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posted by MissCassecou
Bonjour! So this is a top-twelve countdown of my favourite Disney villains. Pretty simple, I guess. (WARNING - contains spoilers)

So shall we begin?

12. Governor Ratcliffe (Pocahontas)

And he came so highly recommended
And he came so highly recommended

I hate this dude because he's greedy and selfish and actually kind of stupid and blind through his greed and love of gold. He pretends to go on the voyage to help other people find their lives but instead utilises them for his own benefits and not theirs. When he is told that there is no gold in Virginia, he turns blind and possessed, and will stop at nothing to make sure he can get his hands on it. He wasn't exactly a direct threat to Pocahontas herself, which is unusual for a Disney villain, as they usually try and target the protagonist (sometimes not initially, but they usually do in the end). I suppose what's good about him is that people hate him, which is kind of the point for a Disney Villain.

11. Shan-Yu (Mulan)

"How many men does it take to deliver a message?" - Shan Yu.  "One" - Archer
"How many men does it take to deliver a message?" - Shan Yu. "One" - Archer

Shan-Yu, the main antagonist from Mulan, is the creepy hun-dude with the yellow eyes who leads the army. The yellow eyes are a definite giveaway that he is a scary bloke, and his grin, sleaky black hair, voice and animal skin for his clothing as well. But damn those eyebrows! My gosh the eyebrows alone and people would know to stay clear of him! He's ruthless, merciless and greedy, and we're not exactly sure what he's motive is. We know he hates the Emperor and wants to take over China, but we do not know why, as this is not clearly explained. (Maybe it is, but I didn't pick it up). Maybe it's something to do with revenge; it is implied that he has a history with the Emperor. Shan-Yu is a creepy dude who scares everybody and likes to kill people, and I thought he was a pretty great Disney villain. He's just so ruthless and obsessed!!!

10. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast)

"Gaston, you are positively primeval." - Belle
"Gaston, you are positively primeval." - Belle

This guy everyone knows to be a self-obsessed player who thinks of women as just wives and nothing else. I hated the way he treated Belle, but it's interesting because he's quite realistic. He gets jealous so easily and wants to kill the beast. I guess I've just always liked Gaston, even though I hate him. Does that make sense? I don't know what the triplets see in him, (and I don't know what he sees in himself either) and I think Belle is very smart to reject him. But even though I dislike him a whole lot because he's a selfish prat, I think he is kind of a different villain and I kind of like him as well.

9. Hades (Hercules)

"Whoa, is my hair out?" - Hades
"Whoa, is my hair out?" - Hades

I like the bloke because he kind of seems cool and chill and angry and funny at the same time. His design, though not typically Disney, was interesting and reflected well on his character and traits. And probably his home too. I just don't understand why he relied too much on his minions because they clearly were stupid and could do nothing right. (I'm not talking about Megara - Meg is awesome.) Too much God-ish pride, maybe? I quite liked this character, because even though he was hot-tempered, he was still pretty chill and said some funny things. And I especially like the part when Hercules smashed his face in.

8. Lady Tremaine (Cinderella)


Jeez this woman is one crazy person. She is so dedicated to making poor Cinderella's life miserable, and takes pleasure in doing so. Since she lived in a nice home, (a stately chateau I think), and through that and her title, it is implied that she is pretty wealthy. So how come she didn't hire any servants? It was extremely common to have them in those times, which I assume would be 18th-19th century, maybe. Or maybe she just wanted to make Cinderella miserable and save money, my guess is the latter. She's definitely very cruel, as she just stands and watches as her two daughters rip apart Cindy's dress, not saying a word. The way she manages to pull off that hair is unknown. And the face she makes when Cinderella pulls out the other slipper is priceless. She's interesting because she lets us know that even though some people don't have power or magic, they can still do damage to people's lives. Only human, hey?

7. The Evil Queen (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

"Slave in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space, through wind and darkness I summon thee.  Speak!  Let me see thy face!" - Evil Queen
"Slave in the magic mirror, come from the farthest space, through wind and darkness I summon thee. Speak! Let me see thy face!" - Evil Queen

Seriously, what is it with stepmothers? This crazy woman has serious pride issues. She is so vain that she is determined to kill her step-daughter in order to keep the title of "Fairest of the all". I think she is probably one of the most intimidating villain in Disney, as she's equipped with power and magic. (And the magic mirror of course, which terrified my friends when they were little. I was more scared at the part where she surprises Snow White when Snow's making the pie for Grumpy). Her clothes are pretty scary; they're in dark colours, and her hair is especially creepy since it's tucked up in that thing. I think this is symbolic of her character because she keeps to herself and is hidden. But this woman, this woman wants blood. (And the central organ in the circulatory system as well, the one that happens to belong to Snow White.) She's very creepy when she starts speaking like she's from the Tudor times in England. If you want to make someone scary, give them a mirror, magic and power, dark clothes and make them speak like they're Shakespeare.

