Alpha and Omega Club
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posted by TheChriZ1995
Chapter 12: At Long Last

Hours passed and the sun began its decent towards the ground, the storm had passed leaving nothing but clear blue sky and scattered clouds. The day continued on like normal with wolves performing their jobs or relaxing, word was already out that there would be a pack meeting at sun down. No one knew what it was about but some were starting to take notice of the fact that Humphrey had returned from his trip as a lone wolf. No one knew the real reason of why he left other than his close friends but they did know through gossip that he had left to simply explore the world. Humphrey found himself in the center of attention from wolves welcoming him back, most were omegas but there were a few western alphas that did as well. He smiled and thanked them each time as he followed Kate along with Lilly and Garth through the den grounds.

"You know I think this coming howl is going to be the best I have ever been too." Kate said, the two young couples have been talking about the upcoming moonlight howl which was two days away.

"I wonder why that would be..." Humphrey said sarcastically

"I bet a handsome boy will ask me to go as his date" She played along, giving him a wink causing him to only smile.

"Well it sure will be an interesting howl, since alphas and omegas can howl with one another." Garth said

"And that I get to go as your date" Lilly added, walking close by his side.

"Yeah that too, for once we don't have to howl far from anyone else." He agreed

"Was that because you didn't want to hurt other wolves ears with your howl?" Humphrey teased with his goofy grin.

Garth laughed "Oh silly coyote, you made be surprised to hear that I've worked on my howl." He smiled

"Whatever you say... barf" Humphrey said, seeing that Garth still wanted to use the nicknames they gave each other.

Both the females just rolled their eyes and smiled. "Oh you two, you better not make those names stick." Kate said with a shake of the head.

"Not my fault you're soon to be mate is quite the jokester" Garth defended.

"Well he does have a point about your howling..." She teased.


She and Humphrey both laughed "Take it easy Garth, were only kidding" Humphrey replied.

"Yeah loosen up a bit, we won and now we get to live our dream lives. I know you're excited and relived about that." Kate added, trying to cheer him up.

"Don't worry hun, you can impress them with your wonderful howl in two days." Lilly smiled, receiving a nod from him.

"Of course I'm excited about it, but the pack still has to learn about us and to be honest I'm worried about my own father hating me because of this." He replied.

They group all stopped and turned to face him after hearing that. "Don't worry sweetie I'm sure he'll come around and get over the change." Lilly said.

"Yeah he can't stay mad at your forever, you are his son and surly the only thing left of his family" Kate agreed.

"I suppose your right..." He said.

"We are right Garth, family is family even if theirs conflicts" Humphrey said.

"Besides you always have me by your side" Lilly said.

He smiled and looked at all three of them "Thanks guys I needed that, I just want him to apologize to me about it."

"How about we just forget about it and focus on enjoying ourselves for the rest of today, I've had enough of being trapped in my thoughts." Kate said. Humphrey nodded in agreement.

"Yeah we should, I shouldn't be a stick in the mud when I got the one thing I've wanted the most in the world." He said before nuzzling Lilly affectionately, causing her to giggle.

Kate smiled, she was happy for her sister because Garth was just the kind of wolf she needed and deserved. She was shy, quiet, and funny but she began to notice that she was more confident and social after being around Garth for a few months. The same could be said for her, she learned how to have fun again and even become a bit of a jokester thanks to Humphrey. The opposite couples learned from each other, it's amazing to think they match up perfectly together despite opposing ranks. Love always seems for find a way, even if that way was forbidden to happen by law.

Ever since the end of the meeting in the east the two couples have been wandering around the den and feeding grounds just casually talking before they needed to be and Winston and Eve's den for the pack meeting. They had won the right to take their relationships to the fullest, there wasn't a doubt in their minds that they packs would disapprove of their love. Tony was no longer a threat and you could say they were very thankful of Winston and Eve being cool with all of this. Of this worked out then the central pack would stand as a strong example of how alphas and omegas can live together in harmony instead of having a define line between them. Other packs could learn from them and maybe follow in their paw steps, but that was for the future to decide. The sun was getting lower and the four wolves made their way to meet up with Winston and Eve at their den. This was it, soon the whole pack would know of their hidden relationships and will get the news that alphas and omegas were freely allowed to pair up as mates. Surly Kate, Humphrey, Lilly, and Garth wouldn't be the only ones to take advantage of the law being lifted.

