Alpha and Omega Club
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It was a dark and stormy night in Jasper National Park, and Humphrey, Kate, and Eve were all hastily running away from Jasper National Park. They all carried nervous expressions. Humphrey was running alongside with Kate and was holding Runt while running, Kate was holding Claudette while running, and Eve, running alongside with her beloved mate of Winston, was holding Stinky while running. The whole pack ran and ran and ran. But they weren't the only pack running away. The Eastern Pack and the king pack were running away as well, each carrying their own pups. And all of the packs were heading for the same exact direction, to Idaho. Idaho didn't have the storm, and they ran and ran, hoping a human would tranquilize them all. After all, if they were to get to Idaho, that would be an awfully long run. And, by the time they'd all get to Idaho anyways, the storm would've already passed by then. So then they'd have to run all the way back home, and another storm may as well happen again. Thankfully, 4 humans holding tranquilizer guns filled with tranquilizing ammo saw them all and were ready to tranquilize all packs and bring them to not Idaho, but to some other place. They aimed at Humphrey, Kate, Eve, and Winston first. Then at all but accidentally one of the running pups that escaped the mouths of the tranquilized wolves---but they still managed to tranquilize Runt and Stinky. Then soon, they had put all of the tranquilized wolves in their own separate crates and started driving their truck all the way to California. "Huh?" Claudette said and turned her head over to the truck "Oh no! Wait! Wait up for me, guys! Wait I said! Waaaait!" But the truck had already driven away, leaving a smoke cloud in Claudette's little face, which made her cough. By the time Claudette finished coughing and opened her eyes, the truck wasn't even visible from where she was standing anymore. Claudette just sat down, looked at the ground, and sighed.

Once they arrived to California, they set all of the wolves free, then drove off, leaving all of the 3 packs behind. Then, each pack hastily did a pup check---Claudette...oh no, Claudette! She's gone! She really is gone! This worried the Western Pack greatly. But as for the other pups, Runt was there and Stinky was there.The 4 humans with tranquilizing guns had forgotten to tranquilize Claudette in the Western Pack! Claudette was still stuck in stormy Jasper National Park all the way back up in Canada. She had unfortunately hidden from the humans since she thought they had lethal guns and would shoot her dead if she didn't hide from them. That's what the other wolves thought as well---but they weren't hasty enough to hide. Except Claudette, that is.

Back in Jasper National Park, the thunder was roaring loudly, threatening to electrocute somebody to their death. Claudette still ran for her life, risking her own life for the lone wolves, hidden in the shadows of the dark night with zero moonlight but with a blood red crescent moon. Thunder struck the ground once again---but this time, right behind Claudette. Claudette jumped and turned her head to the back of her and saw the thunder as it struck the ground. Claudette screamed, turned her head back to the front of her and kept on hastily running for her life. Next thing she knew---she ran straight into a tree hard and head-first and fainted. She woke up from her faint, only to find that a local lone wolf, or loner, had taken her into his temporary rocky den he was sleeping in for the night, risking his life for the 10-day deadly thunderstorm. The loner was perfectly camouflaged within the dark shadows of the night. But eventually, little Claudette could make out what he looked like. He was a blackish gray wolf, he---he...wasn't even a loner! Claudette sniffed the air and caught his scent, and finally realized that this is a lead alpha male of the most aggressive pack in Jasper National Park. This lead alpha male with Claudette was King! The 4 humans had forgotten to tranquilize King as well. "Why, hello there, Claudette." King said then evilly grinned and evilly chuckled at Claudette "Well, well, well, looks like another western weakling had been picked up by old Mr. King. Hehehe." King then licked his lips as if he wanted to kill her and eat her and made yet another evil grin at Claudette. "Western weakling?!" Claudette exclaimed "Are you kidding me?! I'll have you know that I'm no weakling, but I am in fact part of the western pack! I'm even a future al-" "Hey, hey, hey. Chill out already, Claudette." King said calmly to Claudette "All western pack wolves are weaklings---period. And that, my dearest nemesis, is a true fact." "No it's not!" Claudette exclaimed "Besides, I'm a future lead alpha pup of the western pack! I'm not weak like the future omega pups of the western pack!" "Oh my then..." King said "...I just thought you were a future omega pup. I was about to force you to stay here with me since I thought you were a true weakling much more weaker than the future alpha and beta pups and the adults of your pack but oh well, I'll just let you go instead. Go on, run free. But just remember that since you're apart of that worthless and weak pack---you're still very weak." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever." Claudette said to King "And thanks for letting me run free. Buh-bye, King!" Claudette then ran off back into the dark and stormy night of Jasper National Park. "Wait! Claudette!" King exclaimed "Don't go! I just remembered that you're going to die out there all alone by yourself!" But it was too late---Claudette had already disappeared behind the bushes. King sighs. "It's hopeless." King said to himself "She'll just die, all alone by herself. She's hopeless. Her whole life's hopeless. Little western weakling future lead alpha pup..."

