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posted by Windwakerguy430
Episode 1: The Blood Bandit

January 4th 12:32 PM London Train Station

The large train came to a halt at the railroad in the town. The weather was dark and cloudy, as it was mostly these days. Joseph, a young scholar onboard the train, exited it. He examined the station, and looked around. It was a very quiet and quite dull area. Not much seemed to happen, as people walked off and headed for their destinations. Joseph let out a sigh and walked over to a man wearing a top hat, with an odd looking moustache.
Joseph said, “Excuse me, sir, do you happen to know where the local police station is”?
The man cleared his throat and said, “Well, yes. You just head down here, and you take a right. You can’t miss it”.
Joseph thanked the man and was on his way. Joseph had greatly hoped for this day to come. He had been taught how to be a professional in this work back in Scotland. He was hoping to show how skilled he was at this now, in a city as large as this.

January 4th 12:38 PM London Police Department

“And here it is, fellow officers, the “supposed” missing ring”, said Smith at the top of his lungs, as he held a valuable looking ring in his gloved hand.
As the officers looked in awe, Smith continued, “And, as the results show, there are no fingerprints on this ring, as well as being found in a storm drain near the place the proud owner last was when he lost it. So, everyone, it shows here that the ring was not stolen. Just misplaced”. With that, the crowed of officers applauded to the amazing discovery to the events. Suddenly, the cheers were stopped by a voice saying, “Excuse me, but I believe this is the police station”. Smith looked over to see a man in a blue suit, wearing a top hat that seemed to be wider than the man wearing it. One officer said, “Oh, you must be the new guy, Joseph Miller, right”?
The man in the top hat smiled and said, “Yes, indeed. I am a detective in training”.
The officer continued, “Well, I’m sure we’ll find someone to show you the ropes. Please, follow me, so we can get started”. The officer lead Joseph out of the room, leaving Smith to wonder who the new person might be.

January 5th 12:58 AM London History Museum

Roger, the security guard of the museum, was snoozing off again. It was something he did a lot while on guard duty. The fact of thieves coming into a museum that lact valuable jewelry was a rarity. However, tonight was different. It was January, and it was the middle of winter, but oddly, it felt colder than normal in the museum. Even Roger noticed this, but it was quite odd, even though he was sure to close and lock all doors and windows. Suddenly, the sound of breaking glass awoke Roger from his nap. Roger, in a panic, pulled out his pistol and walked around the museum, looking for anything out of the ordinary. He walked aimlessly around the exhibits, until finally, he noticed it. A large broken glass case, with a green crystal on the ground. It was odd, thought Anthony, as he had never seen this odd looking gem before. He was ready to pick it up, when all of a sudden, Roger heard something fall on the ground. Before he could turn, he felt something- No, someone- breathing down his neck. Before he knew it, two sharp, small objects were swung into his neck. It was impossible to tell what it was, but they felt cold as ice. The killer let Roger’s blood drained body hit the ground as he took the green gem and walked out of the room, leaving the body of Anthony there for all to see in the morning.

January 5th 8:30 AM Detective Smith’s Office

Smith had just poured himself a cup of tea, as he began to read a book. Suddenly, his phone ringed. Smith set down his tea and book and walked over to the phone. Around the second ring, Smith picked up the phone and said, “Hello”.
The voice on the other end said, “Smith, we got a problem”.
Smith’s face fixed into a concerned look and he said, “Well, what is it”?
The officer on the other line paused before he continued, “We have a murder”.
Smiths whole face went pale. “A-a murder”?
The officer said, “Yes, at the London History Museum”.
Smith said, nervously, “But I’m not a homicide detective. I only work on theft”.
The officer pleaded, “Please, Smith, we don’t have any other detectives taking this case”.
Smith let out a sigh of worry and said, “Okay, fine, I’ll work on the case”
The officer said, “Oh, thank goodness. I’ll get someone else to help you on the case” and he hung up.

