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Elsa demonstrated her modelling skills with this beautiful picture as a Sailor Scout, which helped her earn best picture.
Elsa demonstrated her modelling skills with this beautiful picture as a Sailor Scout, which helped her earn best picture.
Firstly if you haven't read the first articles:
Introduction: link
Week 1: link
Week 2: link

Previously on DNTM: The argument between Ariel and Jasmine continued, Elsa won the first runway challenge and the models posed as Sailor scouts. However Tiana didn't know how to move in front of the camera properly and she was sent home. 11 girls remain, who will get eliminated next?

Confessionals After Elimination
Snow White: Sadly Tiana went home
Belle: Tiana worked hard in this competition.For example before the photo shoot she did hours of posing practice. It shows how much I have to work to continue in the competition.
Belle in the confessional
Belle in the confessional

Ariel: Tiana always stopped drama in the house and this made me sad when she left.
Elsa and Anna: We got the best pictures in the group. That means we are doing well.
Anna and Elsa in the confessional
Anna and Elsa in the confessional

Mulan: I need to learn about expressions in my face according to the judges.
Mulan in the confessional
Mulan in the confessional

Jasmine: I was told I need to improve my attitude. I seem to have made a bad first impression because of my arguments with Ariel and my analysis of the other girl's performances.
Jasmine in the confessional
Jasmine in the confessional

Merida: I was told I needed to improve more. I will practice my posing more often.
Merida in the confessional
Merida in the confessional

Back at the house
Cinderella: Mickey Mail! Tommorow you will 'make up' someone elses stories Love Mickey.
Mulan: What a horrible pun
Anna: What do you think it means?
Mulan: We are obviously doing a make-up challenge
Jasmine to Pocahontas: I need to have a better attitude but I just think my attitude is self confidence. How do you think I can improve that?
Pocahontas: Maybe when you are in front of the judges you shouldn't talk back condescendingly.
Jasmine: I should try that next week.
Pocahontas: Were you sad that Tiana left?
Jasmine: I thought she should have stayed over Cinderella and Mulan to be honest.
Ariel rolls her eyes towards Rapunzel: They are talking again.
Rapunzel: Don't worry about it Ariel just practice some posing.
Rapunzel to confessional: I think that it isn't great that Jasmine analyses our photo performances behind our backs but I sometimes think Ariel is too over-dramatic about what they say. I actually think she might listen into Jasmine and Pocahontas' conversations on purpose to see if they are talking about anyone.
Rapunzel in the confessional
Rapunzel in the confessional

Ariel to confessional: I need to decrease my hearing skills so I don't have to hear Jasmine talking about everyone else all the time.

At the make-up challenge
Minnie: Hello again princesses. Today you will show me what you know about make-up. You obviously don't want to put too much on or too little. I will be pairing you up and you will have five minutes to put make-up on who you are paired up with. The winner of this challenge and two friends will win a spa treatment. Elsa you had best picture last week would you like to pick the pairs randonly from a hat?
Elsa: Ok I will
Elsa walks up a picks pairs from a hat. The groups are:
Rapunzel and Merida
Cinderella and Anna
Snow White and Mulan
Belle and Elsa
Ariel and Jasmine
Pocahontas and Minnie
Ariel and Jasmine look shocked that they have to put make up on each other.
Minnie: Pocahontas because there is an odd number and you were picked last will have to put make-up on me and no one has to put make up on you.
People doing make up first on their partner: Rapunzel, Cinderella, Snow White, Belle, Ariel and Pocahontas. After five minutes Minnie evaluates them.
Minnie: Pocahontas what you did on me was Ok it was just you didn't put enough on. Ariel you put way too much make up on Jasmine and she looks like she fell in paint. Rapunzel and Snow White you two have done the best with the right amount of make up on Merida and Mulan.
People doing make up second on their partner: Merida, Mulan, Anna, Elsa, Jasmine
After five minutes Minnie evaluates their looks
Miine: I think that Elsa and Jasmine did very well and obviously have experiance with make up. However Merida and Mulan both of your models have make up in the wrong places. Not what a designer would want. Now it is time to announce a winner for the challenge. It was a tough decision but the winner is:
Minnie:Merida's make up on what you can see of her face looks fantastic. Good Job Rapunzel.
Minnie:Merida's make up on what you can see of her face looks fantastic. Good Job Rapunzel.