Back in California, both the western pack and the king pack were freaking out. The western pack had lost one of their pups, their future lead alpha pup---Claudette. While the king pack had lost their own lead alpha male of the pack---King. "Hey, guys! Guys and girls of the King Pack!" Princess exclaimed so she could get the pack's full attention. It worked, too. "I'm still the lead alpha female of this pack. I can lead ya, ya know!" "Ohhh, that's right..." An omega of the King Pack said "...I guess we just kinda forgot that you were still here, Princess. Please, lead us all the way to empty claimable territory and claim it before the western weaklings and the eastern egos." Princess looked at the western and eastern pack and evilly grinned at both. "Will do." Princess evilly chuckled "Will do." "Hey!" Tony exclaimed "We over here aren't eastern egos! More like you're the egos! Selfish little wolves! King killers! Yeah, that's who you are!" Princess turned over to Tony, looked at him aggressively, and growled loudly. "You didn't kill King," Tony said "but you kill us!" The pups of the eastern pack started exclaiming to the King Pack in cute little pup voices "King killers! King killers! King killers! Evil! King killers! King-" "Shut up already you annoying little eastern ego pups!" Princess growled at the pups, then the pups immediately went silent and crawled backwards behind random eastern pack adults' legs while looking at Princess. "Eviw..." One little Eastern Pack pup said, who just began to speak his first few words the other day "Ywou iws nwo gwood. Eviw Pwin-...ehhh...Pwincess." Princess made a low growl at the little young eastern pack pup, then the pup jumped back, yelped, fell to the ground, and submitted to Princess while looking at her. Princess only chuckled, then, when the wolves weren't looking, then looked back, her and her pack had disappeared together. The 2 packs caught the recent scent in the air of her and her pack and followed the invisible scent trail. The little pup who submitted to Princess obediently and cutely followed along with his proper pack and even made several stumbles along the way due to his stubby pup legs, so eventually, Lilly carried the stumbling little eastern pack pup the rest of the way.

Back in Jasper National Park, Claudette had given up. No, wait---what's this? Claudette hadn't given up---she got struck by the roaring thunder in both of her back legs. She lay there, struggling to get up. Eventually, Claudette gets up, takes a few steps, and stumbles over. Then, it all ended for Claudette when the thunder struck exactly where her heart was. Claudette had an immediate and hasty death to due electrocution. Now, Claudette's carcass lies there---still and lifeless in Jasper National Park.

