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posted by JNTA1234
Okay, I've seen some people do friendship pairs before but I decided take it to the next level. This is my opinion on how the princess would get along, in top 20 format. It took me ages to put together and I honest to God have no idea what I'm doing. I tried my best to take in account the princesses' personalities, their hobbies and their talents. And I think I did a pretty good job.

Honorable Mentions
Snow White and Belle
Cinderella and Rapunzel
Aurora and Ariel
Aurora and Belle
Ariel and Mulan
Belle and Jasmine
Belle and Mulan
Jasmine and Pocahontas
Pocahontas and Tiana
Pocahontas and Rapunzel
The Royals
The Royals

20.Aurora and Jasmine
I don't know why but I just see Jasmine and Aurora getting along. I cannot justify it, I have no evidence to back that up. I just feel like these two would be friends. They have next to nothing in common besides having royal blood but you know those standard pairs that the princesses are always put in (Ariel-Punz, Belle-Tiana, Poca-Mulan, Snow-Cindy). Jas and Aurora are the fifth one and they're basically just the default pair. And you know what, I agree. For some reason, I just see these two being friends. In high school Jasmine would be like the mean cheerleading captain and Aurora would be her ditzy blonde sidekick.
The Lost Princesses
The Lost Princesses

19.Aurora and Rapunzel
These two could definitely relate to each other. Being hidden away and lied to their entire childhoods. But other than that there are two defining traits that they have in common, loyalty and obedience. They will do what there told and will always try to please their mother figures. Sure both of them disobey alittle bit, especially Punz but considering they've been following orders for 16-18 years that's a pretty good run. They're also very outgoing and independent especially for girls who've been locked away from society their whole lives. So these two do have things in common besides the obvious but still not enough to make it any higher.
The Caged Birds
The Caged Birds

18.Jasmine and Rapunzel
I'm thinking of ranking this pair higher on the list. Both of them have a desire for freedom, a need for adventure and of course an attraction to bad boys, thieves to be exact. But Rapunzel is one of the nicest and sweetest people who'll ever meet who can get along with anyone. And Jasmine can be very mean and harsh and is very selective of the people who she's nice to. Jas would either find Punz to be really funny or extremely annoying. But then again Jasmine wants someone who knows how to have fun and enjoy life, she could definitely find that in Rapunzel. Both of them are caged birds who just want to be free, they'd get along pretty well.
The Cooks
The Cooks

17.Snow Whtie and Tiana
Obviously, the main thing that these two have in common is their love for cooking. But other than that they do have alot of similarities. They're both pretty old fashioned ladies with abit of an edge. They both value hard work and are very organized and bossy when it comes to their work. But Snow White is more of the happy go lucky type while Tiana is alot more mature and serious. Snow is someone who likes to have fun and has a childish nature, so she wouldn't really be BFFs with an uptight stick in the mud like Tiana, but they would get along. Of the four bottom princesses these two baffle me the most. They're such outspoken and vivacious individuals.
The Action Girls
The Action Girls

16.Mulan and Rapunzel
Okay, so the defining trait that these two share is that both of them kick alot of ass. Also, both of them are very clumsy, awkward and easily the two funniest princesses. Rapunzel is more outgoing and Mulan is abit more introverted. Nevertheless these two would definitely like each other, they're both creative, individualistic and resourceful. They're active, athletic, brave and may be the most proactive princesses. And most importantly, they're the only two to experience actual growth as characters. But Rapunzel is energetic, fun-loving and alittle unstable while Mulan is calm, collected and has a good head on her shoulders.
The Sirens
The Sirens

15.Snow White and Ariel
Reason why I think Ariel would get along with Snow White and not really care for the other two classics is that Snow has a really spunky and exciting side that Ariel would really like. Both are very aggressive in having things their way and not too reluctant to break rules. They're also very naive, gullible and childish. But unlike Ariel, Snow does know how to be mature when she needs to be so they might clash every now and then. But they're both bubbly, funny, not to mention boy crazy. If they were around today, they would probably be throwing parties together constantly. So, while these two don't that much in common, they'd certainly like each other.
The Explorers
The Explorers

