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posted by Ricoh_Alpha_626
Chaoter 7: Growing Up
**Authors Note- So, from the feedback I got from the last chapter, the idea of Hutch being paired with Claw didn't go over so well. But please trust me, it'll all become clearer as the story progresses**
    It has been six months since Hutch had met Claw, and in fact he lived up to what he had said. Every night he would sneak out and visit her, which he enjoyed very much. Although some nights, Tiberius would have them do faux hunts, or play their little game of 'hide-and-seek', which Hutch would always win. Claw didn't mind though, it made all the better when she saw him next.
    He told no one that he was seeing her, not even Candu. He didn't want anyone to know that he was seeing an eastern wolf. He especially didn't want Winston to know, it would have wrecked his chances of becoming a beta. So, he just kept his meetings with Claw a complete secret.
    It was the day of the graduation ceremony and all of the pack was expected to attend, alpha and omega alike. The most excited member in the pack was Winston, who hadn't been anywhere near the training grounds in months. He know understood how bad Tiberius had taken the guilt about Hutch's mother, because everytime he saw Hutch, he just wanted to break down and beat himself up. But today would be different, he would finally admit to Hutch what he had done.
    "So, today's the day you graduate," Claw asked with a sad sigh.
    "Yeah it is, but that doesn't mean we can't still see each other," Hutch said with a hopeful smile. He had really grown since they had first met. He was taller and more masculine. His fur had darkened, the rings around his eyes were more menacing and the stripe across his nose was easily visible even under moonlight.
    "Well, actually Hutch, we can't. I just learned that my dad had arranged a marriage for me. So, we can't keep seeing each other like this. But for what it's worth, I really do like you," she said as she leaned over and licked his cheek. His heart sank and he looked down.
    "Oh, I see, well is there any way around it," he asked.
    "No, there isn't. My pack leader told me that I had to do it," she sighed.
    "So, I guess this is goodbye then," Hutch said.
    "I guess it is, I'm reall sorry Hutch, I really do like you b-"
    "No, it's alright. I should go, it's almost time for the ceremony," Hutch turned around and walked away sadly. Claw sniffled as he walked away and a tear fell down her muzzle.
    "Good bye Hutch," she said, knowing he was already out of earshot.
    Hutch walked in silence back to the training grounds, with the horrible feeling that it was the last time he would see Claw. He would just have to put her in the back of his mind. There wasn't a way that they could have become mates anyway. She was from the east, and he was from the west, and they forbidden to even talk to one another. Besides, today was supposed to be happy, he was graduating alpha school.
    As he retuend to the training grounds, he saw all of the other wolves sitting around talking as they awaited the ceremony. He looked over to see Percy, Lobo and Candu laughing about something, he figured another one of Percy's terrible jokes. He felt sorry for Candu, who was about as tall as Hutch was when he was a pup. His tember however, had gotten shorter. He may not have been tall, but he was an avalanche just waiting to happen. Wolves soon started to arrive and sit in a semi-circle around the end of the valley. Hutch sighed as Tiberius appeared and announced the begining of the ceremony.
    "Welcome to the anual alpha school graduation ceremony. Today, these alphas join the ranks as our hunters, and protectors of the pack. Winston will also persnoally pick the new pack beta," as Tiberius continued, Hutch and the other alphas walked over and sat in front of the crowd of wolves so they could all be seen. As they sat down Tiberius began to walk in front of them, announcing each by their name. The ceremony continued with Tiberius recalling the most important days of the training season. He didn't mention the night Sadie and Felix were killed, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
    "And now, Winston will choose the pack beta," Tiberius said finally. Winston stepped forward to the line of alphas and looked over them all.
    "There is no doubt in my mind that each and every one of you would serve well as the pack beta. But there is one of you who has excelled beyond the others, and is truely deserving of this position. Hutch, please step forward," Winston looked straight towards Hutch and he did as he was told.
    "Hutch, based on your performance, I have selected you to be our pack beta. If you accept my offer, you will go under an oath that you will recite. Do you accept," Winston asked.
    "Yes sir," Hutch replied without hesitation.
    "Good, now repeat after me. I, Hutch, from this day forth,"
    "I, Hutch, from this day forth,"
    "Swear to protect, and preserve my pack and its way of life for the rest of my days,"
    "Swear to protect, and preserve my pack and its way of life for the rest of my days,"
    "No matter the personal cost,"
    "No... no matter the personal cost," Hutch finished.
    "Excellent. Now, everyone to the feeding grounds where the ceremonial feast will begin," Winston called and everyone cheered. The pack started walking off to the feeding grounds, including the newly graduated alphas, and Hutch took his place alongside Winston.
    "You hesitated on the last line," Winston pointed out quietly.
    "I know sir, I'm sorry," Hutch replied looking down.
    "Take it easy Hutch," Winston chuckled "Felix did the same thing when he was chosen to be the beta."
    "Really," Hutch asked surprised.
    "Of course, to be honest I would have been shocked if you hadn't. You were swearing to put the packs best interest ahead of personal ones. That isn't something that can be taken lightly, it's a lot of weight on your shoulders. Should anything happen to me and Eve you're going to have to take charge of the pack. And speaking of the pack, there are several things I want to discuss with you,"
    "Anything sir,"
    "Well, first and formost, Eve is pregnant, and well let's face it I'm not as young as I used to be, I need someone to watch after my pups. There's no one else I would trust with this assignment,"
