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posted by kates-mate101
If you guys are wonderin' why I'm posting yet a nother article series, check my latest wall post...

Keida part 1: Flora

"Fire!" Seth yelled. The explosions of the cannons rocked his body, but he stood strong, his scarred eye half closed with weakness. From birth, Seth was selected for the "Pilot" Project. The project selected young Arid with outstanding abilities, and were trained for combat. They were the envy of many Arid, in the kingdom of Keida. Arid were Wolf, or Tiger like in appearance. All of their tails however were bushy like a wolf's. Seth had sandy coloured fur, with fuzzy ears with black tips. His "nom de guerre" or, a warname, given appropriately to every Arid according to a feat or actions that they had accomplished.
Seth, was named "Voyeur" according to his way to sway the female Arid. His brother Tyrian, took the name "Brick" Named after his incredible ability to take many hits before weakening.

Tyrian had jet black fur, with orange/red outlines, almost like flames. Tyrian was married to a beautiful Arid tiger, named Laura. A battle had commenced on the outskirts of Keida. THe battle quickly grew towards Keida, and then the Arid empire was engulfed as well.

Jon rushed up the rocky stairs towards the wall. He reached the top finding Seth patiently watching the battle from up-top. "Seth. THe left flank has broken through the lines. Casualties, 3." "Good." Seth said, turning to him. "Go join the right flank. Tell Brandon, and Jeremy to support the main fight in the center. I will enforce the left flank." Seth finished. "Yes sir." Jon finished. Jon began to work his way down the stiars, but after two steps down, he heard a ki-yi, or a battle cry, he turned around and witnessed Seth jump off the wall unsheathing his sword as he fell.

There was a huge thump and a cloud of dust as Seth hit the ground. His cloth bands around his feet, protected him from rocks and such spray of pebbles as he just created. Seth looked about at the wolves, the tigers, and the foxes. The foxes were such enemies to the Arid. Seth finished looked about, and then swiftly ran towards the left flank.

Jon, Brandon and Jeremy were all kids included in the pilot project. Seth being the youngest, was the last to be picked, yet became the captain of the guard, while the others still didn't fall far behind... Brandon reached through his pocket bag, and pulled out what looked like a throwing knife. He flipped his fingers, and then the knive fanned out to three. He tossed one, two and then three, and then there were three thumps and three splats of blood. He unsheathed his sword as a fox ran up to him, and thenbrought it down onto the fox. Jeremy stared down three different foxes. They were circling about him, thinking their numbers would win the battle. Little did they know he was a pilot.

"Go!" Seth yelled, as he stabbed a fox through the heart. blood soaked his white bands around his feet, as well as his sword. A cannon sshot shook the battlefield, as it landed on one of the enroaching foxes. Tyrian, Seth's brother, spun around, in a 360, pulled out his crossbow and shot a fox. THe fox fell to the ground. Then, a sort of gibberish, or language was heard. THe foxes were retreating.

There were whoops of excitement and joy as the foxes ran back. But then one turned around, and gave Seth the finger before running. "You will pay for what you have done to us...." It hissed. Seth felt anger welling inside of him. He chased after it.

It ran about, frantically instantly regretting what it had said. It hopped over the hedge, frantically just to become surrounded by rocky outcrops. It was trapped. I slew it before turning around satisfied. I cracked my knuckles and continued back when I heard whimpering coming not far away. I turned to where the whimpering was coming from. I toom three deep sniffs. Not Arid. Scared. Female.I sheathed my sword and proceeded to the location.

The tiger tucked her tail between her two legs, wearing a green sweater. She hugged her tail and legs tight as she heard Seth's ever close footsteps. She was tucked between two trees, out of sight. Seth, however had a good nose. He followed his nose behind the two trees and then found a beautiful tiger, aboout his age, hugging her legs and tail, her yellow eyes full of fear. "Please don't hurt me..." The tiger pleaded. Her brown pants covered all that could of been revealed, leaving two ornage striped feet below. She held one paw back, supporting her body, and tears began to well up in her eyes. "Please..." She continued. Seth was in awe, and surprised at the beauty, and the desperation of this Tiger. He wondered what a beautiful thing like this was doing out here... Especially with out a mate protecting her...

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt you..." "That's what the last person that tried to kill me said..." She replied, sniffling again. "What had you done that upset them that much?" I asked. "Nothing... My family, along with my fionce, were killed in the process... Us tribe members are abused quite alot by the foxes... But this time they killed all of my members..." She sobbed again. I put my hand out forwards, leaning. "Here-" She immediately looked up, and fell back with a squeak of surprise. "Please!" She cried again. "I'm not going to hurt you! I'm helping you up..." She didn't reply to me, just grabbed my hand. I felt her soft, and warm enbrace in my hand. I pulled her up. "Isn't that better?" I asked. Now, I had a chance to examine her face. She was beautiful... Glorious brown locks, bright yellow eyes, with ornage and black to compliment it... "Thank you..." She said to Seth, hugging him, and resting her chin on his shoulder, closing her eyes.

