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Hmm, have I written an article on this? It seems vaguely familiar, but I looked through like five pages of my articles and didn't see it, so I'm gonna write it anyway, hizzaaa! Remember this is purely opinion based, so don't be mad if it strays from your own list :3 I hope you enjoy! //edit; I decided to change it up and instead of ranking the princesses, talk about what makes them all a good role model and not talk about the bad parts (because positivity yayayyy).

Snow White

Snow's a trooper, plain and simple. She's fourteen years old, the youngest of all the princesses, and yet despite that arguably has to deal with the most. I find her to be a huge role model in my life. In hard times, I look to her and think about how she remained her cheerful and optimistic temperament despite all that was thrown at her, so why shouldn't I??


Like Snow, Cinderella had to deal with a bunch, far too much. Cinderella is a great role model I'd say, as she's a very realistic character in my opinion, yet an extremely strong and optimistic one as well. I find it hard to complain when I see her life and it really puts into perspective that doing a chore or two to help around the house really is nothing compared to what she had to go through.


Aurora doesn't necessarily have the amount of optimism that Snow and Cinderella share, but that doesn't mean she isn't a great role model as well. Aurora really does show you how to make the best of a bad situation. Despite living in isolation and her aunts not allowing her to have social contact, she still allows herself to have a relatively good life, making friends with the forest animals and always being pleasant to her aunts despite the fact that they're holding her back.


In many ways Ariel is a bit of a mixed bag. Fans consider her a great role model, while many other people consider her a bad one. I'd say I view Ariel as a role model in the fact that she has many characteristics I wish I had myself. She's daring, courageous, and goes after her dreams, all things that, in moderation, are great characteristics to have.


Many people who probably say Belle's strongest attribute is sticking with the Beast and learning to love him, and while that definitely makes her a great role model, I'd say her staying with her father is an even bigger show of her character. Despite having so many dreams of adventure and hating the town she lived in, she stayed there because her father needed her.


I think Jasmine's ability to forgive is a strong attribute that she possesses. I think Jasmine is a great role model because she can sympathize with Aladdin and see where he was coming from while lying. She's also a great role model for the fact that she knows her worth and will not let anyone treat her any differently. She can be a bit overboard at times, but how she stands up for herself is very admirable to me.


Pocahontas' is a great role model for many reason. There's the obvious reasons, such as her fighting for the environment and human rights, but it also goes deeper than that. I view Pocahontas as a role model because she shows us that it doesn't matter how you get somewhere, it's where you end up at. Pocahontas spent the entire movie basically avoiding her problems more or less, which wasn't very good of her, but in the end of the movie she realizes what needs to be done and does it.


Mulan is an amazing role model of course. Her devotion to her father in taking his place in the army was such a brave act that I'm sure we could all learn from. She also is a great way of showing the obvious message that girls can do everything guys can do and more, which I'm sure has inspired many young girls that have seen the movie.


Again, incredible role model. I think every single one of us can learn a thing or two from Tiana. Coming from someone as lazy as I, I find her constant striving and chasing of her dreams to be extremely admirable. She doesn't just wait for things to happen, she goes after them which I find awesome.


I'd say the main reason Rapunzel is such a great role model is the action of standing up to her abuser, Gothel, in the end. It's really such a courageous act and really makes her an amazing role model. On top of that, like other princesses, she always knows how to make the best out of a bad situation. She never really seems to be put down by her situation, always finding new hobbies to spend her time doing instead of dwelling on the fact that she can't leave her tower.


Merida is also often looked at as a bit of a bad role model, but I wouldn't state that as fact. She does make mistakes for sure, but she learns from them and repents for them. She doesn't push her mistakes aside, she takes them head on and fixes them herself because she knows that she caused this whole mess and only she could fix it.


Personally I find Anna to be a huge role model for me for many reasons. First of all, her optimism and joy is of course extremely admirable, but when you combine that optimism with the boldness and courage she has, she really makes a great role model. I struggle with confidence and boldness, but Anna sees a problem and attacks it and she is who she is unapologetically.


It seems that as of late, Elsa is the unpopular girl on the Fanpop block. There's a lot of negativity surrounding her, but I think she's still a great role model for many things. She shows great self-restraint and care for others in the way that she stays away from Anna because she wants to protect her. She also has shown a lot of people that bad situations are temporary and that there is light on the other side of the tunnel.

Eh..so yeah. Sorry if my articles are uninspired and drab lately, I'm just feeling rather uninspired myself, but I hope this was still somewhat alright?? Anyways thanks for reading <333
posted by sweetie-buttons
When Rapunzel heard the call from outside her tower, she assumed it was her mother, and her heart sank. Normally she'd be glad to see her, but after their argument, she was less eager.

Well, it wasn't really an argument. Those things kind of required two people arguing. It was more Mother lecturing and Rapunzel listening. But it was unpleasant enough for Rapunzel to feel bad about it even after her mother left.

