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Don't call Fanpop superficial. :)
Don't call Fanpop superficial. :)
First of all, THANK YOU so much to the 24+ fans on this site who participated in my series of "DP personality trait" polls! I was so happy to see so many voters as I wanted this to be a very community-involved thing. Your participation was most necessary and appreciated! :D Your comments were even more appreciated and some are posted throughout the article as relevant to each trait. [*Note: I am more than willing to remove any comments upon simple request from commenter.]

In the series of polls, the last one was not pertaining as specifically to the DP itself but more the film around the DP so I will address that first. When it comes to a NEW DP, the #1 aspect the fans look MOST forward to is a New Story or Situation OVER a new personality type, a new culture, new looks or a new race represented.

With a total of 29 traits pertaining to the DP's personality (and 1 trait pertaining to the DP film in general) here are the results of what you have voted that you would like to see in a Disney Princess: [*Note: If you'd like to skip the comments and just see an overall summary, feel free to skip to the bottom of the article where I have provided that under "RECAP".]

For the most part, it seems that that the majority want to see a Disney Princess who is closer to the middle, balancing her positive and negative traits but leaning more towards the positives. While some may find the "Perfect" Disney Princess more appealing, others may find the "Totally Un-Perfect" Disney Princess more appealing but most happen to prefer the Disney Princess who is "Perfectly in the Middle".

All results as of November 5, 2015; 3:30 UTC.

Let's start with the more superficial traits:

You prefer a Disney Princess who has a really good singing voice. "She doesn't need a full range but she should be better than average." You don't care at all about the beauty of the Disney Princess [ironic with all of the articles and polls rating and ranking beauty]. According to your votes, you couldn't care less if she had traditionally unbeautiful traits(like fat, frumpy, homely, big nose, etc.) because you believe that "everyone is beautiful in their own way". As far as athleticism, you also don't care at all because you "care about other things" far more.

VOICE: "A true DP always sings so a beautiful singing voice is a basic." - tiffany88
BEAUTY: "It only matters to me when I'm making my 'Beauty' list." - NCISLuverjk93
"nope, i find the beauty in her character" - anukriti2409
ATHLETICISM: "It's awesome if she is, but it's not a defining quality as to whether or not I like them." - anaswill
"I really don't care that much. To date, we've had a lot of athletic and non-athletic DPs in the lineup." - wavesurf

On to more Attitude-based traits:

You prefer a Disney Princess who is not stoic (a person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings or complaining) at all. You don't mind an emotional Disney Princess who always shows her feelings and voices her complaints.

"i don't believe in enduring pain, one should change it in however form possible and least hurting to others" - anukriti2409

You prefer a Disney Princess who is a little feisty (touchy and aggressive), "She can be spunky but should not be feisty." and who is a little picky (very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail, especially excessively so), "She should have some standards."

FEISTY: "I'm tired of the feisty heroines tbh. It's overused. I want some unique traits. " - uploaded900
PICKY: "Having standards is one thing, but being "picky" is totally different. For instance, I think Tiana is EXCESSIVELY PICKY. It's one of the reasons she's at the bottom of my list. I dislike her for it." - wavesurf
"If i were to go by your definition, even then, "excessively so" would weigh heavily on my mind. So as long as someone is picky about certain important aspects about their lives, i find it their choice and their right to do so. I wouldn't any DP to be excessively picky about clothes or where she lives (small house or big house), basically something trivial. It's a very shady trait for me, to be honest." - anukriti2409

You prefer a Disney Princess who is somewhat adaptable, "She should at least work on it or try if it's not her strength." and who is somewhat respectful, "She should show respect unless she believes something is wrong."

