder to find people who could actually...sing. And the fact that it turns out all these people needed to sing for the tryouts were Hakuna Matata is actually a little insulting.

As interesting as it is that Maurice isn't the inventor but Belle is now, here's why it doesn't really work. For one thing, in the original Maurice was always scorned for being "crazy" and was inventing things that might not even work or were too crazy to work. In this movie Maurice is just called crazy old Maurice out of nowhere. And another thing, yes, we see Belle help her father with working on a music box and lockpicking but to go from simply assisting her father to suddenly inventing a frigging washing machine is so incredibly farfetched.

As much as I think Emma was probably the wrong choice for Belle I did like some of the changes done to Belle's character in this movie. In the remake Belle actually tells Gaston no and is straight with him. In the original I did like her "I don't deserve you" and tricking him to fall in the mud, it just felt like she was being too passive about his advances. I mean she was surprisingly calm about him bardging into her home while she's alone and him advancing on her. At least in the remake she actually tells him to back the heck off. I also liked that she actually asked about the enchantment rather than just shrugging off the fact that she's in an enchanted castle surrounded by enchanted servants.

I liked that Maurice finding the castle and getting a rose for Belle was more close to the original story and I liked that it was one of the few scenes in this movie that wasn't a scene by scene copy of the original.

I liked the opening too where we actually see the prince turn away the "old woman" and become a beast while the servants become objects. My one complaint is that David Ogden Stiers didn't do the narration like the original. That is really my only complaint. The woman who played the Enchantress did a wonderful job but David Ogden Stiers just had that voice that was perfect for storytelling, when he spoke I always gave him my full attention. He wouldn't have even needed to reprise his role as Cogsworth, I would have been happy enough with him just telling the tale at the beginning.

One of the things I will never forgive this movie for is rushing all the scenes from the original movie, like when Belle took Maurice's place and when Beast released Belle so she could save her father. In the original when Belle tells Beast to come into the light there was more buildup as Beast slowly stepped into the light and drew himself to more height, there was more emotion from the characters like when Beast was surprised that Belle would take Maurice's place. And when Beast was releasing Belle in the original you can see the pain on his face, hear it in his voice as he realizes he'd have to make the sacrifice to let Belle go and stay as a Beast forever. In both scenes in the remake I didn't feel or see any emotion coming from either scenes or the other scenes they copied from the original except maybe the climax scene.

I think only half of the musical numbers had a good scene to go along with them. In some of the musical numbers, like Gaston, I actually had fun watching them but then there were others like Belle/Little Town I think could have been better.

I think the only character I didn't like in this movie was the Beast. He was changed from actually having a soft spot deep deep down and trying (and kinda failing) to try to make it work with Belle so he could break the spell. In this one he's just being a petty brat who actually scoffs at Belle for liking romance novels and I think he was more miscast than Belle was.

Another change I did like was that the enchanted servants were going to be stuck as inanimate objects forever, it made me feel more worried and sad for them. Of course I did feel worried for the servants in the original but by comparison and with the scene with the servants saying goodbye to each other as they slowly become still objects actually made me feel more sad than the Beast dying in this one.

I honestly keep forgetting that the Enchantress had a bigger role in this movie. I have mixed feelings because for one thing we actually get to see her more but then again she's almost forgettable. I know Gaston mentioned her at the beginning but that was only once and we barely saw her, and I still remember the first time I watched the movie when we actually see her later on all I could think of was, "Hi, who the heck are you?" There was actually a deleted scene where she and Belle interacted at the beginning of the movie and I wish they left that in so then this character could have had a proper introduction.

The one change in this movie that I think is the most pointless and unnecessary of all is the magical book the Enchantress gave Beast. We only see it once and it's never brought up again nor is it ever mentioned again. The Paris scene does bring a tear to my eye and it was really done well but the fact that it's never brought up again is so incredibly frustrating. She could have used the book to go back to the village quicker (which would have made more sense because you can't tell me she was able to somehow ride back in time the way she did) and then use it again to come back to the castle. Or, heck, the book could have just been left out.