    "I would be honored sir,"
    "Excellent, and well, the other I'll have to discuss later in private,"
    "Of course sir,"
    "Oh and Hutch, our offer to let you live with us still stands, if that's what you want,"
    "Well sir, as much as I would like to live with you and Eve, I think I'll live in my old den," Winstons eyes widened and he srugged nervously.
    "Are you sure about that Hutch, I don't think it would be good for you to be around a place that brings up older memories. Especially after what you've been through," Winston urged trying to change Hutch's mind.
    "I'm sorry sir, but my mind is made up," Hutch replied firmly. Winston sighed and nodded.
    "I wish I could change your mind, but if that's what you want, I will respect your decision,"
    "Thank you sir," Hutch said smiling. The pack finally reached the feeding grounds where the veteran alphas had brought in a massive feast. Caribou, elk, deer, rabbits, anything they could have wanted was laid out before them.
    "Well, I'll talk to you later at your den, go enjoy yourself for now," Winston said as he veered off to sit with Eve. Hutch nodded and walked over to sit with Candu, Percy, and Lobo.
    "Hey Hutch congratulations on making beta," Candu said as Hutch approached them.
    "Oh come on Candu, we all knew he was going to make it," Percy laughed, "but congrats none the less."
    "Yeah good job Hutch," Lobo added.
    "Thanks guys, I appreciate it," Hutch thanked smiling at them.
    "So when do you think they'll send us out to hunt," Candu asked eagerly.
    "Slow down there buddy, we just graduated, take a break," Lobo joked.
    "No kidding, I'm hopping we get a nice long break after that," Percy sighed as he stretched his legs.
    "I agree with Candu, I'm ready to hunt," Hutch said nodding to Candu.
    "Oh relax, you will all have your turn," Tiberius laughed as he sat next to them "by the way congratulations Hutch."
    "Thanks Tiberius," Hutch said smiling.
    "You're welcome, but I'm still proud of all of you,"
    "Tiberius, come here for a second, I need to talk to you about something," winston said seuddenly.
    "Yes sir, well I suppose we'll finish this later," Tiberius sighed as he walked off to see what Winston needed. That left the four alone to continue their meal of white-tail deer. But Hutch couldn't eat. For the first time in a long time he thought about Sadie. It didn't feel right that she wasn't there with them. He missed her, badly.
    The young female awoke from another sound night of sleep as the sun rolled into her den. She sat up lazily and yawned widely as she stretched her legs. She shook her head and stepped to the edge of the den to look over her beautiful home. The trees were lush green and seemed to stretch on forever. There was a small lake off to her right with a tall waterfall pouring into it.
    "Well good morning dear," she heard her mother say from her side. She turned left to see her mother walking towards her with a smile. Her mothers fur was bright red and her eyes were as blue as an ocean.
    "Morning mom," she said cheerfuly as she nuzzled her mother.
    "Well someone's in a cheery mood," she laughed.
    "I sure am, I had that dream again," she replied with a shiver.
    "The one where your 'perfect mate' just shows up and takes you away with him," her mother giggled.
    "That's the one, oh I'll catch you later mom I have to go take a bath," she said quickly darting off. Her mother giggled at her and shook her head.
    "She's so hyper in the mornings, how does she do it," she asked herself.
    As the young femal walked happily towards the river where she always bathed, be thought about her dream. It was always exactly the same no matter how many times she had it. She was being attacked by three rogue wolves who were just about to kill her, when he would jump in and run them off. He would turn to her and smile right before they ran off together. It gave her chills.
    "Oh how I wish it were real," she cooed as she sat in front of her usual bathing spot. She looked into the flowing at her soft grey fur. Her mother always told her that she looked so much like her father, but she never knew him. He had apparently been killed during a war with a rival pack so it was just her and her mother when she was growing up though. She didn't have a lot of her childhood memoires, but she figured she was just too young to remember anything at that time. Her mother always poked fun at her by saying she was so hyper that her brain didn't take the time to remember stuff.
    She giggled at the thought and stepped into the softly flowing water. She sighed as it washed out all of the dirt and gently messaged her back. She shivered from the feeling and dunked her head under the waterto clean off all of her body. She loved to keep her fur clean and soft. She would take a bath every day to make sure she was as beautiful as possible. To be an omega there were alphas who thought she was beautiful.
    She quickly finished her bath and stepped out into the sun to dry off. The sun made short work of drying her fur evenly and she sighed as she walked back to the rest of the pack. Instead of going back to her den however, she went to hang out with her friends. She giggled as the males stared at her when she would walk by. Jaws dropped, heads turned, but the best part was when she would waved her tail under their chin causing them to faint. She found her friends in their usual hang out spot in a clearing where they could pretty much do whatever they wanted and not disturb anyone.
    "Hey guys," she announced as she stepped into the clearing.
    "Hey Saide,"
**Authors Note- Hey guys I'm sorry this chapter took so long, I've had some problems with my computer and it's being a complete pain. But I type whenever I can. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to review :)**    
Chapter 1: Log-sledding
- - - - -
One day in Jasper Park, Canada, two wolves, one of them a slender female with gold fur, brown eyes, a creamy face and legs, and a white underbelly, and the other a thin male with gray fur, a black mane and tail, blue eyes, and a silver underbelly and legs, are seen at the top of a hill, pushing a log toward the slope.