ADAPTABLE: "She should be a strong survivor, i find females cribbing way too much, in today's world, about their "circumstances not being good to them". I find "Adaptability" and "Learning to fit better into an unsuitable environment" a positive strength." - anukriti2409
RESPECTFUL: "I have realized that if someone doesn't respect me, being disrespectful to them doesn't resolve anything at all. So right now I'm hooked to this coz I'm often charged up to let the person who disrespects me to put them in their rightful place which is just petty i know, but yes, it takes a lot of courage to be polite and respectful to mean/rude/disrepectful people in return. I would actually like to pick Completely option here, coz honestly, other person doesn;t change when I;m disrespectful to them so I might as well save my own dignity.
Its like fighting with a pig in mud, the dirtier it gets, more they like it and I end being dirty too which was never the intent in first place." - anukriti2409

You prefer a Disney Princess who is somewhat open to romance, "She should be open to love without being too romantic."

"This, I think. I find that I'm drawn to romantic characters." - Portia0623
"Heh, I love when the Disney Princesses have romance in their lives, but it shouldn't be at the very to of their do -to-lists (or whatever). Also, when it comes to non-Disney-Princess movies, I don't really mind to much if there's no romance in the movie, it's just mainly with the DP. :/ " - Angelica_AW
"Any of the above work for me, I don't mind that Elsa didn't want/find a love interest. But I also love the Princesses that find or want True love. And Disney movies are the only place I don't mind 'love at first sight'." - NCISLuverjk93

You prefer a Disney Princess who is somewhat not touchy (oversensitive and irritable), "She shouldn't get touchy unless it directly applies to her."

"unless someone really picks on her, I'd avoid a DP having this trait. it eventually comes out in form of tears or anger, which is not as good. I'd like her to be open-minded of course, but she can decide what hurts or not. " - anukriti2409

You prefer a Disney Princess who is somewhat not materialistic (excessively concerned with material possessions; money-oriented), "She can have materialistic tendencies just not all the time."

"it's fine to like pretty things, just don't let it get in the way of what's really important." - AudreyFreak

On to more Behavior-based traits:

You prefer a Disney Princess who is pretty friendly (a 4 on a 1-5 scale with 5 being friendliest), "Even if she's lonely she should show signs of friendliness."

"She doesn't have to talk to strangers but should definitely be cordial, in my opinion." - laylastepford
"Definitely." - tiffany88
"yeah" - anukriti2409

You prefer a Disney Princess who is somewhat honest and somewhat outspoken (outspoken: open, honest, and direct in stating one's opinions, especially if they are critical, controversial or unpleasant), "She should depend on her discernment [when it comes to honesty]." As far as outspokenness, "If it's true, coming from a good place & not delivered in a rude manner." then you guys are happy.

HONESTY:"I prefer DPs who are honest, but if they tell a little white lie once in a while, it doesn't bother me that much. At least in Ariel's case." - ApplesauceDoctr
"White lies are okay, if the situation needs it." - tiffany88
OUTSPOKENNESS: "This one." - Angelica_AW
"I don't care about it at all really except for very important issues." - AudreyFreak
"I don't like submissive people a lot, I would rather prefer an outspoken person who can speak up their mind irrespective how people are judging them. If they have some weight in what they are saying, sooner or later, it gets acknowledged." - anukriti2409

You prefer a Disney Princess who is a little rebellious (showing a desire or tendency to resist authority, control, or convention) and a little spunky (courageous and determined usually with optimistic energy.) You are ok with rebelliousness, "If she is rebelling against things that are inhumane or villainous." and don't mind spunkiness, "If it matches with the rest of her personality."

REBELLIOUSNESS:"As long as I understand her fully developed "motives" for being rebellious." - wavesurf
SPUNKINESS: "it should fit in, definitely" - anukriti2409

You prefer a Disney Princess who is a little cautious (careful to avoid potential problems or dangers; acting with or showing care and thought for the future; acting or done with careful forethought). You believe, "She should learn the consequences of not being cautious."

"Some impulsiveness is allowed, because I don't seem to like "timid" characters like Belle, and the really extreme version, like Elsa. At the same time, the princess should learn a lesson about "the rashness" of quick decisions without thinking of the possible outcomes. If the princess is manipulated into "cutting a deal" without having all of the variables explained to her--- as in being lied to--- then I do not completely blame her for the fallout. I don't expect her to be omniscient!!!!! But she should say she is "sorry" for believing a lie, and she should take responsibility by fighting back against the manipulator, or by admitting that she was wrong." - wavesurf

You prefer a Disney Princess who is a little spoiled. You believe, "If she is, then she should work on it."

