Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by kates-mate101
Chapter 5
“That, was awesome.” Seth stated. “I know! Right!?” Kate said smiling. Seth and Kate passed over an arched bridge. The water lapped the bottom of the bridge. “We’re almost there aren’t we...” Seth asked. Kate turned away from him and looked out the train car. She looked at the mountain. She paused for a moment scanning the area. “We’re about two hours away...” “Okay, er...” Seth took a deep breath. “You can sleep. I’ll wake you when we get there...” “W-wait, why?” “You saved me... If you hadn’t hit Hunter before... I... Would of been killed... You deserve it Kate.” Kate sighed in annoyance. “But you saved me. I never thanked you?” “Well, it was my job... Your dad...” Kate interrupted. “Told you to help me escape. Nothing more.” Kate’s fur bristled and her tail was erected in the air. Seth cowered down. “But the only thing I would want from you... Would...” Seth lowered his head in submission and padded away and lay down. Kate’s gaze softened. She felt sorry for Seth. Not helplessly but sorry in the way he was trying to be nice. She sat next to him. “Well, you know...” Kate took a deep breath and then heaved it out. “You’ll always be my friend... Right?” Kate asked, turning to him. “Yeah... But, Kate... That’s the problem...” Kate took a moment and pondered about his words. Her eyes widened and before she could say anything, a huge crackle of wood pierced her ears. Then the train lurched to one side. One train car dangled over the edge and the rest was slowly tottering over. “AH!” Kate yelped. Seth was at the bottom, at one side of the train, where the opening of the train car was. Seth looked up at Kate, his eyes widened in fear. Kate jumped out one of the cars of the train. Her paws reached the wooden bridge’s area where it was stable, but she couldn’t jump up there with out falling. “URR...” Kate strained, trying to reach safety. She suddenly felt a sharp jab on her hind paws. She flew up and landed on safety. “Wha!?” Kate whipped around and saw Seth’s paws in the air as he fell back down. “Seth! Grab my paw!” Kate lowered her body half over the bridge and extended her paw out. Seth shook his head. “Grab! My! Paw!” Kate yelled at him. “No! There’s no time Kate... Just, go...” Seth turned away from her. “I’m not leaving with out you...” Kate gasped. Her tail lashed about violently. Another deafening crackle of wood resonated through out the air. “Hurry!” Kate yelped. “There’s no time...” Seth replied bluntly. Kate sniffled and tears began to stream down her cheek. “SETH!” She shrieked. “GRAB MY PAW! NOW!” Seth, surprised at her ferocity and in spite of himself, leapt into the air and wrapped his paws around hers. She lifted him up. It took all of her strength, but she managed to lift him up enough for Seth to be able to jump up on his own. Seth got up but Kate lost her balance. She tipped over the side. “AHHH!” She screamed as she lost her balance. Before she fell, Seth quickly wrapped his arms around her body, almost like a hug and pulled her up just before the train fell, with a huge splash upon impact and little splinters of wood flying everywhere. Kate sat with her mouth gaping as she watched the middle of the bridge collapse, and the train splash below. She was sitting like a human and it looked as if she was sitting in Seth’s lap as he had pulled her up and she landed with a thump. She turned around to Seth in a rage, and began to have tears stream down her face. “ARE YOU CRAZY!?” She shrieked. Seth didn’t reply. He shook his head. “Why did you take so long to grab my paw!? Why did you almost kill yourself...” Kate rubbed her paw over her eyes wiping her tears away. Her tail was between her legs. “We should go...” Seth said, scanning the area. “There’s another trail over there. It means crossing through the mountains, but,” Kate violently interrupted Seth. “Why. Why did you do it. WHY, did you scare me. WHY, did you sacrifice yourself, And, WHY, are you acting like this!?” Seth’s mouth was open and moving but no words were coming out. “Kate... I,” Kate leapt upon him and pinned him to the ground. “WHAT!” She snarled. Seth struggled. “It’s because I... I...” Kate didn’t release her grip. “It’s... Because I love you...” Kate completely released Seth. She got up off him and helped him up. “Seth... Really? Th-... That’s sweet but... It’s against pack law... You’re... a Delta, and I’m an Alpha...” “I know! Okay? Why do you think I was reluctant to save myself! Why do you think I tried so hard to defend you when those two retards came to try to take you to their home! I... can’t stand the thought of you with another wolf...” Kate’s expression softened. “Well, If this is any consolation, I just want you to know that there will always be a special place in my heart for you...” She smiled, sweetly. Seth sighed. “I can’t believe I just told you...” “Neither can I...” Kate said laughing. She looked up at Seth. He wasn’t smiling. “Hey... Are you okay?” Seth nodded. Kate looked down at her paws before looking back up at Seth. She padded up next to him. “Listen, if the rules at this other pack is any different, I’ll give you a chance okay?” That didn’t seem to help any bit. “But... Real relations...,” “I know, they are supposed to last. But remember. We’re both born from different litters. We’ll see okay?” Kate smiled. Then, to Seth’s surprise, Kate thanked him in a sweet natural way. She paused for a moment and then kissed his cheek briefly. He smiled at her, this time with teeth bearing as well. “Thanks... But do you really mean,” Kate nodded. “Uh huh...” She said quietly. “Now... You were saying? About that trail?” She smiled once more.

