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Credit to: http://braveandboldthinking.com/2014/03/25/unveiling-the-truth-about-muslim-women/
First: Here is a link from an actual Muslim woman with her thoughts on how Muslim women are portrayed in America in general.link
Excerpt from Blog (Link Provided)
Excerpt from Blog (Link Provided)

Second: Here is my personal break-down analysis based on knowledge of Arab/Muslim culture compared to the Disney Aladdin film.

The majority of Princess Jasmine's numerous flaws stem from the fact that she is completely inaccurate and offensive to her culture. From the clothes she wears to the way she speaks, Jasmine does not represent Arab or Muslim women at all but rather a disgraceful woman in their culture. Unfortunately, Jasmine is not a suitable role model for young girls.

1. Jasmine is dressed like a Harem girl instead of a princess. A princess is the daughter of the king who no man is allowed to touch without the king's approval. A harem girl is one of the king's many mistresses. No king would dress his daughter like his mistress. No father would want to see his daughter dressed in that way.

2. Jasmine is very impulsive to her detriment. She runs away from home which would never happen in reality as she knows she would've been raped and/or killed as a lone female running around, especially in that clothing.

3. Jasmine does not choose her words wisely and therefore gets herself into more trouble. (Example: She says "At least one good thing will come of me being Queen, I'll have the power to get rid of you!" to Jafar. Now, someone who wasn't trying to stop her from getting to be Queen has all of the incentive in the world to stop Jasmine. If Jasmine had kept her mouth shut, she could've just became Queen and actually got rid of Jafar instead of just talking about it.)

4. Jasmine doesn't have enough self worth/value. As she says in Aladdin, "I am not a prize to be won." So she's just some trash to be thrown out? She completely looks at herself the wrong way. She IS a prize to be won and she gets to choose who gets to win. Instead of just being given to someone, her preferences are actually playing a huge part. Most other princesses in the world and most other women in the middle east (Jasmine's culture) would not have had so many luxuries in choice of who to marry as Jasmine did.

In addition, when Jasmine first meets Aladdin when he saves her in the marketplace, she immediately goes HOME with him. He is a stranger and she has no idea what he will do to her. She also knows Aladdin is lying about what Abu says when Aladdin pretends Abu "thinks it's awful" that Jasmine "has to get married". In this moment, she goes to kiss Aladdin but the guards interrupt. No proper young lady would go back to a strange man's house and let him make his moves on you. If she had more self value, she wouldn't be offering her first kiss to a random street criminal that she doesn't even know if she should trust or not yet.

5. Jasmine is incredibly spoiled. Instead of recognizing how much better her life is than any other woman around her, Jasmine refuses to acknowledge her blessings and instead is very spoiled and selfish in her wants for more. Nothing would ever be good enough for Jasmine as her life is already better than everyone else around her yet she still complains. All her father wanted, was to know that his daughter would be taken care of by a good man before he died and she wouldn't even give these men the time of day. How is she supposed to know whether or not they are worthy or whether or not she could love them when she wont even really meet them or give them a chance? She'd be a much more pleasant and reasonable person if she at least gave them a chance but made no connection. The film makes it obvious that she doesn't even try to connect with them though.

6. Jasmine is absolutely a tease and not just for her clothing. Having watched the film, it is easy to say that her clothes are chosen for her rather than chosen by her. This doesn't change the fact that she is so unpleasant in her personality that the most likely reason for her provocative clothing is so as not to scare off every potential suitor. Besides her clothing though, Jasmine acts like a tease on her own accord. She teases Aladdin on the balcony before berating him. (Refer to #6.)