"I think some people "grow" out of this, through adverse circumstances ( like Merida does). If not, they end up "cutthroat" and with "a bitter personality" just like Tiana has. Tiana thinks the "world owes her something." That's not a great attitude to have, and people tend to avoid interactions with that kind of person." - wavesurf
"Well, abused kids can be spoiled too. in fact, some of them probably are (look at Pacifica Northwest- some rich kids like that are heavily controlled by their parents, which is a form of abuse when it's that extreme). Money and luxury don't equate to a happy home. I agree it's generally better, but I hope people realize you can be spoiled and abused, is all. A lot of spoiled brats never learn that they aren't entitled to everything in life thanks to bad parenting. Lottie, Naveen, and Fred are Spoiled Sweet. They care about their friends and Lottie and Fred helped whenever they could, using their money unselfishly for their friends. Naveen, too, eventually learns to not be selfish. This I can handle fine. Darla Dimple and Merida's brothers are just plain Spoiled Rotten." - AudreyFreak

You prefer a Disney Princess who has a little bit of an eclectic range of hobbies. "It doesn't bother [you] if she has a specialty instead though."

"Having hobbies can give a character more depth, unless the character has so many hobbies that their personality is ignored." - Portia0623
"Agreed" - anaswill
"This^" - wavesurf

Lastly, on to more Attitude & Behavior-based traits:

You prefer a Disney Princess who has a little bit of a sense of humor. "She should be able to laugh but it shouldn't be a defining trait."

"I don't really care, as long as she isn't rude. I do think Tiana has one, she just doesn't feel the need to constantly be funny, which is fine with me." - AudreyFreak
"I like the description [Somewhat. She should be able to laugh at herself and situations], at least she should be able to laugh at herself and situations if she can't get at cracking jokes or pass funny comments. It does make me enjoy the character more, but yea, it eventually do not define them for me " - anukriti2409

You prefer a Disney Princess who is a little bit cultured. "She should at least have good manners OR be well-informed." (Cultured: "characterized by refined taste and manners and good education." Aspects of being cultured specifically are appreciation of the arts, well rounded education, worldly outlook and social etiquette.)

"I think." - Angelica_AW

You prefer a Disney Princess who is a little graceful in demeanor and a little motherly. "She should be respectful and natural if not elegant and graceful." and "She should be protective & devoted towards those close to her."

GRACEFUL: "This." - Angelica_AW
"Respectful and well-mannered, certainly, but I don't think elegance (although it's attractive) is absolutely necessary in a productive life." - MalloMar
MOTHERLY: "Yep. I think everyone should be protective and devoted to their loved ones, whether that means a child or parent(s) or friends or pets or whatever." - Angelica_AW

You prefer a Disney Princess who is somewhat intelligent. You believe "It doesn't have to be her strength but it should be notable."

"It's definitely a huge bonus, but a Princess doesn't have to be smart for me to warm to them. I can like them for other attributes too such as how caring, selfless, or headstrong they are. It just depends. Though of course intelligence comes in many forms and is subjective. I love Anna, for example, and she's hardly the most intelligent character. I just enjoy watching her." - Mongoose09
"besides, a lot of the characters people praise as intelligent often make some of the dumbest mistakes. I think this may be in part because people confuse intellectual strength with intelligence. you can love reading or science and still do idiotic things." - AudreyFreak

You prefer a Disney Princess who is somewhat self-confident and somewhat loyal. You believe "She should work on it if she's not self-confident." and "She should have a great respect and appreciation for loyalty."

