Young Justice Club
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posted by NekoTheif
This is what BelovedRobin wrote before letting me finish this Chapter. As you know Writers Block is a killer.
(this section belongs to BelovedRobin)
Keeping composure was something Charm was known for, even if he held a smirk while he did it. Pressure on him was just a feather, however..

"I thought we were teammates?!" Elementi coughed up blood onto the forest floor, but hell he is not backing down. "Why are you attacking me?!"

"You're just a scapegoat."

Staggering to keep balance, Charm pulled back the dirty dried blood hair. His teeth baring and with a tooth missing he did not care. All this soldier wanted was this wolf to be poached.

(from here on out it's me)

Charm balled his fist and punched Elementi in the face. He grinned at the sickening crack of the boy's nose. Elementi yelped pulling away and holding his face. "What the hell is wrong with you!" he mumbled spitting blood from his mouth. Charm stared at him blankly. He remembered how he could feel Amara's emotions. he searched her out he could feel little to nothing. Just fear and it was small. He was worried now she was going to die.

Elementi rammed into charm the boy stumbled but grinned. He punched Elementi in the jaw and then the knee. Elementi growled and lashed upward. Charm barely got out of the way. As they continued to fight the others were running out of time.


Kid Flash made a face as he finished the squirrel. "That is gross. I doubt we can save her why go through all this trouble" he grumbled. "Because 1. We should help and 2. if she dies Charm's going to go nuts" Robin sighed. "Yeah whatever" Kid Flash picked up the girl dashing into the woods again. He didn't like her. She was with Charm.

And he hated Charm. Thus making her the enemy. But non the less he was the one that could find and get her to a hospital in time. He reached the town and paused. It was small but he could see the tall hospital building. Darting forward he swerved through the streets before bursting through the door. "Uh hello!" he shouted. Doctors turned running over.

A nurse took Tundra from his arms and carried her away. Kid Flash sighed and waited for the others.


Charm and Elementi leaned against the trunks of the tree's staring each other down. "this is your fault" Charm panted. "Excuse me?" Elementi asked attitude clear in his voice. "Yes you." Charm snarled. "I don't see how anything is my fault today" Elementi snapped. "Your the reason Tundra is going to the hospital" Charm supplied. "How I wasn't stupid enough to get snuck up on" Elementi bit.

"If your hadn't demanded on going south they would never had to go and save your sorry ass" Charm growled. His tolerance level was gone but this kid was pushing his limits even farther. "She should have payed more attention" Elementi brushed off the accusation easily. "she might die because of you!" Charm yelled. "You seem to care a lot about someone you just met than your own team!" Elementi screamed back.

Charm was silent mulling that in his head. He cared about Tundra. But he had just met her. Perhaps she was lying to save her sorry ass. No Tundra wouldn't do that. She was to kind to caring in his eyes. She was a fighter and wouldn't run to charm to save her butt. Heck when he had rescued her from anymore injuries from the boy in front of him she looked ready to punch him.

The boy walked away punching Elementi to the ground. The boy growled and fallowed him. They walked side by side ignoring each other. When they reached the town they ignored the wide eyed stares. They got to the hospital and froze. The team was sitting in a waiting room grim looks on their faces. "What happened!" Charm hissed. "She's in surgery because of the wounds she got from elementi." Robin answered.

Charm sent a dirty look towards the blonde haired boy. The team sat in silence brooding over different things. "Charm" came someone's small voice. He looked up and Artemis sat next to him. "I-. Tundra will be okay" she managed to get out. "I know" he growled. "So what's bothering you?" she looked at him. "Tundra" he answered. "Why?" Artemis prodded. "I'm worried okay" he sighed. "But you just-" she was cut off. "Tundra will be okay" he repeated. "Um excuse me?" a nurse shook as she approached. "Yes?" Aqaulad looked at her. "She is out of surgery you can see her now but she is in a coma" the nurse stuttered.