14.Ariel and Pocahontas
First of all, Pocahontas will only appear twice in this list. I don't really think Poca would be close friends with anybody in particular. She would be the loner of the group, always off by herself posing on mountain tops. But I do think she would have a thing for Ariel. They're fun and passionate and enjoy the thrill of adventure and discovery. They're also very immature, reckless and irresponsible. People don't want to admit it but Pocahontas' just as much as of a "teenager" as Ariel is. Though Pocahontas does wise up when push comes to shove where as Ariel is just chidlish all the time. Plus Ariel is more bubbly and easy going, Poca is very serious at times.
The Mary Sues
The Mary Sues

13.Belle and Rapunzel
I don't think any of the princesses are Mary Sues but these two are easily the most mary sue-ish in my opinion. They're both goody two shoe bookworms who have a need for adventure but never actively pursue it due to the loyalty and dedication they have to their parents. But unlike Belle, Punz actually does end up going after the adventure she always wanted. I think Rapunzel is the perfect person to help Belle loosen up and be free. Belle would admire how talented Rapunzel is and her enthuisiasm for gaining knowledge. Belle is alot more mature than Punz but not so uptight that they couldn't get along. And again they both have a thing for bad boys.
The Cuties Pies
The Cuties Pies

12.Snow White and Rapunzel
Okay, due to being endlessly nice and a tabula rusa respectively, Snow and Rapunzel are the two princesses that would get along with pretty much everyone, so obviously they would end up being paired. They're the two most childish princesses, as well as the most innocent. Snow isn't as wild and free as Punz and Punz isn't as refined and ladylike but really these two would love each other. They both have a surprisingly good work ethic but are also sweet, fun-loving and just enjoy life. They'd be frolicing through the forest and embracing nature together. Both have the notable flaw of being extremely annoying, all the more reason for them to be best friends.
The Hot Consorts
The Hot Consorts

11.Cinderella and Tiana
These two have alot in common besides being married into royalty. Though, Cinderella is alot dreamier and is all about wishes and fantasies, and Tiana is way more realistic and likes to take matters into her own hands. But still, with all those differences, they would definitely get along. Both of them are hardworking, practical and mature. Cinderella and Tiana deal with the tragedies and obstacles in her life with a smile on her face despite being oppressed by her stepfamily and soceity recpectively. Both of them are charming and classy but also sarcastic and alittle spunky. Although Tiana might be abit too pessimistic for Cindy, these two would be very good friends.
The Tough Chicks
The Tough Chicks

10.Jasmine and Mulan
My top two favorite princesses, they're both smart, cunning and quickwitted. These two would basically see each other as role models. They could definitely teach each other alot of things. Jasmine would be inspired by how brave Mulan is and the amazing things she's able to accomplish on her own. Mulan would love how confident Jasmine is, how she speaks her mind and stands up for herself. Jasmine is very vocal, confident and hotheaded, Mulan is very softspoken, introverted and levelheaded. But overall there isn't one thing that these two would truly dislike about each other, they would love each other.
The Big Egos
The Big Egos

9.Belle and Tiana
Now one thing that stands out with these two is that both of them are very stuck up and arrogant for girls who weren't born royalty. The most mature princesses in my opinion, Belle and Tiana would probably spend time together reading and discussing books and turning their noses up at everyone else. They're very dedicated to their families and will go to great lengths to protect them. And they're also good at putting spoiled bratty princes in their place. At first I thought Tiana was a Belle clone but I realize they have afew differences. Belle has more imagination and her dream alittle vague, Tiana is realistic and dream is very specific.
The Heroines
The Heroines

