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Snow C-1
an Alpha & Omega story

Disclaimer: I do not own Alpha and Omega all rights go to LIONSGATE & Crest Animation Studios, The characters portrayed in this story are under my creativity.

Chapter 1: Lone Wolf.

(Snow's POV)

It was a beautiful day in Jasper National Park the sun was out and the radiance of the green grass was most soft and tender. The nice cool gentle breeze flowing through my fur which made my white coat sway from side-to-side. The storms had been brutal the past 2 days but no matter what the weather, nothing was going to ruin this perfect day.

I was playing outside with my new friends Ryan and Jessie. Ryan had Golden fur with a white underbelly, accompanied by turquoise eyes, Jessie had grey fur and a white underbelly accompanied by Blue-coloured eyes. We were all playing pin the wolf, Me, Jessie & Ryan would chase each other to see who could pin down the other. As we laughed we heard a voice coming from Humphrey's and Kate's den "Jessie! Ryan! It's time for your alpha duties!" Humphrey shouted from a distance "Coming dad!" Jessie and Ryan said in unison. "I will see you guys later for the hunt. I'm going to tell mom and dad that I won't be back for a few hours" I said, Ryan turned his head towards me and said "Sure Snow I'll meet you at the hunting grounds before the sun starts to set."

"Sure Ryan"

"Ok see you later, don't forget before sunset" I smiled and nodded in agreement whilst Ryan turned and ran to catch up with his sister Jessie. I turned to walk back to my parents den, when I arrived at the den I was greeted warmly by my mother who was sitting at the mouth of the den with her mate "Hello son" she said as she pulled me into a comforting hug "Did you have fun with Ryan and Jessie? You look like you had fun" Rebecca said with a caring smile starting to form on her muzzle.

"Of course mom"

"Actually mom I was gonna tell you something..."

"Let's go into the den and talk about it Snow I'm pretty sure what ever it is. The whole territory doesn't need to hear it" my mom sat up with her mate and started walking into the den.

"Well son? What is it?"

"Did you get a Girlfriend?" Vincent added and chuckled at his joke.

"DAD!" I exclaimed giving him a harsh punch to his leg


"You know I'm not old enough for that dad!"

"Ha ha ok son, I'm sorry. But in all seriousness what's the big news?"

"I'm going hunting with Ryan and Jessie so I won't be back for a few hours"

"That's it?– I mean thats fine son at least your helping feed the pack that's all that matters but just be-careful we don't want you getting hurt. Remember your only young and your not as strong as the older wolves." he said with the worried look in his eyes.

Vincent then turned to my mother and said
"I don't think going inside for that was necessary Rebecca..."

"Vincent honey I was only concerned for Snow. Now if you don't mind shutting your hole before I rip out your throa—"

"Honey that's enough I don't think Snow wants to hear this" He said putting his paw on my mothers muzzle. She removed his paw and gently placed his paw to the ground giving it a quick pat as she pulled away from him.

"Don't worry dad I'll be-careful and one day I'll be the greatest alpha ever!" I said as I pulled in for a hug

"That's what I like to hear" he chuckled letting out a sigh of relief afterwords.

"And don't forget dear. We love you very much."

I turned to my mother and gave her a big hug saying "I love you too mom and dad."

I started to walk towards the mouth of the den until I was suddenly stopped in my path by three dark coloured wolves with white underbellies & red demonic eyes. "Wh-Wh-Who are you and what do you want?" I said with a rather terrified tone to my voice I then suddenly noticed that my parents were approaching the mouth of the den to see what these wolves wanted. "Hey! Get away from my son!" Dad exclaimed with warning growl starting to grow in his voice "You heard him! Get lost now before I rip out your throats and tear your carcasses apart!" My mother exclaimed with a rather terrifying enraged tone in her voice. The wolf just laughed with no words he needed to speak he waved his right paw at the other two wolves to tell them to pounce at the two wolves standing before them. Both of the wolves sprinted towards both of my parents doing a rapid 180 degree spin and using their rear hind legs to kick with enough force to trigger an earthquake. I immediately shut my eyes only to wince at the sounds.




I refused to look at the scene before me but I had to see if they were ok. I opened my left eye, wiping away a tear that escaped my eye, it pained me to see the horrible state my mother and father were in. But it was good to see that they immediately stood back up to fight the demons, Wiping away a bit of blood that had seeped from their mouths. They began walking towards them growling even louder with each passing second until. The growling was immediately ceased When the dark coloured wolf struck his right paw at me scratching me in the process as I went flying into the side wall of the den knocking me slightly unconscious. All I could hear is my mom and dad screaming.