January 5th 8:54 AM London History Museum

Detective Smith had just arrived to the scene. Their, he was greeted with the same man he met yesterday. It was the skinny fellow in the top hat. The man got up and said, “Ah, good day. You must be Detective Smith. I’m Joseph Miller” And with a smile, he extended his hand.
“Pleased to meet you” Smith said as he took Joseph’s hand in his and shook it.
Joseph said, “I believe we have a case to solve. I should let you know, I have learned much of this detective work back in Scotland”.
Detective Smith said, “Well, I suppose it is better than having certain other people on the case, isn’t it. Well, come along then” And with that, Smith walked to the door of the museum and opened it. Once inside, they looked upon the pale green museum walls, with its much paler green floor. Along the walls lined rows of ancient artwork. Smith and Joseph walked down the corridors of the museum, looking around for anything out of the ordinary. It was a long walk through the corridor, until finally, they came across an exhibit surrounded by police officers. Smith walked over, only to hear a booming voice yell. “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING. YOU CAN’T JUST WALK OVER TO A CRIME SCENE LIKE THAT”!
With that, Smith turned to see another police officer, but was more well dressed, in a blue police suit with a blue hat on his head, with a big bushy mustache hiding his mouth, and wearing a badge that said, “Police Chief” on it. With that, Smith knew instantly who this was.
Smith said, with a sigh, “Hello, Officer Howard”.
Howard looked at Smith and then, with a nervous smile, said, “Oh, its you Smith. Sorry about the yelling thing. You know how nosy citizens are, always wanting to hear the latest gossip”.
Smith rolled his eyes, and said, “So, what have we got here”?
Howard said, “Well, the victim seemed to have been stabbed in the neck with a sharp object, due to the large amount of blood loss. But, that’s not even the oddest part. What is truly odd is that there was little blood around the victim”.
Smith thought for a moment then thought, “Yes, odd indeed. Please, show me the body”. Howard did just that, and lead Smith and Joseph over to a white sheet thrown over someone’s body. Once their, Smith got into a squatting position and pulled the sheet off, revealing a man who died with sheer terror on his face. Smith looked at the victims neck, which, indeed, had two equally sized holes in it. Smith said, “Well, this is indeed odd. Normally, when anyone is stabbed in the jugular, they will most likely bleed very badly. There must have been something about the killer. Why would he want to make as little blood as possible come out when he leaves the body right here”?
Howard, said, with curiosity, “Now that you mention it, it is very odd that there isn’t much blood”.
Smith then looked around the room, much to Joseph’s curiosity. Joseph then asked, “What are you looking for, Smith”.
Smith, without looking at Joseph, said, “Evidence. There is more to detective work then looking at bodies. A criminal will no doubt leave hard evidence lying around. Smith looked around, but all that stood out was a broken glass case. Smith looked at it, then asked, “What sort of item was in this case, Howard”?
Howard, with surprise, said, “Oh, that? Well, it was the case to the rare emerald, known only as the Amber of Earth. A very odd name, but it was shaped like a tree leaf. Very amazing, I must add. It says it was found in the jungles of Peru. Very rare. No doubt valuable”.
Smith then said, “Right, so we got a jewel thief on our hands. Any ideas on who it might be”?
Howard said, “Well, not really. But, all we got was this” and with that, he held out a note.
Smith stood, dumbfounded, then, with anger, he yelled, “Why didn’t you hand me this before”?!
Howard argued, “Hey, I was just answering questions you asked. you didn’t say anything about, Do you have a letter on you, Howard”.
Smith said, “Just forget it” and snatched the letter out of Howard’s hand. Smith the looked at the letter, but all that was on it was a large V written in blood. Smith knew this clue wouldn’t be good, but it was all they had”.

