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I know a lot of people have been posting these articles, and I hope I offend nobody by producing my own, but it made me wonder what I would think based on these redesigns and therefore I decided to write an article of my own and express my opinion.
This is a countdown, and I am only including the first ten (Snow-Rapunzel) princesses because they have been the only ones redesigned (as I believe) from their original merchandise design; not necessarily from the movie.

Shall we start?

10. Pocahontas.

No. Just no, no, no. They've ruined her!
Well, that's too harsh. Not everything. Her dress looks nice and isn't plain (not saying the other one was though, but they've dazzled it up a bit) and her hair looks pretty too. But I don't like the added earrings, boots, and the way they've changed her symbolic necklace! My English teacher would have a go at them for modifying an important symbol. Ugh! It was so beautiful and meant so much to the movie and it stood out and now they've changed it.
What I'm trying to say is that while the actual design looks OK, it's not Pocahontas. I don't see Pocahontas in there; it's a different person. They've changed who she is through her appearance. I feel sorry for her.

9. Mulan

They've changed Mulan like they have Pocahontas. Mulan is only higher because her dress looks nice and the issue I have with poor Pocahontas' necklace. Mulan's dress is similar to the one in the movie but it's still changed; it has sparkles, and there's a piece of fabric coming down from her dress. It looks very princessy; not like the farm-girl dress Mulan wore, and definitely does not signify the warrior and fighter she is. If I were to look at that, and if I hadn't seen the movie or knew about her, I would assume she was a Chinese princess. Her hair looks beautiful as always and her smile is nice. But they've made her skin pink. What is this, plastic surgery? It's a common trait among the redesigned princesses. They've pinkified her skin. But other than those few points Mulan looks pretty.

8. Rapunzel

Rapunzel hasn't changed much; they've just added sparkles (another common characteristic in the redesigned princesses). Her dress seems to be more purple and longer and it doesn't bother me. I guess I'm just not used to seeing Rapunzel in 2D; I prefer her in 3D. In 3D we got to witness the magic and glossy-ness of her hair whereas in 2D it's just... hair.
But she still looks OK. I just liked the others more.

7. Cinderella

I quite liked Cinderella's redesign; it looks fine. I know many people have a problem with it whereas I think it doesn't look that bad. Her dress colour has changed but I prefer the sleeves to this one and I like the pattern. Her hair is nice; for me an improvement because I didn't really like her up-do, but they have ruined the beautiful burnt orange (?) colour that she had in the film. For me in the film and her previous merchandise designs she looked older and more mature, whereas in this design she looks younger; like a teenager (not that that is a bad thing, but I just admired her maturity and sensibility in the film).

6. Aurora

I've always liked Aurora's dress in the blue colour; it has always been one of my favourites. I don't mind the pink colour; I'm used to seeing that in merchandise but I think the pink goes quite nice with the slightly modified dress. The patterns and length of the skirt (it seems longer; makes her look taller) are nice touches. Her stance is elegant. The dress looks more slim-fitting on her. I have a bit of a problem with her hair though; they've completely changed it. Her hair, instead of curled up at the end, is wavy all the way through and they've stuffed up her fringe. But she still looks quite pretty.

5. Jasmine

Jasmine's look is quite nice; her face looks really similar to her face in the film (yay!). I like outift and the added fabrics, the patterns and sparkles. Her earrings look more bearable. Her hair looks pretty but it beats me why it's a pony-tail and not her original 'do with the two blue hairbands. Nevertheless she looks beautiful as always.

4. Tiana

I don't have much to say about this one because all they've really done is made her pretty dress sparkly, but as always, Tiana looks stunning; her smile is one of the prettiest Disney Princess smiles and I hope in future designs they never change it.

3. Belle

It looks like Belle and Mulan have something in common - their skin have both been pinkified, tut tut tut. Since when did Belle have pink skin? They've gone a bit too far with that, poor Belle. That's the only problem I have with her; she's beautiful otherwise. Her dress they've made a lovely gold colour which to me is preferable, even though her yellow one looked flattering on her. I love the curls in her hair and how they've made it longer, it looks very pretty. Her hairline looks better too.

2. Ariel

(Yes I know, her original dress was pink.  I apologise)
(Yes I know, her original dress was pink. I apologise)

Some people may be surprised with this but I actually really like Ariel's redesign. I love her hair; the waves are just perfect. Her dress is so much better than the pink one that made me cringe (oh, I'm sorry, that's harsh) and I really like it! The colour is gorgeous and I wish they could have used that colour in the movie. I love the sleeves and the patterns and sparkles. Her shell earrings are a nice touch and she looks very pretty. I just don't know why they made her lips pink; in the other design they did the same thing. Her lips were such a pretty red in the movie and I adored the colour of them. So why are they pink? Maybe they've been pinkified too...

1. Snow White

I feel very good having Snow White at the top of a list because she deserves to be there sometimes and I hardly ever see her at the top. Snow you've deserved this placement. The designers have not failed to add your innocent and cute look; you look beautiful and sweet. (... Why am I talking in second person now...?)
Anyway her dress looks beautiful, I like the sparkles and patterns. Her curls look more defined and so pretty. Her little side bow is modern and cute. Snow White looks absolutely gorgeous and she deserves the top spot. Well done, designers.

So did you think the redesigns stole the magic from the films/previous designs or do you think they added magic - by sparkles... and pinkification?

Merci et au revoir!
Ahh, feminism. What is it, really? Because apparently, the majority of Fanpop does not have the faintest idea what it is. By definition, feminism is a noun meaning, "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men." For those who were confused, this does not mean the most "man hating" princess or the most feminine princess. Now that we've cleared this up, we can move on.
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Hello Disney Princess Fans! First let me apologize for being a bit late getting the article up this time. I'm sure you're all familiar with how busy the holiday season is, and due to that I got pretty far behind. Also, I would like to thank everyone who helped with the article, as I could not have done in alone.

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