8.Pocahontas and Mulan
Okay, I don't think these two are as similar as people say. Mulan is much funnier than Poca who's always serious and Mulan is about fighting to bring honor while Pocahontas is about bringing peace. But still I have to admit they would get along. They're the most tomboyish, heroic and feminist friendly princesses. Both of them are brave, independent and adventurous. They're also the best role models and both can teach very good values to young girls. Pocahontas is outgoing and graceful but also very indecisive and Mulan is alittle shy and clumsy but very smart. But even with that, I think they'd balance each other out, they're both strong amazing young women.
The Girly Girls
The Girly Girls

7.Snow White and Aurora
The two most feminine princesses in the line-up. Out of the three pairs you can get from the classic princesses, Snow and Aurora would probably get along the least, that's not saying much. Snow White is abit more exciting and fun while Aurora is more subtle and laidback. But overall, the similarities between these two are impossible to deny. They're both extremely boy crazy sweethearts who are kind, loving and have a connection with woodland creatures. They pretty much have the exact same dream, which is to marry a prince and live happily ever after. These two would be like sisters, sharing secrets, doing each other's makeup, they'd love each other.
The Peasant Girls
The Peasant Girls

6.Cinderella and Belle
Out of the pairs you can get from the three princesses by marriage, Cindy and Belle would get along the most. Despite being sophisticated and poised, especially for princesses who weren't born royalty, they're also imaginative and have fairytale fantasies. Both girls are kindhearted and nurturing but also very smart and strong-willed individuals. They've had to put up with basically being prisoners and handle it pretty well. Belle would love how sweet and romantic Cindy is and how she rarely complains. Cindy would just adore Belle's want for adventure and love for fairytales. If the princesses were a group of any kind Cinderella and Belle would definitely be co-captains.
The Fangirls
The Fangirls

5.Ariel and Rapunzel
Like Poca and Mulan, I don't think these two are as similar as people say but again I still have to agree they'd be best friends. They're both fun-loving, energetic, hilarious, enthusiastic, adventurous and free spirited individuals who are very eager to gain knowledge. But they also have afew differences, Rapunzel is abit of a goody two shoes and Ariel is a troublemaker. Rapunzel would always be getting Ariel out of a bad situation and Ariel would always be getting Punz into bad situations. Their similarities are impossible to deny and differences could probably rub off on each other. These would definitely be BFFs. I just think other pairs would get along more.
The Dreamers
The Dreamers

4.Cinderella and Aurora
There is absolutely nothing about each other that these two would not love. They're kind, classy, refined, sophisticated, poised, delicate, they're pretty much the very essence of what princesses should be like. One would admire how dreamy and romantic the other is and also how mature and subtle she is. They would adore each other's glamorous and feminine style, they'd pretty much be like twin sisters, almost conjoined at the hip. They would always be entertained when they're together. Plus Cindy could help Aurora build up abit of a backbone and Aurora could help Cinderella let out her inner child more often. I can't think of one thing that these two would dislike about each other.
The Daddy's Girls
The Daddy's Girls

3.Mulan and Tiana
The two most realistic and genuine princesses. The biggest thing that these two have in common is that they're family oriented. Their primary goal is making their families proud and supporting them in anyway possible. Mulan would love Tiana's perseverance, hard work, independence and how she's able to make her family proud in everything she does. Tiana would love how Mulan would go to such great lengths to protect her family. And both Mulan and Tiana would love how the other rises up against soceity and proves herself despite her gender and race respectively. They're both independent young women who are strong in both body and mind and never lose sight of what's important.
The Rebels
The Rebels

2.Ariel and Jasmine
These two are the definition of rebellious princess. They're both feisty, headstrong and adventurous girls with abit of an attitude. But they're also irresponsible, disobedient and hotheaded. With a strong desire for freedom and a strong disliking of being told what to do, these two could definitely relate to each other. Jas is abit more mature and smarter but she could definitely level with Ariel. And Ariel could help break down Jasmine's tough exterior. They are also very flirtatious and know their way around men. And both also have abit of a tomboyish side but still very feminine. Even the way they dress is similar. Both of them just want to have fun and be free without being told what to do. I could never see these two not getting along.
The Orphans
The Orphans