7. Jasmine is referred to as a "Shrew". A "shrew" is a person with violent temper and speech. This is not seen as becoming of a young woman. She should no better when to hold her tongue and when not to. She is also a prejudiced shrew, being awful to innocent people who don't deserve it. When Aladdin compliments Jasmine, telling her that he thinks she is beautiful, her response is to tease and then berate him. She says "Hmm... Yes. I'm rich too. The daughter of a sultan. A fine prize for any prince." to which Aladdin says "A prince like me." Hopeful that with his new status, he will finally be worthy of Jasmine's love and attention. He goes through a lot just to get to see her again and how does she respond? "A prince like you and EVERY other peacock I've met. Just, go jump off a balcony!" What a shrew! This guy goes through all of this trouble just so he will be allowed to meet and talk to you and all you can say is for him to go kill himself? Over what? Being attracted to you?

8. Jasmine is incredibly spoiled. All her father wanted, was to know that his daughter would be taken care of by a good man and she wouldn't even give these men the time of day. How is she supposed to know whether or not they are worthy or whether or not she could love them when she wont even really meet them?

9. Jasmine is prejudiced. She doesn't even want to give Aladdin a chance just because now he is a prince even though he is the same guy? This proves that Jasmine is not a generous or kind person who takes people as they are but rather for what they represent. She didn't even care to know Aladdin as Ali because of what he represented not who he was as a person.

10. Jasmine is a hypocrite. In addition to her being rude to Ali just because he was a prince, she was still rude when she realized he was Aladdin the whole time. When she tricked Ali into admitting that he was Aladdin, she got very upset and started yelling at him. She yelled at him because he lied about who he was even though she started the lying in the first place when she lied about being a princess. How could she get mad at Aladdin for pretending to be something he's not when she did the exact same thing? Somehow it's right when she does it but wrong for anyone else? Exact definition of a hypocrite. Both Aladdin and Jasmine felt trapped by their positions in society and they both lied about who they were to discover another world they felt denied of. She had no leg to stand on whatsoever for getting mad at Aladdin.

Personally, this is all a shame to me because they pretended Jasmine was an Arab princess but then they designed everything about her to be American or an Arab harlot. This is not representative of her culture or of a princess. [I personally would have loved to see her more true to character as I think Muslim/Arab women have a very unique grace and bravery that could have been shown.] I believe the reason that Jasmine gets negatively portrayed in lots of "fan fiction" is because she is so much in conflict with her own culture and princess culture. It is hard for grown adults to take Jasmine seriously as a role model for young girls when she is portrayed this way.
More Accurate Portrayal of an Arabian Princess
More Accurate Portrayal of an Arabian Princess

*Credits for drawing to link

Had Jasmine been portrayed more accurately, she would've been far more like Cinderella, Ariel or Belle. She would've been braver, kinder and more modest. She would've had more grace and poise the way a princess should. The most accurate Jasmine was portrayed in Aladdin was in her purple royal engagement announcement dress. That is the Jasmine who should be sold to the little girls. Not the spoiled, impulsive, shrew-like tease version of her.

NOTE: Aladdin IS taken from "1001 Nights" or "Arabian Nights". Princess Jasmine is based on Princess Badroulbadour who is Chinese (not Arab) and described as being somewhat spoiled and vain.
Princess Badroulbadour who Jasmine is based on.
Princess Badroulbadour who Jasmine is based on.

Since some of the comments have taken a life of their own, I wanted to post some here that deserve not to be lost in that sea. If anyone is uncomfortable with my reposting their comment here, please let me know and I will remove it.

Polite Agreements & Disagreements
Polite Agreements & Disagreements

A Real Muslim Girl's Opinion (Whose Culture Jasmine is Supposed to Represent)
A Real Muslim Girl's Opinion (Whose Culture Jasmine is Supposed to Represent)
The current line-up.
The current line-up.
I haven't written an article for this spot in five-ever and I'm pretty sure this list has changed for me since so here I go, whatever. It's 4:30am so please excuse any hideous typos that make you cry blood that I don't see until I've read it back through 50 times.

