Critical Analysis of Twilight Club
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Ok people,no violence and bad response's allowed in here,
and I actually risked my life making a critical Edward Cullen spot please understand:)

This is an extract taken from:
[u]Response to "Analysis of the Opposite!"
From:The HP vs. Twilight spot.



A small extract:

Edward is, undoubtedly, an abusive boyfriend. Yes, I know that he has never hit her, he has never intentionally hurt her. Just so you know, there are other types of abuse. Edward abuses Bella psychologically as well as abusing her rights. There may even be some physical abuse in there, as well. He always messes with her emotions, sometimes even intentionally. He purposely dazzles her with his "gorgeous eyes" in order to get his way. He also takes away many of her rights. He forces her to go to the prom with him when she clearly does not want to. He does everything he can to keep her away from Jacob, who had done so much for her in New Moon, simply because he doesn't like the guy. He even goes as far as to remove the engine from her truck and convince Alice to hold her hostage! He also stalks Bella. Stalking does not equal love. Stalking equals obsession, which can be very dangerous to Bella. He watches her sleep and invades her privacy before he is even officially her boyfriend. That is surely a sign of being deeply disturbed mentally. He constantly reminds her of how superior he is to her, how she is such a klutz and how she is so stupid, lowering her already low self confidence to an abysmal level. Another instance is in New Moon. He leaves her, which he knows will destroy her. However, that is not the abusive part. The abusive part is when he steals all of the things she owns which may remind her of him. Not only is thievery wrong, but he won't even let her deal with her depression in her own way. He just made everything worse for her. The physical abuse is at the very end of Twilight. She is in the hospital, and he forces painkillers on her. Another instance of physical abuse was in Breaking Dawn, when he makes it clear that if not for Rosalie, he would have forced an abortion upon Bella. He has no respect for Bella whatsoever. People still say he is a good boyfriend? His only redeeming feature is that he is good looking. He sure doesn't have a life, he has no hobbies nor does he have a personality (other than being creepy). There is a lot more to being a good boyfriend than looking pretty.

Thanks XDRoseLuvsHP for making this article to point out some great facts!
posted by RobynPotter
{i did not write this myself, but i found it ridiculously funny and thought it needed to be posted here}

Book 1. Twilight:
Edward: Hey.
Bella: OMG, I'm so silly. And horny.
Edward: Yes. I'm dangerous. I sparkle.
Bella: OMG you're a vampire!
Edward: Yes. Let's go play baseball.
James: I like your girl, Edward. Gotta eat her.
Edward: Roar.
James: Omnomnom Bella.
Bella: OMG I'm screaming in agony! Yes, I will be a vampire!
Edward: I'm gonna kill you, James! I'm gonna suck Bella as well.
Jacob: Oh, hi there!
Book 2. New Moon:
Edward: Oops, gotta go.
Bella: OMG don't leave me! OMG I'm so depressed and dying in...
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There are 5 things you need to know-

This article is basically:
1. My story on how I got sucked into the Twilight Universe.
2. My life story on how Twilight has changed me. A lot.
3. A rant on why I like and hate about the series.
4. A confession on why I can't seem to get over with hating and loving it.
5. An opinion about how my life could have been without Twilight.

WARNING: Overall, this article is about... why I think Twilight isn't that 'bad' after all. It's going to be lengthy. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


This had me wondering for a while and to...
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posted by nessienjake

Q: What to Edward and a Christmas tree have in common?
A: Their balls are for decoration.

Bella: You're pale white and ice cold...I know what you are.
Edward: Say it. Say it!
Bella: Vanilla Ice Cream!

Edward: Bella...
Bella: Yes?
Edward: I just want to know how much you mean to me.
Bella: Aaw...
Edward: You know, what with me being an ancient VIRGIN vampire and everything...
Bella: Yeah?
Edward: Well, people were starting to think I was, y'know-
Bella: Gay?
Edward: ...
Edward: Old fashioned.
Bella: ...
Bella: Oh.

Q: How do you kill a brain?
A: Put it in the same room with Ms Meyer and her books and wait for two minutes.

Q: What did bella say when the shops ran low off the glitter?
A: yeeew!!! Edward you suck!!!!
Whether you hate Twilight so much it fills you with a burning rage so powerful it's full extent can only be expressed through the medium of interpretive dance, or love it so much you plan to sail out to international waters to avoid those pesky laws that prevent you from marrying a book, or perhaps even exist in the non crazy middleground between the two, overexposure can be a pain. Especially when it gets to the level where suddenly everything becomes linked to Twilight. You hear the name 'Edward', you think 'Cullen', the word 'sparkles' you think 'vampire', the words 'howler monkey' you think...
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Yes, it's true, everyone! Twilight has changed our world in several ways!!

No longer are streets near movie theaters and bookstores safe! I haven't seen even one free from screaming fangirls (and yes, screaming fanboys) when the new movies come out and even after it's all been done for about a month or so. Yeah, there are still girls running around in "I <3 guys that sparkle" t-shirts carring on about how great the twilight movie was at the movie theater in my town.

The world now has fewer trees than ever before, just because there where over millions of pieces of paper used for the twilight...
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posted by kayleebabee
this is a study i have conducted to ask what is the big deal weith twilight and edward cullen I asked my littlesister tasha what she thought of the global phenomenon that has all the worlds women gripped in an edward cullen orgasm.

Me: why do you think Edward Cullen is *shudders violently* hot?
Tasha: (I have made her answers sound like she has n intellectual brain cell through hours of trranslating twilight gibberish) I think it is mostly because he is unnatainable and perfect.
(what she actually said was: squeeeeeeee edward cullen i want him but cant have him because that bitch bella is his...
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posted by monLOVEbrucas
Bella Sawn.... Hmmm.