I loved Josh Gad as LeFou and I loved his character in this and I didn't mind him being gay in this movie. There may have been some scenes he was in that had him overdoing it a bit but I still had fun watching his scenes.

I've said it before and I will say it again. I. Hate. The. Yellow. Dress. The one in the original wasn't one of my favorite dresses but the way the one in the remake was designed I thought it was originally curtains sewn together to make a dress. It's not that hard to make the dress from the original look beautiful in real life, we see it worn in the Disney parks and Demi Lovato wore a dress that looked just like it in Princess Protection Program. And since they didn't want to use the original design they could have used a better design. I've heard different things about where this dress came from; Emma helped design the dress herself or someone's kid drew a picture of the dress and they went with that. It's like no one wants to take credit for this dress.

I'm actually glad that Belle went back to the village wearing the dress because I remember being annoyed that she would stop to change while her father was freezing to death. I'm just annoyed that none of the villagers questioned the dress or even believed what she said about the castle and Beast while wearing such a fancy dress before she used the mirror

As a standalone movie this would have been great if not for the rushed scenes, uncessary book scene, the bad singing and some wooden acting. I wasn't bored the whole time but I kept checking the time to see how much longer I had to go through this movie. I like this movie but it's low on my favorite movie list and it's even lower on my favorite remake list.

Rating: 5/10

How much has my opinion changed?
It's hasn't

Would I watch it again?
Maybe with other people

Next movie will be The Little Mermaid!
HELOOOO. I am at it again, but with our very own Aurora! sorry I could not do this sooner, but my computer is a total wreck. doing this out of boredom. As usual. I hope you enjoy this article. =)

The Brothers Grimm: Starring Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, and Monica Bellucci! See, the story is sort of a mix of different fairytales you found on your shelf when you were six... But a few Characters in PARTICULAR sort of fit our little Beauty. Actually, there are twelve of them. Thats right, TWELVE.
an evil queen experimented with black magic to keep...
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posted by faya27
Melody looked at him hard to see if he's really going to say yes. Ariel waited too, to see what his response would be.

"I-I...can't," Eric winced at his answer. Melody looked like as if her birthday got canceled. No, this couldn't be! Her dad said, 'I can't!' Melody moved a little back from him.

"What? Why?" She half-whispered half-yelled.

"I-I have work and my boss needs me," said Eric. Melody tensed up. Her fists clenched and her teeth gnashed.

"Work? Work! Daddy! That's all I have heard! Work this! Work that! Boss that! What about me! You never have time for me!"

"Melody please listen-"...
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One day King Triton had to go away for the night. “I am leaving you my trident for protection,” he told Ariel and sisters. “This will keep you safe, but make sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands!” “Let’s have a sleepover,” said Ariel. “We can take it in turns to stay awake and watch over the trident, and have some fun while Daddy’s away!” They did not realize that Ursula, the sea witch, was planning some fun of her own. Later that day, an old peddler arrived at the palace. “Like to buy some pretty things, my dear?” she crocked. A music box in the basket caught...
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posted by faya27
Chapter 11

Despite Ariel's assurance, Melody still hated the idea of not having a mother. Why doesn't she have a mother? How come other kids have two parents while she has one? Mind you, not that she doesn't like her dad-no she loves him! Melody still yearns for someone who will read stories to her and kiss daddy when he comes home.

"You don't know what happened to your mother?" Ariel asked.

Melody shook her head. "No, I don't know what happened to her."

Ariel didn't press anymore to the subject. Melody must have a been a baby when a tragedy struck her mother. Silence filled the whole room, only...
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Which One will be my Prettiest?
Which One will be my Prettiest?
Ok so as you can see i also try to make a list about my Prettiest Disney Princesses and it was so hard, why Disney have to make all of their Princesses so gorgeous? Anyway i warned you that if you go to read it you will find a lot grammatic errors because english is not my native language so feel free to correct me!

10 Rapunzel

Ok don't get me wrong I think that she is pretty but she has some really akward features like Huge bug eyes, big head and wierd teeth! I also really like her hair Oh her hair it's so pretty, her best feature imo too bad Flynn cut all of her hair and turned them into...
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posted by faya27
Chapter 1

"Melody, wake up," said Eric as he patted his five-year-old daughter on the arm.