Some wolves were already gathered in the clearing below the alpha den as the four climbed up the side slope to see Winston already on the overhang waiting for them. Shortly after their arrival Eve walked out of the den and joined by her mate's side as orange-yellow sunset glowed off of their fur. One by one the pack began to accumulate below and began to talk and murmur amongst each other, some just socializing and others wondering what was going on. The sun hit the tops of the distant mount peaks and Winston signaled for all the wolves to settle down and pay attention.

"Alright everyone, I would like your attention please" He said with his paw raised.

The wolves immediately stopped their talking and looked up at their two leaders and company, the eyes of twenty some odd wolves were focused on them. Just about the whole pack was here since Winston announced earlier that it was mandatory for all wolves to come this evening. Every member was here, except for Tony, but he already knew about what Winston was going to announce.

"I have gathered you all here today to talk about something that has recently come to my attention." He said in a loud voice. "As I'm sure you all know my daughter Kate and the sun of Tony, Garth married in order to unite our two packs as one."

Humphrey looked across the crowd as Winston continued to speak and eventually spotted his their best buds Salty, Shakey, and Mooch. Shakey of course knew Humphrey was back but Salty and Mooch were shocked to see that he has returned. Shakey just sat back quietly and smiled. Humphrey knew he had some explaining to do with them after this, perhaps he could hang out with them tomorrow since Kate did have alpha duties in the morning.

"This marriage was forced, which is known. Tony, Eve, and I just figured they would go with it and eventually they would fall in love with one another and actually act how regular mates would. However we were very wrong to assume this because yesterday evening they both admitted that they were both in love with someone else." A few gasps sounded from the pack during a short pause in Winston's speech.

"Kate has been sneaking out of the pack territory during her free time and spending time with Humphrey who had become a lone wolf, they are both very in love and have been ever since before our packs united three months ago. Meanwhile Garth has been seeing my youngest daughter Lilly for the same amount of time but within pack borders. They are very much in love as well despite them all knowing the law." The pack was shocked to hear such a thing, never had there been a case of an alpha and omega couple in either pack prior to this. Some wolves didn't like the idea of seeing an alpha and omega couple in the pack while others feared what was going to happen to the four by law.

"The law clearly states that and alpha and omega couple in the pack are to be banished." Winston continued "However I couldn't just kick my two beautiful daughters out of the pack along with their loves. The law may state it but family should always stick together regardless of the situation."

Some wolves began to look at each other trying to figure out where their leader was going with this "That is why Eve, Tony, and I have agreed to remove the law the keeps alphas and omegas from becoming mates. Allowing Garth and Kate to divorce and marry the one that they truly love, they deserve to have the life they want and not be forced away from it just for all of our benefit. Our packs will stay united and everything is to continue as normal besides the fact that the law is lifted. Any objections?"

A majority of the pack nodded in agreement, some clapped their paws together and some howled with delight at the news. But there were some who didn't really agree to the idea of Kate and Garth divorcing and marrying omegas, it didn't feel right. As the cheering and clapping settled down one wolf recognized as Hutch stepped up a bit before speaking.

"But sir, don't Kate and Garth serve as the bond that holds the east and west together? Meaning that when they separate the packs do as well?" He said looking up at Winston, generally that was the main reason some wolves were skeptic about hearing the news.

Winston knew one of them would ask about that, and earlier today during his lunch he saw how that bond could still be maintained. "Good question Hutch, but come on. Do any of you want to see the packs separate because of this and eventually turn into a war?" Winston replied.

The wolves looked around before pretty much all of them shook their heads 'no' causing him to smile "I figured as much, there's no need to go through with the drama if no one wants it to happen, but if you want to see a physical bond then let Garth and Lilly's marriage serve as that. Now I hope to see you all at the moonlight howl in two days where we will celebrate the packs new alpha and omega couples. You are all excused." He finished as his long speech came to a close. Again there was some cheering and applause, the two new couples just smiled down at their pack mates and waved. As quickly as it began the meeting was over and wolves went back to doing whatever they were doing before the meeting. It was all over now, peace was kept and alpha and omega could be one. The hardships were over and Kate, Humphrey, Garth, and Lilly were already to experience their new lives here within their home.