They pleaded and they pleaded but the wolves just walked away as one of them grabbed me by the scuff of the neck "MOM, DAD HELP ME!" I screamed. The wolf who was carrying me by the scuff of the neck said in a muffled tone "Say goodbye to your precious parents kid because its the last time your gonna see them again"
"go to hel—!" i tried to finish my sentence but it was cut short when the wolf hit me with a very hard object which seemed like the moon that had just crash-landed on my head, all of a sudden everything started to go black my heart rate had almost slowed to a stop and started falling into the slumbered abyss of sleep.

(Outside the border of the western territory)

I awoke from the nightmare breathing franticly as I just shot up from the horrid dream, looking around in a panic to see if anyone was around. I started to calm down as I realised that I was in the comfort of my own den, alone. I stretched my legs and hesitantly refused to look outside as the sun strained my blue eyes. I started walking outside my den which was located a mile West of Jasper Park I watched the sun rise. This is one of my most favourite things to do just waking up early just to watch the beautiful ball of fire bring light over the territory. As it shone amongst the horizon the warmth and the brightness of the sun would always bring a holy glow to my white fur and gave me the warmth i needed as it rose. I laid down at the mouth of the den resting my head on my paws thinking about the nightmare I just had wondering why it came back to me. "That happened 3 years ago and yet its still coming back to me like it just happened yesterday." I touched the left side of my face to wipe away a tear that had rolled down onto my cheek running over the scar where the dark coloured wolf had scratched me, I muttered to myself "No one will ever get away with this without suffering the consequence even if that meant sacrificing my life to protect those around me." as I stood up and looked to the mesmerising view of the western territory. I started to walk down the hill feeling the green sparkling grass between my paws as i walked along it was actually hard to keep myself from falling asleep it was that comfortable. As i walked towards a lake and approached the refreshing crisp, clear water I looked down to the reflection of my face, noticing a few fish swim by as well. So I put some water in my paws and threw it to my face to wake me up a bit and looked down to bring my head to the water a little closer and lapped up the water to take my mind off the bad thoughts running through my head. Then my ears shot up to hear the unmistakeable sound of twigs snapping followed by footsteps coming towards me i turned my head to face the approaching menace noticing that it was the dark coloured wolf who took me away from my parents. "You've got some nerve showing your face again" I said with a growl forming in my throat.

"Well I'm surprised that your still living after 3 years" he said with a evil grin starting to form on his face.

"I should strike you down from where you stand! You are going to pay for what you have done to me and my parents!"

"Oh cry me a river there has to come a time when you have to man-up kid and its obvious that hasn't happened" he chuckled

"You obviously haven't learned that if you take someone they are going to want revenge!"
I snapped back at him starting to growl even louder with every footstep we made

"I'll be guessing those will be your last words? in that case... Bring it on!" He said not to far from my face, I pounced ready to bite into his throat with my razor sharp fangs before I could deliver the first blow he moved out the way due to his quick alpha reflexes. He was a lot quicker than me since I've spent the last 3 years without any alpha training but luckily I managed to bite his right hind leg, making him yelp as the pain went through his body, tasting the blood that had seeped from the bite into my muzzle. As I licked the blood from my fangs I suddenly felt a strange surge of energy flowing through my body it felt like i had the ability to do anything, as the adrenaline coursed through my veins.

"When are you going to give up kid? Isn't it obvious that your going to die under my paw?

You know I got told something before I came back to see if you were still alive...

Sometimes the people that you want there the most... Aren't

And it's a shame that the people that you want here aren't here to see you die."

"That might be true but you haven't overlooked one problem. No matter what the situation I will never give up and those who oppose me, will die by my teeth and claws. As your blood drips from my mouth your death will be a pure slice of revenge!"

I sprinted off between some trees as he limped to get ready to pounce at me once more time I took the advantage and flanked the left side of his body and tackled him, rolling down a steep hill, we continued to roll down the hill as we both tried to break out of each-others grasp as soon as we reached the bottom of the hill I landed on top of him pinning him down in the process.

"Any last words?!"

"Yeah, Death comes to the ones you love." he demonically laughed but he wasn't going to be laughing for much longer.