January 5th 6:27 PM Detective Smith’s Office

Smith was sitting in his chair, still observing the letter. He had no idea what it meant. A large V written in the victims blood. Joseph, who was sitting across from him, waiting for Smith to make an assumption, had grown tired of waiting and said, “Smith, we can’t just keep looking at this. There must be some sort of meaning behind all this. Like, what sort of madman would want to drain the victims blood without any trace. It’s odd”.
Suddenly, a spark of hope glared in Smith’s eyes. Smith repeated, “Drain! That’s it”! Smith got up from the chair and looked across his shelf full of books. Suddenly, Smith found it. He pulled a book off the shelf. The book was black dark, and it looked old and dull. However, the cover looked as if it was made of skin, but skin so black, it was impossible to look anything resembling a living creature of this earth. It was as black as coal, and it looked like it was scratched and burnt. Smith said, “Joseph, do you promise to keep this a secret from anyone else in the police department”?
Joseph, unsure as to what was happening, was wondering what was inside the book. Joseph noded and Smith opened the book. Inside the book was a bunch of writing that looked red. As red as blood. It was filled with writings of ancient demons, sorcerers, monsters, and spirits. Smith said, “This, Joseph, is the Book of Paranorm”.
Joseph, now more confused, said, “And, why was this supposed to be kept secret”.
Smith sighed and said, “This book explains that there is much more to detective work than science. Science isn’t always the answer to everything”. Smith then took off his black glove and showed it to Joseph. Joseph looked at it, more confused then ever before. Suddenly, there was a white glow. Joseph backed up a little and squinted his eyes at the light. It was brighter than anything he had ever seen before. The light then faded, leaving a white, angelic ring in Smith’s glove. Before Joseph could ask what happened, Smith answered, “This here, Joseph, is the sign of a Paranormal Detective. Only those who are apprentices to other Paranormal Detectives have the right to earn the title. Us Paranormal Detectives dedicate and even risk our lives to solving crimes that involve black magic, such as what could be involved here”.
With that, Smith flipped through the pages, and looked hard for a certain page. Suddenly, he stopped flipping and held his finger at the picture of a well groomed man with hair all rugged, and was as pale as the moon. Smith read the text next to the picture. “Count Vlad Vernal. He was known as the Human Vampire. He would go about Old England in the 1600’s, killing young women and children. He would also practice black magic, to give himself eternal youth. However, as a result, he was given a horrible curse. What the curse was is unknown, but all that is known is that he was then killed by the whole city, and from then on, he has not been heard of since”. Smith then closed the book and sighed.
“No doubt someone wants to bring back Count Vernal’s ways of murder. We need to stop this mad man soon before-”
Suddenly, the phone rang again. Smith quickly moved to the phone and answered it. On the phone, a police officer said, “Detective Smith. Bad news. There has been another murder on Bridge Street”.

January 5th 6:52 PM Bridge Street

When Smith and Joseph got to the crime scene, they met with something horrible. There, they saw another victim with his blood drained from his body. However, there was a lot of evidence here, so it was simple for Smith and Joseph to find something. One odd thing was the broken wooden box. It looked like it was holding something that was stolen. Another thing was the V painted in blood on the sidewalk. But, what stood out the most, oddly, was a piece of paper that was sticking out of the victim’s pocket. Smith took the letter out and read it. “Dear Al. I am giving the Amber of Ocean, and I do hope you are able to get it to the museum as soon as possible. You should be careful, though. There is a crazed killer on the loose, so you should probably talk the long way. But, I doubt the killer will come and find you again. I trust the Amber to you, and I wish you luck. Signed. Patrick Pegleg”.
Joseph listened as Smith finished reading the letter out loud. Joseph said, “Who is this Pegleg guy”?
“I’m not sure” Smith answered with a shrug. “But, we’ll look for him tomorrow. We need some sleep”. And with that, Smith tipped his hat at Joseph and walked down the street.

January 6th 8:37 AM Detective Smith’s Office

Smith was sitting in his office. He was waiting for Joseph to get to the office. Smith was hoping to find out who this Patrick Pegleg fellow was. However, Smith had grown tired of waiting. He had waited since seven in the morning. Smith decided to go and find out who this Pegleg person was. Smith walked out of his office and left toward the London Harbor.

January 6th 8:40 AM Detective Smith’s Office

Joseph walked in to see an empty desk. It was quite a shame Joseph wasn’t able to meet Smith. He had the locations of two eye witnesses to two murder victims. Joseph shrugged it off and walked off to the two witness locations.

January 6th 9:05 AM London Harbor

Detective Smith was asking around the harbor for a man named Patrick Pegleg. Finally, he was given a location. He was said to be on his large ship known as “The Sea Cutter”. Detective Smith walked over to the boat and called out, “Excuse me. Is there a fellow here named Patrick Pegleg”?
Suddenly, a sailor covered in scars with a pegleg walked out onto the deck of the ship and looked down at Smith. The man said is a raspy voice, “Ha, I be the one yer looking for. Now, how may I be of service to ye”?
Detective Smith said, “Well, good sir, I hear that you had someone deliver a jewel named the Amber of Earth and the Amber of Ocean”.
Patrick said, “Ah, yes. I would have made it a perfect delivery if it weren’t for that spineless jellyfish killer going around taking them. I oughta hang him by the gallows, I oughta”.
Smith said, “Well, isn’t there another amber”?
Partick said, “Well, indeed there is. I’d deliver it by now, but that killer i still on the loose. I think it be best I keep the amber here untill all this come to an end”.
Smith said, “That is a good idea. I should be going now. Thank you again” and he walked off.

January 6th 9:12 AM Mundane St.

