CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!!! Internet Camp Half Blood

greenstergirl posted on May 11, 2011 at 01:10AM
last edited on Oct 23, 2011 at 06:54PM

CAMP HALF-BLOOD!!!! 8174 replies

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over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Night I'll still be up partying :D
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
"never mind i want to party"
over a year ago YellowCow said…
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
*tackles Michael* That's what you get for being a serial killer!! XD
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Goin to the partay! :D

I started dancing with Connor again.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
Micheal why do you have to fuggin kill every animal I get?!?!?!?!? I'm getting another rat and you better not kill it or else!!!!!

Hahah!!! I'm gonna be in the woods if you guys need me!!! Also if you need Matt , of course, he's with me!!!!

*I'm soooo fuggin ugly!!!!!! While Jen is Fuggin gorgeous!!!!! Tomorrow is Jen's bithday!!! Just wanted you guys to know!!!*
last edited over a year ago
Micheal why do you have to fuggin kill every animal I get?!?!?!?!? I'm getting another rat and you be
over a year ago dezzypoo said…
no no no my internet was slow and i was saying it 3 messages back
over a year ago YellowCow said…
I Amm Nott Fuggin Gorgeous!!! Ur Fuggin Prettty<3
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Hon, you remind me of my friend, except with dark hair XD
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
I decided it was time to go to bed. Once the sun was up my energy would go back to normal and if I didn't get to bed soon my energy going back to normal would have some long lasting consequences for me. I left the party and wandered off to bed. I gave Luna a hug as soon as I got in the door. It was nice to see her again. She curled up in her little bed next to mine and we both went to sleep.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YellowCow said…
7:50 A.M. The party must stop!! I left the party. Everyone was doing the same. I walked to the cabin. As soon as I hit the bed I fell straight asleep. & I HAVE TO GET UP @ 8:30 A.M.!!! >:(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
"Night Lark," I whispered as I tucked her in and went to bed.
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
While everyone went to bed I stayed by the lake and watched the waves of the water, making them bigger and bigger with each stare!!
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
When everyone went to bed me and Austin hung back. We turned on a slow song. "You know im surprised you didn't crash this party." He said with a smirk while dancing. "Its my first day. Don't expect it to happen often." I said with a reply smirk. Then we just danced. For the rest of the night. Laughing. Me accidentally blowing things up. And him, the hot Hades kid. Rolling on the floor laughing. Literally.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I woke up in a cold sweat, thinking of the dream.

"Time is running out," Hades had warned. "You have to pass the next test for my daughter. Or you die."

So now, I basically had to pass the next test for Evan or I'd be murdered by the god of the dead. My life was perfecto.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Getting out of bed, I slipped my boots on and went outside to sit by the water. Seeing Hon there, I went and sat by her.

"Can't sleep?" she asked.

"Bad dream," I answered, not going into detail. "What about you? Why aren't you in bed?"
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
@Anna. We have a new camper from Hades. Ruby Black,DezzyPoo.
over a year ago jacksparrow3 said…
Name: Phoenix


Immortal Parent:Artemis

Powers: perfect aiming at crossbow, direct moonlight, speak to all animals, move on moonlight, create energy from moon
Name: Phoenix


Immortal Parent:Artemis

Powers: perfect aiming at crossbow, direct moonlight,
over a year ago vlad_todd_fan said…
I walked into my cabin and everyone and their pets were sleeping except Hon who wasn't here, typical. Something bumped my leg. I looked down and cringed as another rat bumped my sandaled foot. I clenched my fist and the rat floated into the air. It squeaked it's protest as it got flung out the open window. Another dead rat. I just need to start setting up traps I thought as I laid down next to the sleeping lump of Sam.
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
So now we have 3 children of Artemis. (Phoenix, Anna, and Lark)
4 Children of Hades.(Ruby and Austin and Nico and Evan.)
And 7 Poseidon kids. -__- (Including Tyson and Percy)
2 Eris kids.;) (Me and Penny)
1 Hecate Kid. (Sadie)
1 Apollo kid. (Matthew)
2 Athena kids. (Annabeth and Zach)
1 Zues kid. (Thalia)
And Last but DEFFINANTLY NOT least...Alex daughter of Hermes. :)
I think thats all. Message me if I am wrong.;)

(Didn't we have one real Zues kid??)
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago YellowCow said…
I walked out of my cabin(couldn't sleep) and I saw a girl sitting in a tree!! Interesting must be a new girl!! I walked up to her,

"Hey!!", she stumbled out of the tree and fell on her butt!!

"Hi!! Where am I again?"

"Camp Half-Blood and you must be a new camper!!"

"Umm ya I just like ended up in that tree!! So....... my name's Phoenix!!"

"My name's Genisis... but you an all me Jenny!! So you must be a daughter of.." I waited for her answer.

"I don't know!!", she said with a confused look on her face!