“I’m sorry Ruuqo, they took the train and we lost them...” Griffin bowed his head in shame. “And Kate attacked me!” Hunter exclaimed. “After you leapt at her partner?” Griffin retorted. He smacked Hunter on the head. “Stop!” Ruuqo called. “If this is true, then maybe I should send a bigger patrol this time. I will get you both to lead it. Do not fail me.” Ruuqo paused for a moment before turning away from the two. “Liam.” Liam walked in from the outside of the den. “Yes sir.” “I need you to organise a group of 3 wolves. You and those 3 are joining Griffin, and Hunter, to bring the two wolves to our territory.” “You see!” Griffin yelled. “You see Hunter! He wants BOTH of them! Not just Kate!” “Shut up...” Hunter rolled his eyes. “Griffin. Go get your mate, Carey. Hunter, you go get my sister Miranda, and I will get Bradley.” “Yes sir.” Griffin ran out of the den. Hunter nodded and slowly padded away. Liam nodded at Ruuqo, he nodded back and then he left.

Seth and Kate reached a trail that crossed across a great chasm with water violently rushing below. Grey and brown rock with bits of green on them protruded from the waterbed. Seth began crossing the trail. “I uh... will...” Seth stopped, puffed out his chest and spoke in a deep and proud voice. “I will test to see if the crossing is safe!” Seth smiled at Kate. “Huh!” Kate laughed. She walked by him, her tail lapping gently against his nose. “Haha...” Seth said running up to her. “Hey Seth! Wanna race? I’ll race you to the top!” Kate bolted to the top if the mountain. “Hoho! You’re on!” Seth chased after her. Kate reached a clearing with shining white pines circled around. “Give it up Seth, you’ll never beat me!...” Kate turned around. “Seth?” Suddenly, Kate was hit by a white ball that exploded upon impact. “Oh!” She grunted. She turned around again to see Seth standing at the top. “Ha! Ah ha ha! Delta one! Alpha, Zero....” Seth laughed. “Really?” Kate ran up to the tree overlooking Seth. She gave it a sharp hit frm her hind legs. A huge pile of snow fell and crushed Seth. “AH! I get it!” He yelped. Kate leapt on top of him. “How’s that for a girl?” She smiled. She jumped off and ran ahead, laughing. “Very funny...” Seth shook off all the snow when a high pitched voice interrupted him. “Wow! You don’t see many wolves in these parts...” Seth turned to where the voice was coming from. On a log, sat two bears. About Seth’s age. “Oh hello!” Seth said. “Wow! I wonder what brings him to our mountains!” The smaller bear asked the bigger one. “Lets ask him! What brings you to our home?” “Well, me and my partner, we are passing through! Going to the wolf pack just past these mountains!” The two bears exchanged looks. “Well, you aren’t exactly going the right way...” “What do you mean?” Seth asked curiously. “Well, the pack is over there.” The biggest bear got up and pointed to the right of Seth. “Oh... Well, I should go get my partner then...” Seth quickly ran off.

