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posted by BelleRose829
She stands out, doesn't she?
She stands out, doesn't she?
Belle is my favorite princess! Well, her and cinderella are battling to the death for my #1 spot; Anyway I hope to do this with all of the princesses, Belle is the second princess I've wrote an article on, I just recently did one about Mulan :D *dwarf voice* Yes, recently. With out further introduction here are the reasons I love Belle.

The first couple of scenes of the movie, we could see her talking enthusiastically to the baker about a story she just read. Then, she proceeded to go to the bookstore and got a book that she read all the way to her home. Now, this gave positive remark to all young girls/boys out there that they should read and be imaginative like Belle.

She is brave
She was willing to be the Beast's prisoner for her father's freedom. Has anyone ever noticed that when she ran away from the castle and had herself surrounded by wolves, she fell off Philippe and the wolves attack him instead? Well at time, she had the opportunity to run away and leave her horse. Despite this fact, she went ahead and grab a stick, bravely protecting herself and her horse though there's a slim chance of survival. Stupid, you say? No, that was an admirable act of courage and sacrifice, proving she cares about a life, even an animal's life.

Fact that she loves her family unlike *cough* Ariel *cough* I'm kidding I love Ariel too :3
So anyway Belle and Beast are dancing in the ballroom, and beast asks Belle if she is happy with him. Instead of saying the generic "yeah, I'm happy with you." Belle thought of her father. With a loving man (well, kinda) and a castle and a friendly crew of enchanted object and beautiful dresses, she still thought about Maurice. She didn't forget about her family when she's in love and rushed down to her dad when she knew he was sick.

There's also the thing where she sacrificed her own freedom for her father's but that's been discussed in the previous point.

She Doesn't Just Like People for Their Looks
This is self-explanatory isn't it? I mean, rejecting Gaston and loving a beast and being friends with households reflects "Don't Judge a Book by Its' Cover" perfectly, no?

In Belle's Song from her first appearance, the whole town was talking about her and using adjectives and words like "rather odd", "heads in the clouds", "funny girl", "very different from the rest of us" etcetera. It proves, you can still be "odd" but still be an awesome Disney princess :D

To conclude, Belle is amazing! She is so beautiful yet doesn't care about how she looks. She is intelligent and loves reading and sees the personality of people not just their looks. She had a chance to go to handsome Gaston but didn't (also keep in mind that Gaston is like the town hero most of the girls swoon over him and most of the guys want to be him) Instead she falls in love with a beast because he was sweet and kind (sort of) not just handsome but best of all is that she wished for adventure and for someone to understand her ( doesn't necessarily mean lover but could mean friend) she didn't wish for some prince to save her. Don't forget she gave up the freedom of her life just so her father could be free. She also has no friends I think this is a great message to other people saying that even disney princesses don't have the easiest life. To end it I would like to say that Belle is the best because she is herself and embraces it.