Joseph was thinking if he was on the right street. The street was filled with old decayed homes that were long since abandoned that not even a rat would live in it. Only something more filthy than a rat would live here. Joseph thought there was nothing more filthy, until he saw “him”. Joseph walked to a broken down home, which looked more like a shed, and knocked on the door. Suddenly, it was opened by a man in a filthy brown coat who’s hair and beard dangled from his head like a mop. The man looked at Joseph and said, “Joseph…. It’s really you”.
With that, the homeless man picked up Joseph off the ground and hugged him hard. Joseph felt as though he was going to regret being a detective. Once Joseph was finally released, he said, “Hello Leroy”.
Leroy said, “Oh, it’s good to see you again. You went missing after you graduated from the university. After that, I kinda had a long spiral down toward working conditions which lead to my state right now”.
Joseph said, “And that being a homeless person living in an abandoned neighborhood”?
Leroy then said, “That’s correct”.
Joseph then said, “Leroy, I believe you witnessed a murder last night”.
Leroy’s smile disappeared and said, “Oh, well, yes, actually, I saw this guy who was carrying a package get attacked by this other guy. But, the weird thing was that he looked like he was biting him”.
Joseph listened carefully to this and said, “Biting”?
Leroy replied, “Yeah. On the neck, to be exact. Odd, isn’t it. Seeing some guy bit someone else. Though, I wasn’t able to see how he killed him, but he did”.
Joseph said, “So, what were you doing when you saw the crime take place”.
Leroy thought for a moment, then said, “I was finishing up a day of begging and had my fill of whisky when I saw it take place. I was only heading back home when it happened”.
Joseph then said, “Were you able to find anything odd”?
Leroy said, “Of course not. This very angry and very loud policeman yelled at me and I ran off in terror”.
Joseph sighed and said, “Well, thank you Leroy. I’ll be going. Let me know if you find out anything else”.
Leroy said, “See you later, Joseph” And walked off.

January 6th 9:34 AM Bridge St.

Smith was at the crime scene of the second murder trying to find out something he might have missed. He was glad to get a chance, as he didn’t while he was still examining the letter from the killer. Now, he had the perfect chance. Smith examined the crime scene until he took a look at the victim. There were no knife or bullet wounds. It was the same as before. Two small holes in the victim’s neck. Something was odd. Smith thought this through. He remembered that this killer has respect for the ancient killer Count Vernal, and he was known as a human vampire. Suddenly, Smith thought of something. Perhaps the killer was drinking human blood after the killer stabbed them in the neck. But, what purpose would they have by doing that.
Sadly, that was all the evidence Smith could get here. He was ready to leave when he noticed a letter on the ground. Smith picked it up and read “Dear Jaque. I have decided to keep the Amber of Fire on the Sea Cutter, to keep from any further attacks. I hope it isn’t too much of a bother to bring you from France to London to help with this pathetic game. I do apologize if it does. I promise to give you three fourths of the money once this is done with. Sincerely, Patrick Pegleg”.
Smith then worried, as this would obviously be a sign for the killer to attack Patrick and the ship. Smith took the letter and walked back to the office

January 6th 10:02 AM Luvaley St.

Joseph was walking down a very peaceful looking street. He was looking for a home of the next witness. He finally found the address, which was a well furnished home. Joseph knocked on the door and a woman in a pink dress walked out. She looked at Joseph and said, “Oh, hello, sir”.
Joseph said, “Hello, ma’am. Am I troubling you”.
The woman said, “Oh no, I was just about to walk out” And she was holding a brown coat in her hand.
Joseph said, “Well, ma’am. I am Detective Joseph. May I have your name, please”?
The girl noded and said, “It’s Shelly Kelly”.
Joseph said, “Thank you miss. Do you happen to have seen a murder on the night before”?
Shelly said, “Oh, indeed I did. I was just walking down the street, when all of a sudden, this man appeared and stabbed the other in the chest”.
Joseph thought for a moment and said, “You’re saying he was stabbed in the chest? Odd. The last witness said he was unseeable. How were you able to see it”?
Shelly said immediately, “Well, I’m more able to see in the dark I guess. Also, how do you know the man wasn’t lying”.
Joseph thought to himself, “Well, it’s true, Leroy has been a liar since the first day I met him in grade school”.
Joseph then said, “Very well. Did you see anything odd”.
Shelly then thought and said, “No, not really, sorry”.
Joseph then said, “Well, thank you, Ms. Kelly. I’ll be on my way” and with that he left.

January 6th 10:27 AM Abes St.

