Young Justice Club
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Wally and Artemis stop at a Big Red Chinese restaurant with a bright neon sign saying "Zen restaurant" they entered the building. The bartender was cleaning the counter as they entered. His eyes never lifted to look at them.
"Kidflash is it? What brings you here?" he asked as he grabbed a beer glass. "You drink?" Wally refused and answered.
"There's been a homiside"
"What? So now your replacing Robin? tsk tsk tsk" he shook his head.
"Robin is working on he case too. More complicated stuff."
"Wondering if you've seen a redhead in her 20s a stamp on one of her arms? Ring any bells?" Artemis lent against he counter.
"Oh yeah Sophie she's a regular!" the bartender replied.
"Was she with anyone?" Wally asked.
"Yeah yeah she was talking to Jared." he points to the far end of the room to a musley guy mopping the floor. "Hey Jared! Some sidekicks wanna see you!" Artemis grabbed his collar.
"Heroes." Wally laughed.
"Oh yeah. Just give me a sec..." Jared steps away from the mop and bolts through the kitchen door.
"Damn! He's getting away!" Artemis cries. Wally runs to the door and turns the knob but it's locked!
"Stand back!" he walks backwards and kicks the door in. The door flies off its hinges. In the distance Jared runs for the rear exit. He turns back to see Artemis just about to shoot an arrow right at him. Jared reaches for a saucepan and hurled it right at Artemis.
"Duck!" Wally cries while pushing Artemis down. The saucepan clatters safe fully behind them. Jared disappears through the back door. The heroes dart after him into a tight alley and into a crowded street.
"Where the hell is he?" Artemis looks around.
"There!" Wally points to a brown haired man taking the first left into another street. Wally grabs Artemis by her hands and pulls her up onto his back and sprints past suvillians into the left street. As the teens turn left a reversing bus is ahead of them. Wally propels right past it just in time. He looks up to see Jared running straight past cars and into the path. He lets go of Artemis.
"I've got this!" Wally sprints for him and seconds later, Jared is tackled onto the curb.
"Ugh. Oh man!" he says. Wally reaches into his pocket and pulls out white tablets.
"What are these? Medication? Or a drug to help you murder innocent girls?!"
"What?! Hey I ain't talking to someone with superpowers. Think your so better than us!" he glares up at the teens. A nearby police spots the heroes and runs up to them.
"Need this man to go to jail?" Wally shakes his head.
"We just need him to talk" the police hand cuffs him and takes him to the car. Wally smiles gleefully at Artemis. She returns the smile and starts heading for the police station.

Jared sits in the intergrigation room quietly, arms crossed on his chest. Wally and Artemis watch him outside the room. A teenager approaches them.
"I tested the drugs Jared was carrying. It's called hydromorphone or hydro. Overdoses cause dizzyness, lightheadedness, blackouts..."
"He could use that on Sophie?" Artemis asks.
"We need the completed tox screen to know for certain, but it's certainly plausible. But he could also be using it to get high"
"Whats with you and these big words?" Wally asked. Robin just smiled and walked away.
"I guess it's time to talk to Jared" the teens sit down across from Jared in the interrogation room. He silently glared at them.
"If you don't wanna talk, just listen. If your wondering why your here this is about murder."
"Murder?! Why is he talking about murder?!" he threw his hands up and looked at Artemis.
"Last night Sophie Mills went to the Zen restaurant then was found dead today. But my partner here was at the crime scene when she suffocated to death. You were the last alive person she saw before her death" Artemis explained.
"Wait your saying Sophie is...dead?" Jared sadly looks down.
"Yes. It's better if you talk now dude. Tell me about Sophie"
"Sophie..." tears well up in Jared's eyes. "She's just a girl that's cute, fun. We even hooked up afew times."
"Last night?"
"She found me, I hooked her up with a drink. That's it! I wouldn't give her anything harder!"
"Why not?"
"She looked unsteady on her feet. The last I saw her was her heading for the exit. Think she bailed."
"Thanks for talking to us" the heroes head out the interrogation room.
"Thank you for getting a suspect. Go home and rest. You'll have a big day tomorrow" the teenagers head out the station and walk together side by side.
"You did a good job, even if we didn't get the right guy" Wally complimented.
"Yeah thanks" they stop at the end of the street. "I'll just get a lift from Bats"
"Nah I can run you home" Wally said.
"No. I've had enough piggybacks today. And you better get back to Barry. It's getting late" she looks up at the dark sky, stars twinkling.
"Well I won't argue. Be safe" Wally waves goodbye and runs off.

