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After finally releasing my thoughts on anime from 2015 I now have decided to release and updated version, you could almost look at it as a growth in opinion. The list that I have not seen has not changed and I would like to make a couple additions to it while I'm here:

kill la kill, elfen lied, angel beats, ergo proxy, something kenshin, beserk, fairy tail, my hero academy, guren lagan, gintama, d gray man, hxh, nichijou, evangelion, Demon Slayer

Steins gate
Bakemonogatari (you know why)
Black bullet
Shinsekai yori

On hold:
One punch man
Mob Psycho 100
Gintama (Yeah i know i know ill get through it eventually!)

Like I said before, excuse my ignorance but Im going to carry on with the list and we shall see what moves around as my opinions have changed a lot over time.

Honorable mentions:
Jujutsu Kaisen: Would love to put it in but at this point its still only 17 eps in so too early to tell.

Kabaneri of the iron fortress: Decent anime but the longer it went on the worse it got.

Shiki: What can I say, terrible ending.

Sword art online: good first 6 episodes, after that it got pretty bad.

Bleach: Nothing new to add, after the soul society arc things just werent the same

Zankyou No Terror/ Terror in resonance: Was decent. I liked it, but doesn't quite make the top 20.

Soul eater: Ending was strange and not their fault but that keeps soul eater from the list.

91 days: Close to making the list but not quite.

A place further than the universe: once i finish this anime I think it will make the list, great characters, fun times and Im sure the end of it will be an emotional high.

Dragon Ballz: overtime I have realised it is not one of my favourites.
Guilty Crown: same goes here, good anime but cant quite make the list anymore.
Blue Excorcist: Another show fired from the list.
Parasyte: I went back and watched this show and realised I dont like it at all.

Now to begin the list.

* = debut on the list
-1= means minus a place from the last time the list was made.
+1= means it has gone a spot higher than it previously was.

20: Mob Psycho 100 *
Rating: 7.8
Feels rating: 7.5
OST: 7
Opening: 6
Technical Rating: 7.5
Favourite Character: Mob
Quote: "If you misuse a power that's all too great, you will only destroy yourself"
-Reigen Arataka

The Good: Explosive animation, a fun storyline and a cool cast of characters, Mob Psycho 100 is a great watch for anyone who enjoys a bit of mindless fun with interesting characters.
The Bad: The second season wanes a lot despite it still being great, there is always room for criticism.
The weird: Ghosts are scary!

19. Durarara!!-7
Rating: 7.5
Feels rating: 6
OST: 6
Opening: 7.5
Favorite character: Masaomi Kida
-Heiwajima Shizuo
Reason for drop:
Season 2 really shot this show down a lot for me.

The good: A very interesting study on a whole cast of characters. Its great to see how they all develop in a town together, very much get the wire vibes from this show.

The bad: Season 2 sucks but season one is just great.

Fun fact: Mikado season one was worse than Kaneki season one.

18. Psycho Pass -13
Rating: 8.4
Feels rating: 8
OST: 8

Favorite character: Akane Tsunemori
Favorite quote: "I think the only time people really have value, is when they act according to their own will"
-Shogo Makishima.

Reason for massive drop:
Looking back on it, it takes itself a bit too seriously and there have been at times for me, unnecessary things that have happened in it.

The good: The storyline is straight to the point and without mercy, great characters and very manipulative story telling.
The bad: The story gets too caught up in itself at times and it ruins the pacing of the show.
Funny fact: It's not that funny.

17. Anohana -8
Rating: 8.5
Feels rating:9.5
OST: 8.8
Opening: 9.6

Favorite character: Anaru
Favorite quote; "Thanks for today, Tomorrow I''ll go to heaven, please be my friends, until the very end" -Menma.
Reason for drop: As much as I love it, in retrospect there are simply a lot of titles that I prefer over it.

The good: An instant classic, such a nostalgic story and filled with great character development, a beautifully told story of friendship and love.
The bad: It almost made me cry.

The weird: I've never known the popularity level of this anime.

16. One Punch Man*
Rating: 8
Feels rating: 7
OST: 5
Openings: 7

Favourite quote: "You said you worked hard? Well maybe you need to work a little longer"
The good: How good, this show is just straight up funny and a good time for anyone who just wants something to laugh at and enjoy.
The Bad: Season 2 was meh.

15. Noragami*
Rating: 7.8
Feels: 8.5
OST: 9
Opening: 9.5

The good: Another great show about gods, another great show with a mysterious main character who can get serious at anytime despite being playful at times.