In California, it turns out that the King Pack had found an empty claimable territory before the Western and Eastern Pack did and claimed it all for themselves. "Ha! What are you western weaklings and eastern egos possibly gonna do about it? Whimper over it? Ha!" Princess said. "For the last time already, Princess, you and your pack are the egos! Not the eastern pack!" Tony exclaimed "King killers, you!" Princess got enraged. She even bristled her fur over this. Not to mention growling so loudly it almost sounded like she was roaring like a lion. All just over this. Over those words that Tony exclaims to her. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU, OLD MAN TONYYYY!!!!" Princess exclaimed, then actually did roar. In fact, Princess roared so loudly that she caused a rock avalanche from all of the Californian mountains surrounding her just-claimed territory. Princess then had a wide-eyed look on her face. No, not a sad one, but more like a shocked one. Like Kate had when Eve said to rip Garth's legs off or something and shove it down his throat for the Moonlight Howl if he does anything bad to her. Everybody had that look on their faces. "RUUUUN!!!" Winston exclaimed "IT'S A ROCK AVALANCHE! EVERYBODY JUST GO! RUUUUNN!!!" Immediately, everybody, including Winston but excluding Princess, screamed and ran away. Princess just kinda stood by her spot, frozen both in her shocked facial expression and in just her whole body. As a result, Princess got ran over by one of the giant rocks that came from the surrounding mountains. She had died. Now the rest of the king pack truly had no leader to lead them. Sure, they could let one or two of their betas take charge, maybe even one or two of their own omegas. But they weren't worrying about that right now, they just wanted to get out of the area. Once they were out, all were safe---except Princess, that is. Now the king pack started freaking out once again. "What should we do?!" Nars exclaimed. "I don't know, father!" Fleet said. "I honestly don't know!" "Hey, Nars!" An omega from the king pack said. "What is it, omega wolf?" Nars asked. "Maybe you should just lead the rest of the way." The omega from the king pack answered "After all, you did a pretty good job on training the pups and all for the Great Wolf games, ya know..." "It may be true that I did a good job on training the pups for the Great Wolf games and all, but---" Nars said "but...alright, I'll become the lead alpha of the King Pack..." The King pack cheered. The Western Pack didn't have much to say or think about, other than worrying about the status of Claudette. "Is she even ok?" Kate asked Humphrey with a worried expression on her face. "Hopefully she is, Kate..." Humphrey answered "...hopefully..."

Now, let's fast-forward to 10 more days from now. The storm has passed in Jasper National Park, and what was once Claudette's carcass was now just Claudette's skeleton. The meat was eaten by vultures, ravens, and of course---tiny little flies. The Western, Eastern, and King Pack had gotten tranquilized in California (as they had all planned to get tranquilized there by humans again) and thankfully got back safely to Jasper National Park. They were released back, and everybody's happy to be back home.

Nars from the King Pack immediately spotted something on the grass once all of the 3 packs had returned back from California. It was blood. Nars sniffed the blood and found out it was wolf blood. But not just any wolf blood---it was King's blood. And there was a trail of it, probably leading to where King was located in Jasper National Park. "Ummm, guys..." Nars said to the king pack "...come here. You got to see and sniff this." Of course, the King Pack obediently came over to Nars and sniffed the blood. "King!" A beta of the King Pack said "This smells of King's blood! This is the blood of our past leader of King!" "Let's follow the trail, king pack!" Nars said, then followed the trail all the way to bloody King. The other 2 packs followed the king pack as well out of curiosity. King wasn't dead---he was alive. Just really bloody. "Leader!" Nars exclaimed "Dearest leader King, you're alive after all! Now that's a surprise alright!" But King just continued to lie there on the ground. He let out a groan, but that's about it. "D-Dearest leader?" Nars asked, then noticed the bloody hunter's arrow located on King's back left leg "Oh no! Our dearest leader of the king pack, King, is greatly injured! Let's carry him to the den!" So then, Nars and the rest of the king pack started carrying King to the king pack's den, and the Western and Eastern pack both slowly followed the King Pack. Once the packs had arrived at the King Pack's den, Nars and all of the other wolves of the king pack carefully laid him down in the den. The healers of the king pack immediately tried to heal King, and, sure enough, it had worked. King groaned yet again at first trying to get up, but he got up by himself. "King, what happened to you?!" Nars asked King. "Literally a few seconds before you appeared back in Jasper National Park, a bow hunter tried to shoot me with a bow and arrow." King answered Nars "I guess it's bow hunting season then, or he's just a killer poacher. He thankfully didn't kill me, but instead shot me with his bow and arrow in my back left leg. I immediately fell to the ground, injured. But the bow hunter didn't even bother to finish me off with another bow and arrow. He just came over to me, looked at me, then just left me there to probably leave me to die all alone due to blood loss." "Well, at least you didn't die." Nars said to King "That's an awfully good thing that you didn't die." "Yeah..." King said "Now can you please somehow remove this arrow from my back left leg? I can't remove it myself since I'm just an old lead alpha here and it's pretty painful." "Oh, sure thing, King." Nars said and carefully pulled the bloody arrow out of King's back left leg. King screamed from the agony he suffered while Nars was carefully taking out the bloody arrow for him. Once it was out, King, of course, yelped, but then thanked Nars for what he did. "No problem, King." Nars said to King and grinned "No problem." Then, King just noticed that Princess was missing. "Wait a minute..." King said "...where's Princess?" "Oh, ummm, well..." Nars said then looked down at the ground and to the left a bit "She...sadly got killed by a rock avalanche." King was speechless and expressionless. But then he slowly began to mourn. Nars pat old King's back with his right paw. "It's ok, King..." Nars said "'s ok..."