Wally arrives home, the kitchen light on, he gets changed in his room. On purpose, he falls face first onto his bed and groaned.
"Rough night?" Wally turns his head to see Barry leaning on the door.
"Oh hey. Yeah. Girls dying, going all over the place to find suspects, man I haven't used my brain that much in like, never!" Wally groans again.
"We you better get a good night sleep" Barry begins to walk out.
"Uncle Barry," Barry stops and turns around. "Could I have a 2 hot chocolates please"
"So could I have a car?"
"Don't push it" Barry heads for the kitchen. Wally slumps his head onto his pillow. Seconds later Barry comes in with 2 hot chocolates. Wally drinks them slowly and then, he snores sleeplessly. Barry grins and closes the door.

"Thanks Bats" Artemis said as she came out of the Batmobile into Mount justice.
"You better get in bed. Though if you could help me..." he points to a young boy his hand over the end of the couch sleeping.
"The Batman asking for help. I thought that was impossible!" she walks quickly into her room. Bruce sighs and approaches Robin.
"Here we go" he picks him up, amazed how light he was, and puts him over his right shoulder. Robin's hands hang down his back, mouth open and his dark sunglasses on. Bats heads to the Batmobile and drives off, after laying Robin in the back seat and putting a blanket over him.
Artemis was exhausted and threw herself on her bed. Not as easy as Wally, sleep didn't come easily to her.
posted by XxKFforeverXx
All I could think about was the past. Staring at my brothers body, it made it harder to forget. Fang making fart jokes at the school through our cages trying to make me laugh. Me jumping on the bed trying to wake Fang up, laughing when I "accidentally" kicked him where it counts, him shoving me off the bed and onto the floor I stood there the past drowning out the battle in the background. I felt hands on my shoulders, followed by shaking. 
"Nudge? Nudge c'mon! We've gotta go this place is gonna blow!" I didn't budge. Still lost in sea of emotions I choked down a sob as tears filled my eyes.

Yeah, yeah. I know it's short
posted by Robin_Love
I wrote this awhile ago when I was feeling sad. But when I read it now, I think it's an awesome one-shot. So I hope you enjoy!

Robin moved around in his room. He looked at all the pictures and charms he had. The ones that reminded him of her. Becca Stevens. His love. Fresh tears came to his eyes and new pain arose in his heart. He fingered the necklace she had always worn. The black choker with a charm; a blue bird with wings extended. She had always called it her NightWing. Had always said how it reminded her of him. Now it was a way of remembering her. Ever since they'd been given the news....
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posted by Robin_Love
Red X Info

Name: Erin Charlotte Mavis
Occupation:Hero; Minor; Time-traveler
Base:New York City
Powers:Super-speed, trained in combat, time “jumping”, expert with a sword or battle staff
History:Erin was a trouble maker from the Earth of year 3024. She was banished back in time for her tomfoolery. She was taken by a Russian government official, training to be a living weapon. Her bones were bonded together by a liquid metal, making her virtually indestructible. Now known as X, Erin became a spy for Russia. She went many places, learning many secrets. Erin soon rebelled and was sentenced to death...
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posted by Obscurity98
"Foever!?" shrieked Harley her eyes flaming with fire. HEr black hair began to levitate behind her. "Harley calm down," said Roy grabbing her shoulder,"It not gonna be torture." HE turned to Batman, "IS it?" Batman shrugged, he wasnt a big kids type of guy himself. Harley snarled at Roy her teeth bared,"Oh yeah, says the guy who hates kids!" Roy stred her down until Batman interrupted the staring contest. "Canary will be here shortly. To watch the kids while you guys try to find what happened to them." Harley let out a sigh of relief. Roy smiled in her directon.
"I'll be back in the cave, but...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Wally walked into the mountain, it was his birthday and he knew he was getting a suprise party, he walked into the kitchen/ living room area and the lights flickered on, " suprise! " everyone on the team said including the flash, " whaaaat!? oh you guys how did you know! " Wally said acting suprised, Robin rolled his eyes behind his sun glasses " you wouldnt shut up about your birthday coming up " Becca said, Willow came up to Wally and led him to the table, " we've made two cakes for you " Willow said, " then what will you guys eat? " Wally asked. Willow giggled " we made cupcakes for us so...
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posted by NekoTheif
Thanks BelovedRobin
Thanks BelovedRobin
Tundra was not the nicest girl. In fact she was more likely to tear your throat then be your friend. And finally she hit the last straw ran away and lived in the forest. Tundra howled in joy as she bit into the flesh of the deer she just killed. For the past few weeks she had to catch rabbits and small forest animals.