So I sunk my razor sharp fangs into his jugular vein whilst the taste of blood was seeping from the wolfs neck and entering my mouth. I held him there for at least 20 seconds which felt like minutes until his body was completely motionless. As I removed my fangs from the lifeless body I licked the blood from my teeth, fangs and muzzle I turned away from the body walking towards the lake to go clean my self up, a few moments later I arrived at the lake and jumped in and started rubbing away all of the dirt and blood that had gotten caught up in my fur. Whilst exiting the water I shook away all the excess water from my fur before sitting down in the sun to let the warmth of the sun dry my wet fur as well as keeping me warm as the water was colder than I expected it to be. Which was kinda stupid, jumping into a lake and not giving a second thought at the temperature of the water.
I then stood up and started walking to my den to think about what I could do now that I had gotten my vengeance, I decided to get some food for lunch. Whilst walking to my den I caught two foxes crossing my path and decided to pounce and go for their heads, killing them in an instant so they would be my lunch for tonight. As I carried the foxes carcasses into my den I feasted into the first fox savouring the taste of flesh and blood entering my mouth I then got suddenly bored of sitting around doing nothing so I decided to do what every alpha does to pass the time, and a nap which was good since I had used all my energy getting my vengeance at that wolf who had nearly killed my mother and father when I was a pup before they wolfnapped me.

(Meanwhile in the Western Central Pack)

(Humphrey's POV)


"Yes Humphrey?"

"How do you think Vincent and Rebecca are coping?"

"I don't know Humphrey they haven't left their den in years."

"I'm going to check up on them to see if they are ok. I don't feel right knowing a family that has been ripped apart." Humphrey said with a tear running down his cheek

"Oh don't worry Humphrey I feel the same way— Come here..."

Humphrey looked at Kate, a deep understanding held within his gaze as he pulled in for a hug... And started to cry onto Kate's shoulders.

"I miss them so much Kate. My parents meant everything to me and now I'm never going to see them again and I don't know where they are." Humphrey cried

"Oh me too Humphrey me too. I also miss my parents!" Kate continued to cry on Humphrey's shoulder but he didn't mind it even if it meant getting soaked in his loves tears.

"You know Kate, Eve and Winston were the best parents-in-law I ever knew and they gave me the love and care my parents used to give to me." Humphrey said trying to cease his sorrowed crying.

"Yeah, they were pretty good parents." Kate sniffled as she pulled away from Humphrey's shoulder and backed away from the hug with her paws still on his shoulders.

Humphrey looked at Kate in the eyes with a understanding look on his face.

"You know Kate this is what makes us special. No matter our sorrow we always have a shoulder to cry on when we need it most."

"Oh Humphrey! That's the most beautiful thing you've ever said."

"Really?!" Humphrey formed a massive grin on his muzzle looking deeply into Kate's eyes still amazed by the beauty of those golden orbs of hers.

"For real Humphrey. I love you so much." She drew me in closer to bring our noses together as our lips touched we had the most wonderful caressing kiss in our whole marriage. We wished it would never end, we pulled away from the kiss we hugged each other in a tight embrace.

"I love you too Kate."

"Come, we need to check on Vincent and Rebecca see how they are coping." I suggested.

We pulled away from the hug and stood up and started walking closer together than they ever did before.

"You know Kate we do have some spare time tonight maybe–"

"Maybe what Humphrey?" Kate tilted her head in curiosity.

"We can maybe go to the moonlight howl for a change?"

"Yeah Humphrey that would be great! It's been a while since we went there."

Humphrey and Kate continued to walk along then Humphrey broke the silence because Humphrey being Humphrey he doesn't like it when everything goes quiet.

"Do you remember when we first howled together?"

"Most beautiful day of my life." Kate sighed

"And you know what Kate. That will be a night that we will never forget."

We walked along for a while longer until Humphrey broke the silence AGAIN!

"Heh you know I tend to think about what the pack would be like if you and barf got married." Humphrey looked at Kate with a puzzled look on his face

"Well Humphrey if that ever happened I would put it this way... Bloodshed, friends and family dead and we wouldn't be alive... end of story." Kate looked away from Humphrey and focused on walking towards Vincent and Rebecca's den.

"Oh... That's something I'm glad that didn't happen" Humphrey chucked

"Me too Humphrey... Oh looks like we're here." Kate pointed to the mouth of the den.

We approached the entrance of Vincent & Rebecca's den and entered the mouth of the den with extreme caution.

"Vincent? Rebecca? Are you home?" Kate said with a worried tone to her voice

"Come in guys..." Rebecca said in a weak voice.

Humphrey and Kate entered the den and looked at Rebecca, seeing that she hadn't been eating and she was too weak to stand up.