Smith was walking back to the office. It must have been a busy day, as the town was very crowded. Smith was walking through the crowd of people when all of a sudden, he bumped into this person in a brown coat. Smith turned and said, “Pardon me”.
He was planning to say sir or ma’am, but the person’s face was all too well covered to tell. Smith then walked back to the office.

January 6th 10:56 AM Detective Smith’s Office

Detective Smith walked into his office to see Joseph sitting in a chair across from his desk, looking over the witnesses testimonies which they wrote on paper. Detective Smith said, “Joseph, where have you been”?
Joseph turned and answered, “I was on my way when I didn’t see you. I had a paper telling us about the two witnesses who saw the crime take place. I then went to see both witnesses. Where were you at”?
Smith said, “I went to see the Patrick fellow mentioned in the letter, then I went to investigate the crime scene. Nothing came up except this letter”.
Smith reached in his pocket. He didn’t have anything. He reached into his other pocket and felt nothing there as well. Smith then started looking frantically, but could not find the letter anywhere. Smith then said out loud, “The letters gone”!
Joseph then said, “What letter”?
Smith answered, “It was a letter that had the location of the last remaining Amber on it. If the killer got a hold of-”.
Suddenly, Smith remembered the person he bumped into. He was wearing a large brown coat. Smith then said, “Joseph, I need you to head to the ship, with as much off officers as possible, and keep the Amber safe. I’m going to go and find the man who did this before its too late”.
With that, Smith ran out of the office.

January 6th 11:26 AM Mundane St.

Leroy was eating a stale bit of bread he fought off an animal for when Smith came by. Leroy looked at Smith and said, “Excuse me, sir. Could you spare some change”?
Smith said, “Get up, witness. I want you to tell me what you saw on the night of the murder”.
Leroy then looked confused, but then got up off the ground and said, “Oh, another detective. Okay then, I was walking down the street when I saw the murder occur”.
Smith then said, “And what were you doing walking down the street when the murder happened”?
Leroy said, “I was just walking back home, that’s all”.
Smith then looked concerned and said, “How do I know you didn’t kill him to get your hands on the Amber”?
Leroy then got upset and said, “How was I supposed to know an Amber was inside. It was in a package. It could have been anything, for all I know. But, an Amber…… That would give me lots of money huh”.
Smith thought to himself, “Well, he’s got a point there”. Smith then said, “So, did you see the killer do anything after that”?
Leroy said, “Well, he just picked up the package and ran off…. And I kinda took the dead mans wallet”.
Smith then said, “So, you’re saying you tampered with the crime scene”?
Leroy said, “What? NO! I was just taking this off the guys hands….. dead hands, I mean. I’m doing him a favor. He wouldn’t want this money to go to waste”.
Smith groaned in annoyance and then noticed something about Leroy. He had a brown coat.Smith then said, “Did you happen to walk down Abes Street this morning”?
Leroy said, “Well, yes, I did… why…………. Wait….. Oh no, it’s you”!
Leroy then remembered that Smith was the man he bumped into on purpose and tried to steal money from. Smith then knocked Leroy down and held his arm into a position where he couldn’t move it without breaking it. Smith then said, “I’m willing to let you go if you give me the letter back”.
Leroy said, “Okay, you can have it back. I just wanted money, that’s all”.
Smith reached into Leroy’s pocket and pulled out the letter. Smith then walked off, leaving a frightened Leroy behind.

January 6th 11:48 AM London Harbor

Joseph walked over to the Sea Cutter with nine different police officers. Joseph stopped near the boat and yelled, “Excuse me, Mr. Pegleg”.
Patrick walked out on deck and looked at Joseph and said, “Well, hello there. What’s with the officers behind ye”?
Joseph said, “Well, we came to guard the last Amber, which we believe is on this ship”.
Patrick chuckled and said, “Ah, yes. Well, come on board. It’s right this way” and he lead them onto the ship.

January 6th 12:09 PM London Harbor

Smith had just walked back to the harbor after getting the letter back. He then saw large amount of police cars and a large group of police officers around the Sea Cutter. Smith walked toward the boat when a familiar voice said (Or rather shouted), “HEY, YOU CAN’T JUST WALK ONTO A BOAT WITHOUT THE OWNERS PERMISSION!”
Smith clenched his ears in his hands, as his voice was much too loud. Suddenly, Howard walked up to Smith and said, “Oh, sorry Smith, I thought it was someone else”.
Smith pulled his hands away from his ears and said, “What is all of this, Howard”?
Howard said, “We are protecting the Amber that is inside this ship. Patrick refused to hand it over when I asked, so we are protecting it here”.
Smith sighed and said, “So, I guess we just need to stay here until the killer shows himself. Then, we can easily catch him”.
Howard said, “That’s about right, Smith”.

