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posted by Swanpride
Well, Top Ten Lists are very popular here – but I decided to do it a little bit different, mostly because I don’t think that there is an infinitive list for me. It’s more that I like some movies and characters more and some I like less. So I put the movies in three categories: Top, Middle and Bottom.

My Three Bottom movies:

In general, I hate movies with plot holes – but concerning Disney Princess movies, I’m much more forgiving about logical lapses in the classic ones than in the ones from the Renaissance era onwards. Not because of nostalgia, but because the premise of those movies is much different. The classic ones are more or less build like Fairy Tales – and Fairy Tales don’t have to be logical. They are more about symbolism than about the characters in it. Because of that, I don’t really mind if it makes sense that a good fairy suddenly turns up – it’s more about an emotional experience than anything else. But from Ariel onwards, they are less Fairy Tales and more stories which expect from me to take the characters in them seriously. I don’t mind this, in fact, I’m glad that Disney took that route – but that also means that I expect some sort of inner logic in the story. I think the worst offender in this regard is Aladdin. Seriously, is everyone in Aghraba blind? Let’s take tally: The wardens are unable to recognize Jasmine, Jasmine needs ages to recognize Aladdin, Razul never recognizes him at all (but if he did, I would at least understand why he is ready to kill a foreign prince), Jafar needs to see the lamp to make the right connection, and that nobody ever noticed Jafar hypnotizing the Sultan until Aladdin came around, is beyond me. At this rate, the Sultan is the most intelligent person in the palace – he at least has the excuse that he is under a spell for most of the movie.

The Princess and the Frog is a little bit iffy too, especially concerning the rules of the curse, and how exactly Facilier plans to provide his friends on the other side with souls, but it’s not too bad. My problem with this movie lies more in the characters and their development. Tiana is very admirable, but I don’t relate easy to her. I don’t see what is charming about a lazy womanizer like Naveen. Mama Odie and Louis just puzzle me – I have no idea what to think about them. Ray I might like, if not for his butt jokes, because I really, really dislike this kind of humor, and I’m not sure if his existence really adds anything to the story – in fact a lot of characters in the movie, like Tiana’s mother, Stella, the snake, are just there, there don’t seem to be a real purpose for them. The only character I really like and can easily relate to is Lottie.

Plus, the movie is somewhat imbalanced, though not as imbalanced as Pocahontas. Seriously, the pace of this movie is terrible. It takes ages for Pocahontas and John to meet, ages until they are discovered – it only gets really interesting when Kokoum is killed, and that’s near the end of the movie. Everything before is just build-up, and the pay off for it is terrible. First Pocahontas is moping around, and when she finally decides to act, she only had to throw herself over John and everything is more or less okay. Not even the villain defeat is exiting – he gets taken in custody, that’s it. All the scenes between Meeko and Percy are filler, nothing more.
There is also a problem I have with Pocahontas herself: There is nothing new about her. When Ariel came along with her “I want mooooore” philosophy, it was interesting because it was a new approach for Disney. When Belle followed it was still interesting, because she showed the other side of the spectrum, less flawed, therefore less interesting, but also much more relatable for the general audience. Jasmine brought nothing new in this regard, but she is excused, because not she but Aladdin is the main character of the movie, and his “I want moooooore” dreams were really understandable considering that he had nothing to begin with. But Pocahontas is just the tired old concept they had already used three times in a row.

My three middle movies:

This are the movies I really like, but I think lack the certain something which elevates them from all the other Disney movies. There is Cinderella – a movie I adored during my childhood, but also has the filler problem. Really, most of those scenes with the mice lead nowhere – but they are funny, so I don’t mind them much. I like what’s in the movie (especially the use of space in the animation) – but I’m not so blind that I don’t see what’s missing.

Then The Little Mermaid – don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the movie. It’s a good story, which is told very well, with some really interesting twists , and as I already pointed out, Ariel’s character was a new direction for Disney. I used to be a little bit peeved about the ending, but over the years I learned to love the father/daughter aspect Disney added . But while it is an important part of Disney history, there are a lot Disney movies, which are similar impressive.

And finally Mulan – a movie I like a little bit more each time I watch it, but nevertheless seems to lack the last step to make it one of the unforgettable ones. What is strange about this movie is that it looks like one of those typical Renaissance Era Princess Movies, but when you look closer, it really isn’t. Mulan is the first princess who seeks out adventure for the sake of others. She is the first one, who got a real character development. All the princesses before her didn’t really change at all. They were unhappy with their life, something happened to them (for the Classic Princesses) or they did something (in the Renaissance Era), and in the end they were happy. They didn’t change, the world around them changed. Mulan on the other hand learns more during her training than just fighting. She learns the discipline she was lacking beforehand, she learns how to assert herself better and at the end of the movie, she is a confident woman as opposed to the unsure teenager from the beginning. The society she lives in is mostly still the same, but she has won the strength to face it. Because of that, I tend to see her more in one group with Tiana and Rapunzel, who also discovering themselves during their movie – the first of the modern princesses, whose movie sadly came out at the end of the renaissance era.