Rapunzel: Really?
Minne: Choose two friends.
Rapunzel: Um this is so hard. I am going to choose Merida and also Ariel.
Minnie: Okay the three of you will be going to spa treatment straight away while everyone else will just be going back to the house.

Back at the house
After the spa treatment Rapunzel, Merida and Ariel return.
Rapunzel: I just feel so relaxed now.
Merida: Me too
Jasmine in confessional: I looked like a clown because of Ariel's make up choices. I mentioned how I felt about it to Pocahontas and that is it.
Jasmine to Pocahontas: I did think that Rapunzel did very well today.
Pocahontas: I thought that Snow White should have won. Her make-up on Mulan was gorgeous, it made Mulan look like a goddess.
Jasmine: Did you see the make-up Ariel did on me. I could hardly control my laughter
Pocahontas: I could tell
Ariel to Rapunzel from another room: I hear them talking about me all the freakin' time! I can't stand this much longer.
Pocahontas to Jasmine: I hear Ariel complaining about you again.
Jasmine rolls her eyes.
Jasmine in confessional: Ariel should just stop eavesdropping to my conversations. It is almost like I have to whisper to talk about anyone elses performance in the house.
Ariel in confessional: Jasmine has this attitude like she is confident and she is just 'analysing' us but she is really just a bad person. I was all relaxed from my spa treatment but now I am just so angry.
Cinderella: Mickey Mail! You think you are too cool for school, well too bad tomorrow you are going back. Love Mickey.
Anna: Photo shoot at a school!

At school again for a photo shoot
Mulan: Today we walked not into a photo shoot studio but into a college.
Donald: Hi princesses today you will be doing a photo shoot here embodying the college stereotypes which is closest to your personality. Of course as you are in the shoot you have to do simple high fashion poses that still catch a readers eye. Lets go to hair and make-up
Donald: Jasmine was first today and she had to embody a student with an attitude. Her shoot was pretty good and I did think she embodied her character but usually she is a lot more talkative and I think she took our advice to tone down her attitude a little to seriously. I had to talk to her after the shoot was completed:

Donald: Jasmine what happened to you today, you weren't that memorable.
Jasmine: I was trying to tone down the attitude.
Donald: There is a difference between toning down attitude and just being a bland person. Maybe you should instead of hiding your personality you instead should just work on being nicer to others like some of the girls in the house for instance.
Jasmine: Thanks I will try that.

Donald: Merida improved once again from her previous week's performance but my question with Merida is are her improvements enough to keep up with the other models? Pocahontas was a delight to shoot. She was meant to portray a nature lover and she just smiled when the wind went through her hair and it got her a perfect picture.
Pocahontas: I painted with the colours of the wind today and proved that doing so is a good thing.
Donald: Rapunzel is the queen of simple high fashion posing. She was meant to be portraying like a clumsy art lover and she did it perfectly. Snow White was portraying a cutesy girl and she also did a very good job. She astounded me once again with simple poses.
Snow White(joking): I am just too good for this competition.
Donald: Ariel seemed lost today during her photo shoot. She kept looking at the ground instead of at the camera. I think it might have something to do with the other girls as she kept avoiding their glances when they were watching her shoot.
Ariel(crying): I did really badly today. The judges will send me home because I am just a two picture wonder.
Donald: Last week Cinderella couldn't get how to pose. This week she made a vast improvement. Mulan on the other hand stayed the same as last week and only did one facial expression and pose, despite me telling her over and over again to change.
Mulan: I tried to pose differently but I was being told to do something different all the time. Really confusing.
Donald: Anna and Elsa were paired together as 'college sisters'. Elsa outshone Anna by far with great sideways glances while Anna just kept the same expression on her face all the time. I definitely preferred the Anna who was perfect from the Sailor Scout shoot. My favourite of the day was Belle and I have to commend her. She was portraying a nerd with big glasses and she did these really cool fashion poses that made herself look really beautiful but still like a nerd. She definitely showed that nerds could be fashionable.

Back at the house
Rapunzel: Mickey Mail! Tomorrow you will met with the judges. Only 10 will continue on in the hope of becoming Disney's Next Top Model. Love Mickey.
Ariel: I am so nervous I felt like I did badly.
Anna: Me too
Mulan: I am so nervous
Merida: Tell me about it
Jasmine to confessional: I felt like it was time for me to call a truce with Ariel, for my sake in the competition.
Jasmine to Ariel: Hi Ariel
Ariel: What do you want?
Jasmine: I would like to call a truce and start over as it is effecting both of our performances in the competition.
Ariel:Will you stop talking about me behind my back?
Jasmine: I will and I will stop Pocahontas if she talks about you during our chats.
Ariel: I am surprised at how big a gossip Pocahontas is.
Pocahontas: I can hear you!
Ariel to confessional: I agreed to Jasmine's truce as today during the shoot I was distracted by Jasmine who was looking at me when I was posing and I feel if we don't cause drama my performance in the competition will improve.