SELF-CONFIDENCE: "Not everyone has to be "super confident" about themselves, but I don't want to watch "passive people" who won't make decisions about their dreams, nor "cowards" either." - wavesurf
LOYALTY: "This" - ApplesauceDoctr
"Although loyal is often associated with positivity (and for good reason), it is actually a neutral word. Loyalty is a strong feeling of support or allegiance. So, for example, loyalty to Stalin or Hitler or Mao etc. might not be looked at as such "positive loyalty". I think she should be loyal to what is good and right, not loyal to everyone she is related to or comes into contact with." - laylastepford

You prefer a Disney Princess who is somewhat mature and somewhat tempered. You believe she should have "At least average maturity if she's going to end up with a relationship. " and as far as temper, "If she has a reason to lose her temper then [you] understand."

MATURITY: "Too much immaturity annoys me, and I don't mean just being childlike, which isn't bad to me, it's usually cute (look at Jack's excited wonder in What's This?, I consider that very childlike)." - AudreyFreak
"As someone who believes that we should never stop maturing until we die therefore we never reach a point of "full maturity" while alive, I choose this one. If she's not going to be in a relationship then I think she should work on maturing but I don't expect children to grow up too fast. Like audreybrooke said "If she's going to be in an adult situation (e.g. impending marriage), she shouldn't be child-like or immature! That sets a terrible example, and it's also pretty creepy." I don't mind some child-like qualities like Anna has, which are part of her personality, but I do care about being mature enough to handle a relationship before entering one." - laylastepford
"Just be yourself, don't be too mature or too childish." - Sparklefairy375
TEMPERED: "Sometimes people need to be short-tempered, if only to let off some stream. But it shouldn't be all the time." - Angelica_AW
"It doesn't bother me unless it gets excessive." - anaswill
"What I like about Cinderella is that her temper is clearly there, but she has a very good hold on it." - AudreyFreak
"^ agree for Cinderella and handling things in stride. Losing your cool, doesn't get things done anyways." - anukriti2409

You prefer a Disney Princess who is completely modest (behavior, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency). You believe "Modesty is respectful, well-mannered, humble & mature."

"modesty is a great strength for any person. It is one of the most admirable quality in most princesses. A modest DP is always open to advise and other's opinions and perspective, they do not look down upon others and neither consider themselves the best of the lot. I fell in love with Mulan because of her modesty and humble nature." - anukriti2409

"I took the meaning here to mean inner modesty, as in attitude. but both are important to me as a Christian and I'm so glad I grew out of my embarrassing teenage (rather confused) immodest phase. but assuming here it's the attitude- yes, more important than almost anything. It's OK to have flaws like arrogance sometimes, especially if they grow out of it and/or have other virtues to make up for it but I find many characters don't." - AudreyFreak
"Modesty (there's no culture of it in America that's for sure) is supposed to be about promoting inner, not outer, beauty, self-control, honor, self-respect- that's all. It's basically making a public statement that you value yourself more than attention. I'm just sorry some are out there who see it as a negative thing instead of what it's supposed to be, valuing women and men alike." - AudreyFreak

So these were your results. The majority prefer overall modesty and balance in a Disney Princess.

YOU WANT: A Disney Princess who is overall respectful, well-mannered, and humble. A Disney Princess who is very friendly (or shows signs of friendliness) and has a much-better-than-average singing voice though you don't require her to have full vocal range. You want your Disney Princess to be somewhat: mature (especially if getting into a romantic relationship), tempered, loyal (respectful & appreciative of loyalty as well), self-confident or working on it, intelligent, honest (depending on personal discernment), outspoken (if it's true, coming from a good place and not delivered rudely), materialistic (just not all the time), touchy (oversensitive and irritable) if the topic directly applies to her, open to love but not too romantic, adaptable (or working on it), and respectful unless she believes something is wrong. You also want your Disney Princess to be a little: graceful in their demeanor (but more respectful), motherly in their protectiveness and devotion, cultured (good manners or well-informed), humorous (able to laugh/sense of humor), eclectic in their choice of hobbies unless specifically skilled in one specialty, spoiled but works on it, cautious but learns the consequences of not being more cautious, a little rebellious if against the inhumane or villainous, spunky if it matches the rest of her personality but isn't feisty and picky enough to have some standards. You also couldn't care less if the Disney Princess was beautiful or athletic. The only thing you really don't want is a Disney Princess who is stoic, you'd much prefer a more emotional one, even if she came with complaints unless she's complaining about hardship she brought onto herself.

