Young Justice Club
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Eclipse loved music always had, always will. That gave her the idea; there has got to be musical talent in this pit of heroes known as Mt. Justice. So she found a few people that might have what she needed.

INFINITY: Eclipse was walking by her room when she heard it the weirdest sounds all electronic but they were so random. Peeking in she saw Fin sitting at her desk messing with Garage Band (Program on Apple computers) and was using the most confusing loops(snippets of sound) like a door slamming to violins to 80s tecno beats, and a few minutes later Fin played the song, the random sounds actually went together making a pure-computerised song that put Skrillex to shame.

BECCA AND WILLOW: It was a stormy night, and everyone was irritated. They couldn't get home because the storm knocked out the power and the backup power only had enough for lights, communication and doors. So at one point everyone went to their own separate rooms in the cave. Eclipse was dragging her feet to her own room, it had been two weeks since she found Fin’s music talent, but as she walked by Becca’s room when she heard a guitar, high, loud and squealing. The high pitched squeals of chords evened out and burst out in energy in a perfect rock solo, that was until another sound came in, a bass line. Or Willow to be more precise her bass made low deep rumbles and the cords mixed together crating the ultimate harmony.

DELTA: She was easy to find, technically Delta was supposed to be doing her homework, but she ditched that idea. So she had her drumsticks out and was rapping out beats on her math textbook, table, papers, and the sticks. Eclipse was just standing there, no need to hide Delta was completely engrossed by the music. Sure they were just sticks agents wood, but it still sounded mesmerising. Similar to Becca’s, Willow’s, and Infinity’s music it was captivating. Eclipse had immediacy known she had her band. Now there was only one question.
How to get them together?

Delta was apparently attempting to give everyone a migraine; she was going through the cave banging her drumsticks across the inside of the vent walls creating a loud ear splitting echos, that no one could pinpoint. BANG!! BANG!! CRASH!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!! CRRRRAAAASSSSHHHH!!!! CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Her feminine version of Robin’s cackle followed. Fang jumped from the couch angrily.
“That settles it, I’m gonna officially kill her,” He said walking to the main vent system, Robin rolled his eyes behind his dark shades
“That’s what you said the last twenty times she annoyed you,” Robin smirked Fang spun around and glared.
“How do you live with her?!” Fang exclaimed he couldn’t be in the same room for more then ten minutes! Robin shrugged
“Home is a big battlefield, and no one has an advantage,”
“So how do you get her out of vents?” Fang asked Robin tossed him a few ball-like objects
“Easy two words ‘stink bombs’ ”
Delta desperately crawled around the vent system, eyes blurry and unable to breath with out sucking in the foul tasting and smelling air. She memorised the vent system but the walls all felt the same and she couldn’t see; next thing she knew she was falling.
“AHHHHHH!” A huge crash followed she was tangled in a drum set. She got up pushing the kick drum off her chest. She saw the semi-large room in front of her, it was large with padded ceiling, walls and floors. There was also a one-way window showing Delta her reflection. Taking a quick three-sixty she saw that this had obviously once had been an interrogation room, but someone changed it to a sound booth. Walking on the padded floor she reached for the door handle….to realise there wasn’t one, just a flat panel door. No key pad or even hinges.
“Yeah we already tried that,” Becca’s voice came out Delta spun, she hadn't seen Willow or Becca there before.
“So any clue where we are?” Delta asked “Or even better how to get out?”
“No, magic is useless and I don’t want to use anything to extreme, I might destroy the cave,” Becca said, Willow had her phone to her ear and pacing around. Then the door clicked and someone was thrown in, two people.
“Huh, Eclipse, you trapped us here?” Willow said crossing her arms Eclipse looked sheepish.
“I was gonna keep the door open till Robin and Fang thought it would be funny to lock us in,” Eclipse explained “So we are stuck in here so why don’t we play?” The four girls looked at each other.
“Uh, play what?” Delta asked slightly confused
“The instruments, duh,” Fin said understanding
“Uh, no!” Delta defended
“Come on, Delta, its no like anyone is gonna hear you, plus its not like your singing or playing piano,”
“Fine, ONLY if everyone else played too,” Delta gave in Becca looked at Willow and shrugged
“OK, what song?”

