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We were all watching as Thor and Loki were about to turn the handle on the device that would take them home when the vision started.

I saw two vampires one is my sister Alice and my NEW brother in law Jasper.
Then I saw one huge shape shifter pack.
Two alpha leaders one’s name is Jacob the other Sam.
Then it was over and I was standing there frozen I couldn’t move anything.
“Dove?” I heard Aaron say. “What’s wrong. Dove.” he said again with a really worried voice.
I could barely hear him because my eye’s rolled back in my head and I fell to the ground.
I thought I heard my leg crack but I wasn’t sure because the voices above me were worried and yelling my name. I could hear Aaron, Natasha, Tony, banner and Rogers.
Then I felt like I was flying only I was being carried.
I got put in my brothers car. I knew this because I could still hear smell and feel but I couldn’t open my eye’s. it felt like they were glued shut.
Before I knew I could only think.


When I finally opened my eye’s again I was in a hospital room and my big brother Aaron holding my left hand and my mom holding my right hand.
“I had a vision. Two vampires one my twin sister Alice the other her mate Jasper.
And a huge pack of shape shifters led by two alphas one named Jacob the other Sam.” I said in one breath.
Then I tried to lift my legs to make sure I still had both and I got stopped by a horrible pain in my left leg.
“Ooooouch.” I yelled then I looked down at my leg to see that I had a cast and there was a cane that I made a long time ago from a branch that had fallen.
“Your leg broke when you fell.” Natasha said as she walked in the door and came and sat by Aaron.
“The doctor said you can go home today but you have to wait till the nurse comes to unhook you IV in your arm and your leg then you can go home.” she said.
“Okay.” I said with the best British accent I could even though it sounded Australian.
Then the nurse walked in the door and without a word unhooked my IV in my leg and arm.
“Have a good day and stay off that leg for a while okay.” she said.
“Okay,.” I said with a sigh.
“And even though your shape shifter it will still take three weeks to heal because of how it broke.” she said with a smile then left the room.
“Can we go home then?” I asked.
“Yup that’s exactly where we are heading.” Aaron said with a smile as he stood up. “Do you want to walk or do you want me to carry you?” he asked.
“I think I can walk.” I said.

We walked through the hall and out into the parking lot and got in Aaron’s car I got in the back seat and mom got in the passenger seat.
We waved to Natasha and the others and drove home.

When we got there we told everyone what would happen and I went up to my nest to meditate and concentrate and focus on when they would be here.

First the huge pack of shape shifters would be here tomorrow then my sister and her mate would be here in a two weeks which meant I wouldn’t have time to heal in time.
Then I snapped out of it.

Jumped off the roof and landed on the ground in front of the house but regretting it because I hurt my leg.
I tried to hold in a scream and actually succeeded.
I went inside and told Bret, BJ and Aaron what would happen.
“So they will be here tomorrow and were supposed to go meet them at your meadow and be friends.” Bret said with a frown.
“Yes.” I said.
“Then let’s get some sleep then so we can meet them tomorrow without looking sleepy.” BJ said as we went to our room.
I went to the bathroom got dressed for bed and brushed my teeth and then I brushed my hair.
Then I went back to my room and told my brothers good night climbed up into my bed and went to sleep.

The next day we got dressed and brushed our teeth and I brushed my hair too.
“ready to go?” Aaron asked me.
“Yup they will be here at….” I trailed off so I could see the vision again. “9:00am sharp.” I said.
It was 8:30am and it would take twenty-five minutes to get there so we better hurry because we would only have five minutes to spare.
“We have to go now or we won’t make it.” I said with a worried voice.
“Let’s go out the door then we shift once were off the porch got it?” said Bret in a alpha voice.
But we did what he said because he was the alpha and we had to listen.
We pretty much jumped over the porch and shifted and gunned it to the forest.
“Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch.” I cried all the way there.
When we finally got there I had a vision.
They were here.
That’s right when they came through the forest.
The two alpha’s leading the pack towards us.

“Ello.” I said in my best British accent I could.
“Hello my name is Sam and this is Jacob. Who are you?” said Sam.
“My name is Bret and this is BJ that’s Aaron and the last black one is Dove.” said Bret.
“Nice to meet you this is our pack. That’s Leah over there that’s Seth behind me and that’s Paul, Jarred, Quill, and Embry.” said Jacob.
“Hi.” we all said at the same time.
Then I noticed the one called Jacob was looking at me funny then I realized he was looking at my back left leg. The one I broke. So I put it down slowly while trying to hold back a yelp.
I clenched my teeth and held my breath.
“What’s wrong Mya?” Aaron asked me turning to face me.
“My leg.” was all I said and he understood and turned back to facing the huge pack of shape shifters.
“How about we all just be friends and you and Jacob and Sam can go talk over there.” I said pointing my head towards to the right end of the meadow.
“Sure.” all three said agreeing they shifted and walked off towards where I pointed. Sam and Bret went but not Jacob hmm…
“Can we shift?” I asked Bret through his mind.
“Yes.” he replied.
I shook my head to BJ and Aaron and we shifted.
And apparently the other pack did too.
“Holly CRAP!” I heard one say. “She’s a girl.”
“I’m pretty sure when my little sis popped out that was a girl.” Aaron said with I joking face.
“What’s wrong with your leg?” Jacob said.
“Long story.” I said. “I fell and broke it which sucks because of the way I broke it. It won’t heal for another two weeks well that‘s what the doctor thinks.” I said.
“Oh that’s why you had your leg raised.” said Seth.
Another vision started before I could reply.