The bad: This show can sometimes write characters a bit badly, specifically Yukine, not many complaints apart from that though.

Interesting: Kofuku has pink hair what!

14: Free! Iwatobi Swim Club*

Rating: 7
Feels Rating: 9
OST: 9.7
Opening: 4
Favourite Character: Nanase Haruka
Quote: "I only swim Free"
Reason for huge leap from mentions to 14th:
I didnt realise at the time but this would become my favourite slice of life anime I've ever seen.

The good: A fun story of friendship and hope, just a group of boys and girls having fun and rekindling old memories. Its a tale of refreshing qualities, friends re connecting and promises being met.

The Bad: I don't really have anything to say about this show that's bad, apart from the fan service which I didnt really notice.

13. Kuroko No basket +7
Rating: 8.4
Feels Rating: 8.6
Favorite character: Kise Ryota
Favorite quote: "The only one who can beat me is me" -Aomine Daiki

Reason for massive jump:
One simple reason that after all the seasons were released and the last game was released I just loved this show and all the characters so much.

The Good: Dragon Ballz with a basketball thats the only way I can explain this awesome show.

The Bad: Its sometimes a bit over the top with the nicknames and narratives.

The weird: I guess I should acknowledge those weird nicknames and such as players have near impossible physical abilities and one even has(Spoiler alert)the Sharingan(Spoiler alert). so yeah these over-powered physical abilities are strange but I think they make the show all the more interesting.

12. Fate/Zero +1
Rating: 8.5
Feels: 8
OST: 6.5
Opening: 5
Favorite character: Kiritsugu
Favorite quote: "Mongrels" -Gilgamesh

Reason: Fate Zero jumped up only one spot in a list full of huge shakeups.

The good: Gritty, harsh and at times too cruel to watch. A truly gripping tale that to me, is greater than the original fate/stay night series.

The bad: It seemed to capitulate at the end, like an anti-climax, although I think this might be because it was prequel, that's what made the ending so weird and strange.

Most said word: Chivalry chivalry chivalry~

11. Hamatora +5
Rating: 8.5
Feels: 9
OST: 9.5
Opening: 9.7
Favorite character: Nice
Favorite quote: "I just think we're missing out if we're not trying different things and having fun, life is too short. -Birthday
Reason for raise: Just like with free, I didnt know how lucky I was to have hamatora until time passed and I realised there really wasnt anything else quite like it.

The good: A complete storyline that develops and showcases all its characters nicely, a great mystery mixed with fun. Great show.

The bad: The plot pulled too many punches, pretended to kill characters and made characters irredeemable then went on to redeem said characters. Ah well.

The Animation: was weird.

10. Death Note -7
Rating: 9.4
Feels: 8
OST: 8
Opening: 5

Favorite character: Light.
Favorite quote: "Kira is childish and hates losing, I'm also childish and hate losing"
Reason for big drop off: This story just hasn't held up as well the others above it, in my opinion (my opinion, doesnt mean its true)

The good: Suspenseful thriller with a maniac for a main character, drawn to perfection and the fact that hes an anti-hero is completed when he kills you know who. This story is without a doubt a classic and a must see or read for anyone who has even heard the word anime, it deserves all the praise it gets, it's one of the best of all time.

The bad: This could sometimes become boring as L and Light are almost the same person, Immoral sociopaths with one goal in hand, proving superiority.

Fun fact: You can write your own name here..cause its not the death note.

9. Full Metal Alchemist -2

Rating: 9.2
Feels: 9.6
OST: 5
Opening: 5
Favorite character: Roy.
Favorite quote: "A lesson without pain is meaningless"
Reason for drop:
Again, just enjoyed some of the other titles that have come through in the time being.

The good: just all round awesome....with a cool main character to boot, a bit on the short side but hey.
The bad: probably the art is the only thing that I felt was bad but absolutely everything else was perf.
the weird: Its crazy how she goes from fma to silver spoon...

8. Code Geass -6
Feels: 9.7
OST: 8
Opening: 9
Favorite character: Lelouch
Favorite quote: "The world will change, I will change it"

Reason for drop: In retrospect there was a bit wrong with the plot and the characters sometimes were written a bit questionably and finally again, some of the other titles have just overtaken it by preference. Still one of the greatest anime of all time.

The good: The ending was done to perfection, when it all comes to together, a good build up and a good finish, its so much better than a disappointing end.
The bad: Didn't go far enough into the origins of the Geass.
The weird: the art style was strange.