"Five more minutes, Daddy," Melody yawned.

"But Melody today is your first day at your new school. If you don't get up, you'll be late," Eric responded.

"I don't want to go to school today!" said Melody.

"Melody, get out of bed right now or I'll spank you," Eric firmly stated.

Melody's eyes went wide and quickly got out of bed. Eric left while she got dressed. She took her pink pajamas off and tossed them on her bed. Then, Melody slowly put her on her outfit on. She dressed slowly since she did not want to...
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“I can’t leave you.” She whispered.  	“You never will,” he said. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be with you, forever.” 	“Forever?” she asked.  	“Yes,” he answered. “Even through death.”
“I can’t leave you.” She whispered. “You never will,” he said. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be with you, forever.” “Forever?” she asked. “Yes,” he answered. “Even through death.”


“I can’t leave you.” She whispered.
    “You never will,” he said. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be with you, forever.”
    “Forever?” she asked.
    “Yes,” he answered. “Even through death.”
    “Death,” she cried. “No! John, you can’t leave me, you just can’t!”
    The darkness overcame her and his whisper disappeared.
    “John!” She called for him, but there was no reply. “John! Where are you?! Please...
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He grabbed her other hand and held onto them tightly, which only made it harder for Pocahontas.
He grabbed her other hand and held onto them tightly, which only made it harder for Pocahontas.

    Pocahontas took a deep breath, thinking of how she would tell John it was over. Since she had just recently seen John Smith and found her love again, she knew the only way to be happy was to leave John.
    When she was back in her village, she saw that John wasn’t there. When she asked where he was, she learned he was by the river. She made her way to the river and saw that he was alone.
    “Good,” she thought. “At least I can do this in private.”
    She walked up to John...
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He waited so long to see her and had almost given up hope that he never would, but now looking into her eyes, he decided to give in to temptation no matter what the consequences may be.
He waited so long to see her and had almost given up hope that he never would, but now looking into her eyes, he decided to give in to temptation no matter what the consequences may be.

    They were both silent. They didn’t know what to say, but they knew they had to say something. When he looked into her eyes, he still saw so much truth and light, that he was tempted to kiss her. He waited so long to see her and had almost given up hope that he never would, but now looking into her eyes, he decided to give in to temptation no matter what the consequences may be.
    He slowly moved his face toward hers, determined to kiss her. It was quiet all around them; it was almost as if time had...
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She wandered aimlessly through the forest, just praying that she would find him.
She wandered aimlessly through the forest, just praying that she would find him.

    It was still dark when Pocahontas woke up the next morning. She had to leave before John woke or he might suspect something. She didn’t have time to think about what he would think of her decision. She knew he wouldn’t like it, but she had to follow her heart.
    “I was stupid for giving up John Smith,” she thought as she made her way through the forest. “He was the best thing that ever happened to me and I have to find him.”
    Pocahontas didn’t know what would happened...
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2 Days ago i was feeling so helpless, i even cried (and i don’t cry that much), i had this project, and i was suppose to delivre it the next day, and i had absolutely no ideas, ME ! the godess of ideas, anyway, the project was to work on my own picture, cut it in half, one to make a Simplification with the colors Ghosh, and the other to make it collage (lol rhythms)

i did the Ghosh, and the collage NO IDEA what i was gonna do, tried a lot of times and no use, and why i care so much ? because the project in the speciality that i want (i’m in Fine Arts), and if i didn’t do great at it, it...
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Ariel was walking through the castle halls, observing the portraits hung up everywhere. She missed all those times with her family, before she got married to Eric.
"Ariel?" someone called.
She turned around. "Charming! How's Snow?"
Her brother walked up to her. "Heartbroken. That retard left her for some reason."
Ariel's heart sank. "Ohhh, poor Snow..."
"Which is why I'm not allowing him in this castle," he continued.
Ariel hit the wall. "What? Char, don't you think that's kind of cruel?"
Charming shook his head. "Serves him right for leaving Snow." His gaze was fixed at her for a moment.
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Behind giant mountains of coral, the princesses witnessed a beautiful palace with a village down below.
"Girls," said Ariel, "Welcome to Atlantica!"
The girls couldn't believe their eyes even more than they could believe they were breathing underwater.
"It's beautiful," Snow White whispered.
Ariel nodded. "No time for sightseeing. We've got our hubbies to save!" and she zoomed off toward the castle.
"Finally, she's being serious," Jasmine said.
In the castle, the girls got to meet Ariel's father, King Triton, for the first time.
King Triton hugged his daughter. "Ariel, it's great to see you...
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posted by avelinforl32
I hope it's not too late doing my list and i'm not very good making articles, so, it's my first time. So enjoy!