Judges Mickey Mouse, Magic Mirror, Minnie and Donald Duck sit at a large judging desk. The 11 princesses are standing on a small platform in front of them.
Mickey: Hello. Today we will evaluate the picture where you were being college versions of yourself and decide who will be eliminated. First up is Pocahontas who posed as a nature lover

Minnie: I love the serenity and the calmness of the shot
Donald: Your smile is really cute. You also used whenever the leaves were blowing in the wind to your advantage.
Magic Mirror: Only problem is you can hardly see the purse but the rest of the shot is stunning

Mickey: Cinderella was portraying a bystander

Magic Mirror: This is a lot better than last week, this pose is true high fashion.
Cinderella: Thanks
Mickey: You finally learnt how to give a strong but simple pose.
Minnie: The pose looking off into the distance is stunning.

Mickey: Mulan portrayed a sporty girl

Magic Mirror: I like this picture from the waist down but the top half of your body just doesn't work.
Mickey: You are not using your pretty face for anything.
Donald: I agree, and it is not really sporty either.
Mulan: I felt like I did all I could

Mickey: Anna and Elsa portrayed 'college sisters'

Magic Mirror: I like Elsa but not Anna
Mickey: I like Elsa's stare to side better then Anna's look but I do love both of you in this pic.
Minnie: I agree with Magic Mirror

Mickey: Rapunzel portrayed a clumsy artist.

Magic Mirror: Super High Fashion
Donald: You are the queen of high fashion posing
Mickey: Love the stance, love the way you are touching your hair, this is gold.
Rapunzel: Thanks so much

Mickey: Ariel portrayed an outgoing student

Minnie: I don't see outgoing or rebel.
Donald: You looked down at the ground the entire photo shoot.
Ariel: I was a bit distracted by some drama in the house but that should be all over now and a shot like this shouldn't occur again.
Mickey; Drama happens all the time backstage at photo shoots and fashions but we have to perform like nothing happened and if this occurs every time some drama happens then it is a concern.

Mickey: Jasmine portrayed a girl with attitude

Mickey: What do you think Jasmine?
Jasmine: I love the eyebrow raise and the pose like I am flirting with a guy walking past.
Minnie: That is exactly what I was going to say
Donald: You were good but not great, you need to work on a presence that isn't bland but not mean
Jasmine: I will.

Mickey: Snow White portrayed a cutesy girl

Minnie: You look so adorable and cute
Magic Mirror: You look like you came from a school in the 1930s it is very beautiful
Donald: You amazed me once again Snow White

Mickey: Merida portrayed a stylish tomboy

Mickey: I think it is good but not fantastic
Minnie: I like the hand in the hair and how you are looking off to the side
Magic Mirror: You once again improved but there is still a lot of improvement to be done
Merida: Hopefully there will be more time for that improvement to be done

Mickey: Lastly Belle was portraying a nerd

Magic Mirror: Hands down the best picture out of anyone.
Mickey: You make nerd look hot girl you are fantastic.
Minnie: I liked your pictures in the previous weeks but this is just light years ahead of them
Donald: You were my favourite of the day.
Mickey: Thanks so much everyone. The judges will deliberate in private and we will decide who is eliminated

After the delibiration
Mickey: Hello models. I have 10 photos in my hand and the photos represent the 10 models who will still be in the running to becoming Disney's Next Top Model. The princess to get best picture is:
Belle: I can't believe it thanks
Mickey: You did the best, good job
Mickey: You can pose like no one else here so keep it up
Mickey: By far your best photo so far
Snow White
Mickey: Remember toning down your attitude does not mean becoming a bland person.
Jasmine: I will remember that.
Mickey: Your improvements are still making you land near the bottom. You need to improve even more.
Merida: I will
Only two models remain Ariel and Mulan
Mickey: Would Ariel and Mulan please step forward. Firstly Ariel drama happens everyday of our lives and we just have to ignore it and strive for the best.You not handling the drama and the modelling at the same makes the judges reconsider your place in the industry and this competition. Mulan you have a unique look and we would love to see it translate to a great photo and it hasn't happened. We are starting to think whether it will ever happen. The model still in the running towards become Disney's Next Top Model is:
Ariel cries as she hears her name called out. She hugs Mulan and collects her picture.
Mickey: Just ignore the drama Ariel and do what you are here to do. You are still in the running towards becoming Disney's Next Top Model
Mulan holds back tears as she hugs everyone
Mulan: Bye Everyone, Bye Judges.

