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posted by NekoTheif
Ignore the superman part
Ignore the superman part

Batman wasn't sure whether he was suppose to be angry or relieved. Robin (along with 2 others) had gone into Cadmus. Alone. And all had suffered from the injuries. So far on glance he could tell robin had several broken ribs and ankle problem and bruises. It was glad the boy wasn't dead or in a coma. Yet on the other hand he had hacked Justice League systems which spurred them into going in the first place. Batman also didn't like surprises when it came to Robin. Because nearly all of Robin's hero antic surprises ended up with him injured or captured. He watched the boy try to stay still in the jet. "You disobeyed orders" he tested the boys reaction. "I know" was the answer. Okay the boy was tired. That meant he could have a talk with robin without being frustrated with interruptions. "You could have been killed and you hacked justice league systems" he started again. "It was easy" came the reply. "We have talked about abusing your skills" he turned the jet a little. "We got superboy out" he mumbled his eyes closing. Batman opened his mouth again but seeing as the boy was sleeping he decided that it could wait until tomorrow.

(during Denial in Gothem)-

Batman hated when Robin got involved in missions tat involved the joker. Joker was a sychopath and a villain that didn't mind at all killing. In fact Joker was a serial killer. So when ever he had to deal with Joker he usually made Robin wait on a roof top or in the batmobile. But ever since the team was made Robin was getting a little to happy on ignoring orders. Orders he usually fallowed. He tried to convince him self it was a phase a very very dangerous phase. So as he carried Robin back to the batmobile he tried to come up with something that would keep this from happening.

Down time-

"just Aqaulad" Dick mock snarled as he lowered himself on the ropes in the gym. He didn't know why it hurt so much why it seemed to kill him inside that Bruce had just wanted to talk to Aqaulad. it shouldn't have bothered him really. It shouldn't make him want to punch the team leader in the face and pour salt all over him. It shouldn't it just shouldn't. He back flipped and messed up as he bumped into the wall he vented his anger. Punching a decent sized hole into the wall he cooled off his head by holding the water bottle to his head. Alfred opened the door "Master Bruce wishes to see you" he quirked an eyebrow at the wall and the younger man. He puffed out air and fallowed the butler. Bruce was waiting outside. Tossing the basketball at his son. Dick blinked "What's this?" he asked. "hand, eye coordination" Bruce answered. "One on one?" he titled his head to the side. 'if you think you can handle it" Bruce replied. He just laughed and dribbled the ball. Maybe Batman was dealing with Just Aqaulad. but with Bruce it was just himself. And well Alfred because Alfred it awesome.


Batman was glad that again Robin was alive. He and Artemis were the only non-super powered people on the team. Just like him and Arrow. These two had to fight to save their teammates. Artemis was nothing less than scared and Robin. He wasn't sure how Robin was. He had fighting longer than Artemis. But this had no doubt scared him enough to not notice when the robots had ambushed him and left Artemis to finish what he started. He wrapped on arm around his son. He was alive and that's what mattered to batman.

Fail Safe-

Robin had just his family again. While he showed nothing he was dying inside. The man that had become his support just died. Right in front of him as well. those attackers had hell to pay. He was going to make them wish they had never come near earth. When wally came up with the zeta beam idea he had a spark off hope but the scans he did crumpled him. When they woke up he was more than glad to see batman there.


not again. This has to be a dream it had to be! But it wasn't Zatanna said it was magic all he could hope was that he would get his father back. but after the mission. He wished he could say the same for Zatanna. Batman comforted him. If Batman could comfort him then he could comfort Zatanna to. After all Batman trained him didn't he.
posted by ecoelo
The two archers discussed Roy's plan to escape their grounded life.
"How are we going to get pass them dating addicts?" asked Artemis. Roy smiled
"Simple.We turn the lights out" Artemis raised her eyebrows.
"Then how can we see?" Roy handed her a big pair of goggles. "Night vision goggles! Of course!"
"But this time we head to the back door" Roy suggested. "That way we don't have to unlock the front door." Artemis looked questioningly at Roy.
"Why are you so eager to go to that party anyway?"
Roy walked towards his wardrobe and pulled a jacket on.
"I guess I'm just up for a little fun" Artemis smiled...
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posted by brown-eyed-girl
: Megan was in the kitchen baking when she saw someone come in that was wearing green, black, and sunglasses. She recognized that. She gasped, it was. Artemis, just Artemis. Megan had recognized the glasses. She had a memory that was trying to come out but for some reason it wouldn’t. She decided to do some mediation. She floated to her room. She stayed there meditating. Then she felt something nagging at her, something to remember. Her minds eye saw something, a trail of some sort. It was a green mist. She followed it floating out of her room. The trail led to the training room. The Green...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Fourteen:

Revenge ran through the burning building. Debris fell around him. He narrowly dodged a burning support which fell right in front of him.

"Damn it!" Revenge yelled, turning off his infrared. He pulled out his tracker an activated it. Holly's signal instantly appeared on-screen. Revenge followed it to the main dining hall.