They team nodded fallowed her into the sterile white room. Laying in the bed a breathing mask on her face and covered in bandages lay Tundra. Her eyes were closed and her heart beat was beeping on the monitor. Charm tried to feel what she was feeling but felt nothing. It was like she was dead. "But she's not" he muttered.
posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 8-

"Where's the Joker?" Alexa asked, busting down the door to the Injustice League's base.

Poison Ivy, Vertigo, and Atomic Skull looked up from their poker game.

"Yoohoo! Over here darling! I was wondering where you had-unh!"

Joker was cut off as Alexa teleported across the room and grabbed him by the shirt collar.

"You piece of slime!" she yelled, throwing him across the room and into the wall. The three villans playing poker stood up as Alexa walked over to the Clown Pronce of Crime.

"You used me!" she yelled, shoving him in the wall, making a dent. "You lied to me!" she yelled again,...
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posted by Mclovin_69
( the foster home)

everything was grey, it was a rainy night. Her foster care provider heard a knock at the door, she opened it and looked around outside then finally looked down to see a baby girl in a basket, she gasped and picked up the basket, she despritly looked around to see if anyone was there. She looked back down at the baby girl and brought it inside.

( 6 years later after that night )

Willow was 6 now, it had only been two years since she met Becca and roomed with her. A new boy came in that day he had brown hair and grey eyes, he always seemed to have an intrest in Willow. Willow...
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posted by Robin_Love
This Chapter is a little more real than fiction at the end. FYI!

Megan had tears running down her face. She had been sitting alone in the infirmary with the others circling her for a few hours but she wanted to hug someone. Her friends were leaving her! Willow and Artemis were searching for the cure but Megan was terrified. Becca had only a few days left. The rest of the team had slipped into a death state that sent chills down her bones. They weren't dead, but they seemed pretty deep in unconsciousness. They should have woken up by now. They needed to help her be strong and ready for whatever...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The train stopped at a station, Willow and Wally got off, it was night time now and the only thing illuminating the station and streets were street lights. " you should have got off before..." Willow said, " and just let you go heck no " Wally said, Willow tried hard to put a smile on, " the justice league will find you and take you back you have to know that " Willow said gazing up at him, " if they do im not leaving unless they bring you too " Wally said. Willow smiled trying to hold back a blush, Willows attention was directly turned to a bird, a raven to be exact, she looked at it sitting...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The team had been treating Liza better then her ever since she had arrived, she always gave Willow dirty glares and whenever she talked to Wally. She felt as though this was a fight that she did not want to compete in, something made her snap Liza talked to Wally and laughed and touched his shoulder, Becca could feel Willows heart break, she immeadiatley turned to Willow az she saw tears streak down her face, Willow ran out.

Willow sat on the beach crying, and she heard someone come up behind her. " Go away Liza..." Willow hissed even though she usually never did. Liza smirked, " not until i...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Picture says all!
Picture says all!
By the time Fang and I arrived at the location where I heard the laughter, Young Justice was picking themselves up off the ground. I looked at them, then my brother.
"Aw! We missed it!" That's when Batman arrived.
"You're both late, you were supposed to meet the team here 2 hours ago, you're lucky this didn't effect the decision on you joing the team." He was glaring at us, and it was starting to creep me out.
"So, we made it??" He nodded. "Sweet!" I looked over at Fang, he had a blank look on his face, I waved my hand infront of his face.
"Fang? What's wrong? Fang? What do you see? FANG!"
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 4-

Alexa grimaced as she limped out of the training room. She had made it to Wave 3. The Martian and the archer had gotten the best of her.

"Hey kid!" Joker said, handing Alexa a towel. "That was pretty good for pure raw talent!"

"Really?" Alexa asked.

"Sure!" Joker said, a grin on his face. "Wanna go puta jack-in-the-box under poison ivy's bed?"