Now I sort of feel bad I didn't make Mulan's this long. I just love Belle.
Yes he will because Belle loves him despite his looks :3
Yes he will because Belle loves him despite his looks :3
She does not care about looks...sort of
She does not care about looks...sort of
Ruined da movie *flips table*
Ruined da movie *flips table*
posted by shannon_leighx
10. Nani: the only animated Disney character with a normal body shape, she defiantly deserves a place on my list
10. Nani: the only animated Disney character with a normal body shape, she defiantly deserves a place on my list
This is my top 10 Prettiest Disney princesses (some exceptions) this is my own opinion, so please don't be rude and say I'm wrong, but please do feel free to comment your thoughts on my list :) thankyou! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. Snow White: her skin is as white as snow and her lips are as red as blood, she grabs spot number 9
9. Snow White: her skin is as white as snow and her lips are as red as blood, she grabs spot number 9
8. Eilonwy: known as the forgotten Disney Princess, stunning none the less.
8. Eilonwy: known as the forgotten Disney Princess, stunning none the less.
7. Jasmine: her gorgeous Raven hair and exotic beauty is unique and sexy
7. Jasmine: her gorgeous Raven hair and exotic beauty is unique and sexy
6. Megara: her beautiful dark red hair and curvy body makes her unbelievably beautiful and sexy
6. Megara: her beautiful dark red hair and curvy body makes her unbelievably beautiful and sexy
5. Rapunzel: her gorgeous doll like green eyes, adorable smile and of course her famous long locks give her spot number 5 on my list
5. Rapunzel: her gorgeous doll like green eyes, adorable smile and of course her famous long locks give her spot number 5 on my list
4. Belle: Her beautiful chocolate hair and hazel eyes (defiantly the best eyes out of all the Disney princesses) really makes her an undeniable beauty, her smartness and wittiness makes her 10x more gorgeous.
4. Belle: Her beautiful chocolate hair and hazel eyes (defiantly the best eyes out of all the Disney princesses) really makes her an undeniable beauty, her smartness and wittiness makes her 10x more gorgeous.
3. Ariel: I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for not making her number one. Her famous fire truck red hair and beautiful face has made her my number 1 Disney beauty for a long time, but the next two have just gotten past her, sorry
3. Ariel: I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for not making her number one. Her famous fire truck red hair and beautiful face has made her my number 1 Disney beauty for a long time, but the next two have just gotten past her, sorry
2. Anna: with her beautiful auburn plats, large blue eyes, freckled face and adorable button nose, know wonder Anna's funny and awkward personality has made her the official 12th Disney princess!
2. Anna: with her beautiful auburn plats, large blue eyes, freckled face and adorable button nose, know wonder Anna's funny and awkward personality has made her the official 12th Disney princess!
1. Elsa: Anna's older and more mature magical sister. To me Elsa is on a whole new level to any previous Disney princess, her platinum blonde loose braid, gorgeous blue eyes, lightly freckled face and gorgeous ice dress makes her the most beautiful Disney
1. Elsa: Anna's older and more mature magical sister. To me Elsa is on a whole new level to any previous Disney princess, her platinum blonde loose braid, gorgeous blue eyes, lightly freckled face and gorgeous ice dress makes her the most beautiful Disney
Hello! It's been a while, but I randomly had this thought and no real place to share it. I know the title sounds a bit outlandish, but I think my theory may have some merit.

To understand the Rapunzel story fully, we have to understand the origin of the fairytale and what its morals might be for the time it was created. The original german fairytale about a poor man stealing rampion plants from a witch has been heavily connected to possible sexual assault and the witch as a cultural icon has always been linked to a bitter older spinster woman, who usually never found a husband and was therefor...
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posted by sweetie-buttons
Welcome to my second Mary Sue Test! This is for Anna. I'll be doing one for Elsa next.

Unique traits without contacts or hair dye- No, Anna's hair and eye color are pretty realistic.
An odd name- No. 'Anna' is a common name, if her pronunciation isn't.
Looks constantly commented on- No. I can't remember Anna's looks being commented on much.
Always the hero- Sort of. She saved Kristoff from the wolves, falling off the mountain, saved them from Marshmallow, and saved Elsa from being executed. 1.
Multiple characters falling for her- No. Hans only pretended to, and Kristoff didn't until the end....
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Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun tabletop roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend you give it a try if you ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favorite hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun tabletop roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend you give it a try if you ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favorite hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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Charlotte La Bouff was one of many characters in the movie The Princess and the Frog. Charlotte was as wonderful as Tiana, and she really deserves to be analyzed.


Unlike Tiana, Charlotte was a slightly spoiled and funny girl, crazy. Charlotte was very romantic, which I usually don't like, but the crazy and confident gestures she displayed during the romance were enough to cover it up. Charlotte's father, Mr. La Bouff, spoiled her and did whatever she wanted because they were rich. Charlotte grew up believing in fairy tales and true love, and she was confident that one day love...
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" Moana vs. Pocahontas?"
" Moana vs. Pocahontas?"
I decided that they both have very similar and different points, and now let's review them.

Moana and Pocahontas are both islanders. They live naturally and the design of their houses is almost the same.

They both love their country very much.

They both know their country's traditions well, but they don't say no to learning different traditions.