The electrical wires in the wall were sparking and sizzling, flying left and right. One touched Revenge and he had to adjust his suit's frequency to keep from being fried.

He saw a dash of green on the other side of the room and teleported there. Holly ran flat...
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Okay, I'm having one of those moments again. The kind where I get all depressed about Mercy becoming evil (because I really didn't want her to!) and about how there are WAY to many OC's! Not pointing fingers at anyone, because I'm doing it too, but seriously! If you want to make an OC, could you PLEASE just write an article about them first? We need some idea about them first!
That's why I won't be RP-ing at all until I can actually WRITE a story for Casey! I suggest a lot of you guys do that, saying that some people don't even put up a bio for their character!
One more point, PLEASE refrain...
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posted by brown-eyed-girl
Bat cave: Aqaualad finished reporting to Batman. “All right Aqualad, I’ll send you a file for the next mission. Batman signed off. He turned from the computers. He changed from his Batman uniform and into his civilian clothes. He entered the tube and came up to the clock. He came out and walked around the house. He found himself in front of a room. He opened the door to see an empty room. He was surprised that he was surprised to be in an empty room. He slowly walked in. There were a few boxes piled in corners, but other than that it was empty. He searched the room as if he was investigating....
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posted by SilverWings13
Hauntings-Cat and Mouse

Under the bright sky of the morning, we played a game of cat and mouse. He was fast, I had to give him that. He managed to keep ahead of me, easily jumping the gaps between the buildings. He was just as much as a street rat as I was: hoping from one roof to the next, choosing ones that wouldn't be difficult to conquer unless they took you by surprise; occasionally picking a lower platform in hopes of faltering my step, not too low as he would take time to rid himself of the shock; planning his coarse, though ready to change it at a moment's notice.
Despite his skill,...
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posted by brown-eyed-girl
The whole team ran out of the dark woods. They ran back to the bio ship. Quickly they left in the ship heading back home. They all were gasping for air.
“Ok… that was too close” Wally said with his hands on his knees.
“Well if you hadn’t gone running into the base, we wouldn’t have almost gotten caught.” Artemis told him.
“I have super speed they wouldn’t have seen me”. Wally said.
“Even if they couldn’t it wasn’t your order Wally” Aqualad said with a firmness in his voice
“I’m sorry, I ran because” Wally stopped. He thought for a while. “Huh...
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Wally was in the living room bored out of his mind. “Batman B01, robinb02” the zeta tube announced. Robin and his mentor walked in the room.
“Hey Rob hey bats” Wally said energetic running up to them. Robin gave him a slight nod.
“What happened?” Wally asked.
“We just fought the joker” Robin simply said.
“He got away” Robin said folding his arms.
“Robin I need to get back to league, will you be alright staying here for a while”
“Yeah bats go, go and actually capture the bad guys” Robin said walking to the couch and flopped on it. Batman was about to talk to him...
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posted by brown-eyed-girl
Right where you want me

The whole team was hanging out in the mountain. Bored. Miss Martian was slowly flipping through her cook book in the kitchen. Artemis was making arrows in the corner of the room on the floor. She sighed when she looked at the giant pile she had and continued. Robin was at the couch watching the T.V and clicking buttons on his laptop glancing at pictures of criminals, who were already in jail. Aqualad was half asleep, flipping through channels. And Conner was just sitting, still with eyes on the T.V, asking constantly for Aqualad to go back to another channel.
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posted by SilverWings13
...the city lights...
...the city lights...
Hauntings- The Past

SilverWings's PoV

It was hot as Hades. Maybe hotter.
The trio moved through the inferno, avoiding the flames that climbed the walls and dripped from the ceiling. The youngest of them dug her head deeper into her father's shirt. Squeezing her eyes shut, she concentrated in the sound of his beating heart, loud against her ear.
Thump, thud. Thump, thud. Its rhythm was interrupted by a shudder as he coughed.
"Straight ahead," he yelled over the roar of the fire. The girl opened her eyes as the heat receded, replaced by the chill of the cool night air. Her father set her down in...
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posted by ShadowYJ
Name: Sabrina Elizabeth Swift

Hero name: Devastator (She chose it randomly in her early teens as a joke, but ever since she started using it, she got stuck with that particular name.)

Occupation: Hero/College student

Age: 20

Personality: Wise, sweet, & caring. Otherwise she is just a mature young lady.

Appearance: Waist length curly auburn hair, hazel eyes (greenish, brownish), very pale and is 5 foot 8.

Civvies: Dark Ray-Bans, black blazer with grey shirt, grey jeans and black high-heeled shoes.

Powers: She can control the elemental powers fire and earth. She also naturally posses the power of...
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posted by 66Dragons
The Reveal Part 2 of 3

Part II:

Leaving Bryson to look at the sights, Sam walked over to a corner of the room and flipped out a phone. He dialed a number and waited for the person on the other end to pick up. 

Holly glanced over and snorted.