7. Attack on Titan -3
Rating: 9.3
Feels: 9.3
OST: 9.7
Opening: 9
Favorite Character: Mikasa Ackermann
Favorite quote: "If we kill all our enemies over there, will we finally be free?"
-Eren Jeager

Reason for drop: Other shows just elevated.

The good: The most incredible revelation based plot I have ever experienced.
The bad: ughh stop killing the cast.
The weird: uhh potato?

6:Samurai Champloo +10
Rating: 9.4
Feels: 9.5
OST: 10
Opening: 9.9
Favorite character: Mugen
Favorite quote(s): "You'll do anything to get on my nerves won't you?" - Mugen "That's my line" -Jin
Reason for giant raise: This show is a classic and theres nothing like it, 16th was a travesty.

The Good: A story of misfits coming together. Loved every bit of this story. And again, showed subtly how characters can care for one another without screaming and yelling.
Made it all the more touching when you see the characters sacrificing for each other.

The bad: Theres nothing bad about this show.

The weird: I cant remember which episode...but there's a really really weird one a few episodes before the brace yourself...its weird..

5. Darker Than Black +6

Rating: 9.5
Feels: 9.7
OST: 9.3
Opening: 5

Favorite character: Hei
Favorite quote: "The light of our hearts is even darker than black"
Reason for raise: A cult classic and the more time goes on the more I realise its one of the greatest anime I have ever seen.
The good: A bad ass main character, an emotionless girl, a grumpy old man, a talking cat, whats not to love? no but seriously, I liked how Lee/Hei was explored as a character, the story line in the first season was exceptional and done extremely well.
The bad: Once upon a time I said the second season was bad, the reality is it was amazing and I was too young to understand, it subverted expectations and that made me annoyed, but still made it a brave piece of art and for that I love it. There is nothing bad about this show apart from the spoilers.

The weird: Leeeee shengshung!

4. Cowboy Bebop -3
Rating: 9.8
Feels: 10
OST: 9.5
Opening: 9.8
Favourite character: Spike
Quote: "Bang"
-Spike Spiegel

Reason for drop:
3 more shows came through that I simply could not ignore, with this in mind, this is still a masterpiece and will always be one of my favourites.

The good: One of the greatest and saddest adventures ever put on screen, there will never ever again, be anything like it.
A true classic in every sense of the word. From start to finish, and with the themes of mortality, love, nostalgia and revenge, itll have you right up until the bitter end.

The bad:-

The weird: The show quite literally, goes out with a bang.

3. Tokyo Ghoul +5
Rating: 9.5
Feels: 9.5
OST: 9.7
Opening: 10
Favorite character: Kaneki Ken
Favorite quote: "What's wrong isn't me, what's wrong is the world"
-Kaneki Ken.

Reason for raise:
It added more story and that extra story was amazing.

The Good: My favourite story ever told, a person put through so much pain that he ends up having to break himself into so many pieces just to cope. To see Ken get through all of this and stay alive made me happy, sad and all kinds of things, this is the most beautiful story I have ever read, watched, anything. This is it, this is my favourite story in existence.
The bad: the the anime sucks..youre gonna have to read it.

The ugly: The world.

2. One Piece +18
Rating: 9
Feels Rating: 10
OST: 9
Opening: 9
Favorite character: Sanji
Favorite quote: "A man's dream will never die!"

Reason for historical jump in rankings:
One piece proved itself and not just another shounen, it is one of the greatest of all time and might even finish as the best and with everything that's gone down in the last 6 years its earned its place in the top 2 of my favourite anime/manga ever.

The good: One word, world building. This manga/anime has incredible pacing, incredible world building and after 22 years of it going on, there's still nothing but consistency from it. The greatest adventure ever written and Im lucky that I get to read it.

The bad: It can be corny at times but thats a small criticism because that corniness also made me cry when you know who died saving luffy.

The sweet: congrats on 1000+ chapters!

1. Naruto +9
Rating: 9
Feels: 9.9
OST: 10
Opening: 9
Favorite character: Sasuke Uchiha
Favorite quote: "You could kill all the people that ever mattered to me, but I'm afraid, they've already all been killed" -Kakashi Hatake

Reason for huge jump: After all this time, it's the first anime and manga I ever got into and it was also pretty good, for that reason it has to go top as my favourite atleast for the time being, I have so much love for this story and it's characters.