"Oh my lord you look terrible. When was the last time you ate?" Kate's facial expression dropped and a concerned look formed on her face.

"5 days ago." Vincent interrupted

"Humphrey we have some spare caribou left in our den from the last hunt. Would you mind getting it for Rebecca?" Humphrey looked into Kate's eyes and nodded his head in agreement and headed out of the den.

"I'll be right back!" Humphrey shouted whilst rapidly sprinting to his den.

Only moments later Humphrey returned with two chunks in caribou in his mouth. As he approached Rebecca he placed the caribou in front of the she-wolf and she struggled to roll herself over to reach the meal in front of her. So Vincent decided to help Rebecca by nudging on her side so she could be in a position to start eating the food she has long awaited for.

"Thanks guys, I was starting to worry about Rebecca here... She hasn't eaten for so long after our loss with Snow... He was the finest alpha I've ever raised."

Rebecca finally managed to recklessly devour the food she had been given to finally speak.

"Vincent... He's also the best son a mother can have."

"Well I hope you are going to be ok now Rebecca. Me and Kate have some business to attend to." Humphrey looked at Kate and she nodded in agreement.

"Wait!" A weak voice echoed through the den.

"Hmm?" Humphrey and Kate looked behind them in unison.

"We think Snow might be returning to the territory tomorrow..."

"And what makes you think that will happen Vincent?" Humphrey asked

"It occurred in a dream that my son, Snow would return to the territory..."

"I hope that's true Vincent. I'll put put a couple of our alphas on patrol. Have you any idea where he might come from?" Kate asked.

"The western side near the border..." Vincent replied.

"We'll see what we can do..."
Humphrey nodded and turned around with Kate and headed out of Vincent and Rebecca's den and started their short journey to meet up with Hutch and Candu.

Kate broke the silence by asking Humphrey...

"Don't you find it kinda suspicious that they suddenly know where and when Snow will return?"

"I think your right... No wolf can determine when something is going to happen through a dream." Kate responded looking towards Humphrey.

"Do you think they might have something to do with Snow's wolfnapping?" Humphrey asked with the look of concern on his face

"Don't be preposterous Humphrey! No parents would ever do such a thing to their own son!" Kate snapped

"But your right Humphrey... It's something to be concerned about." Kate exhaled and sighed

They continued walking towards the hunting grounds where Candu, Hutch and the rest of the hunting group were sitting & talking amongst themselves.

"Oh hey Humphrey, hey Kate." Hutch smiled

"Can we help you?" Candu asked

"Listen... I need Hutch and Candu to keep a close look out on the western border of the territory tomorrow morning. You will need to search in that area for a wolf named Snow... From what his parents told me, he was wolfnapped three years ago and taken to the out-lands of the western territory but unfortunately they fell under deep depression and refused to leave their den to go search for him." Humphrey explained in a commanding voice.

"Some parents huh?" Drake snickered

"DRAKE! You've just earned yourself a days hunt ban starting tomorrow!" Kate exclaimed

"DAMMIT!" Drake punched the ground in anger.

"Yes we all know it sounds irresponsible but we cannot blame them... But if you see him don't kill him under any circumstances." Kate explained.

"Yes ma'am!" Hutch nodded

"The rest of you are on patrol. Normal routines." Humphrey walked away with Kate back to their den and left the hunting group to their normal lives.

(Meanwhile back at Snow's den)

(Snow's POV)

I awoke 6 hours later as the full moon was starting to rise I remembered when i was pup my parents told me that if a full moon rises the moonlight howl was happening tonight so I sat up and walked to the exit of my den and headed to the lake, as I approached the moonlit water I looked at my reflection and thought to myself.

"If I have been gone for 3 years will I be allowed back into the pack? I look nothing like what i used to look like before." The thought wasn't worth thinking about.

"But it was true... just look at me..."