January 6th 8:26 PM London Harbor

The police were still keeping their place as they waited for the killer. Smith sat on the ship near the box with the Amber. Smith kept looking inside at the Amber to make sure it was still there. It was a large orange jewel shaped like a ball of fire. He could understand why it was called the Amber of Fire. Smith sat on the ship again when Howard walked in. Howard said, “Smith, you may want to see this”.
Howard lead Smith off the ship and should him the harbor outside. It was empty. No one was out on the harbor. Except for a figure that stood there, looking at the ship. It was hard to see who is was, as there was no light. The figure then walked closer. Howard pulled out his revolver and aimed at the figure and shouted, “Stop right there”!
However, the figure kept moving toward them. Howard shouted again, “Hold it right there or we will be forced to shoot”!
The figure did not stop. Howard then said to the officers, “Okay men. Take aim”!
The police officer aimed their firearms at the moving figure.
The police officer then shot at the figure. Suddenly, the figure jumped high into the air and began to glide high in the sky. But, the figure wasn’t gliding at all. Howard looked in shock and said, “What?! The bastard can fly?!”
Suddenly, the figure dived toward the ship and fell onto Smith, knocking him down. Smith then felt the weight of the man jump off and run into the ship’s deck. Smith got up and ran after the figure. Suddenly, there was the sound of something being broken apart. Something like wood. Smith ran faster, but when he got to the room, he saw a broken box on the ground and a large hole up in the roof of the boat. But, it was no surprise. The Amber of Fire was gone.

January 6th 8:52 PM Sea Cutter Ship

Joseph had just gotten over the fact that someone had just flown across the sky like a bird. He could not even believe his eyes. Joseph was looking for Smith, still thinking about the crazed flyer. It didn’t take long to find him, as he was below the deck, around other police officers. They were all examining the great big hole in the deck, as well as the fact that a man had just flown above them. Smith was still examining the deck, looking for something that was out of place. It was very odd, as the killer is mostly well aware of his surroundings and wouldn’t leave a mess. Here, its as if the killer didn’t care. Smith looked around, when suddenly, he discovered a brown bit of cloth. It was light brown and looked very dirty. Smith then thought for a moment and thought hard about who it was. He took the cloth with him and walked off. As he did, Joseph noticed something fall off the brown cloth; Something Smith did not notice.

January 6th 9:16 PM Mundane St.

Leroy was hiding in his hoe observing his fine catch when all of a sudden, he felt someone knock on his decade door. Leroy opened it only to meet the same detective again. Leroy said, “Hello, again. What do you want now”.
Detective Smith said, “I believe I found “This” at the scene of a robbery”. Smith held out a piece of ripped cloth.
Leroy said, “Are you kidding. How could that be mine”?
Smith said, “If memory serves right, you said how the Ambers were worth a lot of money. They may be, in fact, and considering your place on the economic scale, I see you are in desperate need of cash. So desperate… You’d kill for money”.
Leroy said, “Are you calling me a killer? I assure you, I am a law abiding citizen. So maybe I steal from stores. I need to eat. And maybe I knocked that guys tooth out when I was drunk on whisky. That was only one time”.
Smith then said, “Oh, well, then. Perhaps you wouldn’t mind showing me your coat”.
Leroy took off his coat with no hesitation and handed it to Smith. Smith looked over the coat and…. Sure enough, there was the tear. Smith then said, “How do you explain that”.

January 6th 9:32 PM Mundane St.

Police had already arrived to arrest Leroy. As they pushed him away, Leroy screamed with some fear, “I’m not a killer. I never killed a man in my life”.
Smith was waiting for the police to find the Ambers, but to no avail. They believed they were hidden somewhere else. Smith was ready to head home when Joseph came along and said, “Smith… There is something odd I found at the last crime scene”.
Joseph then handed Smith another piece of cloth. This time, it was pink.

January 6th 9:54 PM Luvaley St.