The Western and Eastern Pack eventually left the King Pack's territory after like an hour of King mourning and after an hour of Nars telling King it's alright and patting King's pack with his right paw.

The Western Pack, of course, went searching for Claudette immediately to Kate worrying about her. "What if Claudette's dead?" Stinky asked Kate. "Let's hope she isn't, Stinky." Kate answered Stinky. A few minutes later, they all stumbled upon a wolf skeleton. Kate was the first wolf to run over to the wolf skeleton and sniff it. Once she did, she began to mourn for as long as King is over the death of Princess. "Kate?" Humphrey asked Kate. "D-Don't t-talk t-to m-me a-and d-don't c-come n-near m-me, H-Humph-phrey-ey!" Kate stuttered as yet another tear rolled down her furry face. Humphrey immediately ran over to the wolf skeleton and sniffed it, then he understood why Kate was crying. He frowned and nodded his head while his eyes were closed. Humphrey sat down then hugged Kate. "There, there, Kate..." Humphrey said while a tear began to roll down his face, then he sniffled "...i-it'll b-be a-alright...". Now Humphrey and Kate were both crying together. The rest of the Western Pack sniffed the wolf skeleton, frowned, and howled. Hutch patted Claudette's skeleton with his right paw while frowning. "You won't exist on land, but you'll surely exist in our hearts and in our mind, dearest western pack pup Claudette."

While Humphrey and Kate were at Claudette's skeleton mourning, the Eastern Pack had no losses. They got it easy. They had nothing to worry about. But then---"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE, GARTH!" A familiar voice exclaimed from a distance away from the Eastern Pack "I JUST CAN'T TAKE THE PAIN ANYMORE!" "Lilly, no!" Garth exclaimed "Don't jump, please!" "I MUST GARTH!" Lilly exclaimed "I MUST!" Then, silence. "Lilly!" Garth exclaimed "LILLYYYYYY! NOOOOOO!!! WHYYYY?!!!!" "Just remember this one little thing, Garth." Lilly said calmly to Garth. "What, Lilly?!" Garth asked. "I'll always love you..." Lilly said "...even when I'll die...which is now." "Lilly..." Garth whispered to himself as he watched Lilly disappear in the deep canyon's dark shadows "No..." A tear then rolled down Garth's furry face. The other part of the Eastern Pack hastily ran towards where it sounded like Garth's and Lilly's familiar voices were coming from. Once they arrived, they saw Garth sitting down and crying at the canyon. Then, Garth just couldn't take the pain of losing Lilly---he jumped into the canyon as well. The rest of the Eastern Pack just simply watched in shock as Garth jumped down into the deep canyon while exclaiming "L-LI-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLY-YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!" and while mourning as well. The rest of the Eastern Pack was just shocked and completely frozen like Princess was at the rock avalanche, only though in this case--there wasn't a rock avalanche going on behind them.