Winter was in it's peak. 2 feet of snow was on the ground. With out grass the deer and moose and elk had all moved out of the area. She would have to leave her territory to get them. Rabbits were hard to catch and a few nights she went to bed hungry. But finally a small deer herd...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Artemis and Willow ran through Gotham city in the night jumping from building to building. They were running at an incredible pace, " where exactlly are Lucas and Wally! " Willow yelled in a tired tone, " i dunno! the coms jammed! " Artemis said. Willow and Artemis stopped on a roof top and hid behind a generator, Willow looked to the side peering to see if he was still coming. " I think we lost him.." Willow whispered catching her breath, " guess again..... Harm never quits a fight...." a boy said with long brown hair and a red scar over his one eye, Artemis and Willow gasped, Artemis had...
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posted by Robin_Love
Willow smiled.
“Wally, the wedding is fake.”
“It was all Becca's idea!”
Wally looked at the younger girl who wore a devious smirk.
“I wanted to test you. Willow knew better than to marry. But I wanted to see just how far Wally West was willing to go to get his girl back. Everyone here already knew. You're the only one who didn't. Now tell me. You still love Willow with your whole heart?”
Wally looked at Willow. Her brown eyes, her brown hair. Her warm smile, her beautiful face. But he could also see inside. Her heart of gold, her kindness. Her inner beauty. His throat clogged...
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posted by Skittles98
Sadly *sobs* not mine. This belongs to xyukiiix on

Wally smiled as he walked into the room. She was practicing again. It had been years since she'd picked up a bow, shot an arrow, but she never lost her touch.

They've been together for quite some years as well. It started out bumpy but no one can say it was surprising. They just clicked together like that. Like Yin and Yang. He loved her- snark, sarcasm and all. And she must have loved him if she was willing to put up with him and his antics.

He leaned against the wall and watched her. Her posture never faltered, her concentration...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Two-

Jazzman waited until they were in an alley to confront them.

"What do you want?" he asked, turning around.

Sam and Becca looked at each other. They had hoped to get farther than this, at least to the base, but it seemed Jazzman wasn't as stupid as they had thought.

Sam looked at Becca, who was still slightly nervous about the villain, and stepped forward.

"I think you recognize me." he said.

"What do yo want, Grant?" Jazzman asked. "I already paid you."

Thoughts whirled through Becca's mind. 'Pay him? For what?'

"That's not what I'm here for." Sam said. "I want in all the way."

This statement...
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posted by 66Dragons
Coming this Friday! Of course, if you want to read this and the next four episodes, go to the Red Revenge Club!

"The party, Mr. Grant." the driver said, opening the door to the limo.

Sam groaned before stepping out.

"Do I really need a limo drive to my school?" he asked aloud. 

"You are a high profile character." a voice said beside him as Holly slipped her arm through his.

"Nice." he commented at her outfit.

"You think?" Holly asked.

"I think it fits you perfectly." Sam said.

Holly blushed.

She was dressed in a skin-tight black body-suit, which just happened to be her Nightbird costume, with a red trench coat behind it and a red miniskirt over her pants. 

The two walked through the door into the school.
posted by NekoTheif
this is her dad
this is her dad
She growled in annoyance as she sniffed the ground again. Her ears flicker forward as a trash can was knocked over. 'they just keep coming to me tonight don't they' she thought. Sitting on her haunches she waited ears pricked forward as they ran towards her spot. "Hey boss look a dog" one dumb man shouted. 'idiots' she wanted to roll her eyes.

4 other men turned the corner. "Well wadda ya know come here puppy" one clicked. 'puppy!? Grrr' she narrowed her eyes pinning her ears back and growled. Shifting into her human form again she smirked as their ice widened.