There was silence between the six wolves as the wind blew by, light was fading and the stars slowly appeared one by one. Winston let out a sigh and looked at his two daughters as they sat by their soon to be mates. "I'm so proud of you girls" He said.

"Thanks dad, but we were only following our hearts" Kate replied while leaning against Humphrey's side.

"Yeah it's you that we should be thanking" Lilly said.

"You don't have to thank me, there was no way I would ever force you four to leave, no matter how much the pack opposed to it." He said.

"I'm just glad to see that my daughters are both happy again" Eve said.

"And I'm glad that all the stress is over and no longer will I have to leave the territory every chance I get" Kate said.

"Yeah, I'll admit you were all pretty good at keeping this a secret from us for the past three months." Winston said.

"Well I wasn't going to give up my love for Humphrey easily, same for all of us. I do feel bad about having to lie to you about it all." She said.

"No worries deer, it's all in the past now." Eve smiled.

They continued to talk for another ten minutes until the only light left was from the near full moon that hung high in the night sky. Garth and Lilly decided to call it a night and left into the den grounds, Kate was beginning to feel tried so Humphrey decided that they should head back to her den for the night. He ended his conversation with Winston about the omegas, he told him about how the omegas of the pack became somewhat lost after his departure. Kate had told him about this but he didn't realize just how much of an effect he had on the omegas of the western pack, it's no wonder that he was referred to as the leader of the omegas. Kate's eye lids were beginning to droop as she rested against Humphrey's side letting his warmth bring her great comfort. Humphrey nudged her back to attention and stated that they should head to bed for the night, she agreed and they both said farewell to Winston and Eve before walking down from the overhang.

While Kate was feeling tired from the day's activities Humphrey was wide awake, there was something he needed to get off his chest even if the answer was obvious. He waited nearly three months to pop this question to his love and finally, now he can. He looked over at Kate while she walked by his side, her fur glowing beautifully in the silver light. She was his angel and all he ever wanted in life, and now he had to make sure that she was his forever even if there was no reason for her to ever leave him. He saw a nice overhang with the moon centered above and thought it was perfect, the moment needed to be just right in order to ask for her paw in marriage. Kate was special to him and he wanted to make her feel just that way, he always knew he was the romantic type.

"Come on sweetie, let's admire the moon for a bit before going to sleep." He said with a smiled.

She turned her head and looked at him with a smile as well before nodding her head, she didn't say a word and only followed her love as he led her to the overhang. They both stopped and sat down at the edge of the small cliff, the wind continued to blow lightly causing everything to dance around them. Kate's eyes focused up on the moon to admire its beauty, she may see it all the time but it never seized to amaze her. Humphrey did the same but felt his insides tighten up as he prepared to ask the question, he was nervous, even if he knew Kate wanted to his as much as he wanted to be hers. He took a few deep breaths before turning to look at her, he didn't know what was more beautiful, the night sky or how the light of the moon made Kate shine like an angel. Humphrey was lucky to have such a wolf like her in his life, the moment was right so he went for it.

"Hey Kate, can I ask you something?" He said while turning to face her more.

She switched her gaze from the night sky and met her eyes with his, she smiled. This was all she ever wanted, to have Humphrey back in Jasper and be able to be a couple, it was private moments like this with him that made her melt. "Of course Humphrey, you can ask me anything" She said softly, leaning in a bit.

Humphrey leaned in to the point where their noses were a few inches apart, he reached down and took on of her paws in his before locking his eyes with hers. "You know that I love you more than anything in his world and our dream of living here in our true home has become a reality. I want to spend the rest of my life by your side and have you be mine, so with all the meaning in my heart and soul, Kate... will you marry me?"

His words echoed in her mind and she could feel a wave of joy and happiness crash over her. She longed to hear those words ever since she confessed her love to him and now the moment has come. He didn't even need to ask the question, no matter what they would be mates for life even if things went terribly here in Jasper. She wanted to say yes right away but her desire to kiss him took over and she leaned in till their noses touched, she let out a sigh as she got lost in the moment. They were like this for several moments until she slowly pulled away and opened her eyes again to see the ice blue color of his looking right back.