1.Snow White and Cinderella
The two most iconic and legendary princesses in the line-up. Okay, I'm sure that everybody can agree Cindy and Snow would definitely have the strongest friendship. They're both hopelessly optimistic, and emotionally strong. Cinderella is abit more mature than Snow but she has an imaginative and dreamy side that Snow White would love. And Snow can be very mature when she needs to be. Both princesses are kind, sweet, cheerful, caring, hardworking and motherly. They'll always be kind to others no matter how cruel they are to them but they can be sassy and snarky when they need to be. Basically, these two are younger and older versions of each other. Cinderella would be like Snow White's big sister, she'd be totally entranced by Cindy's stories and songs of dreams and true love. Cindy would love how funny Snow Whtie is and how she can stand up for herself. These two are the epitome of innocence and purity, they would totally be BFFATs, best friends for all time.

And there you have it, phew! Finally I'm done, maybe I should this much effort and ambition into my schoolwork. Nah! Anyways, thanks for reading!
added by belle_ami
added by Disneyfan15
Source: A bunch of websites
added by PrueFever
Source: The Walt Disney Compnay
added by PrueFever
Source: The Little Mermaid: The Tv-Series
added by PrueFever
Source: The Walt Disney Company
This is opinion, so please do not send any hate pls. This is also my first ever article so I am sorry if a I make any rookie mistakes. Anyways, let’s cut right too the chase!

#15 Mulan

I am so sorry Mulan. She is still such a pretty girl. She has lovely hair and looks absolutely beautiful when she is wearing make-up. Problem is, she is just too plain. She doesn’t look as unique compared to some of the other Disney Princesses. Personally for me, she is a 4.5/10.

Sorry Mulan 😬
Sorry Mulan 😬

#14 Meg

I am honestly a bit conflicted about this one. I do find her somewhat beautiful? She just is too shaped???...
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Today I'll be sharing my ranking of the Latin Spanish voices of the Disney Princesses. I grew up with most of these voices so they're special to me. There are only two singers that I dislike in the list, but in general, I find most of the others very fitting for the characters. I'll probably be ranking the English and Catalan voices at some point, and maybe other languages too. I hope you enjoy it, and I would love to read your thoughts!
Let's start...

Dulce ruiseñor, canta por favor
Dulce ruiseñor, canta por favor

#19 – Cinderella 1950 (by Evangelina Elizondo)
I don't like her voice at all on Cinderella. I know she...
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I wrote this article years ago for the first ten princesses but now with Beyonce's recent contribution to the Disney family in the 2019 Lion King, I figured it was a good time as any to do an updated list with the twelve current official princesses. I decided to add Esmeralda, Megara, Anna, and Elsa too! We just take a look through the Queen Bee's singles and see which one fits each princess based on the title, lyrics, music video and general feel of the song.

Do you know what's funny? Even though she's all about female empowerment and women being independent, Beyonce's just like virtually every...
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posted by AdelitaI
I doubt if this article belongs here but since we have similiar lists for Esmeralda and Meg, I decided to publish it here. Here is favorite DP list I believe princess Mei from Mulan II would have. Mei highly values romance and also admires people with brave and rebellious personality.
P.S. I am planning to do the same lists for Ting-Ting and Su but these are going to be more difficult to make.

11. Tiana

I am sure that Tiana would be Mei's absolute least favorite DP. Mei would see Tiana as boring, narrow-minded, unromantic, overly rational, materalistic, unadventurous and pig-headed workacholic....
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by JaDangerz
Source: Disney
Like I said the princess list, this just a preview of how well Moana does if or when she joins the lineup, so it's a smaller pool of users, no quotes from users and no extravagant pics. Without further ado, let's get to it.