6. Hans (Frozen)

"I was thinking the same thing, cause, like, I've been searching my whole life to find my own place, and maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue" - Hans
"I was thinking the same thing, cause, like, I've been searching my whole life to find my own place, and maybe it's the party talking or the chocolate fondue" - Hans

Well, if you're going to be a villain, it's a good idea sometimes, not to be showey and "I'm evil" and all that, because that could seriously, like, physically damage your health or something. So Prince Hans gains points for not being an obvious villain. We kind of fell in love with this Prince from the start because he was so caught up and in love with Anna and wanted to marry her straight away, and I guess we got caught up in that as well. And then of course he suddenly turns into a jerk and doesn't kiss Anna in her moment of need. I actually swore at him when I found out he was the bad guy. It was interesting as he showed us mere humans that sometimes people you have relationships with can be the bad guys as well, and even though I hate him for treating Anna so badly, he gets points for acting.

5. Mother Gothel (Tangled)

"Mother knows best!" - M Gothel.  (Well, yeah, but you're not her mother, are you?)
"Mother knows best!" - M Gothel. (Well, yeah, but you're not her mother, are you?)

This woman is definitely a diva; and very vain - similar to the Evil Queen. She stole a newborn princess from her mother and father in order to maintain her beauty and youth forever. Seriously? I mean, we're all scared of grey hair and a few wrinkles, but get a grip. She's pretty cool though, as she wears a nice dress and cape, and her hair is awesome. Love the curls. She is very concerned about Rapunzel's safety, even though it is for her own benefit. And she knows how to manipulate people and how to use a knife. She stabs Flynn! I can't believe it! I hated her for that!!!!!!!!!
But Mother Gothel is a pretty cool villain nonetheless

4. Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)

"Now you shall deal with me, o Prince, and all the powers of hell!"
"Now you shall deal with me, o Prince, and all the powers of hell!"

This woman is pretty cool. 1. She has magic powers, and is very powerful. 2. Her hair/headpiece/whatever you want to call it is awesome, and there is green fire wherever she is. 3. She calls people "fools!". I think that's awesome. And she has a pretty good name as well. She manages to hypnotise a princess and trick her into pricking her finger on the spindle. I mean, it's a pretty original way to fall asleep - right? She's also great because she turns into a dragon and fights Prince Phillip head on. I just think she is very reliant as well, and trusting those minion pig things was pretty stupid, but she's a great villain, and I'm looking forward to the new movie coming up.

3. Judge Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame)

"And he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!" - Claude Frollo
"And he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!" - Claude Frollo

Man this guy is probably one of the most horrible, baddest Disney villains in the history of disney villains. He manages to kill a woman and nearly-drown a baby in the first five minutes or whatever. However he brings up Quasimodo. I just think he's so evil, (which is actually kind of awesome...) He's always really angry and has a temper, he even gets angry when Esmeralda does that dance in front of him. His grin is just creepy and evil, and his hat is probably the scariest thing of all. His eyebrows and nose are well done and do the job of making him look evil effectively. His song is pretty great. I just love him because he's so great at being a villain - so evil!!!

2. Scar (The Lion King)

"Yes, well forgive me for not leaping for joy.  Bad back, you know." Scar
"Yes, well forgive me for not leaping for joy. Bad back, you know." Scar

Scar, probably tying with Frollo, is also one of the most evil disney villains. Just looking at him and you'd know that something was wrong. For instance he has eerie green eyes and a black mane - in contrast to the blue/red eyed lions with red manes. He definitely stands out. I love his sarcasm, it's just great!! I hated him when he killed Mufasa, and then threatened to kill Simba. But killing his own brother and almost-killing his own nephew? One of the most evil Disney villains. He kinda just chills around the place, plotting in his mind. I've always hated the hyenas. And his death was pretty tragic; getting burnt and eaten alive. Nevertheless he was a fantastic villain, so evil, and his song was great too.

1. Ursula (The Little Mermaid)

"And he will wriggle like a worm on a hook!" - Ursula
"And he will wriggle like a worm on a hook!" - Ursula

I've loved Ursula, for like, forever. And I don't really know why, but I'll just say she's the best in my mind. Her grin is creepy, make-up insane, and don't even get me started on the tentacly things. She's half octopus for heaven's sake!!! Her motive is pretty clear - revenge - and she's is one of the smartest disney villains. Her voice is fantastic, and apparently her voice actor isn't a professional one (but she did such a great job!). Her song "Poor Unfortunate Souls" is my favourite villain song, and I love how she incorporates latin in there! She's intelligent and tricky and powerful and manipulative. She uses poor Ariel as a pawn in her plot for an even bigger fish, King Triton. It just makes me wonder what would have happened to Vanessa, if she won and Ariel lost (the seashell necklace wasn't broken). When Ursula could finally have the trident, would Vanessa just disappear, be assumed dead when she was actually back to being an octopus, and Eric would be in that trance forever? (Sorry if that confused anybody). To me Ursula is just fantastic because she's smart and powerful, scary, loveable and has a great song! (Just her death would have hurt...)