I have a scar on my left cheek and my muscle tone has tripled in size since the last time and If I just turned up to the central pack I wouldn't be recognised by anyone and would be known as a trespasser and could be possibly killed and eaten by the head alphas... I mean what could possibly be worse than being eaten by your old friends. I chuckled slightly and sat and wondered at the thought, deciding If should go or not. It was too tempting so i decided to go, I stood up and started walking to a place where it overlooks the howling rock making sure I'm not trespassing in the process. I have been walking for at-least half an hour now and finally reached a place where I can watch all the wolves from the eastern and western packs arriving to begin their moonlight howl. I could see different kind of couples, Omegas with omegas, alphas with omegas, alphas with other alphas it was a sight to see. I noticed a couple of slightly familiar faces sitting in the distance... It was Jessie and Ryan... my old friends, they have grown since I last saw them but I noticed something wrong when I noticed Jessie was sitting on her own by her brother Ryan it looked like she didn't have a date so she must have gone with her brother. I saw that she whispered something into Ryan's ear noticing that he nodded in agreement and started to walk away from the howling rock walking to a place where the she-wolf can be alone for a while but little did she know i was a good 5 minute walk from where she was. Until my ears shot up like a bullet when Jessie began to howl. I was star struck at the angelic voice ringing in my ears I was taken away on how beautiful it sounded. She sang like an angel who had fallen to earth, my ears pricked up to a point where they felt like they were going to fall off just to hear the familiar song of a song I had learned when I was a pup.

I remember memories
From a long, long time ago
I can hear you calling me
To never let you go

As the sun shines down on me
I hold the key to give
Take a hold of that destiny
I may give you light

Can you stay forever more
When are you gonna lead for me
No matter what it takes for me
I'll find you

Just to be with you
One more time—

I looked down to her as she finished her song a tear of happiness had escaped my eye. As she turned to see if anyone saw her sing I quickly hid in some bushes nearby to make sure she couldn't see me.
The she-wolf started walking away to be by her brother again, noticing that it was safe I came out of hiding and sprinted back to my den it took no less than 20 minutes to get back there. I finally arrived at my den completely exhausted as I stepped into the den I collapsed into a ball of fur and slept in for the night.

(Jessie's POV)
(20 minutes earlier)

Jessie walked towards her brother Ryan and sat down beside him they sat there for at-least 5 minutes in utter silence but Ryan was the first one to break the silence.


"What ever it is Ryan I don't wanna know about it." I said with a discerning tone to my voice

"Come on sis what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong Ryan!" I snapped back at him

"Ok... Sorry" he said looking to the ground in disappointment

"Ok Ryan I'm sorry for my harsh response its just that when I went to be on my own for a while I couldn't help feeling that someone was watching me." He immediately looked back at me and said.

"Really? Did you pick up any trace of a scent to pick out who it was?"

"Ummm sort of, I could smell something odd but for some reason it was a scent of a familiar wolf."

"Well I'm sure who ever it was I'll make sure you won't be harmed by this stranger."

"That the problem though Ryan it's one of those scents you get used to, like you've known them through your entire life."

"Well if I were you I wouldn't trust on where your nose takes you, you might not like what lurks around the corner."

"Yeah I know that Ryan it's just... Never-mind I'll try to forget about it."

He smiled and nodded in agreement and we stood up and started walking to our parents den, we soon arrived at Kate and Humphrey's den as we silently entered the den we made sure that our parents were asleep. Fortunately they were so we walked to the opposite side of our den and curled up into a ball, closing my eyes waiting for the spell of sleep to descend on my eyes and before I knew it I was sleeping like a log.


Ok that was the first chapter of Snow (an Alpha & Omega story) let me know what you thought of it by leaving a review and tell us what you liked and if you didn't like it, tell us why and I will make a note of it for future chapters.

Lets see if Snow actually goes back to his home territory find out in the next chapter!

The song featured in this chapter is called: My Destiny by Donna De Lory
added by TimberHumphrey
added by SentinelPrime89
added by WinstonXTony
added by WinstonXTony
added by HUMPHRY
added by bossyalpha
Source: The Wolf Romeo Picture taken by Bossyalpha
added by katewolf22158
This Fan Fic is going to be uploaded before "A New Playmate" will be. To understand what is going on in here, come back when "A New Playmate" is uploaded. A New Playmate is Story one, Ares' Rise of Power is Story 2 in the series. Thanks!

"Ares! Where are you!? Why do you have to do this to us?" Cried out Claudette. "Oh, hes crazy! He's threatened to kill us all! His training with that assasin wolf was such a bad idea! He'll kill us all!"

"Claudette, its fine. We'll go tell Grandpa Winston. They will know what to do. After Ares has betrayed us and killed our father, whatever he threatens, he...
continue reading...
added by JennaStone22
added by dan11774
added by bossyalpha
added by WynterK16
added by LoneOmega
Source: I dont know..."RayLive " ?
added by KingSimba4Ever9
added by AngelForMJ7
added by OmegaLeader
Source: Me, Lionsgate, DisneyScreens
added by darkalpha
added by KJBiggestFan
Source: wolfjedisamuel on deviantART
added by skipperfan5431
Source: (base creator and ME)