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Virtual Villagers

Also, A female villager is nursing for MUCH longer than usual. The usual time is about 260, but this is like, 370! Does that mean it's Twins? PLZ Lemme know, thanks!

1 answer | my answer: Well, I'm not sure if its longer for twins or tripl...

do u think neville should have killed bellatrix? if so why?

6 answers | my answer: Yes definetly! Although I did like Molly killing B...
Severus Snape & Lily Evans

Why did Lilly marry James if Snape was her true love?

10 answers | my answer: He wasn't. He loved her, but he called Lily a Mudb...
Couples from Harry Potter

What's the strangest fanfic couple you've come across?

24 answers | my answer: Dramione is almost NORMAL compared to most... Wa...

I made a spot for Brian Rosenthal who played Quirrel and Seamus. Want to join?

2 answers | my answer: I did! Will you join my Joe Moses fan spot? htt...

Favorite Quote?

9 answers | my answer: I have to CHOOSE????
Brian Holden

anyon egoing to the S.P.A.C.E tour??

2 answers | my answer: Yes! I thought I couldn't but my friend had an ext...