Disney Princess Club
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This is just my opinion. I don't mean to offend anyone with it, and I'm more than open to thoughts, comments, and suggestions.

1. Minnie Mouse: She does portray a princess, queen, duchess, lady, pretty much everything from time-to-time, but she's also like the Queen of ALL things Disney, so I don't think she needs to be a Disney Princess. And the Mickey stories aren't consistent with each other like DP ones. Each movie/TV series/special has its own plot, setting, and character development, so it'd be hard to place who exactly Minnie is. There's really no strict canon, and she already gets enough recognition.

2. Daisy Duck: Same reasons as Minnie.

3. Faline: By Bambi becoming Prince of the Forest, she has absolute full rights to being a princess, and her fawns at the end of the film would be, too. Still, she's a deer, not human. I kind of wish there was a sub-franchise for animal princesses, since there's a lot of them.

4. Alice: Even though Alice never does become a princess technically, she is one in "Kingdom Hearts". Perhaps this implies she did become the Princess of Wonderland. Who knows? Either way, she's one somehow, so she should be added.

5. Wendy Darling: No. She's not a princess by any means, and she doesn't even end up with Peter Pan (see "Return to Neverland").

6. Tinkerbell: This one is tough. No, she's not a princess in any shape or form, but she still was once part of the franchise, and I don't like characters being in and dropped. That's just me. Although, I feel like Queen Clarion and Queen Eewee (from Disney Fairies) should get some royal recognition. Not "princess" necessarily since their queens, but something.

7. Maid Marian: Is she considered a princess? I guess I don't really know. It's been forever since I watched "Robin Hood". Her uncle is the king, and as far as I know, he has no daughters, and his brother is evil, so she'd be the heiress, correct? Assuming she is a princess, I'd like her added alongside other animals. Like I mentioned before, an Animal Disney Princess franchise would be cool :)

8. Eilonwy: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Eilonwy was born a princess, and the only reason she's not in the lineup is because "The Black Cauldron" tanked in the box office. Regardless, she is undeniably a princess.

9. Nala: Well, technically she's the Queen of the Pride Lands, but she deserves some sort of royal recognition. Really, the princess would be her daughter, Kiara.

10. Nita: This one is so forgotten! She's not even on the Unofficial Princesses List on Disney Wiki. Perhaps it's because she doesn't show up until a sequel (one of the few sequels I like, too), but Ting-Ting, Su, and Mei didn't either, so I don't know what's up here. It kind of irritates me, frankly. Anyway, in "Brother Bear 2", she's the daughter of a Native American or Eskimo chief. That makes her the princess of the tribe, like Pocahontas is.

11. Esmeralda: As much as I like her, she isn't a princess. Although, neither is Mulan, and she's actually my favorite. Esmeralda could be seen as a hero, a princess of the people, like Mulan, so if all of the other real princesses were added, I wouldn't mind. She was part of the original lineup, anyway.

12. Megara: She does marry Hercules, son of Zues, king of the gods, so I see where people are coming from when they want her in the lineup. She would appear to be the highest-ranking of the princesses, being a goddess sort of, but that's the problem. Zues has other daughters and daughter-in-laws. Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite... They'd be on the same playing ground, if not higher being they were BORN there. Sorry, but I think goddesses and princesses should be kept separate. **Prepares for flames** XD

13. Jane Porter: By marrying Tarzan, King of the Jungle, she could technically be seen as the Queen of the Jungle, but that's not princess. Now, if they had a daughter... Anyhoo, I would be all for being recognized as a queen if the animal royalty was, too, because even though Jane and Tarzan are human, their "subjects" are apes. Not human. Still, I don't think she belongs in a lineup with princesses, especially human ones.

14. Kida: She starts the movie as a princess, but it ends with her as a queen. Therefore, she's not a princess anymore. I'm all for her being an official queen if there's such a thing, but not a princess.

15. Tiger Lily: I should've done her up with the "Peter Pan" girls. Oh, well. I guess she could be added because she is the daughter of a chief like Pocahontas (and Nita). She's not a major character, though, so she's not at the top of my list, but in an ideal world, sure.

16. Vanellope von Schweetz: Yes. She's just the princess of a videogame, but a princess nonetheless. She does become president later, but that could add diversity. A democratic princess? In America, that could take off maybe.

17. Dot: She's a princess in her own right, as her mother was once Queen, and now her older sister (Atta) is. If animals are ever included, Dot should be also.