"Well.. we'll find out at the camp fire!!" and I showed her to the Hermes cabin ,"You'll stay in here until your parent claims you"

"Okay" and I waved bye and headed towards my cabin!!! I'm ready to sleep now!!!!
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
Evan is hades.i think u forgot someone unless I died in the past hour.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
Eventually there were too many explosians in the pavillain. (Don't lookat me like that. I am accident prone!) Austin was still rolling laughing. We went to the lake. I got bored and threw an apple in the lake. There were water jets and color explosians coming from the water. Eventually some monsters and harpies came so we ran to the forset. (Twilight woods with this playing. Its such a sweet video but it applies here.) We sat in the trees with our ADHD selves. I fell asleep and rolled over. I then fell from the tree on my side and another person fell with another burst of laughter. "I don't try!!!" I said. Austin said between laughs,"But...its..just...soo...funny­.&q­uot­; Laugh. Bhahahah!
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I know ruby's here :)

AWESOME!!!! another daughter of Artemis!!! :D
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
big smile
Or play this. They are both so sweet. ;)
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
I love the song!!!!
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
I do too! I love both of them. The Rubiks Cube and The Perfect two. They are so sweet<3
over a year ago percyLover101 said…
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I made sure the new kid had a a bunk and helped her unpack. Once we were done I let her rest for a bit. Conner ran around in his pink pajamas. He gave me a cold look. I laughed remembering I lost a bet so I had to do his laundry for a week. I "accidentally" turned all his clothes pink. (Sorry Anna) The ring the Olympians gave me shone bright gold. The ring could call anyone from any place in the world. As a bonus the ring could show people's memories. I walked down onto the beach and saw Anna with Hon. I ran down and sat beside them.
"Couldn't sleep?" Anna asked.
I shrugged. "The nightmares stopped at least. Oh you might notice something different about Conner then."
She raised her eyebrow. "What?"
"Oh you'll see. Trust me."
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
"You didn't do something to his clothes, did you?" I asked, a creeping feeling coming over me.

She snickered. "Let's just say that Connor will look the prettiest he has for years."
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
"It's his fault he made me do his laundry. If he wanted me to do it right he shouldn't have cheated."
"What did you guys bet on anyway?"
I smiled. "We bet on who could eat more sugar. He cheated though you can't shove the whole pixie stick in your mouth! He even ate the paper."
"I'm guessing that's the reason you can't sleep?"
"Yep. Too much sugar."
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ArtemisDiana said…
By the time I woke up it was an hour from my usual bedtime. That made me feel really lazy, but then again I had stayed up really late last night. I summoned a bow and a quiver of arrows and went into the forest to practice shooting. After a few minuets I ran into one of the monsters that were always stocked in the forest. Surprisingly, this was the first time it had happened, but I eagerly accepted the challenge of fighting a real monster and started trying to defeat it. Once it was back in Tartarus I headed to the arena, happy to finally have defeated my first single-combat monster. I knew it was about time I started learning to use those hunting knife I could summon. I got rid of the arrows on my way. There were a few older campers in the arena who were willing to give me a few pointers.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I looked at the sun rising beyond the horizon. "Wow." I stretched and yawned. "We've been up all night!"
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
*runs around camp screaming* Sorry had to do tht I'm very excited right now. I got my first medal :D
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Really!? Congrats!!! Ugh I want a medal SO FRIGGIN BAD.
over a year ago Alex13126 said…
*Passes out on the beach*

My sugar rush ended. :(
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
Aw :(
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
"Arissa, I know a little of your past, but could you please tell me all of it." Austin said out of the blue. Looking up at the stars after we fell on the ground from the trees. "You know I won't tell you." I said with tears in my eyes. "Please?" He begged me, staring into my golden ichor eyes. "Hard to beleive I know but I had a twin. I was the optimistic one who wore all the bright clothes and was always happy. Her name was Adria. She was 2 minutes older than me. Then one day dad said he was going to get grocieries. So we were alone in the two story house. I heard a glass breaking down stairs so I went to check. Three cyclops had busted in. I ran upstares and told Adria. We ran to the biggest window and were gonna jump. But she said she had to go downstairs and get something. I told her not to but as stubborn as she was she went anyways. The whole downstairs was ingulfed in flames. So when she ran back up with a piece of paper in her hands and the cyclops chasing her, her foot go stuck. Then the ground where she was stuck gave away. So then she fell into a fiery pit of nothing." I said tears streaming down my face. Austin looked about to cry himself. "So I jumped out the window and ran to the market. I told dad. He said that we needed to go see if she made it. So we went to the house. There was nothing. The bottom of the house was horrible. But no cyclops. No blood. No fire. No Adria. So I couldn't except that she was dead. There was no evidence. So the next day he kept telling me she was dead. I screamed in his face and threw a golden apple at him. Then I ran away. I went back to see what happened and monsters were killing him. Eventually he died. I had killed my dad." I said bawling and sobbing. Austin hadn't said a word. "I know Adria is still alive somewhere. She has to be." I said still staring at stars. "Arissa. She would have shown up somewhere from 6 years ago. Don't get your hopes up." He said sadly. "I have got to find her. I'm going." I said. Standing up. "No your not!!!" He yelled grabbing my arm. "I am going!!!!!" I screamed running to Thalias tree. "Atleast stay till the morning." He begged. "Fine!" I yelled plopping down at the tree. He sat with me. I was going to find my sister. I had to.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I stopped in my tracks. On my way to go get some early breakfast, I had accidentally listened in on Arissa's conversation with Austin.