Smith had already knocked on the door. Sure enough, came the smiling face of Shelly. Shelly said, “Oh, hello, there. How may I help you”?
Smith then showed Shelly the pink cloth. With that, Shelly said, “Oh, thank you. That must be the missing piece of cloth to my dress”.
She then showed them the bottom of her dress, which was missing a piece of it. She then continued, “Where ever did you two gentlemen find it”?
Smith then answered, “Funny you should ask Miss Kelly. It was found on the Sea Cutter right after the last Amber was stolen”.
Suddenly, Shelly’s smiled faded into a frown. She then said, “Oh…. r-really”?
Smith then said, “Miss Kelly, would you mind if we have a look around”.
Shelly’s frown seemed to get bigger as she said, “Not at all… Please, come in”.
Smith and Joseph walked it, with Shelly still frowning. Smith took a good look around. Joseph looked around the coat rack. However, something wasn’t right. He remembered that the last time he spoke to Shelly, she was carrying a brown coat and was about to go on a walk. However, the coat was no longer here.
As Joseph was looking for the coat, Smith was looking through the book shelf. He looked all over it, trying to find something amiss. Suddenly, his eyes caught onto something. It had the same texture and color as a book he had seen before. He then mouthed to himself in shock.
“Book of Paranorm”.
This book was only given to those who knew about the works of paranormal activity and was never given to just any human beings. Smith then took the book, and decided to look over it later. With that, Smith said, “Well, Shelly, we will let you know if we find anything else. Good day”. And he and Joseph walked out, as Shelly was still frowning.

January 6th 10:03 PM Detective Smith’s Office

Smith was back at the office and went to his desk. As he did, Joseph walked toward the phone and dialed the number.
On the other line, Howard was sitting at his desk, still stressed about the events. suddenly, the phone rang. Howard picked up the phone and said, “London Police Department. How may I help you”?
Joseph said, “Howard, it’s Joseph. Listen, you remember the man that was said to be the killer”?
Howard said, “Well, yeah. We’re going to give him what he deserves”.
Joseph then said, “Well, there may be a possibility that he isn’t the killer”.
Howard’s bright smile quickly faded.
Joseph said, “Can you get a fingerprint analysis on his coat”?
Howard then said, “Well, if you say so. I’ll be sure to”.
Joseph thanked Howard and hung up.
Smith was reading over the book he found in Shelly’s home. It was exactly like the book he had. It was odd, though, as most of the pages were just X’d out. Suddenly, he stopped at a page that wasn’t X’d out. It was the page of Count Vernal. It was odd…. Too odd. Why would someone X out all sorts of things in the Book of Paranorm, let alone have this sort of book in the first place…. Suddenly, Smith was struck with thought. Smith slammed the book shut and said, “Joseph. We need to head to Miss Kelly’s home”.
Joseph said, “Oh, Smith, actually, I’m waiting for a fingerprint analysis. Something about that place wasn’t right”.
Smith said, “Okay. I’ll go there then. I’ll meet you there, okay”.
Joseph nodded in understanding and Smith ran out.

January 6th 10:23 PM Luvaley St.

Smith knocked on the door again. Shelly opened the door and said, “Oh, hello again. Didn’t expect to see you again so soon”.
Smith then held out the book and said, “Miss Shelly… where did you get this book”?
Shelly looked at the book and said, “Well, at the library of course”.
Smith then said, “This is the Book of Paranorm. This book is only given to those who know about the reality of paranormal activity. No human being can just find this at some library. Obviously, there’s more to you then just a smile and a pink dress, is there, Miss Kelly”.
Shelly then began to sweat a little.

January 6th 10:25 PM London Police Department

Joseph was waiting for quite a while for the result to come. Howard finally came with the results and said, “Well, Joseph, you were wrong. These are Leroy’s fingerprints”.
Joseph was sad to hear, but Joseph noticed something odd in Howard’s voice. Joseph then said, “Is something wrong”?
Howard then said, “Well, yes. you see, his fingerprints weren’t the only kind on it… Well, you see… There was another set of fingerprints. They belonged to Shelly Kelly”.

January 6th 10:27 PM Luvaley St.

“You’re just saying things” Said Shelly, “I would never have anything to do with murder”.
Smith said, “Then tell me. why would you, the owner of the book, cross out every last passage of the book except that of Count Vernal, who was said to be a vampire…. In fact, I am starting to believe he was one, as he was blood thirsty. So, tell me, why is he the only one not crossed out”.

January 6th 10:29 PM London Police Department

Joseph said, “So, you think Leroy may be helping Shelly Kelly”.
Howard said, “Not a chance”.
Joseph said, “What do you mean”?
Howard said weakly, “You see….. Shelly Kelly is dead”.
Joseph was a little shocked and said, “When did she die”?
Howard said, “Well, about twenty years ago”.
Joseph then realized what happened and said, “I got to get going” And he ran out of the department.

