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I'm just a mere newbie here, but having read several articles on here, I really wanted to write one of my own (hope it looks ok, and I haven't made a mess of it!)

Good thing this is sit on my ass day (otherwise known as Sunday), otherwise I wouldn't have had all day to write this up.

I hope I've explained my rankings well enough.

10) Aurora

What is there to say about Aurora? I figure she must be the least fav of a lot of people, but not because she's incredibly unlikable. I feel harsh saying that she's boring, but she is just your stereotypical fairy tale princess. She's pretty, has a pretty voice, dances pretty, talks to animals... and that's it really. I suppose if she had more screentime, she might have developed into something more, but her purpose is really to be the beautiful princess that gets rescued. So, basically, uninteresting, nothing about her stands out to me, and is just not my cup of tea.

9) Rapunzel

I think many people either love or dislike Rapunzel, and I happen to... feel "meh" about her. I think I can remember rather liking her when I first saw her movie, but after seeing it a few more times, and hearing some other fan's opinions of her, I started to like her less. Like some, I'm irked by how perfect she is, and how quickly she gets people to fall in love with her. Even though Flynn didn't care for her at first, it took a day for him to fall in love with her, to the point that he's giving up his life for her. I know it's a fairytale, and folks fall in love in a matter of days, but Rapunzel and Flynn fall in love in just two days, and that's being generous!

When people list Rapunzel's flaws, they usually consist of low confidence, clumsiness, naivety, childishness, and the most insulting one yet, bipolar disorder. All of these are not flaws! A flaw is a quality that has the potential to make someone unlikable, like selfishness or a bad temper. Would you really dislike someone because they had low self-esteem or because they were raised in a certain environment that stunted their maturity? Or hate them for having a condition they have no control over? Rapunzel does not have a flaw, least none that I can see. She's likeable I guess, but I'm always annoyed by how safe a character she is, especially in this day and age. It's as if the creators didn't want to add any spice to her personality, for fear some people wouldn't like her. She's the cutesy, sweet, naive, clumsy, sometimes hyperactive girl character that we see SOOO many times over, but audiences still continue to love her because those qualities are "relatable". Well, yeah, of course, they're very basic qualities that show up in every human being at least once in their lives.

I'm certainly not saying Rapunzel is dislikeable, not at all, I just don't really... feel her as a character.

Ok, long rant over. The only reason Rapunzel beats Aurora is because she actually does something. She doesn't do anything noteworthy that the other princesses haven't done already, but it definitely makes her more interesting than Aurora.

8) Ariel

I apologise to the Ariel fans, but I'm not gonna lie. At some point, Ariel was going to be my least fav. Through most of the film, I actually quite like her, she's kinda adorkable and really adventurous, the first disney princess to be so. But it's towards the end of the movie that I feel she goes downhill. She goes from the adventurous and confident princess, to the damsel in distress that is rescued by her father and boyfriend! If only they had let Ariel be the one to defeat Ursula, and then have at least one scene where she apologizes to her father and promises to make it up to him. Her reckless mistake did get him turned into an immobile plant, and put the world in danger after all. She could have done one nice thing to make up for all that, no?

Talk about being so close yet so far! If only they had changed the ending somewhat, I really believe I would have loved Ariel, and she would be one of my top favourites. But what can you do? And like I said, I like how Ariel starts off, especially since I got the 2 disc DVD of "The Little Mermaid", and after hearing the creators commentary over her character, it really touched me, and made me like her a little more. But she's still one of my least favs.

7) Jasmine

Jasmine is a mixed bag of bad and good. I think she had potential to be more interesting and kick ass, but it's wasted in favour of keeping the focus on Aladdin, the male lead. So, in the end, she's just the love interest that needs rescued. When you think about it, she doesn't really do much. The only thing she does is run away from home, and even then she's almost completely helpless, nearly getting her hand chopped off and everything.

She continually goes on about wanting to be free, but she only attempts to escape the palace once, and then... nothing. It would great if she had realised, once experiencing the outside world, that her life as a pampered princess isn't that bad, compared to some poor starving child. But no, she continues to stamp her foot and whine about not being a prize and how hard her life in a comfy palace is. It would be more understandable if her father was some kind of oppressive tyrant, not caring about her feelings, but he's very loving towards her, and only wants her to be married so that there will be someone to care for her once he's gone. I'm not saying that being forced into marriage isn't horrible and unfair, but you never see her appreciate what she has, and it makes me want to slap her.

It's great that she's strong and confident, but she can be seen as a bossy, spoiled brat at times, and she doesn't have much of a story arc. I know it's Aladdin's movie, but they could have least given her some kind of small lesson to learn from.