“This is sooo cool!!” Delta exclaimed. The five now six including their manger, Mercy, were behind stage at a rock style restaurant. The five girls were decked out in their new styles. Becca stuck to her punk theme and had a black dress with leather fingerless gloves with short spikes running along the gloves; Delta had black jeans and a black blazer with a right blue shirt that stuck out agents the black she also (not with Batman’s permission) dyed blue streaks in her hair; Fin wore a plain black tank top and a lose blue shirt with the shoulder area cut off and she had her headphones hanging around her neck; Willow had decided to keep it simple, she had a plain red sleeveless shirt and a black skirt; Eclipse had a old school light red long sleeve shirt with a long wide collar with tight fit jeans to modernize the look.
“Here goes nothing,” someone muttered and the band walked on stage and took their places Eclipse put her hand gingerly on the stand and spoke into it.
“Hey everyone, this is our first time playing in public, so first quick intos I am Phoebe,”
“Hey I’m Willow”
“I’m Becca”
“Hi I’m Kyra,”
“Sup I’m Danna,”
“AND WE’RE THE NEON LIGHTS!!” They yelled at once ad immediately started into the song

I'm in the business of misery,
Let's take it from the top.
She's got a body like an hourglass that's ticking like a clock.
It's a matter of time before we all run out,
When I thought he was mine she caught him by the mouth.

I waited eight long months,
She finally set him free.
I told him I can't lie he was the only one for me.
Two weeks and we had caught on fire,
She's got it out for me,
But I wear the biggest smile.

Whoa, whatever makes you break
But, I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But God does it feel so good,
Cause I got him where I want him now.
And if you could then you know you would.

Cause God it just feels so...
It just feels so good.

Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change.
Once a whore you're nothing more, I'm sorry, that'll never change.
And about forgiveness, we're both supposed to have exchanged.
I'm sorry honey, but I'm passing up, now look this way.
Well there's a million other girls who do it just like you.
Looking as innocent as possible to get to who,
They want and what they like it's easy if you do it right.
Well I refuse, I refuse, I refuse!

Whoa, I never meant to break
But, I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But God does it feel so good,
Cause I got him where I want him now.
And if you could then you know you would.

Cause god it just feels so...
It just feels so good.

I watched his wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving you
Just watch my wildest dreams come true
Not one of them involving.

Whoa, I never meant to break, but I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, I never meant to break
But, I got him where I want him now.
Whoa, it was never my intention to brag
To steal it all away from you now.
But god does it feel so good,
Cause I got him where I want him now.
And if you could then you know you would.

Cause god it just feels so...
It just feels so good.

They all stop-ed and froze at the end of the song not moving an inch, Willow’s and Becca’s hands were hovering over their own instruments, Eclipse head was tilted down lips almost touching the mic, Delta’s arms frozen in mid air. They stayed like that till the last note echoed away then the people broke into cheers screaming
“ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE! ENCORE!” The audience hollered The girls grinned to each other

This could work for them.