They're both doing something illegal. Something their fathers forbade.


While Moana is not interested in romance, Pocahontas is looking for her love.

Pocahontas responds more seriously, while Moana laughs at everything.

Moana wants to go...
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This is the Disney Princesses food guide. Do not forget to enjoy while reading and specify the most delicious dish in the comments. There are pictures of the food they ate at the end of the article.

1- Mulan (Rice and porridge)
At the beginning of the movie, she was slowly eating a bowl of rice with china chopsticks as a delicate and beautiful girl. Later, when Mulan disguised as a man and woke up in the war tent, Mushu fed her a delicious porridge with her eyes omelette for breakfast.

2- Merida (Apple)
Merida was eating an apple when lords from different countries gathered in the courtyard to...
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added by belle_ami
I've wrapped these stories in 21 languages. I've used Japanese, French, Belarusian, Bengali, Frisian, Javanese, Marathi, Sinhala, Vietnamese, Bosnian, Galician, Kannada, Mongolian, Slovak, Welsh, Bulgarian, Georgian, Kazakh, Myanmar, Slovenian, Xhosa and then back into English.

I copy and pasted the information from link by clicking on the princesses names and copying the plot text in parts which were related to the couples whether referenced or physically in same scene.

Florian and Snow White's Translated Love Story

While I was working on a snow trip, he told me about the secret boy’s secret...
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Snow White: 16th Century Germany
Though the movie never explains where they take place, it is said to be set there since it was based off the Brother’s Grimm.

Cinderella: 19th Century France
Disney’s first film ever set in France though not explicitly. Evidence is that the words like ‘mademoiselle’ ‘Château’ and Tremaine is a French surname.

Sleeping Beauty (Sleeping Beauty): Most likely Late 14th Century France
While some people argue that it’s set in either England or Germany, the movie NEVER explains where they took place though I have many evidence why it was believed to be...
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posted by MaidofOrleans
Hello all! Many apologies for running a bit behind on this one. The holidays are always chaos incarnate.

Cinderella was our Princess of the Month for December, and here is a collection of thoughts on why we adore her. Many thanks to those who submitted comments!

I absolutely love when Cindy's snarky side peeks through, like when she makes a quip about the "music lesson". It's adorable but also rounds out her character. <3 ~MaidofOrleans

She teaches me to DREAM BIG!!! ~deedragongirl

She is kind, hard-working, and a princess from my childhood that I still love today. ~LMH5113

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added by WhiteLagoon13
Source: Me :)
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
posted by MissCinico
Hello everybody! Felt that writing bug back in me, and the one article I've noticed I haven’t done yet is the Disney Princess movies of course! And with our latest addition Moana. Hope you all enjoy, after all these are just my opinions.

12. Brave

I don’t know why, but I’ve never really liked this movie. I’m not very knowledgeable on Scottish mythos or culture, so I was excited to see it, but it turns out that there just wasn’t enough magic in charm in it for me. I really liked that it was a classical story about a witch, a princess, and a spell, but going to the movie really...
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posted by BB2010
Tonight's rewatch: Cinderella
Last time watched: 2013

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
When I was a kid I mostly had this movie on for background noise. I liked the songs and the cat and mice scenes but after the ball I would suddenly lose interest for some reason. It wasn't until I was in my late teens that I started watching this movie again and actually loving it.

How much of this movie have I forgotten:
I forgot Cinderella had little outfits put aside for the mice living in her house and that she was the one who named them and I think that is the cutest darn thing I've ever seen. And...
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This is a sequel I haven't seen in forever so I'm actually a little excited to watch this movie, even if it's a movie I'm not that big a fan of :P

Tonight's rewatch: Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World
Last time watched: 2005-2006

How much did I like this movie as a kid?
I was 5 or 6 years old when this movie came out on vhs and of course, with it being a cartoon, a Disney movie, and featuring familiar faces I begged my dad to get me a copy. I wasn't too big a fan of the original at the time, but, again, cartoon, Disney, familiar faces, but I still wanted badly to watch it. When I did watch it...
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added by tiffany88
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Disney
added by LorMel