6) Snow White

This placement might seem strange considering I've been giving the impression that I prefer more outgoing princesses that actually do something for themselves, but I can't help but love Snow White. When you remember that she's only 13 or 14 years old, I personally can forgive her helplessness. She's a sweet girl that is nearly murdered one day, and told to run away from home or die. And even after that bombshell, she still manages to remain positive and is able to win the hearts of the dwarves. And I think she really earned Grumpy's love, considering how rude and sexist he is towards her. I don't approve of her whole getting married at 13 thing, but I suppose around the time the film was made, and the time period it's set in, it wasn't so strange for a girl that young to get married. And when you think about it, you never actually see a wedding, they just ride off into the sunset together and that's it. We just assume they got married right away.

Snow White may not have the most interesting of personalities, but sometimes I find her rather hilarious, though I don't think it's intentional. Like breaking into someone's home and then cleaning it for them. And I suppose she can be a tad bossy, which could be a flaw I suppose. Telling the dwarves she ain't feeding them until they get washed up. She's kinda like an overbearing mother. Imagine the person who breaks into your home just starts completely taking over and bossing you around. I just find it amusing.

5) Cinderella

Cinderella could be considered similar to Snow White and Aurora. Just a pretty girl who gets abused and needs saving. But I don't think it's as simple as that. People think Cindy just lets her family walk all over her, but if you watch the movie, you can see that she does try to defend herself, and she really carries herself with a quiet grace and dignity, to show people that she's really above her family and their petty insults. And when you think about all the years of neglect she endures, and how she only really breaks down once they destroy her dress, a dress that belonged to her mother, she's actually been very strong and optimistic up until then. I think in a lot of ways, I relate to her best. The way we handle those who were cruel to us. We're perhaps not all that physically strong at most times, but we try our hardest to not let people's insults get to us. I don't think I'm even as strong as Cindy, so I really admire her.

I know people complain about her not doing anything to save herself, like leaving home, but where would she go? In that time period, a woman leaving home all by herself wouldn't have many options, and they would have led to a much harder life than the one she had at home. And I can't imagine Cindy would want to leave her family home, the home that holds all the memories of her father and childhood.

4) Mulan

Mulan is undeniably a badass, and that reason is mainly why I've placed her this high. Her actions are so amazing: going to war to save her father and practically winning the war all by herself. All these things really make her one of the best role models for kids, especially girls, if you ask me. I like that she completely fails at being a proper lady, and feels like a failure to her family, something that I can empathise with. And I appreciate that Disney didn't go down the route of making her a perfect fighter right away, have her showing up all the stupid men the instant she stepped into the training camp (I really hate when a movie thinks they have to make the men seem stupid and useless to make the woman seem superior). They showed her struggle, and she really earned her awesome fighter status.

The only thing that stops Mulan from being my number one, is her plain personality. In the late 90s, the whole typical clutzy, yet strong, good-hearted girl was a really over-used cliche. Her personality isn't horrible, it's just kinda boring, like the writers thought "Oh, well, she's doing all this really cool stuff like swinging a sword, we don't need to really give her a unique personality." I'm no expert when it comes to writing characters, but I do wish they could have given her a little something extra, instead of relying on the whole clumsiness is her main flaw thing. I hate that. Clumsiness is not a flaw!

3) Pocahontas

Many have said that Pocahontas is a boring character. I admit I find the movie boring in some places, but I never thought Pocahontas as boring, she's just a rather quiet and peaceful individual. Like myself. She prefers to be a loner and to be by herself. Again, like myself. In a lot of ways, she's both childlike and quite wise at heart, as she likes chasing the wind and leaves, playing with animals, and having water fights with her friend. But also seems to be the only one who sees that war is pointless and killing is never an answer.

A lot of why I love Pocahontas is probably because I was obsessed with her when I was little. She was one of the few disney dolls that I had when I was little, and I would always love to act as her when the movie was on. And she's unique in the sense that she's the only Disney Princess who finds her responsibilities more important than her romance with John Smith. I like that she challenges all those childish beliefs that love is the be all and end all of life, and sometimes there are more important things. And it's in the end, that you subtly see her change from someone who is a little childish and innocent, to someone more adult and all knowing about the world.

2) Tiana

I can never understand why there isn't more love for Tiana. Why? Because she's all work and no play? Well, whoever thinks that, did you not watch the movie? Her entire character arc is about changing from someone who has no time for fun and relationships, to someone who finds the right balance between responsibility and family. I guess I can understand that maybe people find Tiana too realistic a character, and since the whole point of watching a fantasy/Disney film is to escape reality for an hour or so, and not to be reminded of it. But I like having a very lifelike character in such a movie, it probably makes it easier for some to insert themselves into a fairytale, when the character is very much human.