"Attempt to do any such thing and I assure you you will be pulling thorns out of your hide for the next month!" a female voice said. Joker groaned and turned to Poison Ivy.

"Spoil sport." he said, and departed.

Poison Ivy put her hand on Alexa's...
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posted by Robin_Love
A figure stepped further into the shadows, towards her. He leaned against the wall, waiting. When she appeared, he straightened and his heart raced. Her body was pressed close to his a second later, her hands on his shoulders. Her enticing voice spoke to him, an angelic song.
“Give me an update,” she whispered. “What have you learned?”
A masculine whisper answered her, a hand touching her hair. A gentle caress.
“They're restless. On the move. Do you want to act?”
“No. Not yet my dear.”
“Of course darling. What is to be done?”
“Observe. If they come closer, warn me.”
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posted by Mclovin_69
Everyone sat in the cave, they never felt ent knowwng " father was stll out there somewhere, they hadnt heard from Bullet in a while, last time they saw him he said he'd call, but noone really knew what that meant. Becca had the worst feeling of all, first it felt like a little thought then it grew bigger and bigger, Bullet was in trouble but was she right? she remembered she had made plenty of false alarms but on the other hand she had been right some of those times, some of those times saved others lives.

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posted by Robin_Love
WAIT! Before you read, make sure you put the song Don't Wake Me by Skillet on. You need to listen to it while you read!Thank You!!!! XD

He sat by her bed everyday. He rarely left. Becca had been hooked up to many machines buy it was still no consolation to him. The night she had entered the coma was still fresh in his mind. He felt like she needed him and he knew he needed her. An arm nudged him awake from where he had fallen asleep in his chair.
“Robin, go to bed.”
It was Devin.
“No. I'm not leaving her.”
“Becca will be fine, Robin. She may look weak right now, but her inside is strong....
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posted by KatRox1
Mercy ran through the zeta-tube and into the mountain just as Batman, Superman, Flash, and Black Canary were walking in. “Am I late?” She shouted. Batman glared at her, “They won’t be here for another hour.” He said. “Are you serious? I just rushed here all the way from Chicago, thinking I was going to be late?” She said, panting. “Why don’t I just burn my head off right now?” She trudged her feet over to where all the adults were standing. “So, what am I supposed to do for the next 3,600 seconds?” Superman, Flash, and Black Canary all looked at her with confused expressions....
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posted by lolfan88
Yes I did I will send out this E-mail to cartoonetwork to show how upset we are with young Justice not airing. It also talks about the other cartoon that are not on.
-------------- Email---------------------
Hello. I'm contacting you on when new episodes of Young Justice will air. I would like to know.I also ask when all the original Friday cartoons like ben10,batman,thunder cat etc. Will be back on. We fans are very upset about the airing times.Lots of Young Justice fans are mad that you put level up on instead of Young Justice.It come on four times this week. We hope you can come to a compromise with the fan's of Young justice. Thank You for your time on reading this if you need proof that we are upset I would be more than happy to set up a online petition on I am just a fan who is REALY upset with what you have done with the airing time. If you would like me to keep the information you give me inclosed just tell me and i will. Thanks again for your time.
posted by Robin_Love
Willow and Robin were the first to reach the fallen warrior. Erin and and the others followed. Trevor went over to Serepta and tied her up before going over to Becca.
“Is she okay?” he asked.
“I don't know. Who are you?” Erin asked.
“My name is Trevor. I am Becca's friend.”
“Willow I'm loosing her!” Talia exclaimed.
“Try harder! Don't let go Talia!”
“No...she wants me to let go. Ordered me.”
“Don't listen! She can't lead right now!”
“Becca...she's trying to block me! Willow I can't hold her!”
Talia was thrown backwards, into Court.
“Is Talia okay?”...
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posted by Robin_Love
The girls entered Mt. Justice with a regretting atmosphere.
“Where's Becca?” Robin asked.
Willow burst into tears and Devin took the position of comforting while Erin stepped forward to explain.
“We don't know. We didn't start to worry till eight last night. She told us not to worry if she wasn't back by dinner. But the later it got, the more we started to worry. We searched all night but haven't been able to find her. We were hoping you could help.”
“Robin, can you track her ring like you did last time?” Devin requested.
“It wouldn't do any good,” he answered. “She gave it back...
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posted by Robin_Love
“So you agree then?”
Brown eyes looked away and instead focused on the pavement. The rain was pouring down, every drop drenching her fabric and hair. There was nothing humorous involved. Nothing about this was funny; nothing. But Becca understood. She knew far too well that things had been rather… tense between them lately. Still, there was a part of her that felt purely terrified of the thought that they were not going to be… to be this close to one another. Sure, Dick had said quite clearly that if there was one thing he always wanted it was to be Becca's friend. Never would the Boy...
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posted by Robin_Love
Recognized: Cyrus B0-14
Willow stormed into the mountain. She ignored hr boyfriend and went into the kitchen where the others were. Wally followed hr, looking like a wounded puppy.
“Hey Willow,” Artemis greeted.
“Don't you 'Hey Willow' me!”
“Whoa! What's wrong?”
“What's wrong?! My girl, my sister, me leader. That's what's wrong! You hurt her! All of you. Just because you got a new teammate!”
“You're overreacting Willow. Becca was fine when she left.”
Willow barked a laugh.
“She hide her emotions. She was crying! And Becca doesn't cry very often. That means you hurt her deeply....
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posted by YJTTFAN
"It's been three moths and nothing is working," Delta said glumly
"You sure you tried everything?" there was a slight pause.
"Im rolling my eyes, Alpha"
"I could guess," Alpha said
"Don't beat your self up, D,"
"What would you have been protecting him from? His heart?" A other voice said
"Not the time, Epsilon,"
"Ohhhh you used my name, I'm terrified," Epsilon said sarcastically
"You should be," the other said with venom
"Gamma, Epsilon, for crying out loud SHUT UP!" Alpha said
"Pffft as if," Gamma said
"Your arguing while someones life...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Three-