"Yes Humphrey, a thousand times yes, I will marry you" She said loudly and happily.

Humphrey felt his hard beat increase and a large grin appear on his face, this was it, Kate would be his forever. This time he was the once who leaned in for a kiss, he filled it with all the passion he had as a way of saying thank you. Kate did the same and savored the moment here on this ledge with the moon shining on their pelts. She felt like the happiest alpha in the world at this moment now that she and Humphrey would become mates for life. They pulled away and looked into each other's eyes yet again.

"I can't even begin to describe how I feel right now, your love is amazing Kate and all I've ever wanted was for you to be mine, I'll love you forever." He said.

"I love you too Humphrey, you don't know how much you mean to me and I'm so glad that you're the one I get to spend the rest of my life with." She replied, oh how she didn't want this moment to end.

Her words made his insides melt, never did he dream that we would actually become mates with Kate, her love is something he will forever be thankful for. They sat in total silence for several minutes just enjoying each other's company, no longer did a barrier keep them apart. Eventually Kate could feel her tiredness set in again and decided that now it was time to head to bed, having Humphrey ask her to marry him just made her day that much better. She couldn't wait for the kinds of things they would experience together as mates, they may be married soon but that didn't mean their adventure as lovers was over. Little did the two lovers know that elsewhere in the forest Garth had asked Lilly the same question. Lilly was ecstatic to hear it and of course said yes, there was no reason for her not to say it, and with that they retired to the world of sleep as well.

A/N: Ahh such a nice ending to this chapter, always love doing the lovey dovey stuff! So the pack agrees with the idea and now everything is how it should be, but this story ain't over just yet. There's still a marriage to go through among other things until this story will come to its conclusion, I'd say chapter 15 is the last chapter. I appreciate the support, you guys always go above and beyond with your reviews and I enjoy reading them. Cya.

By Snow



It was a beautiful day in Jasper National Park. The sun was out and the radiance of the green grass shone in the bright morning light. A gentle cool breeze flowed through my fur, making my coat sway from side to side. The storms had been brutal the past two days but no matter the weather, nothing was going to ruin this perfect day.

I was playing with my new friends, Jessie and Ryan. Jessie had grey fur with a white underbelly, her eyes a striking ice blue. Ryan's fur was golden, and he shared the same white underbelly as his sister, but...
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Hello everyone! I just came up with an awesome story! It call Lone Wolf: A New Pack. It when a Young wolf travels alone by hurting the pack leader AKA his father. Now he travels alone try to find a pack an he founds one. But will he able to join in the pack and what will happen if he does make it in the pack and what happen when he dosen't? Find out here, right now! (And why my name is Stars. I Will tell you when I feel like you guys want to hear it.) Here is Part One! hope you enjoy.

WANRING: Please read Rating

Violence: 2/3
Sex: 0/3
Language: 1/3

Ch.1 Lone...
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4 hours Later...
Sgt.Carlos Johnson
Day 1
9:00 AM
carlos wake up after his fall.
sgt.carlos:"cough...cough..what just happend.."
carlos crawls to somewhere.
after reach the somewhere he gets up.
carlos is injured on his back and legs, but he can move but at weak speed.
sgt.carlos:*at weak voice* "There Somebody here!"
carlos moves slowly.
carlos collapses.
carlos looks up and slowly dies.
screen to him slowly white.
1 hour later his death...
air camera tracks carlos.
carlos johnson
Status:K.I.A = Killed in Action
cpl.john:"he dead now.""of course."
gen.winston:"nevermind, we will send ambush troops to get his HQ so we get more power.""i will recruit wolves to get our alpha's pack bigger."
To Be Continued...
Rest In Peace, Carlos.
(dont take it down, the slightest of adult references effecting sleep of other wolves)

All was quiet in jasper the exact month after the metal festival and the sharp quick ending of humphrey and Kate's second honey moon. The sun rose over the valley, like a shield protecting all who dwelled within with its special burning light. Humphrey awoke from his bed seeing kate underneath his body, peacefully breathing, eyes fluttering as she dreamed. A few laughs, giggles and gafauls came out as she lye there unaware of Humphrey's wonderment as to what she was dreaming about.