"You ready for this Kate?" the gray wolf says.

"Sure I am, Humphrey, I've done this about 5 times now." The gold one replies.

"Okay," Humphrey says as he gets in the log with Kate following "Here we go!"

Humphrey pushes the log down the slope of the...
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posted by trueshadowwolf
Trueshadowwolf woke up, then he was scratching himself, then was buttmunching his butt like normally wolves do, then went outside his den. And kingsimba4ever9 was there, she was scratching her self also. "Hey kingsimba4ever9, I'm going out the forest, wanna come?" Trueshadowwolf said. "Sure, I got nothing to do anyways." Kingsimba4ever9 said. They were just walking through the forest, then there's a cave, we usally call it the cave of memories, of all the friendship spent together! They went into the cave. I saw my writings on the walls in the cave. The good times I spent with roseomega, we...
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posted by alphaGarth
(based off of the dukes of hazard tv show so im creating a little side story series away from my main series)

"AAARROOO!!!" humphrey howled as he and his friend flew through the air in the general lee and land with a load thud "wow!!! that was freaking awesome cuz lets do it again!!!" says garth. "sorry cuz, but we promised uncle winston we would get his moonshine to him without breaking a bottle:."well how abo a freindly wager? i bet you the old phonebook that we dont break a single battle of uncle winstons moonshine". "oh now thats a bet i cant deny, YOUR ON!!!" humphrey floors the gas petel...
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Somebody once told me the world is gonna owe me
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Didn't make sense not to live for fun
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
So much to do so much to see
So what's wrong with taking the back streets
You'll never know if you don't go
You'll never shine if you don't glow

Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play
Hey now you're a Rock Star get...
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Well another day case was solved. Matt walked out of the court. "So Matt you wanna go to a guys Night?" Jimmy said. "Sorry Jimmy, Im going to be busy later." Matt said.
Matt was puting on a costume. The costume model as a wolf link (if you can get it.) But theres one thing you dont know about Matt. Ever since he got the powers from the toxin in his eyes a year later, he became DAREDEVIL!!!! He got out his cane and breaked the middle and became a knunchucks. Its also a stick, grabble hook, and theres a blade inside. He walked out the window and jumped out. He grabble hooked on a roof...
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One night Kate and Humphrey were walking around just talking so they each were having a race to see who could get home first.