I think Tiana is a good balance between being strong, but not being too over the top that she almost doesn't feel like a real woman. And she's obviously flawed. She's a little too focused on her goal that she barely notices life going on around her, and I love seeing her loosen up throughout the film. I also appreciate that this time around, it's the woman that is knowledgeable about the world instead of the man, and she teaches Naveen how to take care of himself and earn a living. And anyone who thinks that her personality goes downhill after she becomes a frog, I think the opposite. It's when she becomes a frog that she learns to be more fun and open to a loving relationship, and you get to see more of her sense of humour.

Tiana is such a great female character, one that so many women had been asking for for years, and when they finally get her, they complain that's she's no fun, that's she's almost TOO responsible, TOO hardworking, and all that somehow makes her unappealing. These days, she often seems to get passed over for Rapunzel, who has one hardworking day (escaping the tower etc), and then moves straight into a luxurious castle for the rest of her life. It annoys me SOOOO much. Tiana deserves WAY more respect than she gets, her film included.

1) Belle

And my fav Disney Princess is Belle! Belle was always one of my favs when I was little. And I grew to appreciate her even more when I got older. She's just lovely. She's sometimes known to be a Mary-Sue, but to me, a Mary-Sue is a sweet, clumsy girl that has all the hunky, gorgeous men falling over themselves to protect her, and love her despite how useless she is. And seeing as Belle is neither useless, or always so sweet, and has both a hideous beast and a sexist pig vying for her attention, I don't consider her to be a Mary-Sue.

I admire that she was the first DP to care more about family than love, as up until she declared her love for the Beast, she cared more about her father's well-being. And people tend to say sometimes that she's a damsel in distress, which makes me scratch my head and think "wtf?" Any time she needed help, she at least always put up a decent fight (like against the wolves and being locked in the basement with her father), and then afterward she always returned the favour. You know, she actually saves her father at least 3 times, and the beast once, or twice if you count her breaking the spell and saving everyone!

And I always got annoyed when I heard people saying that she never did anything about her dreams of adventure. Well, how could she? Yes, she had dreams, but she couldn't persue them because her father needed her around. She even said to the Beast that her father needs her, and he clearly does! And I find Belle can be very relatable also. Anyone who has ever lived in a crappy town, or just dreams of getting out, can easily relate to Belle. And I suppose, if you were looking for some kind of flaw in Belle's character, you could argue that she's pretty darn nosey and stubborn. When a giant beast tells you not to go into the West Wing, you'd best do as you're told... unless you're Belle.

And besides, whether you love or hate Belle, you have to admire a human being who completely disregards looks and appreciates someone for who they really are, thus bringing out the best in them. It's harder than a lot of people think.

So, there you have it, Belle is my fav, and will always be one of my top favourites. Hope you enjoyed my list and rants, and hope you managed to make it through without getting too bored or pissed off.

Comments and criticism (non-rude criticism) are extremely welcome =)
I haven't written anything in a while, so I thought I'd whip out this list I wrote some weeks ago and unleash my opinions out to the wild.

13. Cinderella

Ah, I have never liked Cinderella's hair. Even when I was five. It's bland, it's boring, I can't tell if it's wavy or poofy or what, and the color reminds me of mustard (which I quite strongly dislike.) Even in an updo, it looks like a butt.

12. Tiana

Her hair seemed like it would have been really curly and pretty. . . had she let it down. Before I chopped all my hair off in a whirlwind rage, I could relate to wanting to keep my...
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I decided to do something a little different and do a collab article with my five year old little sister! :D Obviously, the descriptions of hers will not be too brilliant, so I will be doing a reporter/interviewee style for her descriptions. The thing in the italics are the things I said. Normal writing is her response.

Annika's #11

I love the color of her eyes, do not get me wrong, but honestly, they have always creeped me out. They have their really awkward moments, and I have just no been a fan.

Sissy's #11

"Why don't you like her eyes?"

"They're too big and that is a weird...
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posted by Shiki_Otherside
I've been a part of this fanclub for a while, and it's my favorite club on Fanpop, so I want to share with anyone willing to read, my Disney Princess list. A lot of factors take place during their list including, personality, style and enjoyment of their feature films. This is my opinion so please don't be offended by anything. Also note, that I don't HATE any Disney Princess. I do hold all of them dear to me, even if I complain about them.