Should I or should I not tell them I'm here? I wondered. Either way, she'll get mad that I was listening.

I debated that for a second, then revealed myself to them.

"Hi sorry to bother you… I accidentally eavesdropped."
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
"Its fine." I said drying my tears. "It doesn't matter anyways. Oh look Austin,its morning. Im leaving." I said turning my back and walking out of camp. Going to the place I knew she'd be.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I stood staring after her. "Should I follow her?"

He shrugged.

I looked at her. "Camp's been pretty boring lately. I want to do something dangerous."

I ran after her. "Wait! Arissa… Arissa wait."

She turned. "What."

"Please let me come with you. I know you probably don't want me to tag along, but… I want to help."
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
I glared at her but I couldn't be mad. "Fine but I am not slowing down for you." I said while starting to walk fast with her standing there.
I glared at her but I couldn't be mad. "Fine but I am not slowing down for you." I said while startin
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I smiled and started walking just as fast. "My mother is goddess of the hunt. It's in my blood to go fast."
over a year ago YellowCow said…
It was 8:00 A.M. I changed into a white tank top with denim booty shorts & white boots. Hon & Phoenix were talking while sitting under the tree. I walked out to the tree. I took a seat next to Hon. I smile at Phoenix & waved. She waved back. Hon curiously said...

"You guys know each other??"

"Yeah, I was the one to welcome her."


"Soo What are you guys talkin bout??"

"I was just introducing myself."

We all sat. Jewelz came flying out. She did a little snarl at Phoenix and sneezed. Phoenix laughed & said..

"Who is this little guy??"

"She's my pet, Jewelz."



"I WANT A CHEETAH!!" (She told me she did on chat)

"Well, we gotta find one."


Hon said...

"We can have Alex teleport us to rainforest maybe!"


"Ok, but first we have to find Alex."

We got up & walked around. We saw Alex hanging around. We slowly approached her with big eyes. She raised her eyebrow...

over a year ago Alex13126 said…
I walked up behind them.
"I'm coming too. I know what it feels like to lose a sister."
Anna looked at me in surprise. " You had a sister? I never heard you talk about her."
I didn't meet her eyes. "I don't talk about my family much. Bad memories."
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
I was silent for a minute. "Same here, believe me. Is it okay with you if she comes, Arissa? She understands."
over a year ago YellowCow said…
Imm Lonely In Campp Half Blood!!! Imma Make A Girll 4 Me 2 Hang Outt With!!!! I'll Meet Her When We R Bak From Getting Phoenix's Cheettah!!

Imm Lonely In Campp Half Blood!!! Imma Make A Girll 4 Me 2 Hang Outt With!!!! I'll Meet Her When We R
over a year ago OsnapitzJJ said…
"Sure fine. But, I already now where she is. I know she has to be there." I said to both of them while calling for a cab. "Where to?" He asked. "North Rosetta Avenue. Get us there quick. Drop us off at the street we're fine from there." I said. "Sure." He replied as we got in.
over a year ago rapunzeleah123 said…
The cab ride was awkward. We got out in front of a small white house. "Yeah," Arissa breathed. "This is it."
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over a year ago YellowCow said…
Alex quickly teleported to the rainforest before she left. We carefully looked around. We spotted a momma cheetah. She had 3 cubs. She set them in a tall patch of grass. We waited till she was really far away. We snuck out from behind the tree. Hon grabbed a cub & we ran. We kept running until we were far enough away. Hon handed the cub to Phoenix. She snuggled it. The cub looked at Phoenix with confusion & fear. I just realized we have a BIG PROBLEM!! ALEX DOESN'T KNOW WHEN WE NEED BACK!! I didn't panic, I just thought for a moment. I sent a mind message to Rissa saying, "Tell Sadie to teleport us to Camp Half Blood, we are in a rainforest!!!" I got a message back saying, "Ok will do!!" We all grabbed hands. We were at Camp Half Blood when we opened our eyes. Phoenix decided to go back to her cabin. Me & Hon just walked around. Hon went to the cabin to read. I kept walking. I spotted a new girl

"Hi, I'm Jen!"

"Hi, I'm Andrea !"

"Who's your parent??"


"Wait aren't you that girl that said.. Fwut chu want? to me?"

"Umm.. No *chew chew chew*"

She seemed nice, maybe if I could change her we would be friends. I'll jus have to keep trying

last edited over a year ago