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Comic strips are no different from other story formats in that they include a character, setting and plot. What’s always been unique is how condensed they must become in order to convey their message.

One beloved but now long-gone iconic comic strip was “Cathy.” Written by Cathy Guisewite, the gag-a-day offering would typically poke gentle fun at the daily life of the modern woman.

After 34 years, “Cathy” bid farewell in 2010 never to be heard from again – until actress and creator SUSAN SASSI decided to bring her back in the live-action comedy web series “CATHY IN REAL LIFE.” That’s right. Cathy has returned. Only this time she has updated her image and headed to Hollywood.

Previously, Susan has proven a talented writer as part of the CBS Diversity Showcase and as a New Voices TV Writing Contest finalist, CineStory TV Writing Retreat and Fellowship finalist, ScreenCraft Film Fund semifinalist, Stage 32 TV Writing Contest semifinalist, NBC Writers on the Verge quarterfinalist, StageCraft Pilot Launch quarterfinalist, and Austin Film Fest Teleplay Competition quarterfinalist. She also wrote and produced the hit musical, "Victorian Courting and Zombies," selling out the LA Fringe Fest followed by successful runs at UCB and iO West.

Since the launch of “Cathy in Real Life” second season finale episodes just days ago, I caught up with Susan Sassi to find out more:

Tell us about your web series, “Cathy in Real Life.”

SUSAN: It’s a bunch of ridiculousness! It’s a live-action parody of the classic Cathy comic strip from the 80s. The concept is Cathy’s cartoon was canceled due to her being outdated and offensive, so now she’s updated her image to make her big comeback. Cathy is a lovable idiot, a joke to herself and others. So, when she drops a truth bomb, it’s extra surprising and proves that just because someone is silly doesn’t mean they are stupid.

So, why did you want to bring “Cathy” to life?

SUSAN: She was already living inside me, and it was getting crowded.

But in seriousness, I came about it in a round and about way. I wanted to do a web series because it was something new and seemed as though it would be the least expensive option since online content doesn’t have to be as high quality in the technical department as film and its less time consuming than Theatre. I also wanted to act in it.

So, first I thought, who do I look like? I usually get Peppermint Patty, but Cathy was in the Zeitgeist at the time, and I thought I looked like her. As I was researching online, I was surprised to find a lot of women hate Cathy, because she is a terrible role model for women. If you take her cartoon out of context of the time period and look at it from the point of view of modern society, you can see how it is outdated, and you can spot some female stereotypes. But, Cathy was also the first cartoon ever to feature a single working-woman, and she wasn’t a secretary, but a VP of a marketing company. So, I wanted to give it some perspective and remind people that really, the most feminist thing we can do is just to let women be who they are without judgment.

What’s it been like to portray the iconic comic strip character?

SUSAN: So much fun! Because she isn’t real, there are no rules. And roles that permit you to do the things you only dreamed about, like making out with an entire chocolate cake, are very freeing! And surprisingly very helpful because since I sucked that down, I have not wanted chocolate cake since. Sheet cake is another story entirely.

Also, it’s like having the stomach flu. Because the amount of food Cathy eats is too large to fit in a normal human’s stomach. I am proud to say that I only threw up once on set, after pounding a bag of salt for the Survivor Episode. Yes, I dumped all that salt in my mouth because I am a professional. (Full disclosure, I didn’t swallow the salt)

What would you consider her ‘best’ quality? And her ‘worst’?

SUSAN: At her best, she is loveable, kind-hearted, and happy just to be herself. At her worst, she’s disgusting.

Any interesting stories from the set you can share with us? We had a running joke that season 3 was going to be behind the scenes of Season 2 where Cathy is on set messing everything up because she keeps eating the props.

The most touching moment was when I walked on set to shoot the Bachelorette Sketch (written by Lira Kellerman), and everything looked amazing and perfect. I couldn’t afford a set deck. So, Kristina Adel and I were going to get the decorations and do it ourselves. But the whole crew was so excited about the project they all came prepared and helped out. The result was magical! I was, and still am, immensely touched when everyone comes together on a project and goes above and beyond out of passion.

What’s the biggest lesson you learned from creating this project?

SUSAN: Letting go of perfection because it’s not possible. Someone isn’t going to like it. Maybe no one will like it, and that’s okay too. As long as I am happy with it, that is all that matters. It’s not my business to know what people think. It’s just my business to create.

You can’t make your work if you don’t learn this lesson. It’s important to know art is never figured out, it just is. If you don’t learn this, you’ll drive yourself crazy and never release anything. You’d be like Chidi from “The Good Place.”

Also, make sure to wear a snorkel when making out with chocolate cake; otherwise it’s difficult to breathe.

And, now just for fun:

Who’s your favorite actor/actress?

SUSAN: I’m not good at having favorites. Right now, at this moment, I’m going to say, Melissa McCarthy. She can do anything: comedy, drama, family, sitcoms, film, sketch, etc. And her comic timing is perfect. She has never, not been able to make me laugh. And no one has never, not been able to get me to stop using double negatives.

What role from the past do you wish you could have played?
SUSAN: I would have loved to have played the Therapist in Christopher Durang’s “Laughing Wild.” But, when it first premiered, not after the monologues were overdone at every Theatre School.

Or Carol Churchill’s “Cloud Nine.” Both of these pieces are genuinely inspired comedies, and I recommend everyone go out and read them! Unless you don’t like absurd comedy, in which case you probably hate my work as well, in which case, why are you even reading this article right now?

Favorite movie or TV show from your childhood.
SUSAN: So many. But, a hilarious one to consider a favorite, “Big Business” starring Bette Midler and Lilly Tomlin. People who are familiar with my comic voice, when I surprised love this movie, they laugh because it is so me!

Tell us one thing that would surprise our readers to learn about you.
SUSAN: I work out 5-6 times a week at Orange Theory Fitness, much to Cathy’s dismay!! I’m addicted. It’s fun. It gets out all the stress and anxiety from life without having to take it out on strangers and leaves me pumped full of happy endorphins!

How can fans keep up with you?
SUSAN: I would love fans to keep up with me. Please feel free to follow me on any of the following methods. And if you tag me, I promise to respond!
Twitter: @Sassers_ link
Facebook: /Susan.Sassi link
Instagram: @SusanSassi link
Susan Sassi stars in "Cathy in Real Life"
Susan Sassi stars in "Cathy in Real Life"
Susan Sassi stars in "Cathy in Real Life"
Susan Sassi stars in "Cathy in Real Life"
Susan Sassi stars in "Cathy in Real Life"
Susan Sassi stars in "Cathy in Real Life"
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