"Ready set go!" said Humphrey. Soon Kate and Humphrey were taking separate paths. Kate took the lost path while Humphrey took the safe path. Soon Kate was found lost with twenty separate paths to take and none of them led home.

"You lost?" said someone.

"Who is there?!" said Kate. Then a wolf with a chain on her leg came out of the bushes and Kate was scared.

"Do not be alarmed." the wolf said.

"Who are you?" said Kate.

"I am Katie." she said.

"Wow my name is Kate." said Kate....
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posted by squirrelpaw23
"Tag your it!"Kate said as she ran."Im so going to get you!!" I said as i was running to catch up."Come and get me then slow poke!"she said over her sholder as she ran into the deep part of the forest.When i reached the edge of it i heard a terrified scream."Kate!"i yelled as i ran into the deep part, forgetting my own safety.As i broke into a clearing i stoped and listened for her.As i stood there i started to remember my own safety making me nervous."K-kate come on this isnt fun any more."thinking she might be pulling a prank,untill i saw a motionless patch of light brown fur in the grass."Kate!!"i...
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posted by alvin33355
Dear wolf pack, I have enjoyed my short time here. Unfortunately, my parents have decided to send me to a boarding school halfway across the country. It is an internet-free facility, so I won't be stopping by. I will be leaving in less than 2 weeks. Its gonna suck serious @$$. You have been a great pack lots of fun (u listening katelover14?). You will all be missed greatly.

If im lucky, I will say Hi on December 20th or 21st. Thats when Christmas break starts. I will see the new Hobbit movie, say hi, and build a shelter for the apocalypse (lol just kiddin).

Anyway, don't message me or write...
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The drips of pellucid water dripped on continuously all day and night, m right ear flopped and buzzed almost half an hour or so.
I stretched and yawned while I was still laying on the ground.
I rosed with an ache, popping my neck sideways.
The sun was barely rising as it’s heat started flowing inside the cave.
Damn it made me feel drowsy, wanting to go back to bed, well…in a cave; though what’s the difference.
I twisted my body to get a good glance over at Tesla, but she wasn’t there; neither her cover nor journal.
I forgot, she volunteered as a(n) councils apprentice which...
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As you know a lot of the original people have been banned and left. I am a noob, and I understand that i am not that important. So that is why I must leave. I have tried to make friends and that has failed because of my inexperience. I have also tried at getting a mate and I also failed at that because of my inexperience on here and also in the real world. I will however come on every now and then post parts of my story.(for those who read it... Witch by the way isn't very many.) I am sick and tired of the thousands of posts that get stacked on top of my post and every single one of them are...
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just saying Lilly is not the real Lilly owned by someone (i dont know) in the story, explicit will be involved but not every time I'll put EXPLICiT CONTENT thank you and enjoy

It was July when me and Lilly first meet, her tail was wagging and her fur was slowly moving with the cool Canadian breeze. Her beautiful brown eyes meet mine and I got nervous, I didn't know how I should react so I came out and greeted her, "your very beautiful what's is your name", was what I said. She replied with the nicest and sweetest voice *giggles* " your pretty cute to, I'm Lilly" I was in much shock thinking...
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posted by lukehaener
Humphrey and lily where kissing for about 40 minutes when Humphrey interrupted, lily You promise you won't tell anyone not even your closes friends, I promise I won't as long as you make out with me when I want you to I'll keep it a secret, okay I promise to do what ever you say, okay good.