Mulan's Last Words
Mulan: I tried my hardest but it didn't seem to get me anywhere in this competition. Maybe the judges are right for sending me home and I should find something else to pursue. I still thank them for giving me the opportunity to try modelling out though.

Photo Montage

Next Time on DNTM: Ariel and Jasmine's truce goes surprisingly well and most of the girls struggle at a steam punk themed photo shoot.

(Authors Note: Sorry for making Jasmine seem mean as I got a lot of complaints. She will get better after this article I promise. I also hope you don't mind Mulan going home. I am sad as Mulan is one of my favourite princesses but I do not think she has modelling potential. Also congrats zikkiforever for guessing Mulan's elimination correctly and when this article is published I will give zikkiforever a prop. Who do you think is getting eliminated next? Who do you think will win now? What do you think of everyone's photos? Write what you think below in the comments)
Since I am trying to make the Princess Of The Month more popular, this is another one of my ideas. In the end of each month I'll post articles, based on the countdowns for songs, hairstyles and outfits. There everybody will have the chance to discuss whether they agree with the results, what corresponded to their expectations, and what they wish would have been different!

Once again, I will be using pictures for my articles. A few months back I would have made a detailed explanation about each result, but since the recent changes, Fanpop has been acting really weird. And yes, I don't like the option of writing long paragraphs with text, while the pictured are all clustered in the bottom of the article! So under each picture I will be posting one comment, related to the result. So in case you don't want your comments posted in my articles, please contact me!

Here are the results of the POTM Outfits Countdown: ~*Rapunzel*~ (January 2013)! Enjoy and share your opinion!
"Her outfits aren't really memorable to me but having said that, I actually like all three. They're pretty. But this is probably my least favourite of the three" - Mongoose09
"Her outfits aren't really memorable to me but having said that, I actually like all three. They're pretty. But this is probably my least favourite of the three" - Mongoose09
"Her purple dress is probably my favorite." - jainabieber7
"Her purple dress is probably my favorite." - jainabieber7
"I love love love the wedding dress, it's the most beautiful of all DP wedding dresses." - Swanpride
"I love love love the wedding dress, it's the most beautiful of all DP wedding dresses." - Swanpride
posted by Swanpride
Jessikaroo and I were recently talking about the animation in the Disney movies and realized that this is one aspect which hasn’t really been discussed in the spot so far. And isn’t that what Disney makes different from most of the other studios, the quality of the animation? Yes, animation is not everything. One of the best movies Disney ever made is “Robin Hood” and it is also the one with the worst animation by far. Well, that’s unfair. It is the cheapest animation, but it is not really bad for the budget they had. Even though the animators reused a lot of animation, not just from...
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Meeting Snow White in Germany, EPCOT.
Meeting Snow White in Germany, EPCOT.
Here are more pictures since you can only put 20 per article, I made a part 2!

These are mainly pictures of EPCOT. There are always a ton of characters in all the different countries. Mulan can be met in China, Jasmine and Aladdin in Morocco, Rapunzel or Snow White in Germany, Alice, Mary Poppins and Winnie the Pooh and friends in the U.K., and Belle or Aurora in France. I'm kind of just droning on because my article needs to be longer hahaha it says to post it to the forum.

Oh! Tiana and Naveen are probably the best characters I've ever met. Tiana was gorgeous and Naveen was very handsome. They're...
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Amanda Seyfried, Mila Kunis, and Gemma Arterton have played or are going to play leading ladies of well known storybook characters on the big screen. The problem I have is not with the actresses personally but the ever pattern in beauty.

We had Snow White and the Huntsman, Once Upon a Time series, Mirror Mirror, Red Riding Hood. 2013, we’re going to get Jack the Giant Slayer, Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters, Oz: The Great & Powerful, and Disney will be making an adaption of The Snow Queen sometime soon. There probably are going to be more fairy tale adaptations in 2014. The movies are...
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posted by JNTA1234
For a family friendly company. Disney really knows how to make a decent villain, so much to the point where they're most interesting character in the movie. This countdown was hard because, with one obvious exception, all the Disney villains are good at what they do.