Then, the wolves of each different pack woke up to the bright light of the sun. It was morning. It was all just a dream. But what was weird about this realistic-seeming dream was that every wolf had it at the same time on the same day. How could this have happened? How is this even possible?

Each wolf looked at each other. Garth was alive, Lilly was alive, Princess was alive, King wasn't injured, Claudette wasn't dead---nothing of this sort had ever actually happened---only in their minds. So everybody ended up being ok. And with that, the wolves from each pack---the Western, Eastern, and King Pack---continued on with their daily lives. Eating caribou (and the omegas eating some berries from the berry patch as well), feeding the pups, bringing the future alpha and beta pups to Alpha School for the winter, and so on.

But all of the wolves still had one unanswerable question stuck in their minds---how was everybody dreaming the same dream even possible?
I woke up early the next day and found Alpha Elliot calling me out.
"Shadow... Why did were you fighting Drake yesterday?" Alpha Elliot was looking towards where the sun would rise soon, he had no expression on when he asked me.

"He was holding Troy underwater, I told him to stop, and he did. When I went to see if he was alright, Drake attacked me from the side. Sir." I said standing nest to him.
"Okay, get ready today, we're going to have all of the students try and hide for awhile then try to get to the flag..."

And with that he left to the Alpha den, about half an hour after the Alphas came...
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‘Hey, leon; hey’ Michael, a 17 yr old male with a small goat beard with blue eyes and at least 6 foot woke me up shaking my sides to get my attention , feeling buzzed from at least 3 A.M from sleeping. I moaned with the musk of my mouth scent and with a side drool as I wiped myself, then slowly paying attention to ___. I coughed and sniff to get the extra mucus out from the outer ring of my nose and gazed at him with a drowsy look.
‘ugh, wh-what is Michael? It’s th-three in 3 in the-‘ he jumped on my bed, grabbed the remote next to me ant turned on the channel news 14, bright...
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It was a day when they made a deal with Alice, Hutch and Kate is going though hell Alice made them go without food the other night and Kate was getting woozy from hunger and Hutch was getting light headed luckily Kate's mom Eve sneaked two pieces of food for both of them Kate:" thanks mom" Hutch:"yeah thanks Eve" Eve:" your welcome" Alice" HUTCH get back to work, and BITCH (Kate) shut the fuck up" Kate rolled her eyes, Hutch had to lift lots of heavy boxes that he can't even carry and couldn't push or pull the boxes also he can't get any help the only thing that the group can do is watch Hutch...
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As birds were singing beautifully in jasper Lilly was being chased by a southern pack wolf,she was doing everything she could do.He was right on her tail he was so close to tackling her when he did he bit her leg and drew blood.Lilly:"Get off me!"she shouted trying to get him off.Finally she knocked him off and took off running.He caught back up to her in no time.They finally ran up on a cliff.Lilly:"HELP ME,SOMEBODY!"she shouted in fear.Yuri:"No one is coming little girl."he growled.Lilly:"W-w-w-who are you?"she questioned in fear.Yuri:"Since you're about to die I'm Yuri, your worst nightmare!"...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Ep 5: III (part 2)

Nistra: *jumps and kicks III*

III: *falls over*

Nistra: Love has made two into one! Nicks strength and Astras intellect, we are the Ultimate one!

III: NO! I am the Ultimate one! *gets up and fires Magma*

Nistra: *teleports to III's face*

III: Hey!

Nistra: *slashes and shatters III*


Nistra: Why are trying to hurt the Wolves?

III: Must...for master...I...

IV: *appears*

III: me...

IV: Uh no *absorbs III, leaving an odd card and a H Piece*

Nistra: IV!

IV: I must be going now! *disappears*

Nistra: *de-fuses back into Nick and Astra*

Nick: *Sees the H Piece and...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 1: The Challenge

*Jasper Park, Canada, 10 years after Prologue*

Humphrey: *looking for Caribou*

Kate: The Caribou have not been coming for weeks now...

Humphrey: I am starting to get worried...the packs...

Kate: *sees some buff men cutting down trees and putting machinery* Huh?