12. Brave-196 points

Fanpop is not very kind to this film at all, much like its princess. Pixar made a very halfassed attempt at writing a Disney Princess movie and strangely, it doesn't feel like a Disney film or a Pixar film. Some may even compare it to early 2000s Dreamworks. (read: Shrek) People also find this movie to be a rushed mess with the only well done aspect...
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I have seen other people post their own ranking of the Disney Princesses, and since I'm new here, I thought it would be fun to do my own ranking.

I would love to hear your comments about your own ranking and thoughts about my ranking of the Disney Princesses.

Thank you so much for creating a welcoming community where I feel comfortable enough to post my personal opinions.

My ranking of the Disney Princesses has changed a lot over the years, but this is my current ranking for 2019.
14. Merida: I really wanted to like Merida as I have a Scottish heritage and family still living in Scotland, but she harmed her mother and didn't seem to care.
14. Merida: I really wanted to like Merida as I have a Scottish heritage and family still living in Scotland, but she harmed her mother and didn't seem to care.
I like that she mended her relationship with her mother later, but I wish she had thought about the possible consequences of her actions.
I like that she mended her relationship with her mother later, but I wish she had thought about the possible consequences of her actions.
13. Tiana:  I like how Tiana works hard for what she wants in life, but I also feel like she works too hard at times. She doesn't take a step back from her life and realize that sometimes things happen for a reason.
13. Tiana: I like how Tiana works hard for what she wants in life, but I also feel like she works too hard at times. She doesn't take a step back from her life and realize that sometimes things happen for a reason.
12. Belle: I like how Belle doesn’t judge others by how they look, and that she is willing to stand up to the Beast when he is being mean to her. She truly sees the beauty within the Beast.
12. Belle: I like how Belle doesn’t judge others by how they look, and that she is willing to stand up to the Beast when he is being mean to her. She truly sees the beauty within the Beast.
Belle can have a temper at times and not really find the happiness in her situation at the beginning of the movie, so I don’t relate to those parts of her as much, but she is still a great character.
Belle can have a temper at times and not really find the happiness in her situation at the beginning of the movie, so I don’t relate to those parts of her as much, but she is still a great character.
11. Cinderella: I feel sorry for placing Cinderella so low on this list. She is the princess that shares my personality. We are both ISFJ personalities, and I relate to her so much.
11. Cinderella: I feel sorry for placing Cinderella so low on this list. She is the princess that shares my personality. We are both ISFJ personalities, and I relate to her so much.
I preferred the live action version of Cinderella more as she was willing to stay optimistic and tried to keep the deer safe from the prince as I am an animal lover.
I preferred the live action version of Cinderella more as she was willing to stay optimistic and tried to keep the deer safe from the prince as I am an animal lover.
10. Mulan: I really appreciate Mulan’s courage to stand up and fight for her family. She showed that she was willing to die to keep her father safe.
10. Mulan: I really appreciate Mulan’s courage to stand up and fight for her family. She showed that she was willing to die to keep her father safe.
Family is very important to me, and I would do anything to keep them safe, but I am not even close to being as brave as she is, which is why I don’t relate to her as much as others on my list.
Family is very important to me, and I would do anything to keep them safe, but I am not even close to being as brave as she is, which is why I don’t relate to her as much as others on my list.
9. Moana: I love the relationship Moana has with her grandmother as my grandmother is a lot like Tala. Moana was hesitant to follow her dreams as I was when I decided I wanted to become an elementary school teacher.
9. Moana: I love the relationship Moana has with her grandmother as my grandmother is a lot like Tala. Moana was hesitant to follow her dreams as I was when I decided I wanted to become an elementary school teacher.
My mother wanted me to become a doctor, and I actually started college to become one, but my dream of being a teacher kept calling to me just as the sea called Moana.
My mother wanted me to become a doctor, and I actually started college to become one, but my dream of being a teacher kept calling to me just as the sea called Moana.
8. Elsa: I relate a lot to Elsa as I have struggled with anxiety for a long time. I like that she overcame that anxiety as I am learning to in my own life. I don’t like how she shut her sister out, though.
8. Elsa: I relate a lot to Elsa as I have struggled with anxiety for a long time. I like that she overcame that anxiety as I am learning to in my own life. I don’t like how she shut her sister out, though.
Even though she was scared of hurting Anna, I feel like she should have at least spoken to her rather than being too afraid to leave her room. Family is really important to me, and I can’t imagine shutting them out the way Elsa did.
Even though she was scared of hurting Anna, I feel like she should have at least spoken to her rather than being too afraid to leave her room. Family is really important to me, and I can’t imagine shutting them out the way Elsa did.
7. Ariel: I like Ariel’s curiosity and that she pursued her dream, but she did not go about things in a logical way and put her entire kingdom in danger. I love her carefree and happy personality, though.
7. Ariel: I like Ariel’s curiosity and that she pursued her dream, but she did not go about things in a logical way and put her entire kingdom in danger. I love her carefree and happy personality, though.
6. Jasmine: I like how Jasmine sought to fight against the injustices in her country. She saw that there was a problem with the rule that she must marry a prince, and that the circumstances Aladdin found himself in were unfair.
