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The World Wants the Truth About Donald Trump's Health. Don't Count on Getting It



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Highlight 1:
Trump's physician Sean Conley said early on that the President was '72 hours into the diagnosis'... If you follow Dr Conley's timeline, that means Trump knew he was COVID-positive starting midday on Wednesday, only 13 hours after he debated Joe Biden on-stage.

It would mean Trump knowingly attended not just one but two fundraisers, plus a rally, plus an Air Force One flight, plus several staff meetings, all without masks, as he was contagious with a virus that's claimed more than 209,000 American lives.

Highlight 2:
Democrats are unlikely to believe Trump after his history of lies: This is the White House that kicked off its press briefings with Sean Spicer's easily disproved comments about the crowd size at Trump's inauguration. The same White House that shared a doctored video to justify banning a reporter from press conferences. The same White House that, just earlier this week, could not provide details to back up Trump's debate-stage claim that election ballots had been thrown in a river".

The lack of trust in the administration is so palpable that Trump's fifth and current press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, began her tenure by promising the American people she'd never lie to them.She's been caught saying false statements in nearly every briefing since. And her behaviour is consistent with the example set by her boss.

One Washington Post tracker has counted more than 20,000 false or misleading claims from Trump since he took office.

Statements about his health account for a few of them. One of the President's former physicians, Harold Bornstein, confessed that a statement he wrote about Trump in 2015 — 'his physical strength and stamina are extraordinary' — was actually dictated by Trump himself.

Highlight 3:
The alternate timeline now floating around begs the question of whether we'd even know about Trump's prognosis if Bloomberg News hadn't broken the story about Hope Hicks.

Reporting suggests the White House didn't even inform those who came into contact with Trump that he'd tested positive.

Joe Biden, who shared a debate stage with Trump on Tuesday, said he learned about it through the media on Friday.

The media have continued to beat Trump's team to the punch in amplifying just about every update since then.

But those updates alone won't soothe a weary American public.

A poll taken just three days ago — before the news cycle turned into a hurricane — confirmed that America's trust in the media continues to decline.Roughly six in 10 adults don't trust mainstream outlets to report facts fairly and without bias, but that distrust is most strong in the President's own party. Republicans' trust in the media hit an all-time low this week, with only 32 per cent saying they trusted mainstream outlets at all.
posted over a year ago.
last edited over a year ago
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I'm really trying not to be conspiratorial about all this, but... setting aside all the normal Trump nonsense, that Gang Of Doctors press conference was fucking weird... They call came out wearing masks, but the 3 doctors who removed their masks to speak seriously violated mask protocol. These are doctors who have been working directly with at least one Covid patient... an extremely high profile individual who is supposed to be protected by the best of the best... and they don't know how to use their PPE correctly? Doctors who participate in a stunt like to the point where they violate protection measures that endanger their own lives are, at best, complete morons, or, at worst, not doctors at all...

And then to find out that his primary doctor is an osteopath... maybe the Covid has hit Trump right in the bone spurs...
posted over a year ago.
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I don't have time to properly comment rn but:
(a) The fucking shining white lab coat front was super suss and came off as bluster. Interesting what you said about PPE protocol
(b) Lmao at Trump's primary doctor being an osetopath. Doesn't really surprise me after his anti-vax comments and general anti-science bullshit.
posted over a year ago.
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zanhar1 said:
Y'all I'm losing track; first the rona came from the China equivalent to Umbrella Coperations, then the 5G towers are giving people covid, and now the White House is employing fake doctors to help Trump spread covid to Biden to stop the debates and make it easier for the lizard people to infiltrate and dominate the entirety of this hell planet.

In all seriousness, this whole mess is just crazy and I'm kind of just waiting to see how it plays out.
posted over a year ago.
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Personally, I blame the Spanish Flu of 1918 on 15G which is so powerful it ripples through the very essence of the space-time continuum. Wake up sheeple, say no to 15G
posted over a year ago.