Humphrey: What is going on down there?

Man 1: *sees Kate ans shoots at her*

Nick: *teleports and slashes it*

Kate: Who is that?!!!

Nick: *slashes the Men*

Men: *run*

Nick: Don't build here, it's the Wolves home!

Kate: What did you just do??!!!!

Nick: I saved your lives!

Humphrey: Kate, calm down.

Kate: But he might be a Hunter!...
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"WHAT?!" Katrina yelled getting angry. "Dusk tell me what happened and who did it?" Apollo asked, walking up to me.

"Sir, not to be rude but the wolf who did it, Slash, He's to strong... his back is twice the size of both of our packs combined!" Dusk said, Acashia still hugging him.

"So this Slash, how good of a fighter is he?" Katrina and Apollo asked. Dusk got a sick look and said "He took on 7 wolves at the same time, didn't even get a scratch."

Acashia let go of him and starred at Dusk till her dad spoke, "Sounds like we are going to have to distract him while I take him out. Where does his...
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Alright so lonewolf82 (Trent) obviously told everyone about how I was in a car accident and in a coma for 2 and a half days....but now I'm going to tell it through my pov and wolfinize it a bit...

Lexi's pov
Trent and I just had our finals in omega school and we got out early. We walked out of the school grounds. It was pretty cold that day and you could tell that it was going to rain. I looked up and through the trees one single rain drop splattered on my nose. Trent barked "Damn I hate the rain". I looked at him and he shrugged. We hurried our pace up a bit. Trent was a little behind me for...
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posted by WolfRaider577
Note this is based on the 1989 San Bernardino derailment.
The sun rose and jasper city slowly turns to life
Kate and Humphrey were getting Their pups for school, Garth was at his dads house after his date with Lilly last night all of them live in a part of jasper city Jasper street the only part of the street they don't like are the train tracks every day and night the trains pass by blowing their horns speeding by at 25 to 30 mph.
Meanwhile CN 71554 reaches the Highest point of the Canadian Rockies From there its all down the Mountain Hutch leaves the Train at slow speed down the Mountain what he and the train crew don't know that their train is already out of control
and there's nothing they cant do to slow it down
end of Preview

First of all, I was never actually was born in Jasper, I was born in a small area just beside it.

I lived with my parents, but they never seemed to pay a whole lot of attention towards me.

Sure they LOVED me, but did they LIKE me... Most times.. No.

They just had no trust in me. I was always off carzing trouble, embarressing them, you name it I've probably done it.

So, I guess I cannot blame them for not liking me a lot of times.

We tired with each other but I guess we never had anything in common.


"Why, are you telling me this?" Candy asked, interrupting the story.

"I don't...
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posted by Ricoh_Alpha_626
Chaoter 7: Growing Up
**Authors Note- So, from the feedback I got from the last chapter, the idea of Hutch being paired with Claw didn't go over so well. But please trust me, it'll all become clearer as the story progresses**
    It has been six months since Hutch had met Claw, and in fact he lived up to what he had said. Every night he would sneak out and visit her, which he enjoyed very much. Although some nights, Tiberius would have them do faux hunts, or play their little game of 'hide-and-seek', which Hutch would always win. Claw didn't mind though, it made all the better...
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posted by Litio
''Frey'ner ? How did you become a lone wolf ?'' Asked Kate , suddenly every wolf in the pack turned to Frey'ner and waited for him to tell his story .

''Well , It began on a Saturday'' He said as he began to remember that horrible day ..

frey'ners POV .

''Jane , Put Frey'ner to sleep , We have to go tomorrow'' Letio said to his mate .

''How much time left ?'' Jane said worriedly .

Letio sighed and replyed .

''Enough , Don't worry , They wont have him , I wont allow it '' Letio said holding his mate close .