"My name's Seth..." Seth smiled. "Okay Seth!" THe Tiger exclaimed excitedly. Whatever fear had engulfed this flower, had disappeared. This was the Tiger's real personality. "Mine's Flora!" She exclaimed nuzzling Seth's shoulder with her head. Seth jumped to his right. "Whoa..." Seth gasped, flashing her an odd glance. She had a confused and concerned look in her face. "What? It was just... A friendly nuzzle..." She said sadly. "Sorry... Just not used to people like you..." "What do you mean!? "People like you?" Flora asked angrily. I put my two paws up in surprise. "Whoa! I didn't mean anything malicious! I just meant I haven't seen any tribe members before!" Her ears immediately dropped and tears welled to her eyes. "You mean I just got angry at you for nothing?" She asked, her voice trembling. A tear slipped down her nose. She was crying!? What was this!? "I take it you're sensitive?" Seth asked. She nodded.

"You're not angry at me?" Flora asked. "No? WHy would I be? You haven't done anything wrong?" Her eyes exploded into happiness. A huge msiel spread across her face. She leapt onto Seth, her legs straddled over his waist. Good thing he had pants. "This is gonna be a long walk home..." Seth thought to himself.
The 12 that went on the space trip goes on this fighter jet expedition along with A7X and Metallica.

Humphrey was playing Halo Reach when he got a phone call from an old friend, Dutch.
“Hey, Humphrey, we need you your friends and Avenged Sevenfold to meet up with us ODST’s, Metallica, and Star and his group.”
Humphrey went to Garth’s house to have him to do the shitty howl.
“Thanks, I’ll go get Avenged Sevenfold.”
Humphrey got to the warehouse of Avenged Sevenfold. They were playing Beast and the Harlot.
“Matt, Mike, John, Zach, Brian, we need you to come with us to...
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posted by Mitsi1991
Kate's Inner Monster Prt. 4

"Ok Humphrey give me a sec to catch up!!" "So you and Kate
where on your way to the MOON LIGHT HOWL and you both hear
a loud noise out in the forest??" "Then you both decide to go
investigate on what made that noise." "You both go into the forest
and find two hunters"? "You end up getting chased by the hunters
and then Kate gets caught in a trap...."? (NOT GOOD!!) "Anyway
you go back to save her and she tells you to run and you do!!!"
"Why is that??" "Why didn't you stay to help her is my BIG
question???" "Now Lilly I already told you!!" "The way she said to
it to...
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posted by Mitsi1991
Kate's Inner Monster Prt. 2

Kate opens her eyes and takes a deep breath... "Finally, I'm free
after all these years of being trapped in this prison. Kate turns around
and sees' the claw trap holding her down. With both paws she grabs
the steel trap and opens the jaws breaking it in two. "HEE childs
play, she snarls. In the distance she can hear the two hunters getting
closer. HEE HEE, I think its time to show these wanna be hunters a
little lesson! Kate turns around and runs into the blackness of the
forest getting ready to give these hunters a little surprise that they
will never forget.

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added by UriahA
*I wake up in the lodge wondering what happened last night*
“Hello Apple Inc at the door”a person says
I Freeze terrified because I was a wolf not human if they seen me…Death!
“We need to talk about your ipawds 2”the man outside says
*I hold my breath thinking im going to get killed as I open the door*
“what the? A wolf is in a lodge”the man from apple inc says
*I Trotted up to the Wolfbook*
“Very unique Macbook Upgrade to…Wolfbook?!”he says
*I Show him a powerpoint explaining about everything about the ipawds and wolfbook’s and that I made it*
*He turns his back thinking*
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Devil's roar part 2: Futuristic brothers.

The squad monitors padded towards a huge rectangular computer screen. The monitor's job was to monitor the safety, and health of all Devil's roar squads. The screens were divided into eight bars. Each had eight circular segments, all seperated by a centimeter and glowing blue. Each one was the signal of a squad member... WHen one was empty and flashed red, that member was dead. ANything else, the member was live and ready. The status of the squads and batlle being fought, was on the top left corner of the screen. ALso, the squad leader's name was displayed...
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The Devil's roars emblem
The Devil's roars emblem
Four years ago, two wolves gently and lovingly pranced about in the snow. The female, gently and playfully nipping at the male's hip, would tease him to come along with her... That was a while ago however. Everything was good. They had a litter of 4 pups, one white, one true wolf grey, the other two red, matching the father's fur. But then it happened. Had it not been for the remarkable sense of smell, that mother wouldn't of been able to save two of the pups... When she returned, the two pups were dead, and so was the dad. She ran into the forest... The bear followed her. Half wittedly, she...
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[This article is from humphrey's son Jon's point of view]