Author Note
This was based off a pic crated by EclipseYJ so yeah new band....we rock!
posted by Skittles98
Okay peoples. This is the 411 about my articles: I just made a website. It has a new, never before seen article AND a new book continuing on Sarah's journy after she saves Olympus. Also, theres tons more, like chat, videos, groups, blogs, and games!Did I mention its a site strictly for Young Justice lovers? If you want, I can even make a page specifically for certain members of the team i.e Robin X3. If you want to join my website and read, write, play and chat, just send me a message and I'll give you the link :) I really hope you join! You can even be "buddies" with other people on the site! You can tell people what's new with ur articles, or just plain talk about whatever! To make less confusion, please tell me your Fanpop username so people can fan you here, or if they're a fan of you here, they can "buddy" you on my website. So remember, just send me a message, and I'll send you the link :D
As she walked out of the building, she decided to do something she had never done before. Yes, this could kill her, or she could live and then have her master kill her. Oh well, she was going to do it anyway. She walked over to a car, busted the window, then hotwired it. She drove to Happy Harbour, then waited. Finally, at sunrise, she decided to go to the Mountain. She hid the car, then walked to the beach, waiting for them to come out. At around noonish, they finally walked out, and she took off towards the top of the mountain. "Let's play tag, Young Justice," she said under her breath. The...
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posted by Robin_Love
“But he would have died! I had no other-”
“You should have let him die! One less human to deal with. And one more angel we bring under! We've used this code for several centuries and you broke the chain. Because you saved a human.”
“I had no choice!”
“No but you had other options! No human is worth saving Devin!”
“But he's my brother!!”
Devin bit her lip until it bled as the look in her Sensai's eyes went from surprised to downright deadly. And it was then that Devin noticed her angelic magic had been taken, changing her hair from brown to black. Her wings were gone as was her...
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"He had never decreased his level of protection over me."
"He had never decreased his level of protection over me."
Robin and I readied our defensive positions as the two henchmen burst through the office door with machine guns in their hands.
"Boss, should we--?" asked one of the henchmen.
"NO!" Freeze shouted. "They know where Nora is!" His boots stomped on the floor as he advanced toward Robin and me. Robin's fingers were clenched tightly around mine--he had never decreased his level of protection over me.
Mr. Freeze pointed his ice ray at me. "Where is my wife?"
The henchmen shoved Robin away from me, their machine guns armed and ready.
"I've hidden her," I answered confidently.
"WHERE?!" Freeze demanded....
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"The frost bit at my uncovered skin, leaving my limbs numb and limp."
"The frost bit at my uncovered skin, leaving my limbs numb and limp."
I found myself at the Gotham City Zoo, which was closed for today. I ignored the weekly schedule and jumped the fence, landing softly on the concrete ground behind it.
I need to hurry, I thought. After sunset, I won't be able to see well.
I followed the icy trail, which led me to the polar bear exhibit. I pressed my face to the cold glass, waiting to find a hint of Mr. Freeze.
Nothing. All I could see was the clear, blue water. I was hoping for one of his bears to swim by, but I was also afraid of being seen.
I looked up. The tank was open at the top, but going in the water meant risking my...
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posted by Skittles98
The second before my sai impaled itself into Kalder’s head, a force grabbed it from the air. I ran at Kalder, my fist ready. I punched at him, tears streaking from my eyes. He caught my fist and I crumpled to the ground, crying. My students ran over to me and formed a protective circle around me.
“No love. Only betrayal” I cried
“Night…” Wally tried to come through, but Leah pushed him back. Kalder stepped forward.
“I want to help her” he offered.
“You’ve done enough” Leah growled. Ro came over and helped me up. She walked me back to the dojo and sat me down in the shadows....
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posted by Skittles98
We all spun around to find Superman being raised on a platform. He had a vicious snarl on his face. We backed up.
“Stop Roulette. I’ll stall Sup’s” I said. They all looked at me in concern.
“No. You stop Roulette. We’ll stall Superman” Huntress said
“No. I can handle him. I’m not fully out of weapons” I said. I used a moon beam to push them out. I closed the hole with my powers. I turned back to Superman. I walked slowly to him, my arms out.
“Superman. You’re not well. I don’t want to hurt you” I said slowly.
“But I want to hurt you” he flew at me and punched me into...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked into my room with all my stuff ready. Now that I was back, I was getting my own room. I may love her, but Cat and I needed our own rooms. I walked into the bathroom and had a quick shower. I brushed my hair and tied it into a pony. I put on my black eye liner and lip stick. I walked back out to find an invitation being slid under my door. I laughed. I quickly put on some navy blue jeans and a black tee shirt and I opened the door and found Robin sliding it under. He looked up and saw me smiling down on him. He quickly got up and handed me the invitation.
“Dance party. Tonight at 7:01...
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posted by Skittles98
“What do you mean she’s gone?” I demanded
“When we were on a mission, she split from the team to follow a goon. After a while, she didn’t return, so we went to find her. There was no trace of her. Her comm. unit was on the ground and there were signs of a fight: scuffs in the ground, things knocked over, claw marks on the wall, things like that. We searched the whole city, but she was gone” Robin explained
“People do not just disappear!” I exclaimed. The team and Red looked over at us.
“Thalia, we looked everywhere” Robin pleaded
“Well, apparently you didn’t because you...
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posted by Skittles98
Artemis went off stage right, while I went off left. We went around the lounge straight to where Cheshire was sitting. I grabbed her with my darkness and ran out the front door. I morphed the clamp I was holding Cheshire in to a large dark bubble. She attacked it, but it wouldn’t pop.
“Hope you enjoy the bubble. It’s made of something no blade can penetrate: magic. To be exact, dark magic” I smirked
“So, you caught me. Now what?” she asked
“Now you go to jail” I said
“Great. Behind bars again” she sighed
“Artemis, go get Red” I instructed. Artemis ran off. I sat down on the...
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posted by Candy77019
"This is Sabrina, my fiancee."
"This is Sabrina, my fiancee."
I counted to twenty until the door finally opened. A familiar brown haired man appeared from behind it, smiling.
"Erica, nice to see you!" Chris greeted, motioning inside. "Come in!"
"Thanks," I muttered, following him to the livingroom. Usually, Annaliese would be reading magazines there, or Victoria would be painting her nails.
"Where're the girls?" I asked awkwardly, forgetting the reason why I came here.
"Anna's working late, and Vicky's attending a basketball game. Do you need anything?" he asked after I looked around the livingroom.
"Oh, I just... wanted to know... how you guys were doing,...
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posted by Skittles98
“Finally figure it out?” He smirked. I grabbed my mace.
“How’d you get in here?” I demanded
“Now Alex, let’s not get feisty” he smirked. I flew out of the bed, ripping away the tube connecting the bag of blood to my arm. My mace was alight with electricity.
“You have three seconds before I call the team” I growled. I really hoped he didn’t have super hearing, or he would hear my heart hammering in my chest. Then I thought of something. Literally.
’Megan! I need super stealthy backup in the infirmary. RIGHT NOW!’ I thought
‘On my way!’ she acknowledged. I needed to...
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posted by Candy77019
"He's definitely here."
"He's definitely here."
We landed on top of a building, and Megan changed the bioship to camouflage mode. My hands were clutched to the edge of my seat, shaking rapidly.
"Okay team," Aqualad unbuckled. "Let's go."
"Okay," I breathed. You could do this, Erica. Just think up of some karate moves.
I followed the team out to the building, where police sirens were heard everywhere.
"There." Megan pointed to the Gotham Treasury, where every door was barricaded with cops.
We ran across the buildings toward the treasury, leaping over the surprised citizens.
"Look it's the Nightfury!" one of them pointed at me.
"Didn't she...
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Nice the Day is here(I said sarcasticly)
I got up and layed on the floor,good thing the team dose`nt know about my B-day or something is tottally bound to happen.I said out loud,WAIT! why did Wally say Happy almostB-day.
Wait calm down it can`t be I never told a soul and I never enred my bithday into the computer i guess im just paranoid.