Feeling great in himself...
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posted by katelover14
It was the middle of the night and I heard something outside of my den i walked over there and i seen a beautiful fox walking past my den i shook my head and went back to sleep "thinking why did that fox walk past my den"? i started to wake up when i felt the warmth of the sun.oh yeah i forgot that i had to go hunting today eves going to be pissed with me but i didnt care at all.i walked over to see hadashi sitting there with her bitchy look. hadashi:what the hell took you Adrien? the whole pack was waiting for you.I'm surprised curt even made you a beta.i rolled my eyes at her and said I'm not scared of you eve is much worse.
Chapter 3: Bodies
Winston suddenly noticed Hutch walking towards a cave-like crater. “What the hell are you doing?!” Said Winston. “The suits are not ready to sustain that much cold.” “I think I see something in there.” Said Hutch. Hutch then pulled out a device that emitted blue flashes to allow him to see in the dark cave-like crater. As Hutch descended into the crater his anxiety grew, he started breath heavily as he feared something terrible was going to happen. Suddenly a flash revealed the dead body of an Eastern Pack wolf, Hutch was terrified at the sight of the body. “Holy...
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bodies, bodies were all around me.
i couldnt breathe at all since the smell was strong; how it almost sufficated me,
*OTSOA!!!* I cried out with my tears dropping, the tears helped me smell.
Southern soldiers all dead, heads and bodies torned up,
rib cages were showing almost everything.....everything.
I ran and ran all ovet the bodies til i found Otsoa's body looking untouched, though laying down.
I yelled his name and started to cry in joy because he was alriught.
The smell camed back, but deeper from Otsoa's body...
slowly i placed my paws in his face, but it all changed...since i felt blood, his face was ripped apart!!
(wakes up from a thunferstorm and finds silver and vi asleeping)
To Be Continued....
Day had becamed night, no humans were around in sight nor near the sidewalks with their cars passing by: the road was dead.
Humans house lights from every block were off.
as i waited i equipped myself; gathering just a dark bag i pulled around my side, and another important artifact i had in my life, especially when i was a pup...a neck-sized locket.
I stared and stared at it, bringing me back my past as a pup who took care of himself.
Why was this with me? who gaved it to me? i thought in my mind.
A rock banged as my ears pierced up, it was the signal; the echo.
I glanced at it a couple of seconds,...
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I woke up to the smell of sausage in my kitchen. I looked over to see that Katie was not in bed next to me. Getting up, I made my way to the kitchen and found Katie cooking breakfast and making coffee.

"Morning Babe!" Katie chirped happily.

"Morning! Wow! Your making breakfast!?"

"Well, yeah! I was hungry and I thought you would be too! I hope you don't mind." Katie said.

"Be my guest! Smells great!" I said.

Katie was wearing a white sports bra and her underwear with a beautiful white robe around her. I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek. She giggled and continued scrambling eggs.

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Hey people hope you enjoy please spread word around about my stories none reads them lol.

The docters pulled the plug on Nathan. " is he dead" Mike the doc asked. " well I'm not sure I don't hear his heart but" he couldn't finish. " well I'm alive " Nathan said quietly. Kate, kaitlyn and everyone else was cheering and crying
" its impossible " the docter said. " well I still have a fracture and internal bleeding but alive " shadow told him quitely again.

After two weeks Nathan was all healthy " hey shadow we have to decide what type of rank you'll be in " eve told him outside his parents den....
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Okay I asked Jon/ katealphawolf if I could use him in this and he said yes and thank u Jon but here u go

When Nathan woke up he un did his belt off the tree and made a bow couple arrows and 6 knifes ( just in case) ...nathan just went down the tree when Nathan heard some alphas talking to him " hey Nathan we want to talk to you " they said in a very angry voice. " why your just gonna try to eat me ".he said " well NOW.
The wolves jumped at Nathan. Nate took out two knives. The first wolf went for his leg. Nathan easily kicked him in the neck making it fly back. The three other wolves went for...
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posted by awsomegtax
I know its been a while figured id start on this try to finish this story sory for this not being hear for such a long time.

