Disney Princess Club
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1. Congratulations for winning the title. *passes over the torch* So, how do you feel?
Wow! I was not expecting this at all, but I'm so glad and honored to know that people notice & enjoy the contributions I make to this club.

2. You contributed a lot to this spot. What fan activities do you enjoy most? What kind of articles do you like to read and to write?
I love making picks & answering them. I the pick feature is the best way to explore other people's opinions & debate about different things. My favorite kinds of articles to read & write are the opinions of myself and other people. They really give me a chance to expand my point of view about different Disney princesses.

3. Let’s get the standard questions out of the way: Who is you favorite Princess, what’s her most compelling characteristic and was she always your favorite?
Belle is my favorite princess, and yes, she always has been. Her my favorite characteristic of hers is how she doesn't judge people too quick. That is my worst flaw, and I judge people and decide what I think of them about two seconds into meeting them so I look up to Belle, to help me get rid of that flaw.

4. And which princess do you think is the …

Mulan, because she is cunning & outsmarts an equally cunning villian.
…most beautiful?
Aurora. I love how her curls, and how she dances so gracefully, and how completely unaware she is of her beauty.
…best role model?
Cinderella, because she never breaks any rules & stays completely faithful and kind to everyone, even her enemies. That's something little girls need to learn these days.
…worst role model?
Ariel. She disobeys her father, runs away from home, makes a deal with a sea-witch, all for a guy she doesn't even know...yeah. Not a good example.
…most relatable?
Belle. Well, at least to me. I understand her longing to run away and her longing to find someone who understands her. She's like a best friend to me.
…most impressive?
Ariel, I find the risks she took for a hot guy were very extreme & remarkable.

5. Favorite Prince, Pairing and DP Movie? And why?
My favorite prince is Aladdin, because he is so sweet and caring. I also love his sense of humor. My favorite pairing is Jasmine and Aladdin, because they actually get to really know each other before kissing or getting married, and they have amazing chemistry. My favorite Disney Princess movie is currently Tangled, because it has just the right amount of everything: humor, romance, action and scenes that make me tear up.

6. Favorite Song, favorite Score, favorite Soundtrack?
My favorite Disney princess song is A Whole New World. I never get tired of listening to it, in lots of different languages. My favorite score is definitely Sleeping Beauty. Maleficents Evil Spell makes me shiver, An Unusual Prince makes me want to get up and dance. Absolutely gorgeous. My favorite soundtrack is Beauty & The Beast. I never get bored of the songs, and they always make me feel what the characters singing them do.

7. What do you like the most and the least about…
…the classic princesses?

I love their dreamy, hopeful personalities, but I dislike that they lack the kick-ass characteristic we see from newer princesses.
…the renaissance era princesses?
I really love everything about them. They're so strong, have real personalities and work so hard for what they want. I don't dislike anything about them.
…the newest princesses?
I like that they really take control over what they want and don't let anything get in their way, but their personalities have gotten more bland and re-used from other princesses.

8. Do you have a special memory connected with one or more of the Disney Princess Movies?
It's very faint, but I do remember watching Cinderella with my great-grandmother when I was very, very young. She loved it and so did I. Unfortunately, she did die a few years ago, but I'm glad I did get to share such a beautiful movie with her.

9. Is there something about your favorite Princess you don’t like?
Not really

10. Is there something about your least favorite Princess you really like?
I like Pocahontas before John Smith arrives. She becomes boring after that.

11. Singing and magical abilities aside: Is there one talent a princess has you would like to have too?
Snow White's ability to make people make everyone love her. That would be helpful

12. Which DP scene would you like to experience too, and why?
I would love to experience the scene were Belle and Adam kiss. It's absolutely perfect - fireworks and all.

13. How is your stance on 3D vs 2D concerning the Disney Princess Franchise?
I think anyone who ridicules Tangled because it's in 3D is just being stupid. I understand people want Disney to stick to "classic" animation, but really? Hating a movie just because of that? I find no problem with it. I actually find it fantastic, and I hope they make more 3D girls.

14. Do you prefer:
Ball gowns or peasant dresses?

Peasant dresses. I know it's weird, but they're so much more beautiful and classic.
Braids or open hair?
Open hair for sure, except for Rapunzel. I love her braid more than her long, tangled locks.
Singing or dancing?
Singing, because you can put more heart into it than you can dancing.
Three fairies or three Chinese soldiers?
Three Chinese soldiers, because they make me laugh more than the three fairies

15. What kind of sidekicks/side characters do you prefer?
I prefer sidekicks like Pascal and Maximus - they don't talk, but still have a giant part in the story and actually help Rapunzel unlike some useless sidekicks *cough*FLIT*cough*.

16. Is there a fairy tale or legend you would like to see Disney’s version of?
I'm very excited for "Frozen", which is an adaptation of "The Snow Queen", but other than that, The Princess and the Pea.

17. Between the ones Disney already adapted: Which is your favorite one and what do you think about the Adaption? Is there another adoption you like more?
My favorite is Snow White & The Seven Dwarves, because they stuck right to the story and made it even better. No, there isn't, no one can do it quite like Disney.

18. How would you improve your least favorite Disney movie?
Definitely, first of all, take out Meeko and Flit. They are so useless and not-funny it drives me crazy. I do appreciate their attempt at comic relief, but they're just not funny. I would also make Pocahontas have more personality around John Smith. It's like she's drained out of fun when she's with him.

19. Was there ever a time in your life at which you lost interest at Disney movies (or Disney Princess movies) and if yes, what brought you back?
Yes, as soon as I grew up I was like, "Disney is for kids." I completely refused to see PATF in theaters,and I was reluctant to see Tangled too, but went along because my friends made me. I fell in love with it, and it drew me back in.

20. If there is a princess (or more) you didn’t mention so far, what do you think about her (or them)?
Well, I adore Jasmine and her spunky, witty attitude. Aurora's lovely, but she's a boring character with not much depth so I'm not sure what I feel about her. I love Rapunzel, because she just seems to be oozing happiness on screen. Tiana is a nice character & good role model, but becomes silly when she turns into a frog.

Thanks for answering my questions. I hope you enjoy your month of glory.
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