Fun stuff to chew on and potentially comment about: So does that sound like the kind of DP that you perhaps would like Moana to be like? Is it close to the "Ideal DP" that you personally have in mind? Do you prefer DPs to be represented more idealistically or do you prefer them to be more like average, common girls? Are you surprised by the overall results? Do you think any of the current DPs already match this criteria?
posted by RapunzelAnna
I loved the articles about the dream life so I decided to make one

1. I would change my name to Rapunzel it seems like a beautiful name

2.I Want rapunzels skills shes really talented and I LOVE HER

3. I want rapunzels mother the real one not mother gothel or I would like jasmines father

4.i want Rapunzel as my best friend were so alike she would be fun to hang out with as we both share the same hobbies and dream

5.i want Eugene as my boyfriend Eugene supports Rapunzel and hes soo charming I just <3 or Aladdin

6.i want belles dance with the beast its so romantic I love how they're both lost away...
continue reading...
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by sweetie-94
Source: disneyclips.com
posted by sweetie-94
It's been a while since I last wrote a fan fiction so I decided to try again with two fan fictions, this one is called the Ordinary Princesses and the other one will be called The Special Girls

This is what The Ordinary Princesses is about:
11 girls from our world are taken to 11 different kingdoms to become raised by royal parents because their own parents can't take care of them. None of the princesses knows that they're from the real world, but they know that they act weird since people looks at them in a weird way

You'll learn the rest of the story as I write more, but anyway hope you'll enjoy...
continue reading...
"WHAT?" Jasmine shoots up from the chair she was sitting in.
The girls all stare at Philip, then as what he said begins to sink in, they all get thrown into a frenzy.
"Stop! Stop! Stop" Belle had to shout several times before she can make herself heard "This is no time to panic, we have to figure out what's going on!"
"Yes," Pocahontas agreed "Tell us more, Philip."
"We were packing our bags, and I went out of the room to get something. When I came back, Aurora was gone!" Philip said.
"Um, is there a clue to where she could've gone?" Rapunzel asked.
"Have ye thought about the possiblity that she...
continue reading...
posted by justgrac
A young Vanessa took her first swim into her new classroom. With her mershirt (no seashells till she get s 14 says her mother. Her dark purple tail swished back and forth as she sat in her desk . of course heads turned how can a girl be so pretty in the fifth grade. Long dark hair and wow what a mershirt. She got that allot and she didn't really mind. Her best friend Athena swam in. "Athena!' said Vanessa she hoped up and the two girls hugged. Her red hair bounced around. 'oh my gosh guess what this year we can take electives isn't that awesome" said Vanessa. "I'm taking music class what about...
continue reading...
posted by faya27
Chapter 10

The school Principal, who was about to pack his papers for the day, was surprised to see Ariel and three children walking up to his desk. Seeing that they have to tell him something important, he kindly allowed them seats (and lollipops for the children). When Ariel and the kids detailed him about many episodes of bullies mocking Melody, his face was filled with compassion and sympathy. The kids gave him the names of the bullies he requested so he can call their parents.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure that you won't shed another tear," he said to Melody.

"Thanks, sir," said Melody, softly...
continue reading...
posted by faya27
Chapter 4

After Ariel waved goodbye to Eric and Melody, she carefully crossed the street to meet up with her brother. Her sandy-colored haired brothers was holding a carton of milk that he bought from the Deli.

"Ariel, what was going on? Who was that man you were talking to?" Flounder asked.

"I was trying to save his daughter," Ariel explained.

"Really?" Flounder asked.

