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showing answers (41 to 50 of 111)
Twilight Series

Does anyone have a good pic of Bella's ring with a stone and a pic of a bracelet?! I really like those! Tried to google it but nothin' came up.

3 answers | my answer: these are the best i could find... the first ones a...
Twilight Series

do u think alice does the right thing by leaving in breaking dawn ?

2 answers | my answer: yeah i think she does even though it would be whole...
Twilight Series

do u think in the new moon movie they should show edward after the breakup and how he deals with it ?

26 answers | my answer: yeah i think it would be cool to see how he 'tracks...
Twilight Series

ok so the vampires are meant to have no blood because they have no heart right. but bella and edward have sex which doesnt make any sense so how can they do it

2 answers | my answer: well here is sth that stephanie said abou it.. it's...
Twilight Series

how do u think they will make bella " more beautiful " in breaking dawn when she becomes a vampire ?

9 answers | my answer: well.. you have so many techniques today, but i bel...
Twilight Series

can vampires hair grow i don't think it can but i don't know for sure

6 answers | my answer: This is SM's response: When someone becomes a vampi...
Twilight Series

Does any 1 know if Stephanie Myer is actually going to publish Midnight Sun? I'm Dying to know...

6 answers | my answer: the last information about midnight sun given from ...
Twilight Series

Does a vampires hair grow?

10 answers | my answer: This is SM's response: When someone becomes a vampi...
Twilight Series

dont you find it strange how rosalie hale was actually called rosalie hale in her human life where as all the others had to change their names?

7 answers | my answer: not really because rosalie is very much attached to...
Twilight Series

When Edward and Bella come back from Isle Esme, is there a point of view in their perspective? I wonder how Bella reacted when they wanted to take the fetus out and how Rose defended her.

1 answer | my answer: no there is not.. there is only jacob pov a week af...