Here I am sitting in the pits not just any pit though my dads pit i was there for the Daytona 500 hundred watching the race which was 300 laps in and it was getting intense my dad was in Fourth and began to pass through the middle of two cars i was scared but he made it skimming one cars front end then he mde the pass on the lead car and tapped it bumper making it swerve then it hit my dad back end and sent him hard into the wall flipping and ripping the car apart when it came to a rest it burst to flames for sevral moment i was scared my dad was dead the the officials exstingushed the fire and there was movement in the race car and my dad pulled himself out and took off his helmet i was so glad even though we didn't win the race but my dad still went with the paramedic just to be checked and they found he had a broken rib but other than that he was fine but a bit shooken up....[End Of Part 1]
posted by REDWolfleader
As I left his suite I felt I needed to protect him but I decided to go to check on the wolves at where I came to the wasteland. After hours of following my nose, and retracing my tracks, I finally made it to the cave. A few minutes after getting there, there was a sudden shadow that came from outside the cave. When I went to look guess who I found...
"Well look at you." I chuckled, "Get taken from some humans that injected you with some green serum and put in to a semi-circular machine and find yourself lost?"
"How- how did you know?"
"How do you think I got here?"
"Where am I?"
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posted by REDWolfleader
Enclave's symbol
Enclave's symbol
"Well is there anything about the 'Wasteland' I should know?"
"Lots. I know one thing thats for sure stay away from the mutants and the Enclave!"
"The Enclave?"
"Yes it's the only government of humans left. They don't take much to be friendly. Other humans though they've grown soft. They will only kill you if you show aggression. So be careful!"
"Gotcha!Anything else?"
"Well don't come towards anything with armor. Other then that there's not anything else."
"Okay well see you guys later!" and I was off for the adventure of my life a whole new world to explore. It wasn't long before I met a human,...
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John wrote a song and he was gonna sing it at the pub and he thought about it and directed it to the girl of his dreams and when he got there he saw her and smiled and she smiled back then he started:
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
What we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there and I know when I need it
I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there 'cause that's what friends
Are supposed to do, oh yeah, ooh, ooh

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posted by REDWolfleader
One day, when I was two years old my whole pack was whipped out, by the 'offset' pack. The offsets must have thought I would die soon after my pack was gone. But my dad taught me better than anyone else. Soon after eating a big meal I was off. By myself,
"Lone-Wolf, No limits, No-one to rely on, And no-one to wait for." I thought to myself. I liked my new motto, little did I know... That was the motto I was, from then on, to follow for the rest of my life.

Later I found another pack. It was a long walk from my pack to their's... 50 clicks to be precise... Well I didn't find them, they found me....
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posted by REDWolfleader
"Hello Kat, this is Kelly and my mate."
"And my mate's name is Red." Kelly blurted out.
"Oh. Well would you like to stay with our pack?"
"It's tempting but we have to go, we might get a drink on our way through though!" Kat led us to where the pond was,
"Well take care you two!"
"You too!" Kat left.
"Alright... Lets go."I said looking at Kelly.
"Okay." She said, and we where off again. We traveled and traveled and never looked back.


Written by yours truly,
posted by kates-mate101
We pulled into my driveway. I opened my door and then immediately went over to Kate’s and opened it for her. I then led her up my driveway. She immediately began sniffing my mom’s garden as well as the bird’s nest that had fallen from the tree. “Come on Kate... There’s more to see...” I told her. She had a sceptical look in her eyes. “Casa... Del... Setho...” I joked, upon opening my door. Kate walked in casually. She took one whiff and then ran into my kitchen. I slowly took off my Nikes, and followed her. I entered the kitchen, and found her supporting herself on two hind...
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added by katealphawolf
added by Red_Pyramid206
Source: Red_Pyramid206
added by katealphawolf
added by anubis210
Kate and humphrey came home after a long day of hunting and shit like that and they were tired so they went to bed and kate fell asleep having a nightmare [Night mare begin's Lately Kate was scared about this killer that she heard about on the news his name was fukaro and she had heard the legend] Kate wake's up in her dream and she get's up to get a glass of water and on her way to the kitchen she hears a loud scraping noise and she Thinks oh its just my imagination and she pours the glass of water from the sink but instead she gets blood and she screams and goes and turn on the television...
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The pack members who had interviewed Eight were now prime for deliberation between themselves as he waited at the bottom of the trail entrance.
The five of them discussed among themselves and carefully weighed both the pros and problems that taking in a pack member - especially one they barely knew, would bring to their clan.

"Well," The large black wolf, Otto began his observations, "He's not weak. Thats a certainty. He knows what he's talking about, at least a little. At most, I imagine that he'll be a decent enough combat or hunt member."
The others nodded in agreement as Deogee piped up,...
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