"It's a long story," said Ariel. As they walk away from the Deli, Ariel told Flounder the details of the story such as saving Melody, standing up to Eric, and a dinner with them. When she finished, Flounder was amazed. That was a...
continue reading...
posted by MadameLee
Call me Anne. I wouldn't say my age because you would be embarrassed but think older then Elsa. I loved the 90s princess (Ariel, Belle, Jasmine, and Mulan) since I identify with them a lot. When I was in elementary&High school I did get bullied but that's a long time ago now. I love some of the articles I have read here on this site specifically the ones arguing about Cinderella not waiting around for a Prince to save her. Did you know that it took from the 1800s to the 1912 before Snow White's and Cinderella's respective stories overlapped? And in the 1913 some guy who had the last name Powers who would later help Disney with Steamboat Willie made his own film version of Snow White and borrowed the True Love Kiss from either Grimms' Briar Rose or Perrault's Beauty in the Woods.
She's the perfect Ariel! (ESPECIALLY in personality)
She's the perfect Ariel! (ESPECIALLY in personality)
Since I've been a fan of this club, I never had been keen on Ariel even though she has a magical movie and she's the only mermaid in the lore. However, The live version of the cartoon that came out in September, 2023 changed everything. But also, keep in mind that I changed and my opinions also have. I have to make up a new list of my fav princesses because god- ITS ALL MIXED UP AGAIN! Also, I remember arguing about Ariel's appearance with wavesurf in this club and I told him/her that she was pretty ugly, while my opinions are switched. I love her huge eyes and bright red hair more than ever...
continue reading...
posted by bluerose777
17. Noble Maiden Far-Merida
16. I'm Wishing-Snow White
15. I wonder-Aurora
14. When will my life Began?-Rapunzel
13. Almost there-Tiana
12. Someday my prince will come-Snow White
11. So this is love-Cinderella
10. Cinderella-Cinderella
9. A dream is a wish your heart makes-Cinderella
8. Reflection-Mulan
7. Just around a riverbend-Pocahontas
6. Coluors of the wind-Pocahontas
5. How far i'll go-Moana
4. Belle-Belle
3. Something new there-Belle
2. Part of your world-Ariel
1. A whole new world-Jasmine
12. Mulan wardrobe
I don't like her wardrobe, it's to plain and dark
11. Merida wardrobe
I like only her blue dress
10. Moana wardrobe
It's not very ugly but it look like strange
9. Pocahontas wardrobe
She's got only one outfit but I like it
8. Tiana wardrobe
I like few outfits but rest of them aren't my favorite
7. Snow White wardrobe
I hate her rags but her princess dress is very pretty
6. Ariell wardrobe
I like only bra, peasant dress and sparkling dress
5. Jasmine wardrobe
I don't like her rags and purple dress but rest outfits are amazing
4. Cinderella wardrobe
I don't like only hand-made dress
3. Rapunzel wardrobe
It's pretty and it's in my favorite color but I like two next more
2. Belle wardrobe
I like all dresses
1. Aurora wardrobe
I think her dresses are amazing and colors are stunning
12. Mulan wardrobe
12. Mulan wardrobe
posted by bluerose777
12. Snow White
I don't really like Snow White, she was a little bit childlish and boring.
11. Aurora
She's so low because she didn't do anything interesting and we see her on screen only 18 minutes.
10. Tiana
She is good character, but a little bit too serious
9. Merida
She was interesting and funny, but I like next eight more
8. Mulan
I like Mulan because she's very realistic, but I don't like her pessimism
7. Cinderella
She is my favorite ,,classic" princess, she's interesting and dreaming.
I like her third movie ,,Twist in time" most
6. Pocahontas
I really like Pocahontas, she's very interesting and funny
5. Moana
I like Moana because she's adventurous and loves water
4. Ariel
She's great character, especially in TV series
3. Rapunzel
My favorite ,,modern" princess, she's funny, dreaming and clever
2. Jasmine
She's rebellious, and I love her quote ,, I'm not a prize to be won"
1. Belle
She's clever, dreaming about adventure and a little bit sarcastic
added by tiffany88
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
The ocean is calling them back 🌊🌺 Experience the new trailer for Disney’s Moana 2 tomorrow and see the movie only in theaters November 27, 2024!
moana 2
teaser trailer
auliʻi cravalho
dwaybe johnson
added by crookedsnowhite
Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/C66oLXgI1pO/?img_index=1