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*Humohrey;s P.O.V*
It has been quite a few weeks since she had saved me from...Well,alot of things.Hahah...
But I remember,the first.
The first time I had ever met her.
Her name is Jessica,and,well,lemme just say at first she hated my guts,and with all the rumors from the dear animals of the stupid forest,she was an alpha...and I was,just,an omega.She never did tell me,she hated me,but you kinda got the vibe,ya'know?Haha,She had the most gorgeous eyes I swear,thats what I noticed first about her....OH,AHEM...Anyways,If the hunters hadn't chased me...then I would've never met Jessica,which I do kinda thank them for,other than that,they can go DIE...
I was limping quickly trying to run,
Run away from those people,those hunters trying to kill me!
Rushing away,with an injured paw,I couldn;t try but hope to be saved...
I was.
after running as fast as I could,I stopped in a isolated area,where the only thing around me was trees,and the sunlight peering through the branches from all angles.
Panting,I was exhausted...
I had sat down,where I thought I was safe...
My ears where pointed up towards the sky to listen to any thing in my surroundings.
Nothing was heard...
I looked at my paw,and saw that my fur had been slightly blood stained...
It hurt,but that was the least of my problems...
Sighing I rested,having no idea...that,I was far from safe...
two gun shoots had whistled past me and I had quickly reacted,hopping up,but then,I was shoved down...
By a boot worn by a human and a double barrel shot gun in my face.
"I've got you Now..."I remembered his low voice saying...
My blue eyes had widened and I put my paws up in fear,Then suddenly...
"AUGGH!!"I heard the man yell in pain,and when I opened my eyes...
He was gone.
"Let's get out of here!There's more of them!"i heard another voice yell in the distance and I turned to see more humans in the trees rush away for good.
I tilted my head,confused...
What just happened?
Suddenly,I heard a twig snap and I whipped around to see the hunter that was going to shot me,running away...
From what appeared to be,
from the shadows feet in front of me,
I gleamed my eyes trying to spot whatever was there...
Then I saw a glossy purple eye look up at me,
"Are you allright?"SHE had asked me,surprised I watched her walk out of the darkneess and into the sunset sunlight.
She was a black and white wolf,with a long bang covering one of her eyes...
"...Her eyes are so pretty."I thought to myself,
She rose a brow at me because all I did was sit and stare and not notice!
"OH!I-I uh,I'm fine!"I returned noticeing what I was doing...
She nodded once,and circled around me scanning me.
"No your not."She returned,I looked at her like she was some kinda psychic.
"You hurt your paw."She returned and picked my paw up to look at it.
I nodded,"Why,yes.I did."
She gave me a wierd look,and had turned and walked in another direction.I hoppe dup and had happily followed behind her."So,I'm Humphrey!"I introduced myself,she looked at me from the side and returned"That's nice."
She was a tough cookie,and I was determinded to get through that tough girl mode of hers...
Thats when we first met,and lemme just say I gave her a rough time just trying to get rid of me,and even to get her to just tell me her name!It was quite the determmination I had and I managed to get her name.After a long awhile of following her,I came to explain my story to her.That I was lost,and needed some help getting home..
She said,after how much I've bugged her,She promised to help guide me back to were I belonged.
Now,that we are half way there...
Things have changed.
She doesn't treat me like she did when we first met.I think my charming personally is getting to her haha!Shoo...
I wish.
I heard a voice call my name,I didn't really pay attention to it.
The voice called once again,Still I didn't direct my attention to the voice.
I opened my eyes and quickly jumped up and turned in surprise.
"Huh!?"I yelped,
I saw Jessica looking at me with a tilted head of confuseion.
"...Lemme guess,you were daydreaming?"
I blinked and looked at her purple eyes
"Why?Were you watching me?"I grinned stupidly,She blinked.
"Your funny."She chuckled back at me,I smirked and gave her a look.
She looked away shaking her head,
"So are you ready to keep going?"She questioned,and swayed her tail and twirled away from me.