Back at home Kate was looking for Humphrey:
Hay mom dad have you seen Humphrey any where Ive been looking for them everywhere, no sweetie I haven't said eve. Kate walked out of here cave and walked to Lilly's and Garths cave. Lily, lily you here I could here someone walking behind me I turned and growled at...
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Chapter 4:The “Escape”
The two hurriedly went back to the shuttle. “Let’s get out of here.” Said Winston. The shuttle began to liftoff when suddenly the shuttle sank back down to the ground. “Why the hell aren’t we leaving.” Said Hutch. “It appears something is causing interference with our equipment. “Damn it!” Said Hutch. “Well the best we could do is wait it out, try again tomorrow…” And with that they went to bed. They woke the next morning with hope in their hearts and doubt in their minds. As Winston passed by the door he thought he saw something outside. “I...
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Chapter III: Humphrey’s Solution
“Come on, lets get this and get it away fast. No one will noti--” “Wait a minute!” Said Humphrey. “You want me to steal another pack’s kill!? Do you know how many problems it will--” “Do you want to get back to your pack?” Asked Candou abruptly. “or you think you can show up there with your paws empty?” “Well, I…” Said Humphrey.
“Dah! Forget it! Now give me a hand with this… thing…” Said Candou. “Come on, let’s get out of here!” “Wow you’re pretty strong, eh?” Said Humphrey as they were dragging the caribou across...
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Chapter II: Humphrey’s Escape
“I wonder if it was a good idea coming to the wastelands” Said Humphrey panting. Humphrey suddenly got the feeling that something was watching him, he looked behind him but there was nothing there. Then a grey wolf attacked him from behind. “Stop right there!” said the red wolf. “How dare you barge into my territory like that! Have you no respect!?” “Sorry, I didn’t know this was someone else’s territory!” Said Humphrey. “Then, what are you doing here anyway?” Said the grey wolf. “You see… I was hunting with my pack. I was responsible...
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posted by trueshadowwolf
"(Sigh) man I am So wasted." Trueshadowwolf said. "I know...I-I-I know." Humphrey202 said. "Hey where does that line lead to?" Trueshadowwolf said. "I don't know...GOD IM SO F@#$ING WASTED I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT!!!" Humphrey202 said. "Well let's see where the line leads to." Trueshadowwolf said. "Ummm why does it lead to that cabin?" Humphrey202 said. "I don't know stay here I'm gonna check." Trueshadowwolf said. I opened the window. "Hello!!!" Trueshadowwolf said. Then trueshadowwolf heard noise. Sounded like Kate. I opened up a door. "Oh I guess It's your turn?" Kate said. "Wait What?" Trueshadowwolf...
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posted by Garth619
When my father died i was a little wolf....

We(I and my dad) were walking around forest and I was learning a new things.At once wolf ran from bush and attacked my dad.My dad was fighting with five wolfs and everything looked great.Almost all wolfs were lying on the ground.I went closer to my dad,but some wolf jumped on my dad from the dark.He bit him in the neck and runaway.I ran to my mom and told her everything.She screamed and ran to dad.When we came..we saw him lying on the ground and bleeding.He coughed and said:„I love you son".
After he caught my hand and died.I said with tears in eyes:„I...
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posted by kingdom123
i was in the bar, just doing drinking my usual bud light, when SHE walked up to me she was beutifull, she had brown long hair with blue eyes and a white dress on. mind if i sit here? she asked in a sweet voice, i was stunned i didnt know what to do! uhhh yeah shure, thank you! she sat next to me and started to humm. i didnt know what to say i had a girlfreind and i didnt know what she wanted. i was thinking when all the sudden she grabbed my shoulder and pulled me torwards her. so? do you want to have some fun?, uhh what! i took her hand off of my shoulder, i..i cant.... aww why not you are...
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(sorry last time i didnt had time to finsh the 3rd part but oh well.)
eve died.
salty died.
but they dont know where winstons body is. then they heard rustling trees. they all looked up. they were all terrified of the creature. "what...the...fuck is that thing?" garth said. "i dont know." humphrey said. the creature was breathing wierldly. it got out a wolf. then it turned out to be winston. "da-" kate said when humphrey was pulling her back. the human like creature was holding winstons neck and was sniffing him like a dog. then it freaken torn his head off. a bone cracked in winstons...
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humphrey hasnt been talking for hour now. "humphrey say somthing havent said nothing for the past hour." kate said.
"why did they had to die..." humphrey said. "wait what?" kate said. "nothing." humphrey said. "what?" kate said. "NOTHING KATE ITS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINISE!" humphrey shouted. "dude whats your problem!" shakey said. "OH, WHATS MY PROBLEM... WHAT I SEEN DOWN THERE WAS A F@#$ING DEAD WOLF DIED IN FRONT OF ME!!!" humphrey shouted. "what wolf?" mooch said. "LISTEN i dont want to talk about it!" humphrey said. kate gave him a look. "hey guys how long has it been...
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