My sister and her mate were coming they would be here in three days and we would meet them in the meadow.

“Hello Dove. What’s wrong with her?” I heard Jacob ask then I realized he was waving his hand in front of my face so reached out and caught it and grasped it so hard he actually cringed away in pain when I let go.
“OUCH!.” he yelled.
“Shouldn’t have done that genius.” I said with a smile then everyone else including Sam and Bret laughed.
“Oh come on I’ve done way worse than that to my brothers even when I was a baby.” I said as I laughed. “I used to bite them so hard they would bleed.” I said.
“Believe me she’s not lying.” said BJ.
“By the face Jacob’s making I don’t think he will mess with her again.” said Paul with a huge grin on his face. He was cracking up laughing.
“Well.” said Bret as he walked towards us with Sam.
“Well what?” BJ asked.
“I guess were all friends now that’s what.” said Sam.
“Coo.” said Seth making a weird face at me.
“What’s with the face wheat head?” I asked puzzled
“Why did you just call me that?” he said.
“Your fur is the color of wheat. Wheat head.” I said with a smile.
“How old are you?” asked Leah.
“Eleven and a half.” I said.
“Wow your only eleven and a half and your that big as a wolf.” she said impressed. “that’s really cool dude.”
“Hey dove why don’t you tell them about your gifts?” Aaron asked.
“Sure.” I said. “I can read minds, talk to people who aren’t shape shifters and are through my mind, I can see the future, I have a twin sister that is a vampire and
Her and her mate are coming in three days, I have a vampire cousin named Benjamin that has a gift and his gift is the elements he has them on his side.” I said in a rush of two breaths. “And my first name is Mya my middle name is Caroline and our last name is Olinger.”
“whoa.” they all said at the same time.
“Exactly.” I said with a smile. “And I forgot one part my first middle name Dove and my brothers started calling me that because I am small like a dove and I pretty much a Dove.” I said in a rush.
“So how did you find this meadow?” asked Quill.
“I had just gotten home for leave so I could spend some time with my family and I was running through the forest and I found this place so it’s been my meadow for a long time.” I said.
“Wait what?” said Paul he looked very confused.
“What?” I asked.
“You said you for leave do you mean you were in the army?” asked Leah.
“Yup I was in the army for three years I completed college when I was five years old because of my gifts I was the fastest learner and I was finished in the army by age eight. Plus I just got home from the war in new York.” I said.
“What war in New York?” asked Sam.
“Loki or poki as I like to call him was trying to take over earth and the avengers had to save it. When me and Aaron were in the army we had saved the world about a thousand times before they realized that if they didn’t stop trying they would keep dieing. So I ended up an avenger and how it started was that I wasn’t going to be one because I was trying to keep my family safe so I stayed off shields radar then I got a phone call from Poki that said if I didn’t go to the place where poki was by the next day than it would be bad and he wouldn’t let my brother go but apparently shield found out where I lived thanks to my older sister Britnee and came and got me so I stayed on the hovercraft but I never went inside I stayed where the jets stay. Then when I knocked the crap out of my brother it knocked him out but it cured him so it helped.
Then I had a vision of meeting you and meeting my sister and her mate and fell and broke my leg as you can see. Then my mother ran all the way there and then we came home and it all stops right here.” I said so puffed out of explaining to them that I was panting in the end.
“WOW!” they all said.
“Definitely wow.” I agreed with a smile.
“Okay well I have to go because I’m supposed to go pick up Britnee so she can visit.” Said BJ.
“Who’s Britnee?” asked Seth.
“Our sister and Aaron’s twin only they definitely DO NOT act like each other.” I said with a smile.
“I guess I’ll believe you on that one by the way you said it.” Said Jacob with a smile.
“That’s one of the things you DO need to believe.” Bret said laughing.