"Uh,Y-Yea"I returned,watching her as she began to walk ahead of me.
I followed quickly,we had rested for the night in some den that was just there,morning came and it was time to head out again.
Jessica was an alpha,and I was an omega.Which kinda fits..
"Hey Jessica."I called while we were strolling off,she turned and responded"Yes Humphr-"She paused to see I was gone from her side.
"Humphrey Where did you-?"She turned back forward,and Jumped to see me in front of her.She gasped in surprise,and her nose had touched mine.
"Were do babies come from?"I asked,
She blinked then flustered and had litterally tackled me and choked me around the neck.
I couldn't help but laugh,when she was embrassied like that,she usually would do that to me.
"Humphrey you are so,so-"She was going to more likely insult me,but I returned cutting her off
"Cute?"I spoke,she blinked"Huh?"She spoke
"Adorable?"I said again,she just stared at me.
I looked back,and smiled.Staring at me blankly she didn't soeak.
"Did I ever tell you,you have beautiful eyes?"he said,She let go of me and had continued walking.
"Oh come on!I was kidding!"I yelped and jmped up to follow her.I playfully bumped her and said"Cooome on,take a joke!"I grinned,she shook her head but I could feel a smile start to set in.
"Smileee."i eased it more,she couldn't help but move her mouth to the side.
"SMILE!"I yelped,she did.
"Wow,you smiled."
She glared at me and walked faster
"Sorry!I was kidding!I swear!"I laughed,
"I really was!"I grinned while looking down at my paw tracks then behind me to see how they looked for some stare reason.
"I know,"She smiled and looked at me from her side view.
I looked up and saw that look she had given me for a quick second.It was,a different look...
Hmmm,she was softing up one by one,it was different compared to the hardcore,angry wolf I met weeks ago.
with the trees and the wind breeze flowing through our fur,the leaves had rusted with the wind."It's a nice day out don't you think?"Humphrey had commented while jumping onto a log and walking down onto it.'Yea,it's a sunny day,really pretty too."jessica had responded,"It is!I mean sheesh,it's never a really pretty day to me,Unless I've never really pay attention or noticed...Hmm,Maybe I didn't notice?"He spoke aloud then to himself.Jessica laughed at him,and continued to walk."You never really seem to pay attention humphre..."Jessica paused.
"I do too pay attention!Sometimes..Haha,You have to give me credit I try an-"
"Shush!"Jessica spoke with her ears pointed upward hearing a sound,humphrey did just that and had lowered in silence,and looked at her.She noticed she could hear something..So he listened as well.
It silenced,and he didn't hear anything..
"Stay right here,I'll be back.."Jessica let him know,he nodded and returned"Be careful."She walked off towards the sound...
And humphrey waited..
and waited.
A mere moment had become almost 10 minutes...
"Jessi??"Humphrey had called out in worry,he got up and had followed the direction she had gone.
"Jessi are you ok?Where are you??!"He called out again,and had scanned around concerned.
"Oh,boy..Please be okay!"He told himself,and shook his head.
He had sped walked quickly forward
"I should've went with her."He trembled with wide eyes looking around.
Then suddenly as he had walked for a good long moment..
He heard the roar,of..
A bear?!
He stood up quick,and listened and then had heard jessica yell in fear.
"I'M COMING JESSI!!"He shouted and dashed over towards her scream as fast as he could.
He then came to a cliff edge and had stopped quickly in his tracks to look down 7 feet was in fact Jessica and a huge angry bear.
Jessica's paw was injured,and she was on the ground and the bear had toward over her small body.She gasped in fear,and widened her eyes in terror for the bear's claws to impact her until...
From the sun that was above the bear,had suddenly been blocked,
by some sort of,object?
She stared,and then suddenly had realized..
He jumped from the cliff side that was over the bear's head and then had landed onto the bear's freakin head as he tried to reach Jessica!