He returned with Kate. “What? Haha... Two bears? Really... And you can fly,” Kate gaped when she saw both bears in front of her. “Ah!” She leapt back and landed on her bottom. She quickly stumbled back up. “I’m Ashley!” The eldest one stated. She pointed to the little one still sitting on the log. “And that’s my little sister Kelly!” Kelly smiled sweetly and shyly. “So what was it they had to say to us?” Kate asked, turning to Seth. “Uh... It was... Oh yeah! We’re not heading the right way.” Kate raised one eyebrow. Ashley quickly spoke up. “Your friend tells me you are looking for the Eastern wolves!” Ashley said to Kate. “Yeah! We... Are...” Kate turned to Seth. “Where ARE we supposed to go anyway?” Kate asked. “Well, Earlier, I told your partner,” “STOP CALLING HIM MY PARTNER” Kate snapped. “Okay, your Mate,” Kate scowled at Ashley. “Your friend...” Ashley sighed. “Better...” Kate growled. “I told your friend that he needed to head east. That leads to a rock flow and you can make your way down to the forest there." "That's good to know..." Seth said. "Home is close..." Kate smiled. "Do you need help getting there?" Kelly piped up. "No... it's okay, we-," "Yes. That would be helpful." Kate elbowed Seth violently. Seth shook his head at her. "Great! When do we leave?" Ashley said, sitting down. "Well THIS... conversation felt very ONE-sided?! Don't you think? SETH!" Kate lashed her tail about. "May I talk to you for a moment Seth?" Kate said to him as innocently as she could. She began to walk away, her tail erect. "Now." Kate growled. Seth began waking towards her. He craned his head around and mouthed, Help me! "What were you thinking! Inviting two bears to follow us... How do you know they won't kill us in our sleep!?" Kate whispered violently. "Well i thought we could use some extra help getting to where we are going to live for the rest of our lives!" "You know, you're lucky I'm letting you come with me anyway! I'm Alpha here and i could tell you to sit here and not leave! If you broke the command, It would be breaking pack law! And i would be able to slit your throat!" "Well I didn't mean to cause all this but I just thought we needed help getting to where we needed to..." Seth said very softly. Kate raised her voice. "You're right! The place where I'M gonna get married and mate while YOU watch it, while you drool over someone that will never love you!" Seth stepped back. A tear rolled down his cheek. "Whoa... Seth... I didn't mean that..." Kate completely lowered her voice. Seth sniffled and wiped his eye. "Are-... Are you okay?" Seth's ears dropped and his tail went between his legs. He no longer made eye contact. "Seth?" "Yes Alpha..." Kate gasped. "I am fine..." He turned and walked away. "Come on Ashley and Kelly... Do you mind helping me?" "Seth... You... You don't have to call me..." Her voice trailed off. "But I do. Remember? You are the Alpha. Your word is law." Seth walked through an arched pillar of stone. Ashley and Kelly followed behind. "Oh God... What have I done..." Kate sniffled.
There are a ton of references in the timeline mainly because with the inclusion of dates, I could slip a lot of fun stuff in there. Right off the bat, any time September 17th is mentioned, that’s a reference to the first movie because that’s the date it came out.

First off, we have two fictional character birthdays, August 1st, and December 9th, which are the birthdays of The Joker and Oliver Queen (a.k.a The Green Arrow) respectively. Next is March 15th, 1975 which is the day that Terror of Mechagodzilla came out in Japan.

The next date is another movie release date. Arnold’s birthday,...
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The Next Generation

I guess you could count Fran and Freida’s inclusion in chapter four to be a callback to the fourth movie when they were introduced, and Runt became “King of the Forest”. Also, their idea to hide Oscar in Shadow Forest is a callback to the fourth movie.