10.Governor Ratcliffe
Needless to say, he's the obvious exception. He is so pathetic and stupid, I can't stand him. He can never do anything right. His most memorable moment involves being covered in glitter, oh that's very menacing. He's just a racist ambigiously gay dumbass. He's less of a villain and more like a cheap laugh....
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So excited to see it this Friday. :D
So excited to see it this Friday. :D
I'm doing this article in honour of the fact that Brave just came out, and I can't wait to see it. It's definitely not the typical princess movie. Before we begin, I want to say that I hope hope hope HOPE that Merida will be added to the line-up, because I think she'll add some valuable traits to the line-up, and I think Punz needs another computer animated character in the line-up so she wont look as harsh against the 2D animated princesses. So here goes, my favourite Disney Princess movie line-up! :D

10. Beauty and the Beast

No surprise here. If you've read any of my other articles, you'll...
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posted by sweetie-94
I think I'm one of the first to do an article about my favorite DP Intros, but oh well, I hope you will enjoy this article and don't forget to leave a comment :)

10. Pocahontas

I'm going to be honest here, but I really HATE this intro, it's probably my least favorite animated movie intro. It's so boring and it makes me wanna fall asleep, but this doesn't mean that I hate modern movie intros of course not, some are good, some are just boring. The thing I hate the most with the intro is the songs, especially "Steady As The Beating Drum", it's one of my least favorite animated movie songs....
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*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
For most of my life I’ve been a scullery maid.
My Stepmother wants me dead, and I’m afraid.
I’m lucky, because I was able to get away.
I didn’t know what was to become of me, but I knew I’d be okay.
I had just met my one true love, and we shared one song.
I know it’s with him that I belong.
I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again,
But as for now I am living with seven little men.
They gave me a home when I had no where else to go.
My feelings for them are starting to grow.
They want to keep me safe from the evil Queen.
All they ask in return is that I cook for them and clean.
I’ve never...
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"This is your lunch okay?" said King Triton as he looked at his youngest daughter.
"I put some money in there so you can buy some milk, you can ask the older kids where it is." he said again.
"Do you have your phone number? I wrote it down for you, just in case! Okay, you ready?" King Triton asked, again.
"I think so." said Ariel.
"It's Ariel's big day!" Attina said (who was the eldest of her sisters). Then, all Ariel's sisters hugged her, including her daddy; they all started to cry.
"Guys, I think it's natural for dad to cry but for you guys? My older sisters? This only happens when the child's...
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1.Congratulations on winning! How do you feel?
I feel a little proud, because I really can see the reasons people would chose me, and at the same time, I feel recompensed, mainly about my articles, that sometimes are very difficult to write because I'm brazilian.

2.Who is your favorite Disney princess? Why? Has she always been your favorite?
Ariel. I love how free-spirited, self-confident, sweet and determinated she is. I love that she is a mermaid and I think she's one of the most realistic heroines. Actually, she hasn't always been my favorite, that used to be Aurora since I was like 4-5 years...
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posted by Blueshoes20
Lottie's Favorite Princesses!! ( Not including Pochantas and Mulan)
Edit: ok I realize that people have been complaining about this and how people should be up higher. And I realize that not all of Cindie's info is incorrect. Sorry but hope you enjoyed : D

#7 Jasmine
She wouldnt love Jasmine because she wants to leave the palace life. Jasmine also could have any Prince she wanted, but instead chooses an thief, who lives on the streets. Lottie would do anything to be princess, so she wouldnt, get why Jasmine would throw it away.

#6 Belle
Personally I love Belle, but I don't think Charlotte would....
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posted by Swanpride
Before I go into the topic, I have to address one point: The newly added scenes in Beauty and the Beast and Pocahontas. I’ll ignore both of them, since they weren’t in the original release. Believe me, it will work in favor of the movies in both cases. Also, Mulan is not in this list – Since there is no love song in that movie.

9: Princess and the Frog: I honestly considered that having no love song at all might be better than utilizing one so frightfully bad. Whoever thought that it would be a good idea to combine the wistful tune of Ma Belle Evangeline with two dancing frogs must...
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posted by princesslullaby
This article was written collectively by: JonnaSe & Princesslullaby [Vera was too busy having a life]

I must admit this was one of the hardest to write, because Aurora is somewhat hard to understand. I think our top 2 and bottom 3 are certainly correct, it's the middle four we're unsure about.