10. Sleeping Beauty
Pretty, but boring as fuck.
Pretty, but boring as fuck.

Surprising absolutely no-one, this movie has remained at the bottom of my list. Why? Because it's dull as fuck. Sleeping Beauty sounds like the title is trying to compliment its audience, who will no doubt be well into the land of nod by the time the credits are anywhere near. The...
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[i]I finally decided to do this, has changed a little bit since I did the pick about it, but I hope you'll enjoy this article and don't forget to comment![i]

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs:

Since this is my favorite DP movie I'm always having it hard to choose my favorite scene in the movie so my favorite changes often, so right now my favorite is when Snow White finds the dwarf's cottage, especially because of the music, it happens to be my favorite score in the movie. I don't know what else to say, it's in my opinion one of the best drawn animated scene that I've seen, only the ending...
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posted by magicfairydust
She's so pretty in this one, too bad it's not an official screen shot from the movie
She's so pretty in this one, too bad it's not an official screen shot from the movie
So I've noticed that a lot of Disney princess rankings rank the princesses down because they don't have the prettiest overall scenes. Well, I did a little digging and came up with what I thought were the prettiest scenes for every princess. Here's what I think regarding each of their unique and maximum beauty.These are all scenes from the actual movies.

Mulan is actually quite pretty if you look at her. Obviously the animators couldn't make her as gorgeous as she could have been because she's dressed as a man for more than half the movie. In this picture you can see that her eyes are...
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Hi! I´m on fire today! Hehe I´ve just finished writting my favorite outfits article and now I decided to write my favorite hair article. Well maybe I call it being on fire and some other fans call it a Wendsay afternoon but whatever. So as I am a little tired and I´m going out to celebrate (oh yeah, today it´s Mexico´s independence day, ¡Viva México!) I will make this article a little shorter. Here it is, enjoy!

First of all I must say I´m not one of those Tiana´s hair haters but since I am judging hair I have to admit Tiana´s hair is very simple compared to the other princesses....
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posted by alexon31
"Love her dress. Hate her" -A Cinderella Story
"Love her dress. Hate her" -A Cinderella Story
I´ve already written an article for my favoirte DP Wardrobes, you can read it here if you want to: link :D, so now I decided to write an article for my favorite outfits. I have to say this one was more difficult because I couldn´t decide between so many outfits (no sequels included).

I also couldn´t decide whether or not to include Ariel as a mermaid. You see, since I am judging outfits and technically her tail is part of her I couldn´t really count that as an outfit, and a pair of purple seashells is not much of an outfit either so as much as I love how she looks I decided not to include...
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First of all, I would like to say huge THANK YOU to all of you, who participated in the countdown, and especially to those of you, who left comments.

Here are the results of Best Villain Defeat Countdown as of June 2011.

10. Ratcliffe's defeat

The problem with this defeat was that the viewers are left with the feeling that the villain did not get what he deserved. Sure he's to go to prison and all, but this does not seem to outweigh the fact that he almost started a war and wounded a person.

ppgbelle4 said: "It's not as epic compared to the others."
Gleek4ever said: "It was like "Ok guys story complete!...
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*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
I’ve wrote lots of articles about the Princesses; my favorite Princess, favorite song, favorite movie, favorite scene, etc. I wanted to write an article on my favorite things about each Princess; my favorite things about her personality, my favorite scene of her, my favorite dress she wears…so on and so forth. So here we go!

Snow White
Snow White

She used to irritate me, but I now I find her completely lovable and endearing. I love that she is always positive, even when she finds out her Stepmother wants her dead and she has no where to live, what does she do? She sings a song! I wish I could...
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posted by JonnaSe
Before you start to read you should now how totally awsome my english is (yeah right, there is gonna be some grammer that is wrong and misspelled words, but whatever, If you can´t see past that then you are not my friend!).

Ok, I love the Disney Princess movies (Who Doesn´t?). I love everything about them, the songs, the story even the villians. But the Disney Princesses are what really makes the movie. And I love everyone of them. I bet that you can find something in every single one of the DP´s that you like. And as much as I love everyone of them, I have made a list where I have ranked...
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A/N- Just a little Christmas story. I wrote this in the style of "Beauty
and the Beast" because...I don't know. The movies have been on
for two days and it just came to me.