Tony is back at his cave wear he would normally be. Waiting for his son Garth to come home so he can explain what he saw. the word "allways" streamed through his head like crazy. He slowly began to walk up to the cave. Gazing as he watches his pack work, play and do what ever.

Tony: Garth....wear are you (hanging his head slowly)

Winston begins to walk up the side hill to the cave as he trots over and sits down beside tony and looks at him

Winston: Tony......i know your...
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*At Kate Place*
"Ugh!!..Morning Jhordan" Kate said
"Morning Kate Babe" I Replied Back
" So....You Want To Eat Something With me?Kate Said
"Sure Kate I'd Love Too" i Replied back to Her
*Me And Kate Was Going to The Forest to See What We Gonna Get And Kate Found Something Spcail*
"Wow Jhordan Come See This Kate Said to me
" What is it Babe?" I said to her
" Whoa What is This?" i Said To Kate
" hmm....Looks Like a Wolf!" Kate said Surprised
" Really?!....Wow" I Said To Kate
* When me and kate Saw what it is it was a Ghost Wolf*
" Uhh. Jhordan i think it's a...a. GHOST!!" Kate Screamed
" Oh Yeah it is!!! Let's...
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Jon Looking For Kate On His Bronco.
Jon Looking For Kate On His Bronco.
Authors Note: This Picks Up Where Part 1 Left off With Eve and Garth. Also They're Spoilers For Jon's "Life With Kate" Stories.

So Eve's Children Were Kid Napped, She Houled to Call Everybody To Let Them Hear About the Event.

Everyone Was Standing In Front of Where Kate, Lilly and Humphrey Last Sat. Eve Stood on Top Of a High Rock and Said:

"About a Few Hours ago, Two humans Kidnapped Humphrey, Lilly, and Kate. (Everyone Gasps) Now, Me and Garth Are Going To Have To Search For Them, Ane We Need All The Help We Can Get. So Can You all Help Us?"

Jon Heard all the words of the annoucement and RAN PAST All The Other Wolves. "Wait, Kate Is Kidnapped?", Said Jon. "Yes." Said Eve. "That Dude Is Gonna Get It!" Replied Jon. "Let's Do It!" Yelled Jon. They Searched Every Where, In The River, The Trees, The Stumps Every Where!!!

To Be Continued.
posted by REDWolfleader
A couple of minutes after I laid down on my back, I was tackled by Chelsey.
"Hey there tough guy!"
"Wow you scared the hell out of me! I wasn't expecting any company."
"Well you got some now!" Said Isabel.
"Yes. And I'm actually glad I was starting to get bored."
"So why did you come and look at the stars?" Chelsey asked.
"Well I was thinking."
"About what?" Isabel said coming to lay next to me.
"About... My life."
"Oh. Well we needed something to do so Chelsey and I decided to come see if we could find you."
"Thank you for coming to accompany me. Having two gorges girl to talk to... It's a wonderful...
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Humphrey had just finished his last rap and he wanted to become a rockstar and he did he came up with a song for Eve to sing about how she treats him and he headed for Eve's den cause recently Winston had died so he went there and she was home he set up his mobile stage and called Eve out and began: [Bruno Mars Grenade]

Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first meet,

Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your Help is all I ever asked,
Cause what...
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posted by kates-mate101
I am Wolf pt 1

I remember… My life, as a wolf and human… Since birth, well I can’t remember much… My name is Seth. I remember clearly when I met the girl of my dreams. Kate. Her golden fur… Her brown eyes… and… aw, I won’t get into details…I’ll just start from the beginning from when I met her…

Kate sat on the edge of a clearing. The grass tickled her stomach and her pads. It was mid summer. It was dawn. Kate always headed out there. The lake sat right In front. As the dew sparkled , someone walked up to the lake. That’s where I came in. I took one hadn and ruffled my...
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added by JennaStone22
ai is controversial, but however heres what the ai generator says from a ai site:

If Kate and Humphrey decided to stay in Idaho, they would have to adjust to their new surroundings and find a way to survive without being familiar with the area. They would need to find food, shelter, and water while trying to avoid any potential predators that might pose a threat to them.
Eventually, they might be able to make friends with the local wildlife and establish a new pack. However, they would likely face challenges such as territory disputes and competition for resources.
Without returning to Jasper,...
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added by Chidori1334