If my bestfreind has loved me, kissed me, tried to ruin my relationship with my boyfriend, i wouldn't be all cool with him loving my child.... including because she's young and his old.
Bella didn't react properly.
I wanted her to get really mad, i wanted Jacob to be banned from seeing Nessie, not have 10 minutes go by, and his aloud to hold her again.

They say you dont choose love, love choose's you.
I believe in that but Reneseme, didn't get a choice? Somehow this imprinting thing assumes the person the wolfs are going to fall inlove with are going to love them back?

In twilight saga this is the thing i do not understand or get no matter how much i try...
and I just felt the need to let that out LOL even though i have so much more i would like to let out.
posted by xxXsk8trXxx
This article may be offencive to a lot of Twihards. Viewer disgrettion is advised

Edward: Bella,I'm dangerous, stay away.
Bella: But Edward, I love you!
Edward: Me too, but I'm dangerous, so you have to stay away from me
Bella: But Edward, you're the love of my life! We have to be together!
Edward: Fear me and my sparkiling skin! *takes off shirt*
Bella: Wait a second, you sparkle?
Edward: Isn't it frightening?
Bella: No. Sorry to break it to ya Edward, but it's gay
Edward: I kissed Emmet one time...
Bella: How old are you?
Edward: 100
Bella: Eeew! Aren't there laws about 100 year olds and 17 year olds...
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Some of these are intended to be jokey, some are intended to be serious, none are intended to offend :)

1. It helps focus 'recreational hate' into one convenient area. What I consider to be recreational hate is hate that has no real purpose, like an annoying unintentional hobby. Like it's useful hate to hate injustice or animal cruelty, it's recreational hate to hate Paris Hilton or the fact that Sienna Miller is considered a style icon despite the fact that I've never seen her in an outfit that didn't look like she was talked into wearing it by a stylist who secretly hates her guts. Thing...
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posted by AliceHaleCullen
I have noticed, that on the Twilight Series spot if a certain person adds decent content when a certain person is online, it gets rated very low. As much as I am a fan of Twilight, it makes me wonder what it's all about anymore.

It shows how ridiculous the fanbase for it really is when people get bullied and bashed for having an opinion, or adding good content at the wrong time because they don't like the person who has added it.

I'm sure i'm not the first person to mention this, but it has recently caught my attention alot. Spam uploaders who add thousandsof pictures ask everyone to rate there...
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added by Jasper_LUVER
Source: Google
It's called "Daughter of Darkness" by V.C. Andrews.

This book was just aweful. It's about a 17 year old vampire girl named Lorelie Patio (Mary Sue alert!) whos only purpose in life is to be her Daddy's sex slave. This book is filled with shallow evaluations of beauty, anti feminism, poor morals, and disgusting turn of events.

Lorelie has three sisters who are manipulated and emotionally abused by their father. The worst thing about it is that it's never seen as a bad thing. It's disguised as fatherly love. None of the characters recognize the manipulation or abuse. You have to read between the...
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This is under 'opinion' so please don't send any hate, it's just a though I had.

I have read various explainations both on this site and others about things antis point out as plot holes. (Ex: Renessme, Imprinting, Vampire Transformation, ect.) And I think that it's great that some people do think it through and don't just take it because it is what was written. What I don't understand is why you should have too.

In my mind, when an author creates a story with a new or different breed of creature they should explain it atleast to some degree.

I'm not saying she needs to explain every little thing,...
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posted by XxGigglesxX
1. Twilight is the product of an immature writer. It reads like something out of my notebook from freshman year.
2. The only difference between Twilight and is marginally better grammar.
3. And even that isn’t so great sometimes. English major fail.
4. I’ve read fanfiction that is lightyears better than Twitripe.
5. The prose is purple amethyst! Deep, luscious, dazzling amethyst that scintillates and glitters incandescently in the sun!
6. Not to mention, it’s also insanely repetitive.
7. THESAURUS ABUSE! Fancy words are not necessarily better words.
8. The storyline is trite and...
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Why this hater doesn't like Twilight.....
critical analysis
stephenie meyer
added by marthatsal
posted by TriaRose
Dear Ms. Meyer,

Hi. I’m Tria. It’s nice to meet you. As you have probably guessed, I am writing to you concerning your series known as “The Twilight Saga.” If you’ll forgive me for being rude, I’d like to be blunt.

You fail.

Again, apologies for my rudeness. If you’ll allow me, I’m going to back up this assumption of your literary failure.

Let’s start with the plots, looking at each book individually, and then the books as a whole.
Twilight: Barely has a plot. The book is 300 or so pages of nothing happening besides mooning on about Edward and his eyes. Then you throw in three...
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After reading the post "Bella as a heroine should be illegal" by bendaimmortal, it got me thinking. Obviously, no-one would consider Bella Swan a heroine. If you do, you have got a really great deal of imagination, or a warped sense of the world. Because, and I'm sure most Twilight fans would agree, the girl didn't do anything at all. Save being overly dramatic and being the damsel in distress.

What about the Cullens then? What about Carlisle, Alice, Esme, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett? What about He-Who-Sparkles-In-Broad-Daylight? Would they be considered heroes/heroines?


I say that the Cullens...
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Note: It’s important for me to communicate that I don’t know the author of Twilight or her family personally and I do not intend them any insult; this article is purely academic speculation inspired by a story which will remain a timeless work of art. It is the emotional accessibility of the work which makes commentary such as this possible. I may be projecting the whole thing… But that’s exactly why Twilight is so successful, because it invites us so welcomingly into the story!

Every fan knows the story of the Twilight Saga.
There are many theories as to what makes the story such a pop-culture...
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