Robin's cell phone rang and he answered it.

"Robin, did you-"

"On my way." the Boy Wonder said, stepping into the zeta tube and hanging up on the Dark Knight.

Wally pressed his ring and his suit ejected. He quickly joined Robin in the zeta-tube.

"Recognized, Robin. B-01. Kid Flash. B-03."

A moment later the two were in the downtown area and Wally swore Robin transported to the spot where Barbara was on the ground.

Barbara's mask was off, and at the site of the scarlet speedster, she moved to put it back on.

"Don't worry." Robin said supporting her head. "He knows pretty much everything."...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The whole team was in shock and though Aqualad hated to do this, they had to fight Willow. Aero took out his bow and arrow and got ready to shoot, as Steel took out his daggers in a ready stance, and Willows eyes began to glow blue, the six heroes ran, Artemis, Meagan and Aqualad towards Aero, Robin and Superboy towards Steel, and Becca and Wally towards Willow. Willow teleported before Wally threw a punch and went behind him and hit him with a blue beam from her hand, Becca stopped cold before hitting Willow to see her powers coming from her hands, she never unleashed her powers, only when...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Two-

Wally was zooming around the Mountain, exclaiming his joy at the disappearance of Artemis.

"Somebody is feeling the aster." Robin muttered, heading towards the living room.

He had no sooner sat on the couch and touched the remote when Wally zoomed in at super-speed.

"Whatchawatchin'?" he asked at super-speed.

"News." Robin replied, switching on the aforesaid program.

"Bummer." Wally said. "Watch something exciting!"

Wally snatched the remote away and pressed a few buttons. A show about teddy bears sipping tea came on.

"Exciting?" Robin asked.

"Not the channel I wanted." Wally said, flipping...
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