A crash was heard outside of the den , a orange glow flickered on the entrance of the den ....
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The rise of our pack, and the start of it all.
The rise of our pack, and the start of it all.
Hey there fellow pack brothers/sisters, I bring a message to you about the club as of recent...
We cannot continue to be slumped in a crisis of in-activity and/ or removal of this club as an option. The first members of this club had made this place great, had intended on making it better , to an extent the succeeded. But I write here, right now, that from the beginning, they knew the end. But that end will not be now, and not for a long time, we still remain here, all of us, who never thought of leaving and those who are considering. The old "glory days" are over, the "cool people" are now...
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i am the stone that the builder refused
i am the visual
the inspiration that made lady sing the blues

i am the spark that makes you idea bright
the same spark that lights the dark so you can know your left from you right

i am the ballot in your box
the bullet in the gun
that inner glow
that lets you know
to call your brother son

the story of whats to come
the promise of whats to come
and imma remain a soldier t`il the war is won (won)

chop chop chop judo flip
chop chop chop judo flip
chop chop chop judo flip
chop chop
posted by HumphreyAlpha
It was early in the morning on the second day when Mittens/Jodie woke up. She stretched, smiling at her recollections of last night.
In a remarkable show of compassion, Bolt had given up his food and bed for her. She would have preferred him to share them, but she was touched just the same.
She sat up and shook herself. The movement was a little different from it had been when she was a cat, but it achieved the same purpose.
Mittens put her newly improved nose to work and set out on Bolt's scent trail.

She found him upstairs, asleep in Penny's bed. He looked so peaceful, curled up in a little...
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posted by Omega90
December 30th,2524.When we had shipped out from the training facility in Jasper City,Artigea.We had one thing on our minds,when we were gonna finally put our skills to the test."Hey Chief Petty Officer!" Lux called out,he was my second-in-command. "What is it Lieutenent?" I asked. "I was wondering if after all these years training,and all these genetic enhancements,will they finally pay off?" Lux asked,he seemed nervous,we all were.All of us,taken as pups,and trained,tested on,and augmented to be the best the United Nations Space Command had to offer."If you keep your head on and keep it down,you...
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Note: i know this article takes too long, but enjoy

“So Nala what are you doing in forest like this?”I asked. “I’m here looking for help there’s a war at Jasper park, my home and if this doesn’t end something bad will happen, all I hope is to find someone that knows a lot about strategy and weapons.” . me and Simba kinda surprised cause we knows things like that. “can we help? We knows things like that but we’re not experts.”I asked. “of course you can, that will be much helping thanks.”. “and when this is over can we stay there?”I asked. “yeah if my pack’s leader...
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"Honey!? Are we going!?!?" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs to Humphrey who was still in the bathroom. "Yes dear! Just one sec!" I counted to one. "It's been a sec! Now two! Now three! Now four!.." I could hear the sound of the bathroom door opening and my mate walking out of it and down the stairs, "Here!" I sigh,"Finally!" Humphrey smiles a little and picks up all the suit cases and tries to cary them all at once. I smile and watch him, "Need some help?" Humphrey shakes his head stubbornly, "Nope, not at all" Suddenly one falls out of his hand and onto his foot, he cries out in pain,...
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posted by KingSimba4Ever9
It was cloudy and was looking as though it was about to storm as I hurried up the stone porch steps from a long and hard day at work. I swung the door open and there I saw my mate Humphrey laying comfortably on the couch and munching on cookies and staring at the T.V. screen. Colorful colors reflected on his face from the tv and loud screaming sounds were coming from the tv too.
I just looked at him for a while with jealousy. Without saying a word I walk right past him and into the kitchen where I saw that the pantry door was wide open and the cookie jar was totally empty. I sighed and started...
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posted by 63712
i can ride my bike with no handle bars,no handlebars,no handle bars, no handlebars, i can ride my bike with no handlebars,no handlebars.hands in the air like its god to be ALIVE look at m look at me and im a famous rapper even when all the paths are all crookedy. i can teach you how to do-si-do i can show you how to scratch a record. i can take apart a remote control and i can almost put it back together. i can tie a knot in a cherry stem i can tell you about lief erickson i know all the words to de colorez, and im proud to be an american me and my saw a palatypus me and my friend made a comic...
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