Mulan doesn't have grace, a sense of daydreaming or even a slight flirtatiousness about her, or the kind of slyness Aurora has. Aurora would find her actions reckless and more risky than brave. Mulan is not a romantic, isn't particularly classy or sophisticated, and Aurora wouldn't relate...
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Hello my dear fanpoppers here is my Getting to know Article!

Country of Origin: Greece!!!

Favorite Disney Movie: actually i have a lot faves but if i have to choose it would be "The Little Mermaid"

Hobbies: Drawing for sure i draw for as long i remember myself lol also watch movies, fanpoping and hang out with my friends!

Education: High School

Music I like: Hmmm I use to really like Miley Cyrus also i like Disney Songs, Celine Dion and some greek singers that you probably don't know they even exist!

Movies (besides Disney movies) that I like: Titanic, Don Bluth animated movies...
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posted by Candy77019
"She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts..."
"She wears short skirts, I wear T-shirts..."
"Cinderelly!! CINDERELLY!!" screamed a high-pitched voice.
I groaned. "What?"
Jaq pulled at my braided hair. "Anastasia! She need you!"
I jumped out of bed and hurried to get ready. I was wondering why my stepsister would need me this early in the morning.
"CINDERELLA!!" Anastasia screamed through those godforsaken speakers.
"COMING!!" I yelled back, tying my hair.
I was almost out the door when Gus tugged on my dress.
"But what about breakfast?" his furry face looked hopeful.
I couldn't resist. I dug into my pocket and threw out a pile of corn. "Share, okay, guys? And DON'T BOTHER LUCIFER."...
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Snow White pressed her face to the cool window. For the past two hours, she had been crying over the loss of her older sister. Ariel had quit on her, for Snow just kept on crying. She thought it was her fault that Belle didn't get much attention.
"Don't worry, Snow, Belle will come back," Eric had assured her earlier.
"Well, she better!" Adam had barked. He wasn't taking his wife's departure too well.
Snow White cried some more. "I ruined it for everybody," she whined.
She realized that the person she needed most was not her brother.
But her husband.
She hated herself for fighting with...
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Ariel tiptoed to the Tremaine room, followed by Belle and Snow White. She quickly hustled to the doors, and peeked inside the keyhole.
"You're far more persistent than I thought..." Lady Tremaine was saying.
"Who is she talking to?" Ariel wondered.
"You won't get away with this!" A blonde girl stood up, her kerchief falling to the floor.
"Blondey!" Ariel gasped.
"I already have," said Lady Tremaine, smiling slyly.
"I don't think so, JAQ, GUS!!" Blondey ran for the door, while two mice carried a stick and followed her.
"Get out of the way!" Ariel yelled, moving away.
She and her sisters moved...
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To Princesses Ariel, Belle, and Snow White,
You are hereby invited to the Royal Wedding of your brother, our beloved Prince Charming Christopher Thomas. The wedding will be in two days after you receive this letter. The Prince is hopeful you all will make it.
The Grand Duke

Ariel screamed and jumped up and down on the bed, nearly crushing her husband's ribs.
Eric sat up and pulled her down. "Gee, whiz, Ariel, how exciting could that letter be?"
Ariel shoved the piece of paper into his face. "VERY exciting, Eric! My big brother is GETTING MARRIED!" She squealed and showed off her glossy...
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So seven months ago, I made my first Princess Countdown, and a lots changed, including the newest addition to the bunch, and the fact that I've rewatched most of the movies since and my opinions have changed.. so here you go (:

NUMBER TEN. Snow White
Previous number; nine
To put it simply, I don't think I will ever hate anyone more than I hate Snow White. As I said last time, her hair is really unflattering, her voice bugs me and she trusts a weird, freaky lady to give her an apple.. not only that but I don't like any of the songs in the movie. Sorry if I offended anyone, but she will always...
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Hi, this is my first article here, i wanted it to be more special ( the topic i mean -__- ) but seems like i have to settle with my Prettiest list for now :

The Bravest Of Us All

10 : Mulan
Although Mulan is one of my fave DP but she's not one of the top prettiest to me, her body is not that feminine, her hair is flat, thick eyebrows, not a very pretty smile, though i really like her eyes, she has some shots in the movie where she looks pretty, but not a lot to make her go higher.
My fave feature : Her eyes
My least fave feature : her smile

The Diner Girl

9 : Tiana
i just don't know why...
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