6. Jasmine: I like how Jasmine sought to fight against the injustices in her country. She saw that there was a problem with the rule that she must marry a prince, and that the circumstances Aladdin found himself in were unfair.
She stood up for what she felt was right while looking on the inside rather than on appearances. I think that she was a little rude to the suitors, and she could have just said that she wasn’t interested in them rather than embarrassing them.
She stood up for what she felt was right while looking on the inside rather than on appearances. I think that she was a little rude to the suitors, and she could have just said that she wasn’t interested in them rather than embarrassing them.
She was my favorite princess growing up, and I still love how strong she is as a character.
She was my favorite princess growing up, and I still love how strong she is as a character.
5. Snow White: I have recently come to appreciate Snow White’s kindness and optimism.
5. Snow White: I have recently come to appreciate Snow White’s kindness and optimism.
She prayed for those who disliked her and continued to dream about being with her prince all while working and staying strong during her horrible circumstance.
She prayed for those who disliked her and continued to dream about being with her prince all while working and staying strong during her horrible circumstance.
I also try to be kind to those who may have wronged me in my life, and people may see me as naïve or gullible as I do tend to give people many second chances, so I relate to Snow White in that way.
I also try to be kind to those who may have wronged me in my life, and people may see me as naïve or gullible as I do tend to give people many second chances, so I relate to Snow White in that way.
4. Aurora: I love how she is shy, sweet, and kind. She is also so nice to the forest creatures, and she accepts her responsibility as a princess despite being upset that her dream to be with Phillip would not come true... or so she thought.
4. Aurora: I love how she is shy, sweet, and kind. She is also so nice to the forest creatures, and she accepts her responsibility as a princess despite being upset that her dream to be with Phillip would not come true... or so she thought.
She didn't run away, and she faced the life that was meant for her head on. I am also a little shy and can relate to Aurora having to accept what life throws at you.
She didn't run away, and she faced the life that was meant for her head on. I am also a little shy and can relate to Aurora having to accept what life throws at you.
3. Pocahontas: I love how Pocahontas protects animals and nature. She is very mature as she tries to make difficult decisions in her life. I have faced similar choices in my life.
3. Pocahontas: I love how Pocahontas protects animals and nature. She is very mature as she tries to make difficult decisions in her life. I have faced similar choices in my life.
I had to decide if I should choose the path that would please my family by becoming a doctor, or if I would follow my dream of becoming a teacher. Pocahontas is truly inspiring how she doesn’t waver in her beliefs and follows her dreams.
I had to decide if I should choose the path that would please my family by becoming a doctor, or if I would follow my dream of becoming a teacher. Pocahontas is truly inspiring how she doesn’t waver in her beliefs and follows her dreams.
2. Anna: I relate so much to Anna and her relationship with her sister as I have an older sister who has a lot of anxiety and shut me out for years. I also like Anna’s optimism and hope that things will work out in the end.
2. Anna: I relate so much to Anna and her relationship with her sister as I have an older sister who has a lot of anxiety and shut me out for years. I also like Anna’s optimism and hope that things will work out in the end.
I relate to her because I have been sheltered most of my life and want to find my prince someday, but hopefully I will be able to discern his character better than she did. I am also a little awkward.
I relate to her because I have been sheltered most of my life and want to find my prince someday, but hopefully I will be able to discern his character better than she did. I am also a little awkward.
1. Rapunzel: Rapunzel is so optimistic, kind, and curious. I relate to not knowing when my life will begin and trying to stay positive and hopeful despite having been sheltered growing up.
1. Rapunzel: Rapunzel is so optimistic, kind, and curious. I relate to not knowing when my life will begin and trying to stay positive and hopeful despite having been sheltered growing up.
I also relate to Rapunzel as I try to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher. I hesitated to pursue my dream because of not wanting to make my mother upset, just like Rapunzel felt conflicted about leaving the tower because of Gothel.
I also relate to Rapunzel as I try to pursue my dream of becoming a teacher. I hesitated to pursue my dream because of not wanting to make my mother upset, just like Rapunzel felt conflicted about leaving the tower because of Gothel.
Also, I wonder if it will be all that I dream it will be, just like Rapunzel wondered if the lanterns would meet her expectations. She is realistic as she realizes that sometimes reality is different from our dreams.
Also, I wonder if it will be all that I dream it will be, just like Rapunzel wondered if the lanterns would meet her expectations. She is realistic as she realizes that sometimes reality is different from our dreams.
She makes the best of her situation and finds joy in the little things in life. She is so inspiring as she made her dreams a reality.
She makes the best of her situation and finds joy in the little things in life. She is so inspiring as she made her dreams a reality.
posted by deedragongirl
Part of your World
Part of your World
Hi guys, I am currently watching a scene from The Swan Lake ballet. I actually notice a number of similarities between the popular ballet and Disney's retelling of The Little Mermaid. Since some Ballet Company has tragic endings, I will also cover on the original Hans Christian Anderson's novel in this article!