I used to love her, she's pretty, wise, fun and she even jumped on a cliff, but then she got boring and serious after she met John Smith. Don't get me wrong, i like her, but i would like her to stick with her risking, fun loving personality.

When i watched PatF, she's just so serious,(not as serious as Pocahontas). I was very interested on Charlotte and Naveen than her. But i love her determination and hardworking to open her restaurant, but she's too...
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Okay so things aren't looking too good for us is it? The sun has set so Aurora's curse is broken, so I guess we don't need to be calling this Sleeping Beauty since the beauty isn't sleeping. Anyway back on topic Maleficent looks madder than my ma when she's fighting with my sister and trust me that's saying something because they yell so loud that I get complaints from pluto. Well back on track she looks like she was going to zap us like she did her minons.

"No the sun! My spell! After all these years for nothing!" shouted Maleficent

"Aurora grab the ruby slippers so she can't hurt you" I said...
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Rapunzel's part is spoiler-free so hakuna matata! ;) Rapunzel actually dropped 2 spaces while I was writing this :P

10. Tiana

I respect Tiana so much; she’s the first princess to really have a realistic goal. She’s not looking for love or a prince that will sweep her off her feet. She’s practical and knows that hard work is what’s going to benefit her in the future. I love that she’s aware that dreams aren’t just handed out. You have to earn them. However, my problem with Tiana is her uptight attitude. I also prefer more romantic and dreamy princesses also, but I do find her goals...
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Merry Christmas, firegirl1515! I hope you enjoy this friendship fic with Ariel and Rapunzel. I know you have asked for Rapunzel/Flynn, but I hope this is all right. XD I am only really good at writing, unfortunately.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Here is your friendship fic with Ariel and Rapunzel!

“Oh, de king is going to make crab claws outta me when he hears dis!” the tiny red crab lamented. Sebastian trembled with fear as he imagined the sea king, Triton, with his classic disapproving look.

Flounder frowned at Sebastian's words. “He’s gone, Ariel. We should go back.”

Ariel sat on...
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A/N#1: Well this Chapter 6 and I really don't know where this chapter
is going to go....so I will see where it takes itself.

Chapter 6:

"Why do you think they let us go?" I heard Adam ask from beside
me as we walked over branches and bushes, we were nearing the
Stopping completly and leaning against a tree I looked at him for
awhile trying to come up with an answer.
"The Honest truth is that I really don't know why he let us go, but
we now probably created a war" This scared me, what would my parents
think hearing that I had been kidnapped by Natives on the day of
my arrival because I had...
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Congratulations cromulanfav! :D
She's October's princess of the month! You really deserved this - you're always online and work so hard to contribute. You definitely have put a lot into this spot and it's great to see you get some appreciation for that. :)
In honour of her achievement, here's an interview with our fan of the month!

1) How does it feel to be fan of the month?
I don't know, happy. Many good things have happened to me lately, so I wasn't as exicted about being fan of the month as I could have been. But I'm happy that it was Mulan month.

2) Who are your favourite princesses and why?...
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The first Prettiest Princess countdown was done about seven months ago by princesslullaby, and the article for the results was written six months ago. Since then, I've noticed that people's opinions have changed on several princesses: Belle, Pocahontas, Cinderella, Mulan, and others. I thought a redo should happen, so I got the okay from you guys, and here this is!
EDIT: Pictures (of course) are refusing to download. I add pictures by adding them to iPhoto and then selecting them from it while making picks or articles. So, iPhoto is not connected to the Internet...
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