18. Jessie: I don't really know why people consider her a princess. She has no royal ties whatsoever, and she's a toy. Animal princesses are cute. Toy princesses, I don't know, that's pushing it for me.

19. Sally: Nooooo. Big N. O. No royal ties at all, and that movie is fucking... err... kid site... frickin'... creepy.

20. Jessica Rabbit: Might as well get all the baddies in one swing. Granted, I've never seen "Who Framed Rodger Rabbit", but it looks stupid. I know, don't judge a book by it's cover, but this is a movie, so all arguments are invalid ^_^ From my extensive research (as in Wikipedia- I'm 16, that is extensive), she appears to have no royal ties and is just a scantily clad singer that married a rabbit. Gross. Illegal.

21. Giselle: The main argument against her is being live-action, but she was animated originally, and she references a lot of official DPs. However, she never did marry Edward, so she never did become a princess. It's sort of a relief, really, because I never did like her. Her personality grates me, and her romance is weird. She acts like a stereotypical Disney Princess in every way, which also means she's probably very young, a teenager. Robert has a 6-year-old daughter and is an experienced lawyer. How old is he?! Law school is 8 years, so he'd be at least 26, tack on a few years of experience to get his standing, and he's likely in his early 30's. Giselle could very easily be only 18, actually in the older section of the DPs. Da fuq? Yeah, my issues with "Enchanted". If anyone's a princess, it's Nancy, who did marry Robert, but I don't like her either.

22. Calla: Here's another forgotten princess. I only know about her because of Disney Wiki. I've never seen "The Adventures of the Gummi Bears". It could be adorable, or it could be really dumb, couldn't tell ya. Still, she's a born princess, so she should be recognized as such.

23. Sofia: Absolutely posilutely! Even though she's only 7, even younger than Alice, she's still a princess. The whole show is full of princesses. I get that the DPs are supposed to be role-models, therefore older, but little girls would be able to relate better to Sofia. Of course they can also relate to the older ones, but not as much since there's such an age difference. Sofia would be their age. She's still fairly new, though, so she at least has a shot, however small, of being added to the lineup. And she looks exactly like me when I was 7 :)

24. Melody: She's second generation, so I don't know if she counts since when the DPs are portrayed, it's as still teens, not adults, so there's that. I don't really have an opinion on her.

25. Ariel's Sisters: Aquata, Andrina, Artista, Attina, Adella, and Alana. They are princesses, but I get why they aren't marketed a lot. There's 6 of them. Geez Triton, get a hobby! Lol

26. Charlotte: She was the Princess of Mardi Grass, but that doesn't really count. She doesn't have a kingdom, and it was just for a day. And she's annoying!

27. Ting-Ting, Su, and Mei: I can't say I love "Mulan 2". It was so much better left alone, but they're princesses. If Mulan is a DP, then these birth princesses should be, too.

28. Kiari: To me, videogames do count. They're still animated, and this incorporated actual DPs, so Kiari, a birth princess, should be added to the lineup.

29. Kilala Reno: Being Disney didn't actually make this manga, it'd probably be hard to add her, but if they can, why not? Don't have an opinion here.

30. Elsa: "Frozen" hasn't been released yet, so I might change my mind. For now, it seems though that she's a queen of some sort, not a princess.

31. Malina: Come on, who hasn't thought of this one? She's not royalty, but Kuzco is, and they're totally going to get married. I guess that'd make her an empress, but whatever :P

32. Lilo: Why is she even considered? She's not a princess.

33. Katrina van Tassel: Not a princess, just treated like one.

34. Leia: This is hard because Disney does own the Star Wars franchise now, but they didn't when the movie was made, so there's still mental if not legal separation there. Besides, not many fans are little girls (or big girls!) like with DP.

35. Marie: This a character I just discovered off of Wikipedia. She is from "The Adventures of the Gummi Bears", the same show as Calla. There's also a prince from the "Far East" called Yen-Moon. I admittedly know nothing about either of them, but it sounds like Marie is a fairly large character, so why not?