11) Merida- Before you all roll your eyes, I have to admit that when I saw the first commercial for Brave I was so excited and forced my boyfriend to take...
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posted by disneygirl7
So, I know mhs1025 has written something like this before, but I wanted to write my own. So I will basically talk about what I think about the characters, the storyline, my expectations and just the movie in general. I will try to keep this as spoiler-free as possible, so if you know something about this movie then you probably won't be surprised at anything. Enjoy!

First, I'm going to talk about the 5 main characters (Not Sven because I don't have much to say about him. He is really cute though) And of course, we'll start with:


Ana is so far, my favourite character in the movie. But...
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Feel free to think I'm hallucinating, but to me, it's the real-deal! I've said it once, and I'll say it again-they look JUST like each other! The only difference I see is they eyes. Belle's eyes are hazel and Padme's eyes are brown. If they had the same eye-color, I swear to God they could pass for identical twins! Hell, they can pass for fraternal twins! Of course, they're 2 different people, but they have one thing in common-royalty.

Belle is a princess and Padme was once a queen. The only thing is Belle can forever be a princess and Padme ended her term as queen and became a senator when...
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Well, I've already done an article about the faces of the Disney princesses, so now I suppose I'll go ahead and list my opinions about the prettiest disney hair. Let's begin!

11. Snow White
Oh, Snow. I hate how you're at the bottom of all lists ever, but with that boring little bob that looks like a gob of paint you just don't deserve much higher. Many condolences.

"Wanna hear a secret? Promise not to tell? This is actually a helmet, not hair."
"Wanna hear a secret? Promise not to tell? This is actually a helmet, not hair."

10. Cinderella
Cindy here was the second princess created by Walt Disney, and although her hair is of a prettier color and cut than Snow...
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Couldn't have put it better myself
Couldn't have put it better myself
Hello, DP Fanpoppers, in this article I'm going to share my thoughts on they way I see 'The Little Mermaid', and try to prove certain negative opinions surrounding this movie wrong with they way I and certain other people see the situation. Feel free to at least read what I, and many other people's thoughts I've included, have to say about this.

You know, I've always found it off when people mention that Ariel didn't really change her ways by the end of the movie. I thinklink, but here's my take on the situation. She does change in the end, it just wasn't as clear or obvious as it should've...
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Alright, it’s getting toward the end of summer, and before it’s over I thought I’d do something entirely superficial. The placements are based purely on looks alone, I’m just going to be entirely shallow. These are just my opinions, they’re weird, I know. This is going to get very long. The pictures are their prettiest shots in my opinion.

11. Merida
*Blows out a deep breath* Merida. (Read in same intonation as Nostalgia Chick uses when she says “Anime” in her top ten hottest animated guys countdown- watch it, it’s hilarious.) I want to like the way Merida looks, I really do....
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By the end of the Disney Renaissance, layered characters weren’t enough. Now, the princesses had to be heroic as well. This is where Pocahontas and Mulan come in. Pocahontas saves her village and her prince. Mulan takes it up a notch and saves her country and her prince. Both princesses have been accused of problems with her personality. Pocahontas has been said to lose it halfway through the movie. Mulan has been said to have a flat personality.

Pocahontas was a bit of a stepping stone between the early Renaissance “I want more” princesses and the later Renaissance heroines...
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I love some of the DP songs,so I decided to share it with you all guys.Please don't give rude comments,its my opinion.And you know,choices always differ from person to person ;)

♫ #10-Once Upon A Dream (Sleeping Beauty) ♫
♫ #10-Once Upon A Dream (Sleeping Beauty) ♫
♫ #10.Once upon a Dream (The Sleeping Beauty) ♫

Disney Princess Starred in the Song-Aurora


♫ [Briar Rose:]
I wonder, I wonder,
I wonder why each little bird has a someone
To sing to, sweet things to,
A gay little love melody

I wonder, I wonder,
I wonder if my heart keeps singing,
Will my song go winging
To someone, who'll find me
And bring back a love song to me.

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If I had to write an article which one of those movies is better, I know what the result would be. I consider Tangled the better movie because it has a cohesive story, better characters, better score, more impressive animation – it just beats The Princess and the Frog in every aspect. But why is there this constant need to compare those two movies in the first place? I have never seen anyone comparing any of the Disney Princess movies with the one which came directly beforehand or after, unless it was for pointing out the development in animation.

I guess the reason is simple: Because all...
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posted by dimitri_is_hot
Another super short article, sorry if you find it uninteresting lol.