Disclaimer: Don't own any of these characters they belong to Disney.

"Which would you two like to read tonight?" I asked the two
little girls who were currently content in being held by their papa.
It had been 6 years since the spell had been broken, since the
wedding had taken place, and since the birth of our two adorable
twin girls. Adam and I had been ruling over France for the past two
years after his uncle, who had taken...
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The new lineup! But who'll come top?
The new lineup! But who'll come top?
Otherwise called "let's just stick Rapunzel in there as an excuse for a new article."
It's snowing heavily outside and I'm super ill and it's super cold and yeah... If I spell everything wrong and sound distracted then I can't really help it. I keep looking out of the window in awe whilst sticking tissue up my nostrils. The whole world is white... It's just BEAUTIFUL.
Anyway, yeah, I wrote an article months and months and months ago so I'm trying not to just replicate that. Because my list only ever
changes for a new princess. I like my rut, don't be mean to it.
So yeah, same thing as always, swearing...
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# 9 Prince Charming
# 9 Prince Charming

Oh does this guy gripe me. I almost don’t even know where to start. I’ve never hated a Disney character; but what I feel for this chump is probably the closest I’ll ever get. Even though we don’t really get to know him in the first movie (which is what I go by…I don’t count sequels because they piss me off), I think I have a pretty good idea of how he rolls. I can “sort of” relate to him on one thing; his Father wanting him to get married so he can have grandchildren. My Mom wants nothing more than for me to find the right guy, settle down, and spit...
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Hey everyone! This is my second article and part two of comparing our Disney girls!

hmm... where should I start...?
Well, it's rumoured that Cinderella was actually made after a native american legend called "Rough face girl"
except the legend goes that there was a young girl with two selfish sisters, who got all the nice beads, moccasins, and dresses. While all she got was hand-me-downs. And she didn't have cinder on her face, she actually had ASHES/burns. So she met a guy who fell in love with her and told her to wash her face in a special lake, which made her face beautiful. They lived...
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Hello everyone! I dont know if you remember me or if any of the people I use to talk to on here still come on here...but im going to try to come to this group more often...I miss it.

I was watching Beauty and the Beast tonight[Diamond Edition;] and I realized something so strange...I cry during this movie...

But only at two parts...when the beast "dies" and the other part....the ballroom scene.

The scene isnt sad and I know that...but does anyone else find it painfully beautiful...it never registered in this scene that Belle was dancing with a Beast, All I could think is:

Look at how much in love...
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I haven’t made an article in a long time, so when I was bored on a Sunday afternoon, raining bucket loads outside I thought I might as well do something. Basically this is an article about my opinions about each princess’ dress sense in ranked order. Oh and I would like to mention Phantomrose89 whose last article inspired me to make this.

So lets get started...

10. Rapunzel

I like the detail on Rapunzel's dress a lot. The design on the skirt and the trims are really pretty. I like that her modern girl persona contrasts against her old time fairy tale outfit, with the lattice front,...
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added by haynay24
John Smith wanted to join! Ain't he pretty? Made by prussiaducky
John Smith wanted to join! Ain't he pretty? Made by prussiaducky
I haven't done one of there's yet but just to let all of you know I find everyone beautiful. I mainly base my looks on looks and outfits (Because usually the outfit makes the princess). Also special treat I put in a picture of myself at the end so you guys can see me hehehehehe.

13: Mulan

I find Mulan rather plain compared to the rest of the princesses. She had her beauty moments but not has many as the others.
Like: Her smile and eyes
Dislike: Her hair and eyebrows

12: Belle
Like Mulan I find Belle rather plain. She's maybe called beauty but she's isn't as pretty as the others. She has more good...
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added by soxfan89
Source: deviantART, Birdhousebirdy
added by marissa
added by rizwansait1
Source: thelittlearielcom
added by 2cherryblossoms
Source: me