My three top movies:

I’m well aware that Tangled gets a lot of criticism – for being 3D and CGI, for not being creative enough, aso. I would like to address two of the issues here: In my opinion, there is no better or worse in traditional animation vs CGI, in 2D vs 3D. They are simply different kind of storytelling. I don’t want the Animation studios giving up traditional animation entirely – that’s what makes them big, and there are story which work better told this way. Rapunzel’s is not one of them. This hair had to be CGI, and the result is stunning.
And concerning how creative Rapunzel’s character is: People concentrate too much on what is similar to Ariel and other Disney Princesses to see what is different. As characters go, Rapunzel is a fairly unique creation. Yes, she talks to animals like all the princesses before her. Yes, she is well liked by everyone she meets – like all the princesses before her, so don’t try to tell me she is too perfect because of that. But she also has a lot of quirks (is sometimes downright bi-polar), and her motivations are vastly different from the ones of the other princesses. Her desire to leave the tower is not the same as Ariel’s desire to leave the sea. Ariel breaks a rule, which is there for a reason, for the safety of her and the whole merfolk, and to which everyone in her society is subjected to, including her father. Rapunzel breaks a rule, she alone is subjected to, and she only does it when she realizes, that she will never get the permission from Mother Gothel to do, what everyone else in the world is allowed to do. She basically stands up and says: I am of age now, and now I want to enter the adult world. Her journey is, similar to Mulan’s, a coming of age – story, with the main difference that she knowingly takes this path. Seeing the lights is just a symbol for experiencing the real world, and what she searches for is not what she finds in the end. Mulan and Tiana go a similar path, but what they get is very close to what they want – Mulan thinks she wants to help her father, perhaps bringing honor to the family and proving her worth, but what she really wants is to be accepted how she is. Tiana wants the restaurant, but for all the talk in her movie about the difference between what one wants and what one needs, in the end she gets both, the restaurant and the love. Rapunzel wants to see the lights, but she doesn’t even know herself why this is so important, and in the end she “sees the light” in seeing the truth. What she gets in the end is far removed from everything she originally wanted, and isn’t that the reality of life? That for all our plans, we never knew were we will end up?
But enough about that – sorry for going so much into detail, but I had the feeling that my fondness for Tangled had to be explained. At this point it’s difficult to say how well it will age, and how it will be regarded in ten to twenty years, but my prediction is that it will be one of those movies which prevail.

With Beauty and the Beast there is no question, this movie is simply unforgettable, and not just because it got an academy award nomination for the best picture. It’s just one of those movies in which everything comes together perfectly – I watched it three times when it came into the theaters. There is not a single thing in it I don’t like.

Sleeping Beauty is less perfect concerning storytelling, but it’s such a work of art, I simply don’t care. There will never ever be another movie like this, because nobody would pay for all the artists necessary to draw a movie masterpiece with the hand. I love the music (yes, even the pieces which are generally perceived as boring), I think that the climax is one of Disney’s best.

Yeah, I’m sure many of you noticed that I skipped a movie: Snow White and the seven dwarves. And truthfully, I don’t really want to put it into this ranking. Being the first one, it is and will always be the most important movie Disney ever did. It has its flaws, in fact, if I really wanted I could rip it to sheets concerning the plot, but the animation is still impressive, even after all this years, and I really don’t want to criticize it – between this movie and Cinderella more than a decade went by, that’s a lot of time to perfect the technique. It wouldn’t be fair to criticize it too hard, because it was the first try. Neither would it be fair to simply ignore the problems this movie has. Because of that, I don’t rank it. It’s simply a very special one.
added by PrueFever
Source: Walt Disney
Iconic Disney Kisses <3
Iconic Disney Kisses <3
In light of Valentine’s Day, I decided to write an article on the Disney Princess couple’s that I believe have the best and most realistic relationship. Oh, and spoiler alert: I only really like 4 of them.