When she went over to the tower window, she looked down—and gasped.

It definitely wasn't her mother. She didn't have too clear a view from her tower, but the figure at the bottom was...
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added by Swanpride
added by tiffany88
1. How does it feel to be Fan of the Month?
I was Fan of the Month once a long time ago and while back then it was a bit of a shock this time, it's not that surprising :) I don't mean that in a self-centered way, comparing to how active I was in the past to now, I like to think I'm somewhat well-known for a ton of users here like KataraLover or sunnyfields. I'm honored to be the first Fan of the Month since it has been brought back.

2. Who is your favorite princess and why?
My favorite princess is Mulan because I used to relate to not being good enough for my family and wanted to do something...
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I copy and pasted the information from the Disney Wikipedia.

Snow White

Snow White is well known for her kindness and optimism — both of which act as her greatest strengths, as they've guided her safely through the various hardships faced throughout her life. She is quick to charm, winning the trust and admiration of the Prince, forest animals, and the Seven Dwarfs rather quickly, proving her kindness and pleasant aura makes her a beloved figure. Coined as the "Fairest One of All", Snow White's beauty lies both within her physical appearance and pure heart. With no negativity within her, Snow...
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posted by BB2010
Here's the final article! I got to say, I'm kinda bummed that not a lot of people participated in this but it is what it is :)

Favorite Aladdin
O 5
R 1
O and R 1

Personally, I thought Mena did a great job for the most part, but Aladdin was changed from being a confident smooth talker to a socially awkward dork (and I mean dork in a nice way). The original Aladdin had a couple awkward moments where he stumbled over the right words or said the wrong thing but they barely happened. Remake Aladdin suddenly became incredibly awkward at the drop of the hat at one point in the movie. Some people probably...
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posted by JNTA1234
Some people say he's forgettable but I think people automatically dismiss him just because he's not dramatic, theatrical and "hammy" like other Disney villains. I personally think he's pretty badass and ruthless.

Shan Yu is actually kind of similar to Mulan in that while everyone agrees that they both do remarkable things, some people think their personalities are on the boring side but I think it's unfair to dismiss any princess who isn't overtly dreamy, bubbly or feisty in some way (Mulan) and any villain who isn't over the top and in your face (Shan Yu) as boring. There are other ways to...
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added by PrincessAyeka12
added by PrincessAyeka12
added by princesslullaby
added by JaDangerz
Source: Harmon’s
J-Pop Moment.
J-Pop Moment.
Hi guys, this list is something like the K-Pop list that I made previously. Only this time, it's their Japanese counterparts. Ready?

1) Moonlight Densetsu (DALI)

Taken from the popular Japanese anime, Sailor Moon. This song has always been part of my childhood and being a Die-Hard Sailor Moon fan, the princess will support them, especially on International Women's Day!

2) Shunken Sentimental (Scandal)

This is the first time that I'm listening to it, and while doing so, I notice that it sounds like some of Paramore's songs. In particularly, Misery Business.

3) Hitohira No Hanabira (Stereopony)

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added by wavesurf
Source: beautybeastenchantedrose.org/library
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by Lavendergolden
posted by missdoney
Well, I'm here to show my reasons why I like Frozen’s Princess Anna (who is hated by some and loved by others). But, let's go to my reasons:
First that she is an active and emotionally strong character (yes, she may not fight with swords or bows like Merida or Mulan that are among my favorites, or have ice powers like Elsa), but she did admirable things throughout the movie like going after her sister who was isolated (even though she knew she could die from her uncontrollable powers or lost/hungry/frozen) and did not give up on her when she asked for it. And I admire this type of female...
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posted by AdelitaI
Name: Maria.

Birthdate July 22nd of 1997, the day when Irene Bedard ( the voice actress of Pocahontas and one of my most admired people) turned thirty.

Location - Ukraine. Not the most prosperous country in the world but I hope I will live there forever. Being forced to leave my country or even my district is one of my biggest fears.

Hobbies: reading, writing stories, searching the Internet, listening to music, philosophizing, learning about other's opinion on different topics.

Favorite Disney film: Pocahontas. It is and it will always be.
I also love Tarzan, Hercules, Princess and the Frog,...
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Note: Frozen is owned by Disney, not me. I hope that you have fun reading and feel free to comment.

Princess Anna and Queen Elsa were relaxing in the living room of the kingdom. Anna asked "Do you miss swimming?"

Elsa said "Well I guess I do."

Anna said "Well my related friend I have a answer to your problem."

Elsa said "Problem?"

Anna said "Yes. We haven't swam in months, but don't worry. I found a private lake near the kingdom that'll be perfect for us."

Elsa said "Are sure it's a private lake? I don't wanna share a lake with like 50 people."

Anna said "Don't worry. I've been to this lake...
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