When Stinky is telling Martin about how when they were pups, Runt would come home with quills in his paws because he kept giving the porcupines hugs, that’s a reference to the fifth movie when Kate finds out that that’s why she’s constantly pulling quills out of him.

Rise of the Hunter

I managed to sneak a namedrop...
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Having Viggo’s redemption take place on Kate and Humphrey’s twenty-fifth anniversary was completely intentional, which consequently gave me the time needed for Lydia to have her pup, which I named Josh, after myself. Why? I just thought it would be kinda cool. And it also helped the story because when Humphrey tries to kill Viggo upon seeing him, that means that for the past half year, he’s still held onto this hate for what Viggo did.

I kinda had to have Kate and Humphrey leave at night, or else it never would’ve been just them that went after Viggo since everyone else would’ve tagged...
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posted by Katecutewolf
This is a series of mini stories that I created getting parts from the original movie and liking the chapter 5 based on the story of @katealphawolf named “The ritual of Love” I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. This story contains sexual content, so it’s recommended for +13. You are warned!

Chapter 5:The ritual of love
Since Kate had awaken from her long nap she had been busy preparing the cave for Humphrey's arrival home. She knew he would be ready this time and she was determined to make the place look absolutely perfect and nice. This way they could reflect back on the very first time...
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Chapter 17: Attack on the Protectors

Humphrey and the others stood around Viggo, who had picked up a chair and had sat down in it. Humphrey had sent Oscar and Mick outside the tent to keep watch. Viggo looked exhausted and vulnerable. It was weird seeing him in such a helpless state.

“Viggo, what happened here?” Humphrey asked.

“Robert’s lost his mind,” Viggo replied. “He’s gone rogue and has taken many of my men with him. The Crimson Pack has remained loyal to me for the most part, although a few have broken away as well, Martin being one of them. Robert’s always been a man of...
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Chapter 4: "We're at War"

“No!” Kate yelled.

Viggo turned and faced the group, smiling evilly.

“You know, it’s true what they say,” he said. “If you want something done right, you really have to do it yourself.”

Viggo’s men began chasing Humphrey and the others back into the forest.

“Accepting defeat is the most difficult, but necessary part of competition,” Viggo shouted after them.

Claudette tried to drive the humans back out, but at that moment more humans arrived from the east while the Crimson Pack cut off their escape in the west, effectively trapping the entire pack within...
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The Lone Survivors the table of contents

Chapter one:The last of us
A powerful pack was lead by a ruthless wolf hunter raided a home of the frontier pack then ended the pack for good but only two wolves had managed to ran away alive.

Chapter two:Finding shelter
A former elder pack leader had saved his granddaughter now they have to find shelter from the thunder storm and rain.

Chapter three:A promise
Had got into a cave they found lara wanted to ask her's grandfather about something.

Chapter four:Tale of the wolfslayer
Kenny tells lara a story about how he had once fought a human who called himself...
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Kenny walks more closer of the darkness and sits down getting ready to tell a story of his to lara.

Kenny:Ok lara calm down and sit down don't get too riled up before l tell ya a story you still need some rest. He said to lara putting his left paw on top of lara's head rubbing it and had his left paw off lara' head.

Lara smiles at her grandpa and he smiles too.

Lara:Alright grandpa. She replied calming the playful side of hers down a bit.

Kenny:Ready to hear the tale? He asked lara starts questioning him what was the story.

Lara:Yeah but what was the story about? She answered and asking kenny.