“Okay guys well how about Bret and Aaron take you on a run through our land so I can practice okay?” I said.
“What are you practicing?” asked Leah.
“Well I didn’t exactly tell you all of my gifts earlier…” I trailed off.
“Okay I’ll tell you guys all of you because only BJ, Aaron and my cousin know.
I can also control elements but only wind and earth. I get it from my cousin remember he’s a vampire and his gift is the elements?” I said looking up at all of there faces to see there reaction.
“Awesome.” Said Jacob.
“Thanks but I really need practice so you guys go on a long run please?” I asked for them to leave.
“Okay bye sis you be careful on that leg though that doctor doesn’t know how fast we heal and it’s already okay to walk on but you still need to be careful okay?” Aaron said worried but I knew I would be fine.
“Okay.” I said. “ BYE GUYS.” I shouted as they all ran and shifted as they left the meadow.
Okay now to get the radio’s down. I thought to myself.
I went to the biggest oak trees and uncovered all of the radios and turned them on my favorite station and the song try came on by pink.
“You gotta get up and try try try you gotta get up and try.” I repeated as the song went on.
I lifted up rocks that surrounded the meadow and covered the meadow then this song went off and mermaid tail by train came on.
I hummed the whole song and then I ran across the meadow while spinning and picked up all of the rocks.
Actually danced across the meadow and then before I knew it I was in the middle of a tornado of rocks.
“Awesome!” I said with a smile.

The tornado of rocks stopped as I stopped dancing around the meadow but the music was still playing.

I didn’t realize that the pack was back until I stopped.
“Why are you all staring at me?” I said.
“Guess you were right huh Aaron.” said Jarred.
Aaron just nodded.
“Well it’s getting dark outside so we should be heading home.” I said as I turned off all the radios with a remote.
“Would it be alright if we all stayed here to sleep?” asked Jacob.
“Sure.” I said. “You can stay here as long as you need or want dudes.”
“Thanks.” said Sam.
“Bye.” I said as I shifted so we could go.

We got home at about nine-thirty and the door was unlocked but everyone was asleep so we all went to bed my big sister Britnee was the only one awake when we walked in the house.
“Hey guys how was it?” she said. “Oh and BJ is already asleep so be very quiet so you don’t wake him up okay?”
“Okay got it.” I said. “You can sleep in my bed sis my head is swirling with so many things from today right now that I won’t be able to sleep.” I said with a frown.
“Are you sure?” asked Britnee.
“Yeah I’m sure now go get dressed for bed so you can sleep okay?” I said as I looked at her. Her hair was ratted up from running and she had twigs in her hair plus she was wearing a dirty pair of jeans and she had some nasty breath.
“Goodnight.” we said to each other.

I ran outside and shifted and headed for the forest.
I was at the tree line where my meadow began and I could see Jacob, Sam, Leah, Quill, Embry and Seth all lying on the ground Seth and Jacob still awake.
I stopped there and I sat and sank to the ground I curled myself in a ball and listened to there minds.
One of them I think Leah was having a dream about chasing I elk and then digging into it.
Made me a little hungry then I started to listen to Jacob’s mind he was thinking about his run with my brothers today.
Then I went to Seth’s mind but now wishing I hadn’t.
He was wondering if I had a ew a boyfriend, that’s just gross.
I stopped listening to there minds after that and went to sleep.

When I woke up I stretched and walked into my meadow.
They were still there all asleep.

I waited three hours while watching there dreams till they finally woke up.
“Okay first things first. Seth I have an answer to your question.” I said. “The one and only boyfriend I had well let’s just say he’s lucky he got out with the leg and ear he has and he’s lucky he still has his nose even though he can’t smell out of it anymore.”
“Um…… okay thanks for answering my unasked question.” Seth said with a confused face.
“I couldn’t sleep last night so I came here and finally went to sleep after one-o’clock last night so” I said.
“Do you always stay here at night by yourself at night when you can’t sleep?” asked Jacob.
“Most of the time Aaron can’t either so I usually read his thoughts after he falls asleep or watch his dreams or concentrate on visions so….. I guess you could say yes and no to that one.” I said.
“That’s kinda creepy.” Jacob said with a funny look on his face.
“Do guys mind if I turn the radio on?” I asked.
“It’s your meadow you do what you want we don’t care.” Seth said.
“Okay thanks.” I said as I walked over to the first tree with a radio and then I finally got all of them on I was happy so I went to the nearby tree with my tire swing and climbed on to it and then froze so I could concentrate on the wind so I could swing.
I made a huge gust of wind come up and it blew me high in the air.
I froze again as a vision started.

“Oh my gosh.’ I said as I ran to my sister and her mate.
“Hey Alice hi Jasper.” I said and gave Alice a huge hug it felt weird with my sisters cold skin against my hot skin.

Then the vision was over.
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Okay, area and all you three musketeers, area, Gamer, and journeyer. If you think you know more about tech than me, bring it the fuck on. OmegaKing, don't get involved with this, don't PM me, etc. I want to see legitely JUST how smart these guys are at tech, because they call me a 14 year old, who is 'Awwww, just so proud of himself!', when I know more about this shit than they ever will.

No looking answers up, I will know if you do, I can pick those things out. So... let's see how much MORE you REALLY know about tech than me. I'm sure I have you beat when I say Maxwell.