Couples I DON’T like…

10. Mulan & Shang

Mulan & Shang
Mulan & Shang

I love Mulan – she’s intelligent, brave and selfless. And Shang’s no novice either; in fact, his bravery, leadership and courage are practically matchless. But their relationship, it was too sudden; too forced. They lacked chemistry. Make no mistake, I love Mulan and Shang, they’re great – just not together....
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://silentmermaid21.deviantart.com
added by ElafTalebHEJ
added by disneyprince
Hey everyone! PPGBelle4 here! :) Fhghu and I decided to collaborate on a list for fun, so why not do one on our prettiest princesses? Here is our list combined and averaged. Anyway, I hope you like it, and please comment!
PPG: PPGBelle4
FHG: Fhghu
8. Jasmine

FHG Ranking: #9
PPG Ranking: #9
Average Score: 9

FHG: She looks like an alien in my opinion. She has a big nose and extremely large eyes. She just looks weird nearly the whole time. I could only find one good shot of her. ONE. There is only one heroine who is fuglier than her, and is overrated in beauty A LOT. *cough*Meg*cough*.

PPG: Okay,...
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added by blablablu95
posted by magicfairydust
Flounder is the fairest of them all! no, I just couldn't find a fitting top image, but heyy, everyone loves Flounder!
Flounder is the fairest of them all! no, I just couldn't find a fitting top image, but heyy, everyone loves Flounder!
This took a lot of thinking. I think I changed my mind like 31364684321354652 times, but here we have it! Magicfairydust's prettiest disney princesses. I took into account what the princesses could look like at their prettiest, and also what they usually look like. It was pretty close :)

10. Pocahontas
I know, I know, I KNOW! SHOCKER! but tbh, I really don't think she's THAT gorgeous! I mean, I think she's beautiful in her own way, and she's very exotic, but she just doesn't have enough absolutely gorgeous shots. Oh gosh, I'm going to get so much hate for this one. She has the best body out...
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All right, first off a little history about myself. When I was a little girl I used to enjoy the little mermaid. Ariel was actually one of my favorite Disney princesses/movies.

Now that I am older however, I have just recently watched the little mermaid one, two and the third movie which is Ariel's beginning.

I couldn't believe what an awful role model she is and how selfish she is. I searched on the internet to find others with my similar view on her and I stumbled across this article here: link

My article here is solely debunking everything this particular person is going on about and finally...
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posted by KataraLover
I figured since Merida is now in the line-up I should remake my prettiest Disney Princess list. I wanna make it clear that I think all of them are beautiful, just in different ways. Please comment telling me what you think.

Classically beautiful but plain with a poorly drawn nose, quite common, and looks MUCH prettier in the third movie
Classically beautiful but plain with a poorly drawn nose, quite common, and looks MUCH prettier in the third movie

I know I'm going to get attacked by several people but I actually don't think she's all that special. First of all the animation is too old fashioned and her design is too simply so those are two things that work against each other. However...
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As my last countdown was boring, senseless and weird, I decided to go with a much more simpler and faster countdown topic this time. Since my last countdown was not elimination by votes, I decided to try out the elimination by comments this time. So, here are the results!

#11: Pocahontas
Many think of Poca's smile as forced and unemotional, and I guess that is true. She hardly smiles in her film, and basically all her pretty moments are non-smile ones. So no surprise she ended up last.


"Pocahontas, looks really forced and unnatural. Maybe it is because of her animation style and the...
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The Official Disney Princesses
The Official Disney Princesses
Yes, I know there has been quite a few of these done (I was acctually begining to feel a bit left out), but I just thought I'd throw my two cents out there. Enjoy!