Humphrey had landed onto the ground,knocking the living freak out of the bear causeing him to become unfocused and unbalanced.
He landed on the floor,on his paws in front of her and had stood up looking at her.
"Humphrey!Wh-what are you doing!?Get out of here it's dangerous!"Jessica had warned him in worr,he turned and looked at the bear who had staggered to his feet shaking his head.
"It's Just an oversized teddy bear!I can handle this!"Humohrey said confidently,Jessica looked at him and shook her head."No don't!You'll get hurt!"She worried,He had ingored her.
"Humphrey don't!"she pleaded again,he had turned around and looked her in her beautiful purple eyes and returned."It's my turn to save you!"He spoke,She looked at him silently surprised,and the bear had growled.Humphrey turned and looked at the bear,
Jessica watched in horror.
He sucked up the air,being as terrified as he was.
He was silk and then pointed off in a random direction.
"OH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT!?"He shouted as loud as he could,the bear had blinked and turned like an idiot.
"Get up go GO GO!"Humphrey had rose you up with his paw and then aided you in running away!
"THIS IS YOUR PLAN!?"Jessica yelped,
They both looked back and saw th bear right on their trail!
"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"They both yelped in shock,
Humphrey had followed what seemed to be a nearby running river.
He dashed towards it and had hoped to simpley find a river,but when they had stumbled upon it.
It was a raging RIVER.
Jessica had turned and yelled,
"I can take this guy!He's nothing compared to me!"She yelled,Humphrey had looked down,and spotted something.
Then as they stood there,and jessica ready to attack but with a very injured paw,humphrey looked towards the bear running full speed at them.
"When I say run we run to the side!Got it?"Jessica said,he looked at her and rose a brow.
"To the side?!From THEM!?"Humphrey pointed and another bear had appeared from their right.
"Uhhh!!"Jessica had paniced,Humphrey then yelled."Hold your paw up!"
"Huh,W-WHY!?"Jessica returned.
"Just do it,Come on come on COME ON!"He paniced,she quickly did and then he had taken her gentley and turned with her in his grasp,and jumped from the cliff side!
"HUMPRHEYY!!!"Jessica screamed in shockas they had went falling over the edge.
She shud her eyes tight,and then waiting for water to engulp her entire body,she had landed onto gravel!
Opening her eyes,she looked around and saw that they were in some sort of cave side!
"H-How did-Wha-what did,JUST-?"Jessica shivered in confusion,laying on his back humphrey was panting in relief.
"I told you!Trust me!"Humphrey spoke,then as jessica looked out of the cave,there was a wooden log that basically bridged them out and back onto steady land below beside the river.
Still surprised she stared at the log,and them was relieved.
"I thought we were goners,Humphrey!"She giggled happily excited she was fine and had rushed up to thank humphrey who was just sitting there dizzy,
"Thank you I knew I could trust you!"Jessica smiled running her head underneath his chin happily.He blinked and smiled nervously.
"You bet!"he responded,then suddenly he looked forward,and saw the bear fall from above onto the log
SNAPPING IT IN HALF!THe log had crashed down into the river below and was washed away along with both of the retarded bears who just didn;t know when to stop.
"Oh,GREAT!You've got to be kidding me!"Panted hunphrey rolling his blue eyes and falling over tired.
Jessica looked and saw that they were basically stuck together in the cave.
"We'll never get out of here!"Sighed humphrey,and he walked over to the open edge."Try not to DROWN!"He shouted at the bears floating away and he shut his eyes while jessica had looked out.
She turned to look at him,and walked up to him.
"It's okay humphrey..."She smiled and sat beside him.He opened his eyes and leaned up.
"How?!We are STUCK inside a CAVE with angry water rushing down the way!"He complained,and his eyes had went back sadly.She smiled and looked at him,as his expression had sadened.
Placing her hurt paw onto his previously hurt paw she smiled,and he looked at her after the touch.