When I got to MT.Justice everyone was`nt arguing,fighting,shouting,they we`re just doing different stuff,weird.
I keeped on walking and bumped into Superboy and he said:Im sorry,i spaced out did`nt see you.
What superboy appologized and smiled AND addmited he did...
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I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that the ghost goddess kidnapped me and Midas turned me to gold. Then Megan’s voice rang through my head telling me to stat calm and telling me we would find a cure. Then, I felt like I was falling, about to hit ground. The second before I hit, I sat bolt right up in a bed, my eyes springing open, head butting someone who got to close. I rubbed my head and looked around and realized I was in the infirmary. I had only been here once before and that was when I got to huge of a headache and almost passed out.
“Next time, give a guy a little warning before...
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“After we left the cave, I went to get something for you. I got Kalder to cover for me incase you decided to come see me because you might ruin the surprise. When I finished wrapping it, my hands were all sticky so I went to wash them. When I got in the bathroom, I noticed someone else was in the washroom. I turned around and she looked exactly like you except the eyes. Her eyes were purple. ‘Who are you’ I had demanded
‘Your love’ she had responded. She walked towards me, trying to get me to kiss her; she knocked over the bottle of soap then cornered me. Right as you opened the door,...
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posted by Skittles98
I yelled a battle cry and drew my sword. I charged the beast, but before I could even swing my sword, the Nereid caught my hand and made me drop my sword.
“Please, I do not wish to fight you. I am the River spirit you sought out. I can provide you with a more efficient form of flight then pegasi as long as you don’t mind riding a drakon” the spirit offered
“Why did you send a drakon to attack my friends?” I demanded, remembering my tour with Musica
“What are you talking about? I would never do that!” The Drakon protested “I only control the drakons in Greece” he added
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When I got to the Empire State Building, it was almost midnight. The girl who was crying was now sitting on the steps, still wiping tears from her eyes.
“M’lady! Are you okay?! Did some one hurt you” I exclaimed
“Not me” she said tearfully “Him” she added, pointing to a man lying on a park bench.
“APOLLO!” I yelled. Luckily, no one was around to hear it. “What did they do to him?” I growled
“It was horrible Sarah. They snuck up behind him while he was in Australia and took him down. Before he knew it, he was being dragged unconsciously to a building and his immortality was...
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posted by Candy77019
"The first Robin, Dick Grayson"
"The first Robin, Dick Grayson"
I was wondering why I was awake this late at night, and sitting on the lounge's couch, staring at the black TV screen.
Maybe the seawater got to my head, I thought with a groan.
I lay down and closed my eyes tightly. I really hate it when it takes a long time for me to fall asleep.
My first Robin quit to become his own hero, repeated Batman's voice.
The first Robin.
I looked at the clock on the other side of the room. Surely, Batman would be in his other persona right now, right?
I got up and walked to the Mission Room with the big computer.
I tapped a keyboard button, and the screen lit up....
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posted by Candy77019
"Ohhhh yeah..."
"Ohhhh yeah..."
"I'm almost 18, Mom, I could handle living alone", I remembered saying to my mother before she left for her second honeymoon.
"Riiight. Remember when you almost burned the house down?"
"Ohhhh yeah..."
Which was why I was compelled to live in Mount Justice until she got back.
Which would be in a year.
I took a deep breath. How bad could it be? I see Megan and Superboy almost everyday, it's not like they're going to bite me or anything.
I stepped into the lounge for dinner, with my bag of belongings slung over my shoulder.
"Megan? Superboy?"
"In here!" Megan answered from the kitchen.
I walked...
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