Ice blue eyes stared at them her...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Do you have any idea where they could've gone?" Fang looked at Volt. 
"I mig- no wait he wouldn't. Darien hates him." Volt rolled a piece of rock between her thumb and index finger. 
"Volt we could use anything you might have in mind." Fang looked at Volt.
"I really don't really want to call on him now." Volt walked away
"My uncle..." Volts voice trailed off.
"Which would be?" Fang stepped in front of Volt.
"Heh, Uhm.. It's kinda a long story." She looked away from Fangs glare.
"Make it short." Fang crossed his arms.
"Alright fine. My father is Hades, and Zeus is my uncle, the one who gave...
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posted by anime-niac
This is a story about my OC's past so it's told through her point of view not mine.
The only memory that I can clearly remember from my past is that horrible day when my powers went berserk, but I'm getting ahead of myself. My name's Scarlet Adenfeld and this is the story of how I became what I am now.

"Bye Mom I'm headed to school!" I shouted

"Be careful, and have a good day." Mom called back

As I made my way to school I said good morning to my dad, he died when I was two so I only know what he looks like from pictures my mom has. Notice anything...
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posted by Robin_Love
Willow sat on the couch with her laptop. Wally sat next to her, munching on various snacks. Becca was on her laptop, but was sharing a chair with Robin, their legs tangled together. The mountain was quiet, seeing as the others were out and it was the four of them. Willow suddenly groaned, hitting her head on the keyboard.
“What's wrong?” Becca asked a little distracted.
“My computer. It's no working,” Willow answered.
“Want me to have Robin fix it?”
“No. He'd break it.”
Robin rolled his eyes, shooting Willow a mock face of pain.
“I can fix it!” Wally announced.
Becca laughed at...
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posted by Robin_Love
Becca opened her eyes. She hadn't realized she;d blacked out but now she lay in her bed. She saw shadows playing along the crack between the floor and her door. She sat up, running a hand through her hair. She could hear voices but no words. Becca pulled the covers off, fixing her hair as best she could. The door opened and her sister came in. Billy gave Becca a wink before closing the door.
Becca ran into her sisters arms, feeling a healing sensation overtake them both.
“Becca! I've missed you!”
The two hugged for several minutes and Becca barely held in her tears. Willow pulled...
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posted by Robin_Love
Falcon looked over at Becca. She was sitting in a corner, calmly looking around. After he signed off his computer, he came to sit in front of her. She looked at him, a small smile on her face.
“You're a lot like my boyfriend was,” she commented.
“Who was he?”
“Robin, protege of the Dark Knight.”
“Wow. Why'd he give you up? Run out of love or something?”
“Father hates my guts. But I should've known. I'm not good enough for anyone.”
“Ouch! You're pretty harsh on yourself.”
“I have to be. Or I never see the way things are supposed to be seen.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,...
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"Your father... ugh. Thinking about him makes me shudder. And yet, he was so handsome." Dick and Kyra gagged. Ivy glared. "Do you want to be dead now or later?" The two twins instantly stopped, and the villainess continued. "Good. Anyways, he created such... nasty, air-polluting machines. And I wanted to fix that. So one day, I crashed one of his showings to stop him, and he-he rejected my idea! Just rejected it! So I went back to my lab- I work with plants, you see, and I was looking to create the perfect living carnivorous plant. But something went-"
"Wrong and you messed up the chemicals,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
Willow looked at her sister with tears falling down her cheeks, she stroked Beccas hair hoping her eyes would open, " shes slipped into a coma " Andrew said looking at her monitor, " but how?" Robin asked. " Her powers are gone... " Andrew muttered. " But thats not possible!" Willow yelled in a fearful tone. " Im afraid it is..." Andrew said, Willow was about to teleport but she couldnt, " huh what... i cant telelport!" Willow said, Wally looked at her with sad eyes. " The one thing that makes me wonder... is if mine and Willows powers are gone... why did we wake up... and Becca didnt?" Lucas...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Chapter 3
      Two men in identical suits walked down the streets of Gotham. Long black coats conceled their whole bodies. Collars pulled up so their faces and were unreconizable. To anyone they would look like typical drug dealers doing one of those walk by deals. But every cop was elsewhere. Some parade going on a few blocks away. 
  "Did you hack into the system yet?" The taller of the two asked. 
"Almost. Whoever made the security must be a pro." The other responded concentrated on a high tech hand-held.
"You sound surprised. It's Wayne Tech. 'Course the guy's got some top-notch super...
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