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posted by addi123456
Finding you! And your goal in life(=

You are you. You came into this world for a purpose, and god has a plan and goal for you to achieve in life. Sometimes though its hard to find that one thing that god has put you down on earth for. To find it you really need to look at yourself, and your dreams, goals, and what you love . Look at your talents. Growing up as a teenager, life is rough. There is soo much drama, and school, and pure pressure! You need to block that out of your life, and focas on what your going to do when your older, and your goal and purpose for being on earth. Because what you are when your older, might actually change the world and make a big difference in it. It could change history! It took my a long time to figure out what my goal, and purpose was. After a lot of thought, I realized my goal and purpose was to help people. Like I am now. I am very good with giving advice. And that it one of my strong talents that I have. If someone tells you that you want make it far in life, and that your dream wont come true. Do not listen! If you want it to come true, you can do it! Don’t let anyone else bring you down on that. If its your passtion, then go for it. One of the things girls worry about is if someone will love you, for you when your older. Teenage boys are just soo dumb, they only like your butt. They don’t like you! And your personality. When you are older, and you mature more. The boys will also. They will see real beauty and will love you for you! Not your butt. Lolz for now don’t focas on not having a boyfriend, focas on school, and what your going to do with your life. When you find your dream, everything else will come into place. You will meet a wonderful man, and everything will be fine(= Just for now…….while your young. Live life at the fullest. Because it could end! If you found your dream in life……..I would love to hear about it(= soo post what you want to do below, and I will give you support on what ever it is(= thank you guys soo much, you all seem to love my articles soo I will keep writing lots of them for you all. Have fun in your teen years! <3 <3 <3 =) =)

Ps: remember your still young, you don’t need to worry that much about what you wanna do when yer older! Just give it thought! Soo you can work your way up to that goal!
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How to get along with your mother.

This is for all the girls who have a mom.

Mothers…………..Ugh! They drive us crazy sometimes. They ground us for no reason, they yell at us for the littlest things, they imbarrise us, and wont leave us alone! Sometimes you just wanna yell and scream! Sadly you cant do that to your mother. But what you can do is prevent your mom from doing all these things. Before I give you these tips, im gonna help you like your mother more. And have a beter relationship with her. Your mom gave birth to you. She fed you, kept you alive, and raised you to the beautiful,...
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Source: google
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