So there you have it. Please note that Jafar and Cruella de Vil, and Doctor Facilier have all received "highly commended."
Hope you enjoyed and agreed with some of my points, and if you didn't, then please don't write any harsh/mean/critical comments.
Merci et au revoir!
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Source: Disney
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Source: disneywallpapers.info
After all the hype, merchandise and racial debate The Princess and the Frog finally made it to the big screen, jam packed with a variety of different aspects that where inspired by other media. However not one of my favourite princess films, I can appreciate it was a good attempt and can enjoy certain aspects of its story. Now lets look at the concoction of literature, previous films and art stirred together in the Gumbo pot to make Disney's latest fairy tale.

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posted by rhythmicmagic
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Snow White: Hufflepuff
I know, none of you expected it. Snow White in Hufflepuff, this is probably the biggest shocker in an article of mine since I put Ariel’s singing voice at the bottom of my list.
All sarcasm aside, is there really any other house for her? She is one of the most hardworking...
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Don't get me wrong. I love the Disney Princesses. They are all wonderful characters that symbolize the beautiful animated films they represent. However, I have to wonder, would Disney executives be sending a better message to their young fans if they instead called the line Disney Heroines? The reason I say this is because there are so many wonderful animated women in our favourite Disney films that are excluded from this branch of Disney entirely. Luckily, Pocahontas and Mulan were made exceptions which I think was a much needed change. If every girl can be a princess, as one of the company's...
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Source: http://pamupamu.tumblr.com/post/54066898696/disney-princess-palace-pets-i-love-very-very
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Source: Walt Disney
Iconic Disney Kisses <3
Iconic Disney Kisses <3
In light of Valentine’s Day, I decided to write an article on the Disney Princess couple’s that I believe have the best and most realistic relationship. Oh, and spoiler alert: I only really like 4 of them.

Couples I DON’T like…

10. Mulan & Shang

Mulan & Shang
Mulan & Shang

I love Mulan – she’s intelligent, brave and selfless. And Shang’s no novice either; in fact, his bravery, leadership and courage are practically matchless. But their relationship, it was too sudden; too forced. They lacked chemistry. Make no mistake, I love Mulan and Shang, they’re great – just not together....
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Source: http://silentmermaid21.deviantart.com
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added by disneyprince
Hey everyone! PPGBelle4 here! :) Fhghu and I decided to collaborate on a list for fun, so why not do one on our prettiest princesses? Here is our list combined and averaged. Anyway, I hope you like it, and please comment!
PPG: PPGBelle4
FHG: Fhghu
8. Jasmine

FHG Ranking: #9
PPG Ranking: #9
Average Score: 9

FHG: She looks like an alien in my opinion. She has a big nose and extremely large eyes. She just looks weird nearly the whole time. I could only find one good shot of her. ONE. There is only one heroine who is fuglier than her, and is overrated in beauty A LOT. *cough*Meg*cough*.

PPG: Okay,...
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added by blablablu95
posted by magicfairydust
Flounder is the fairest of them all! no, I just couldn't find a fitting top image, but heyy, everyone loves Flounder!
Flounder is the fairest of them all! no, I just couldn't find a fitting top image, but heyy, everyone loves Flounder!
This took a lot of thinking. I think I changed my mind like 31364684321354652 times, but here we have it! Magicfairydust's prettiest disney princesses. I took into account what the princesses could look like at their prettiest, and also what they usually look like. It was pretty close :)

10. Pocahontas
I know, I know, I KNOW! SHOCKER! but tbh, I really don't think she's THAT gorgeous! I mean, I think she's beautiful in her own way, and she's very exotic, but she just doesn't have enough absolutely gorgeous shots. Oh gosh, I'm going to get so much hate for this one. She has the best body out...
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All right, first off a little history about myself. When I was a little girl I used to enjoy the little mermaid. Ariel was actually one of my favorite Disney princesses/movies.

Now that I am older however, I have just recently watched the little mermaid one, two and the third movie which is Ariel's beginning.

I couldn't believe what an awful role model she is and how selfish she is. I searched on the internet to find others with my similar view on her and I stumbled across this article here: link

My article here is solely debunking everything this particular person is going on about and finally...
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posted by KataraLover
I figured since Merida is now in the line-up I should remake my prettiest Disney Princess list. I wanna make it clear that I think all of them are beautiful, just in different ways. Please comment telling me what you think.

Classically beautiful but plain with a poorly drawn nose, quite common, and looks MUCH prettier in the third movie
Classically beautiful but plain with a poorly drawn nose, quite common, and looks MUCH prettier in the third movie

I know I'm going to get attacked by several people but I actually don't think she's all that special. First of all the animation is too old fashioned and her design is too simply so those are two things that work against each other. However...
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