"What?" Bryson asked. "Who's he calling?"

"Probably Artemis." Holly said with disgust.

A door slid aside on the other side of the room and yellow light emerged from it.

"Recognized, Artemis. B-07." 

"Speak of the Devil." Holly muttered.

"I probably have something important to do somewhere else." Sarah said, noticing the former archer's arrival and standing...
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posted by 66Dragons
The Reveal- Part 1 of 3

Part I:

Sam had cringed when he heard Holly was going on vacation. The last time his partner had gone on vacation, bad things had happened. VERY bad things.

She had told him in the final period. He didn't get to inquire anymore until they were leaving. 

"How long will you be gone?" Sam asked.

"All Summer." Holly moaned, walking out of the college's gates.


Before Holly could reply, a male voice shouted at Sam.

"Yo! Bro!"

Sam sighed.

"You know him?" Holly asked.

"If I did, he'd know better than to call me 'bro'." Sam said.

"You're Samuel Grant, right?" the dude asked,...
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posted by 66Dragons
Part 1 Coming Soon!

The Reveal- Part 1 of 3

"How long will you be gone?" Sam asked.

"All Summer." Holly moaned, walking out of the school gates.


Before Holly could reply, a male voice shouted at Sam.

"Yo! Bro!"

Sam sighed.

"You know him?" Holly asked.

"If I did, he'd know better than to call me 'bro'." Sam said.

"You're Samuel Grant, right?" the dude asked, walking up. Holly glanced at him. He had a masculine figure, brown hair, blue eyes, and was dressed in Sam's favorite outfit*: a suit.

Sam sighed. "Yes, what do you want?"

"I've been looking for you for months!"

"I'm not that hard...
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posted by The_Red_Revenge
Chapter 8:

"Sportsmaster?" Beast Boy said.

"You say his name one more time I'm going to kill you." Revenge said. "YES Sportsmaster. Who else would give me a run for my money?"

Nightwing raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, I forgot." Revenge said. "The All Mighty Nightwing."

"What was he doing?" Blue Beetle asked.

"I don't know. He was just walking in civilian clothes. I followed him into an alley-"

"--and got your butt kicked." Beast Boy replied, grinning. The grin quickly faded as Revenge grabbed him around his throat. Nightwing leaped to separate the two, but Revenge let Beast Boy go.

"You have no idea what...
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posted by Obscurity98
Superboy had an arm around Megan, sitting on the couch. Next to them was Wally and Artemis. Robin an Zatanna sat on the stools, they got from the kitchen. Kaldur sat in an armchair, and Harley sat in Roy's crossed legs.
Superboy, was no longer paying attention to the movie. Something was wrong. He could hear it.

Harley sat with Roy frustrated. Earlier and two days ago too, Megan had yelled at her when she tried to help with cookies like last time. AS Roy placed his chin on her head, she sighed. Roy rolled his eyes, "don't tell me, you seen this movie already?" Harley Played with Roy's fingers,...
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posted by ReneYJ
It was a beautiful day outside of Mount Justice. I was wearing ¾ sleeve, off the shoulder sweater, ripped skinny jeans, and yellow high heels My hair, which faded to a brown-ish red earlier in the week, was down with a yellow bow. I also was wearing my favorite ice cream cone necklace Rosie was helping me practice some spells I was having a hard time with. We started with a freezing spell. It would make me able to shoot frost out of my wand. I started to practice on some plants first. The frost crystalized onto the green felted leafs and colored petals. Rosie started clapping.
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posted by SilverWings13
Proven part XI

"Not here," Eclipse warned. She led the cautious group to a room in the opposite wing of the ginormous mansion. It was a cozy sitting room: A couch, comfy love seats, a fireplace with a small flame living inside. The others followed her in uncertainly, ready to spring on the defense at any sign of danger, their hand on cane, hidden staff, and close to flaming.
The only one even slightly at ease was Aryess, though she was no less nervous, knowing that the time to explain her disappearance had come.
The boys filed into the room after the leading lady and their youngest team member,...
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posted by Robin_Love
A little something to help set up another article. Enjoy! :)

She could hear the music from her spot in the kitchen. It was a soothing sound but odd to hear. Mostly because it came when no one else was around. They had all gone out to do something. And she was alone as it played. She followed to where she knew it would be played from. The sound haunting yet alluring and still so soothing. It was amazing and it intensified with every step closer she took. The sounds accelerating and crescendo. She looked in the small window on the door. Someone was at the piano, but she couldn't see their face....
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posted by EmeraldYJ
After three weeks, the little girl had earned a place in everyone’s heart. She’d gotten her own nickname, Karma, and was proud to have it. But there was something strange about her. On week three she was taller, and a little thinner. She looked like a five year old, her hair often pulled into a single ponytail. Her green eyes were now a pretty shade of turquoise.
Kenzie rarely ever spoke, and when she did, it was often the word karma. Then she’d snap and something good or bad would happen, depending on what the person had just done. Fang had been the first example. Scarlet had been next,...
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