Please leave your opinions, comments, suggestions, and ideas ♥
Jasmine and Mulan ran as fast as they could to the ballroom where they found the other princesses.
"Snow White is gone!" They both said at the same time.
Tiana gasped. "What happened?"
"She got sucked into some magic portal," Jasmine replied out of breath. "And it disappeared right after she was gone!"
Cinderella smoothed back her hair. "This is terrible! Now we have to find Snow White, too!"
Aurora thought a minute. "Do you think her disappearance has something to do with Gaston?"
"Maybe," said Belle. "But how did he summon a magic portal?"
"He must have one of our fairies' magic." Cinderella...
continue reading...
For our magical leader that treats us so well and kind and will to anything to keep us from expressing our opinions. I LOVE YOU FANCYSPARKLE. YOU ARE THE SECOND COMING.

Now, this is the story all about how
This spot got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just sit right there
I'll tell you how a magical nazi
got all up in our hair

In west fanpop, born and raised
On the DP spot was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool
And all havin opinions after school
When a magical gal
Who was up to no good
Startin making trouble in our neighborhood
she started stalking...
continue reading...
Hey guys I know I'm going to regret this but me and Aurora speaked threw the woods to the forbidden mountain. I know Aurora's not just gonna be a pain threw this she's gonna be a royal pain. Anyway we were outside Maleficents palace and we needed to find a way to sneak past the guards.

"Okay we need to find a way to get in there without getting caught" I said

"Maybe we should go to the castle and get help from the guards" said Aurora

"There's no time" I said

"I'm just trying to be helpful and realistic" said Aurora

"No, your trying to be a weakling and a coward. Now we're just going to have to hide...
continue reading...
A/N: Chapter 7? Haha I have the cover for this story...or the
temporary cover. I will probably make another.

Chapter 7:

A month went by and things only got worse, small distubances
between the colonist and the natives were becoming more commom.
People had been hurt, but no one had been killed.
I hadn't ventured out into the woods since my first day here, I was
secretly terrified of running into the Natives again. That night really
had shaken me up.
I have a scar on my forehead where the branch had cut me on the
way to their village, the doctor told me that it was highly likely that
I would have it...
continue reading...
A/N#2: This is Chapter 2.

We had been on the sea for a week already, the crew was nice enough, so was the captain. No one had
really been talking, to busy with each individual's dream of what was in Jamestown; Freedom? Riches?
Edward was even more arrogant then I had thought originally, he walks around everyday with his brother
who I found out was the black haired boy who had been standing next to him. He was ok, but Edward
just got under my skin with his rude comments about my father and how he has a high repuatation.
"Cecily?" I called searching for my sister up on the deck in the warm sunlight....
continue reading...
Scene 21- A random cave :P

Narrator: Meanwhile thousands of miles away-
*Anabel, Denaji, and Rebecca stop running and start panting*
Narrator: No.
Anabella: Grrr...
Narrator: As I was saying, meanwhile these poor defenseless losers R tired from running away from some ugly looking monsters who ARE NOT THAT FREE KIN STRONG AND COULD EASILY B DEFEATED IF ONLY SOME1 HAD-
Denaji: Damn it, Y cant we get anything good in our lives? Other than torturing Hella which was hilarweous!
Rebecca: U talk lik a 2 year old.
Denaji: No I...
continue reading...
Meanwhile thousands of miles away(Scene 20)......

Bobby: Where do ya think we R now?
Peggy: Beats me, but I'd rather die than go 2 somewhere lik this.
Rodney: Ur already in a place lik this.
Peggy: Really? There's another location that is rotten and icky lik where we R rite now?
Rodney: Um, the royal castle?
Hella and Fairy Godmother: Agreed.
Hella: U have been there B4?
Fairy Godmother: Oh yes, when I was little B4 I took this job as a fairy godmother-
Rodney: So U werent born as a fat fairy?
Fairy Godmother(Deep voice): What was that honey?
*Rodney screams and hides Bhind Hella* Uh, I didnt say anything...
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DreamyGal Productions
DreamyGal Productions
As the tradition goes, the winner from the previous month gets the interview the new winner! I sat down with our newest Fan of the Month, AllegroGiocoso, and asked her a few questions!

1. Who is your favorite Princess and why?

My favorite princess has always been Snow White. I love her for a variety of reasons, including her adorableness, her sweetness, her perkiness, and her optimism. Every time she smiles, it’s so cute! I also love her voice (I think it fits her perfectly as a character), her primary color dress (One reason why I loved her so much when I was little), and her looks (A look...
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[article from link]

Rapunzel lets down her hair in this teaser for the new Disney film Tangled, but she's not the only one. Remember how in March Disney changed the title of the movie Rapunzel to Tangled? As Erik Davis wrote, it was to attract more boys to the film than, say, The Princess and the Frog, which has made a mere $267M worldwide at the time of this writing and has the nasty word "princess" in the title.