The Story

Both stories revolve around 2 young heroines and how they meet their fate, Odette is actually a young girl who was suddenly turn into a swan upon meeting Rothbart, the evil sorcerer.
Now upon seeing this, it reminded me of when Ursula turns Ariel a human after she storms out...
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added by LunaNoctis
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Wreck it Ralph 2 trailer
Here we go, from least favorite to favorite, here's the Mother's Day countdown results! I know mother's day was two days ago but I'm not waiting a whole year to put up the article so here we go :)

13. Evil Queen
So it's pretty obvious why she was taken out first; She forced her stepdaughter to be a scullery maid and tried to have her killed (twice) just because she was jealous of how beautiful Snow White was.

12. Lady Tremaine
Again, pretty obvious why she was taken out early. Like Snow White, Cinderella's stepmother forced her to be a maid. But unlike Snow White at least Tremaine...
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The three classic princesses
The three classic princesses
Okay, I am writing an article after a long time. I suffered from the lack of ideas and imagination for more than 12 days ago. So, I am not in a mood to start a new series, either, Damn! So, I decided to do one short article, duh! Sorry, I am gonna do a series! I mean, duh, some princesses were horribly out of place. I mean, we think every princess is beautiful, but some are a little historically inaccurate and drawn in a wrong way.

Snow White
Snow White
Snow White

It is kinda easy to figure out where this classic took place. The dwarfs’ house is decorated with carved wooden instruments and furniture....
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