The good: A great story, filled with happiness, dread and most importantly love. Everything about Naruto centres around love and doing the right thing. This show is powerful, funny and gives you rules to live by. My favourite manga/anime so far. Thanks for the memories naruto.

The bad: Boruto..

The GOAT: Is Naruto.
ok, i'm getting stick and
tried of people talking bad
about orihime! "she is a
character" i disagree with this if she
was a"poor and undeveloped"
character than she wont have been in
the top 10 in the 1st polls of the
manga. She would be in manga to
begin with or have a personailty or
have no fans, thats undeveloped!
"she is annoying" people say this
due to her saying "kurosaki-kun" a
lot which is only said in the japanese
version, watch the english dub if you
dont like it! If she is so annoying,
than give examples dont just say it!
"she is useless" WRONG!!! if it wasnt
for her ichigo wont be...
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posted by usuitakumi77
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Bleach Rock Musical (musical special)
Bleach the Movie: Memories of Nobody
Bleach: The DiamondDust Rebellion - Mō Hitotsu no Hyōrinmaru (movie) (sequel)
Bleach the Movie: Fade to Black (sequel)
Bleach: Jigoku-hen (movie 4) (sequel)
Bleach: Memories in the Rain (OAV)
Bleach: The Sealed Sword Frenzy (OAV)

Alternative title:

Блич (Russian)
بليتش (Arabic)
ブリーチ (Japanese)
死神 (Chinese (Taiwan))
漂靈 (Chinese (Hong Kong))
블리치 (Korean)

action, drama, supernatural
Themes: dark side, shinigami, spirits, superhumans, swords
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Ok so here is why i think Yuki Nagato is way Stronger than Naruto.

Yuki Nagato. Jumped in the middle of the fight. And grabed Ryoko Asakuras knife. Yuki's hand was bleeding. But she diden't surrender. Yuki was proceting Kyon while Yuki nagato got killed by Ryoko Asakura and Yuki nagato still lived. And Yuki nagato was stabed multiple times By Ryoko Asakura. And Yuki nagato diden't even die. Yuki Nagato feels no pain. When Yuki nagato started Fighting Ryoko Asakura. fighting Ryoko Asakura. Yuki Nagato at the end of the fight Yuki Used her power to dissinigrate Ryoko Asakura. Yuki nagato won...
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Please note that I'm not that well-versed in presentation, so I encourage constructive criticism here, especially.

Major Spoilers Ahead

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1. Anime Face Syndrome: this is a term I personally made up because I'm tired of using the whole explanation. Anime face syndrome is all over anime hence its name. What it does is convey the same facial features that every other anime has: A line as a lip, a dot as a nose, big round eyes and pale...
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Definition 3: no one has heard of it but you, making it a hidden gem that unfortunately leaves its future survival to small groups of dedicated advocates but more likely than not will be forgotten with the sands of time.

Of course this is slightly exaggerated since I'm sure most of you will be able to point out one or two you recognize or even watched or not even have a same definition of Mature as...
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You know, whenever you think of a good action manga involving a lot of fight scenes, you probably think of manga like Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, or One Piece. But not me, good sir. Oh no, I prefer to read a more civilised manga. Like Jojo…. Wait, that’s probably equally as stupid if not more, isn’t it.
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure is a manga series, spanning from 1986 to today, having 8 different volumes. Part 1, Phantom Blood, follows the gentleman Jonathan Joestar who goes to defeat the vampire Dio. Part 2, Battle Tendency, has Jonathan’s grandson, Joseph Joestar, battle against the ancient...
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Number one pic
Sometimes we see this when the main character of a story is fighting against an enemy of seemingly unsurpassable might; with no other power to turn to, the main character resorts to teaming up with evil in order to defeat evil. And maybe, maybe, he’ll even draw his strength from this person or source of evil.


(If you already know all of this, I would encourage you to skip to the section in bold which reads “The Question”)

Ichigo Kurosaki is such a main character. The manga and anime Bleach is easily one of the most popular Japanese comics and television...
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posted by PeacefulCritic
Before we get started I’ll like to make some rules for this list:
*Only anime allowed on this list meaning only Japanese cartoons
*They are rare exceptions to the last rule though, if the cartoon acts like an anime.
* I had to watch the anime to include the theme song to the list
*One song per anime

10.Princess Tutu Op(Morning Grace):
We start off this list with a very dark and tragic anime Op to match the anime it represents.The genre is the Magical girl genre so, of course it’s going to be dark. It’s known to be deceiving; Anyway back on topic with The Princess Tutu opening.
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