10. Mulan

The Asian Beauty
The Asian Beauty

Mulan is a natural beauty. She traded her elegant traditional wear for an earth-green set of armor, cut her silk black hair to a man’s length, and wiped off every trace of makeup. And you know what? She still got the guy, and looked good doing it. So maybe she did pass herself off as a dude for 90% of the movie – but hey, that’s what makes her who she is.
9. Snow White...
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posted by shannon_leighx
10. Nani: the only animated Disney character with a normal body shape, she defiantly deserves a place on my list
10. Nani: the only animated Disney character with a normal body shape, she defiantly deserves a place on my list
This is my top 10 Prettiest Disney princesses (some exceptions) this is my own opinion, so please don't be rude and say I'm wrong, but please do feel free to comment your thoughts on my list :) thankyou! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9. Snow White: her skin is as white as snow and her lips are as red as blood, she grabs spot number 9
9. Snow White: her skin is as white as snow and her lips are as red as blood, she grabs spot number 9
8. Eilonwy: known as the forgotten Disney Princess, stunning none the less.
8. Eilonwy: known as the forgotten Disney Princess, stunning none the less.
7. Jasmine: her gorgeous Raven hair and exotic beauty is unique and sexy
7. Jasmine: her gorgeous Raven hair and exotic beauty is unique and sexy
6. Megara: her beautiful dark red hair and curvy body makes her unbelievably beautiful and sexy
6. Megara: her beautiful dark red hair and curvy body makes her unbelievably beautiful and sexy
5. Rapunzel: her gorgeous doll like green eyes, adorable smile and of course her famous long locks give her spot number 5 on my list
5. Rapunzel: her gorgeous doll like green eyes, adorable smile and of course her famous long locks give her spot number 5 on my list
4. Belle: Her beautiful chocolate hair and hazel eyes (defiantly the best eyes out of all the Disney princesses) really makes her an undeniable beauty, her smartness and wittiness makes her 10x more gorgeous.
4. Belle: Her beautiful chocolate hair and hazel eyes (defiantly the best eyes out of all the Disney princesses) really makes her an undeniable beauty, her smartness and wittiness makes her 10x more gorgeous.
3. Ariel: I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for not making her number one. Her famous fire truck red hair and beautiful face has made her my number 1 Disney beauty for a long time, but the next two have just gotten past her, sorry
3. Ariel: I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for not making her number one. Her famous fire truck red hair and beautiful face has made her my number 1 Disney beauty for a long time, but the next two have just gotten past her, sorry
2. Anna: with her beautiful auburn plats, large blue eyes, freckled face and adorable button nose, know wonder Anna's funny and awkward personality has made her the official 12th Disney princess!
2. Anna: with her beautiful auburn plats, large blue eyes, freckled face and adorable button nose, know wonder Anna's funny and awkward personality has made her the official 12th Disney princess!
1. Elsa: Anna's older and more mature magical sister. To me Elsa is on a whole new level to any previous Disney princess, her platinum blonde loose braid, gorgeous blue eyes, lightly freckled face and gorgeous ice dress makes her the most beautiful Disney
1. Elsa: Anna's older and more mature magical sister. To me Elsa is on a whole new level to any previous Disney princess, her platinum blonde loose braid, gorgeous blue eyes, lightly freckled face and gorgeous ice dress makes her the most beautiful Disney
Hello! It's been a while, but I randomly had this thought and no real place to share it. I know the title sounds a bit outlandish, but I think my theory may have some merit.

To understand the Rapunzel story fully, we have to understand the origin of the fairytale and what its morals might be for the time it was created. The original german fairytale about a poor man stealing rampion plants from a witch has been heavily connected to possible sexual assault and the witch as a cultural icon has always been linked to a bitter older spinster woman, who usually never found a husband and was therefor...
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posted by sweetie-buttons
Welcome to my second Mary Sue Test! This is for Anna. I'll be doing one for Elsa next.

Unique traits without contacts or hair dye- No, Anna's hair and eye color are pretty realistic.
An odd name- No. 'Anna' is a common name, if her pronunciation isn't.
Looks constantly commented on- No. I can't remember Anna's looks being commented on much.
Always the hero- Sort of. She saved Kristoff from the wolves, falling off the mountain, saved them from Marshmallow, and saved Elsa from being executed. 1.
Multiple characters falling for her- No. Hans only pretended to, and Kristoff didn't until the end....
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Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun tabletop roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend you give it a try if you ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favorite hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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Dungeons & Dragons (or D&D for short) is a super fun tabletop roleplaying game that's been around since the 1970s but has recently gained a fair bit of popularity. I've been playing the game for around eight years at time of writing, and I strongly recommend you give it a try if you ever get the chance. It's really an absolute blast! D&D has always been one of my favorite hobbies, but within the last two years it's become an even bigger part of my life. Since I've been having so much fun with it recently, I decided it was finally time to try something I'd always wanted to do: turning...
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" I am the prettiest!" LOL
" I am the prettiest!" LOL
I was thinking about this a long time ago. The beauty of a princess varies for everyone, but in their own movies, princesses are described as "the most beautiful". There is no beauty problem in every princess, especially those who have love at first sight, and they live a comfortable love life thanks to this beauty. Outward appearances play a big part in the princesses' happy ending. But what if they weren't pretty? How would their lives change? Now we're going to look at that.

Cinderella would never have had a happy ending without her beauty. Because the prince at the ball saw her...
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Charlotte La Bouff was one of many characters in the movie The Princess and the Frog. Charlotte was as wonderful as Tiana, and she really deserves to be analyzed.


Unlike Tiana, Charlotte was a slightly spoiled and funny girl, crazy. Charlotte was very romantic, which I usually don't like, but the crazy and confident gestures she displayed during the romance were enough to cover it up. Charlotte's father, Mr. La Bouff, spoiled her and did whatever she wanted because they were rich. Charlotte grew up believing in fairy tales and true love, and she was confident that one day love...
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