January 6th 10:31 PM Luvaley St.

Shelly couldn’t take it anymore. She then began to feel herself turn. Smith watched sa Shelly’s skin turned pale white and her eyes turned blood red and her teeth became very sharp. Smith then thought to himself, “So, this explains everything. The equally sized holes, the victims drained of blood. It all makes sense”.
Shelly then said, “So, now you know the truth, don’t you. You just couldn’t leave me to my work, could you. You couldn’t just let me live”.
Smith said, “We all die at some point. And if living again is your dream, why would you want to kill for it. Innocent people have died by your hands due to your greedy desire”.
Shelly laughed and said, “Greedy, maybe, but as if I care anymore. I will have my wish come true. The Ambers of Life are mine to possess. Now, mortal human. I believe the time has come for you to die”.
With that, Shelly leaped onto Smith and was leaning toward his neck. Smith was keeping his neck as far as he could from Shelly. It was difficult, but he had to try harder. As Shelly’s sharp teeth was nearing his neck, Smith caught a glimpse of something shining underneath the floorboards. However, he was much more busy trying to avoid getting killed. He kept Shelly away with all hi smight, but he felt he couldn’t hold her back much longer and he could see her teeth getting closer to his neck. Suddenly, Shelly stopped and then began to groan in complete pain. She fell off Smith and fell onto the floor, clenching the back of her neck. Smith then turned to see Joseph, holding a small crucifix. Shelly, whose neck looked as if it was burning, was in complete pain. Joseph then walked over to Shelly, and then placed the crucifix on her again. This time, she let out a loud scream of agony. She knocked the crucifix out of Joseph’s and said, “You may hurt me, but you can not kill me. You really think that a simple crucifix could kill me. What else do you believe will kill me. The sun? Holy water? A wooden stake? Those are nothing more than cliches. You are just some small boy. A dead one at that. Now, It is time you di-”
Before she could finish, there was the sound of a gunshot. Joseph and Smith then noticed the bullet wound that had appeared on Shelly’s chest. Before they knew it, she collapsed to the floor in a pile of ashes. Smith and Joseph turned to the door to see Howard, who was staring in fear at the sight. Smith then said, “Howard, how did you do it”?
Howard said, still scared, “I don’t know. I just shot her, that’s all”.
Smith then looked at the ashes and searched through it. He then pulled out a small silver bullet. He then said, “Of course, a simple silver bullet”.
Joseph said, “But aren’t those werewolves”.
Smith said, “Oh, Joseph, you can’t believe everything you see in those old movies of yours”.

January 7th 9:29 AM London Train Station

A large train had stopped at the station. The weather was finally bright and the sun was out, something rare to London these days. A girl with a large blue scarf walked out of the train. She looked around, but could not stay looking too long. She then began to walk to her destination.

January 7th 10:32 AM Black Bean Coffee Shop

In the aftermath of the events, Smith looked through the floorboards and found the Ambers of Life. They were then returned to the London History Museum. It was decided that Shelly, who was indeed the killer, framed Leroy by taking his coat and using it in the events of stealing the last Amber. Leroy was released and the charges against him were dropped. Smith handed Joseph him his Book of Paranorm, as Smith had already learned what he needed and, no doubt, Joseph would be involved with more paranormal cases.
Smith was at the local coffee shop, enjoying the day, as there was no cloud in sight, something that was London didn’t have much these days. Smith was drinking when, suddenly, a young women, about his age of twenty five, walked up to him. She wore a simple light blue casual shirt and skirt and had brown hair and had brown eyes, along with a long blue scarf that reached her ankles. She said, “Excuse me, are you Mr. Smith”.
Smith said, “Well, yes. How may I help you”.
The women smiled and said, “I’m Eclaire Brown. I’m a well known author in France”.
Smith has heard of Miss Brown. She was a very talented author of writing fictional novels. She said, “I just came to let you know that I am writing a novel of suspense and you would do perfect with giving me some help”.
Smith said, “Of course. I’d love to help”.
Eclaire smiled and said, “Thank you”. She then searched through her handbag. She pulled out the normal things. A pencil, a simple camera, a bo-
Smith looked in shock at the book. It was the same book he had seen. The Book of Paranorm. There was more to Miss Brown then Smith knew

Episode 1: The Blood Bandit
The End
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