"it's okay,because I'm with you."She smiled and tilted her head.
Humphrey had stared at her with wide eyes,and then as he looked at her with a dreamy vibe,he spoke...
"Do you know where babies come from?"He randomly brust out,jessica gave him an akward look and returned..
"............Are you serious..???"She questioned him,He looked at her and leaned in close to her face and returned lowly in a soft tone.
"dead serious,wanna learn?"He said trying to keep a straight face
She had blushed brightly and inhaled loudily then tackled him onto the cave floor.
"I swear humphrey!"She shouted with her hands over his neck in anger.He couldn't help but laugh and gasping for air at the same time.
She shook her head and rolled her eyes in anger,letting go,he had leaned up with a smile and she turned away from him.
"Awh,Sorry!I couldn't help myself!"He said in a pleading like tone.
Jessica looking as if she was ingoring him,with her back turned.He couldn't see,she was really smileing.
"I'm sorry!"He apologized,she looked up and then stood up with a smile turning to look at him and surpriseing him with a calm face.
She limped over to him,and sat and cuddled her head into his neck again.
"You don't have to apologize..."She laughed
"I couldn't help myself!"She threw it back at him,Humphrey smiled and looked down at her.
"I just got a slap to the face."he joked,Jessica smiled at humphrey and looked away,and had gotten up.Humphrey,his heart beating in his chest.Sucked up his fear and walked up to her.
"Hey,"He said in a rare calm soothing tone,Jessica turned to look at him,but then...
He was right in front of her face,and had rubbed his cheeck against hers.
"Jessi,I don't really know how to say this..OR do this...Or...Uh,much really.......But I...I uh..."He paused and as nervous as he was,he managed to spit it out.
"I really like you."He confessed and had rubbed his head onto her neck.
Jessica had blushed alittle,and returned.
"Even though as much as I don't show it..Humphrey...............I like you too."She laughed,and with that...Humphrey had become calm and glad that he could've let it out.He jumped up and backed up.
"SO-Uh..haha,I....Yeaa!"He laughed nervously,and had looked at her who had a smile on her face.
She looked down at her paw,and then at his.
"Maybe this can be smething we both can recall each other by,Kinda ironic huh?"she laughed sweetly as both their paws were injured.Humphrey rose his previously injured paw with her fresh one.
"Yea."He smiled,
"But the memory of you saving me will be much cooler than mine!"Laughed humphrey looking to his side,Jessica laughed aloud too.
"But it's what makes you,You to me.And what you did,was really brave of you.Never thought I'd see you in a position like that."Jessica replied,
"Hey!What's that supposed to mean?"Humphrey laughed,
Jessica did also.
"Don;t ever change humphrey."She giggled,Humphrey smiled and looked at her,and she walked up to him and had kissed him cheek.He shuddered surprised,and looked at her as she broke off.
It was obvious he really liked her.No doubt.
"So humphrey?"Jessica called,He looked at her as she had gotten up and walked towards the cliff edge.
"Y-Y-Yea?"he studdered,while touching his cheek.
She looked at her over her shoulder,flipping her bangs.
"Wanna find a way to get out of here?"she giggled,Humphrey blinked.
"But,I don't want to head back...I want to"He returned,Jessica looked at him.His big beautiful blue eyes glissened in the sunlight....
He had the most beautiful eyes she thought.
"Then you will."She giggled.
"Just not in this cave!"She laughed,humphrey smiled.
"But your paw!"Humphrey quickly returned,she looked at it.
"Yea,it's nothing,besides...You can come up with the most random ways to safety!"She laughed,he stood up.
"True!"He nodded,and then walked over to her.
"Let's just hope our claws still work so we can climb outta here."Humphrey suggested flidding his claws.
She smiled."Whatever you have in mind darling!"She grinned.
(The END!)
SORRY if it sucks Lil sister of minez,I tried!I've never saw the movie EVER,so I tried my best to put humphrey down like you describe him to be!Enjoy!!
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