Well, this teaser definitely ups the ante when it comes to ditching Rapunzel's long-haired legacy. Flynn Rider (Zachary Levi) is Rapunzel's accidental savior -- this smooth operator...
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posted by KataraLover
One day in december Cinderella was happy danceing around humming and singing to herself. They thought she was acting odd.

"Goodmorning Cinderelly" said Jaq

"Oh hello Jaq. Do you know what today is?" said Cinderella

"Um monday. No wait thusday! No Sunday that's my final answer!" said Jaq

"No Jaq today is december 24" said Cinderella

"Oh..... what's that" asked Jaq

"Christmas eve the day before christmas" said Cinderella

"What's christmas" asked Jaq

"It's a day where everyone shows love and gives people preasents" said Cinderella

"REALLY! So what are you going to get Chrisy" said Jaq

"I'm not sure I'm...
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posted by AllegroGiocoso
    “Do you four need help?” the fairy godmother asked with a sorrow expression.
    “Yes, we do,” Cinderella told her. “Lucifer and Lilith guard the door, and with us tied up, we probably won’t get out.”
    “Hmm…maybe we need to get them out with some help…” the fairies whispered and then giggled.
    Belle whispered, “But how?”
    “We are going to teleport some help…now you should all wait for everyone else, we want to create chaos for Gaston and Lady Tremaine.”...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
1. Belle and Hermione Granger
-brown hair
-love books
-are shunned, to some extent
-fall in love with someone not traditionally thought of as attractive
-very smart

2. Merida and Ginny Weasley
-red hair
-head strong and stubborn
-sometimes considered to 'delicate' to fight, though she disagrees
-only female child in a large family

3. Ariel and Luna Lovegood
-viewed as 'crazy' or 'eccentric'
-have a love of objects no one else views as special (or creatures, in Luna's case)
-the outcast of a family/school setting

4. Mulan and Neville Longbottom
-went through...
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added by mhs1025
Source: disney screencaps
added by VGfan30
Source: http://www.khinsider.com/kingdom-hearts-x/cards
added by MacytheStrange
posted by Arielthemermaid
Hi, I'm Princess Juliet. My parents are Eugene and Rapunzel Fitzherbert. They are EXTRODINARY. I and my little brother Noah, are their children. Mom's pregnant.

I looked at my little brother's crying face, I couldn't help but to ask,

"Noah, what happened?" I said. I rolled my eyes playfully. "Let me guess, mom went into labor?"
My brother nodded his head and hugged tightly around the neck.

"Uh-huh!" he said, nodding.

"Well, what are you crying about? She'll be fine!" I said.

"Really?" he asked. I grabbed the grip around my neck he had and nodded.

"Yes, really, Noah." I said, nodding. Then I went...
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posted by sweetie-94
It's been a while since I wrote an article and I felt bored so I decided to write an article about my favorite hairstyle of each DP, so hope you'll enjoy reading this article!

Snow White: With red bow

As I mentioned in my favorite DP hair article I'm a big fan of the red bow and I still am. I do like her blue bow too, but red is my favorite color and it suits her better. I have the same hairstyle so I love wearing bows (even though I only have one).

Cinderella: Low ponytail

This is the only really good hairstyle that Cinderella has, the style is a bit weird, but it looks pretty on her,...
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posted by MegaraRider
I don't know if I'm alone on this, but I've become quite tired of everyone bashing the earlier princesses and saying they're bad role models for girls. Personally, I think parents shouldn't be relying on fictional, animated characters to be the role models... but that's a whole different issue altogether. In this article I want to address the common complaints towards the princesses: waiting around for/needing a man, not being independent, etc...

Snow White:

I want to start with a reminder that Snow White is only 14-years-old. Face it, her story is no different than any other 14-year-old...
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posted by dimitri_is_hot
Congratulations for being January's Fan of the Month hajirah4! I noticed you like to voice your opinions so I'm going to ask why in every question haha.

1) How does it feel to be fan of the month?
It feels great. Even though i'm thankful, i'm quite surprised. A lot of the times i'd vote for the ones who I thought deserved it, and i'm surprised (but thankful) for people to choose somebody like me :)

2) Who is your favourite princess and why?
Ariel. When I was little I loved mermaids, and I always thought for the character (when I would read the book) to be very calm and peaceful, but when I saw...
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