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added by penguinsir23
Source: Penguinsir23 avatar marker:Dogs
One day, Lilly couldn’t sleep. She tried everything like: breath in for 4 seconds, and breath out for 7 seconds.
Lilly: Humphrey, I can’t sleep.
Humphrey: why..not
But instead of a normal why not, Humphrey sounded tired.
Lilly: Humphrey? Are you okay?
Humphrey: what! Oh. Sorry, I just had a long day at work, that’s why I sound tired.
I’m not Lilly: Humphrey. You voice sounds moany. Where were you.
Humphrey: wait what do you mean?
Lilly: Oh so you won’t tell me you texting let’s see, KATE!
Humphrey: Lilly! Wait! I can explain!
Lilly: You cheated on me!
Humphrey: Lilly I was just telling her...
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posted by LazarusTheAlpha
I really hope they come out with more A&O movies or at least an A&O T.V show because according to "Timber Humphrey" they could have alot of potential and i see it because In A&O 4 how the f*** does Lilly know what they're planning then she predicts the d*mn weather!? that's some bull if you ask me unless she like Daria except shes not blind! Like if you teamed Lilly, Kate, Daria, and Humphery together and teamed Claudette, Stinky, Runt, The Bear, The Porcupine, (srry i forgot their names) and Fleet together and then put the teams together to fight the rogues and the bears again THEY WOULD BE SCREWED or if you teamed together to hunt THE CARIBOU WOULD BE SCREWED. like this if you agree 1% or more.
posted by ba12035890
One night in jasper Humphrey was going to his house in his new Toyota truck.
Humphrey: Man, I wonder where Kate is, she told me she was at the house.
Later, Humphrey saw Kate and Garth having sex on the couch. Humphrey then closed the door quietly and drove crying.
Humphrey: Hey, maybe I can stay with Lilly.
Humphrey stoped at Lilly’s house and knocked on the door.
Humphrey: Hey Lilly can I spend the night here? Kate’s was having sex with Garth.
Lilly: oh that’s horrible! Sure you can stay with me! Are you hungry or thirsty?
Humphrey well, not really. I just had lunch at work.
Lily: Well...
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added by SentinelPrime89
Chapter 13: For the Win

Humphrey turned to his sister and smiled.

"Thank you," he said.

"What, did you really think that after all of these years without you, I would just go back to my boring life as a house pet?" she asked. "Being separated from you was the worst thing that's ever happened to me and I will never let it happen again."

"Thanks," Humphrey said, and then paused. "Losing you was hard too, and I guess, even though I hardly remembered, deep down, I was still looking for you. And now that we're together, nothing is going to separate us ever again."

Kenya smiled back.

"Now let's finish...
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added by Timothy5496
Source: Deviantart Airindia, lionsgate and splash entertainment
Scene 4:

(After leaving the territory, the group starts to get to work. Stinky is sniffing the air.)
Humphrey: Well, Stinky. What do you smell?
Stinky: You, but younger and less mature.
(Humphrey laughs nervously)
Humphrey: Yep, that's definitely me.
Kate: Anything else, Stinky?
Stinky: Hold on.
(Stinky sniffs the air again, then sniffs down towards the ground.)
Stinky: There's a trail. It's faint, but it's there. It's leading deeper into the forest.
Runt: Well, let's go see where it leads.
Claudette: Yeah Stinky, lead the way.
Stinky: Okay, follow me.
(They begin to slowly head into the woods, with Stinky...
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added by awsomegtax
posted by HumphreyWolfMan
In the movie, the wolves contains human like characteristics. That means they can think like a human, but can also pass on ideas like how humans do. The first movie clearly shows this.

Assuming the logic of that is meant to be realistic, does that make it alright for the wolves to know human phrases without showing that they learned it on the same movie?
The answer is long, and in short, it's a "yes".

In Ratatouille, Remy was able to know how to cook, and know a lot of human phrases because he learned how to, and even the movie showed that.
Alpha and Omega did not do that.

Many can assume...
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Ok im new so it wont be very good

In the movie it works out with Kate and Humphrey right well in an alternative reality Lilly and Humphrey work out but in a different way. After Kate said take Humphrey away to go get berries in the movie Humphrey didnt go with Lilly he sat by the stream but in my story they go get berries but they meet a very large bear and humphrey takes it down and kills it on the got aroused by that because she likes strong omegas so lilly told kate what happened she said Jesus Chrihst and was like how the hell did he do that he is not that strong or she thought.

well hope you like it if you do ill write more i bursting with ideas