Best Disney Prince Hair
1. Flynn
2. Phillip
3. Naveen
4. John Smith
5. Aladdin
6. Prince
7. Eric
8. Adam
9. Shang
10. Charming

10. Jasmine - high ponytail
It might be a little too much but I still love it.

9. Snow White - with red bow
It looks adorable and it matches with her red lips

8. Tiana - bun with white veil and tiara
It looks beautiful and it's unique!

7. Ariel - loose
I love her hair underwater, it looks amazing.

6. Belle - half updo
It's really elegant and unique, I love it!

5. Jasmine - loose
I wish I had...
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This lineup I think is one of my finest! Joining Merida on it will be more exciting, some changes in ranks do occurred but, here it is...

11. Snow White

Likes: kindness, skin tone, her patience, lips
Dislikes: voice, hair, eyes, dress

I like her but I don't love her, the others are just better than her that's why she is in the bottom.

10. Aurora

Likes: hair, lips, voice, lips, elegance, gracefulness
Dislikes: personality, attitude, appeal

She is really a beautiful princess, but being Disney Princess is not about that though it affects. Her overall characteristics is poor, but overall I think her...
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Ariel on her first day at Disney Academy
Ariel on her first day at Disney Academy

I was so psyched to be attending Disney Academy. Even though I am a mermaid, Daddy (King Triton) has let me turn into a human just for school. He says that if I get into any trouble, I will have to leave Disney Academy and come home and be a mermaid again. I promised Daddy I wouldn't get into any trouble.
On my first day on campus, I had a little trouble finding my room. I was too distracted by my thoughts on who my roommate would be. But I finally found my room, A16, and opened the door with my key. Inside, I found my roommate sitting down and painting...
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posted by JNTA1234
Some couples are fine just the way they are.
Some couples are fine just the way they are.
This just popped into my head and I thought it would be fun. Sadly, not all the couples are gonna be in this because I can't imagine some of them with any other prince or her prince has no personality.

Philip and Snow White
Okay, let's just get the two easiest couples out of the way. This one is extremely obvious, the only difference is that I paired the princess and prince that have more of a personality and the prince and princess with less of a personality. Both of them are alittle funny and they're are very charismatic. They face scary situations head on and dust themselves off pretty quickly....
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Disney Princess Award
Disney Princess Award
The Great Day has come! The day that all the princesses and princes of the Walt Disney Company comes together for the awards ceremony that the company gives for special thanks for the great job as princes and princesses in Walt Disney Company. All awards are special and unique. Every prince and princess is nominee for all the awards. Knowing each one will make understand why they are special to receive the awards.

Snow White
Princess Snow White
Princess Snow White
First Disney Princess....
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posted by sweetie-94
Here's my list on the smartest DP in my opinion, I'm not going to put pictures on here because I want to explain quickly why they are placed as they are, oh well here we go. I think all of the princesses are smart in their own kind of way, but some are just less smart than others. Please leave a comment (hint: My number 1 isn't a big surprise)!

10. Aurora
The main reason to why she's last is because she isn't featured very long in her movie so she didn't have time to show any smart skills. She could've been higher if she hadn't met the stranger in the forest and told the fairies about that, but...
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posted by maryksand
Hey everyone.

Since I've been a member of this club for a year I guess it's time for me to introduce myself. That's why, first and foremost... hi:) My name is Mary (Maria is my full name actually, but I've been Mary everywhere online) and "Ksand" is the first half of my actual last name which is rather long, boring and hard to pronounce even for me. I live in Russia, so English is not my first language - don't judge hard. I'm 23 and yes, I am obsessed with Disney in every way possible.

Cliche to say, but I've been a Disney lover since forever. In my childhood years it used to give me inspiration,...
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*~DreamyGal Productions~*
*~DreamyGal Productions~*
Dear Diary,
   Well, the honeymoon is over. The fun lasted for about a week and it was so nice. I really felt myself falling for him and growing closer to him. But now he is acting cold and distant, and won't talk to me. He has started spending a lot of time at the mens club. He goes just about every day and comes home late and drunk. The other night when he came to bed I curled up next to him and he pushed me off of him so hard it rolled me off of the bed. He gasped, and then stormed out of the room. He acted as if he felt bad for hurting me, but he didn't apologize. This morning at breakfast...
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posted by Swanpride
Yeah, we nearly there - only one song-category after this one, then a quick look at the scores and then I can wrap this thing up. No pics this time around - I wasn't in the mood to search for something fitting for each song, and those searches sometimes take more time than writing the article.

10. Aladdin: Nope, I don’t deny the “A whole new world” is a great tune. As part of “Happy end in Agrabah” it makes sense, because Aladdin and Jasmine are now flying into a whole new world together. This in mind, I would even be able to excuse that it doesn’t tie in very well with the beginning...
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