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posted by Robin_Love
“How far away is Willow?” Erin asked.
“At least ten miles. At most a million. Whoever took them wants us to not find them. But I'm still not seeing any trace of Becca,” Robin finished.
“We shall find her,” Talia assured. “Becca may be vulnerable at times, but she will lead us to her somehow.”
“Mind if we help?”
Talia opened her eyes to find a red haired girl and a blonde haired girl. The red haired girl had green eyes and the blonde had blue ones.
“Sorry for the intrusion. My name is Mercy. This is Alessia. We are friends of Becca's. We got worried when she didn't come to meet us this morning like she promised.”
“Becca told us where she might be if she was ever unable to meet us. Gave us the codes and everything. But since it is obvious you can't find Becca, let us help.”
“How do we know you aren't lying?” Artemis asked.
“Chill Artemis! Merc and Ale have been my friends too,” Erin explained.
“Oh. Then okay.”
“Mercy, you and Alessia would be helpful,” Talia said. “Alessia, could you help me find Becca's light source?”
“Of course Talia.”
“Mercy, you're talents will be needed later on.”
“Okay Talia.”
The girls began their search while Robin turned back to his computer. Erin grabbed Mercy's hand and gave her a quick tour while they waited.
“We're running out of time,” Talia said two hours later. “People should be saving Willow!”
“I agree,” Kaldur said. “Erin, Sylver, Devin, Wally, Connor, Megan, and Artemis will find Willow. The rest of us will find Becca and save her. Now go.”
The two speedsters took off without a second demand. The others piled into Megan's bioship so the could search from the sky. Devin took over the controls so Megan could find the location of Willow's captor or captors.
“I feel bad,” Sylver said.
“Why?” Artemis asked.
“We always seem to let Becca get taken. She watches out for us and gives us shelter. We repay her by letting her get stolen.”
“You know what she would say if she were here,” Devin commented.
“Yeah. That it's the only way she can make up for past crimes. I understand. But we don't do enough to make her feel safe, secure, and wanted.”
“True Sylver. We could be doing more. But no matter what, our biggest concern right now is finding them. We can show her later.”

“I wish I could help you,” Court commented.
“Don't worry yourself Katzchen. We will find Becca,” Talia assured.
“But we never look out for her! And we should! At least I should! She saved my life! She deserves better than this from me!”
Talia opened her eyes, watching her friend carefully. Court seemed to be on the edge of tears and she was feeling highly dangerous. She needed to calm down.
“Tell me, Katzchen. How did you meet Becca?”
“You say she saved your life. Tell me about it.”
“Okay. Well, I was actually born and raised in Arkham Asylum. I was kept secret. My mother, as you know, is Selina Kyle, the seductive Catwoman. Well, when I was three, I was exposed to some of Pamela's-I mean Poison Ivy's plant formulas. I was given my agility and cat powers, as well as my unique hair color. I found this charm. The Cat-People gave it to me. I used it as much as possible, becoming a hero. But things weren't so cheerful.
“My mom never wanted me, I was changing into animals for too long, and the potion I had used was slowly killing me. One night, I had used the charm too long. My mind told me I was an animal. I wasn't able to transform back. Becca helped me. She told me that all human's are animals, we just have to know how are to control them. I don't know how, but she helped me. After I was able to transform back, she gave me a formula of her own. This one healed me. After that, I never had another problem transforming.”
“Katzchen, I know how you feel.”
“Do you really, Talia?”
“Yes. My story is so much darker, I fear you will think me as dark as my past.”
posted by Candy77019
"The sun shone brightly over Central Park, the famous tourist attraction of New York."
"The sun shone brightly over Central Park, the famous tourist attraction of New York."
"Jeannette? Jenny? Are you sleeping?" called a voice.
I sighed and let go of the Spirit World. "No, just meditating." I wiped my eyes and looked out the window. The sun shone brightly over Central Park, the famous tourist attraction of New York.
"Whoa..." I pressed my face against the cool window, wanting to feel the sun's rays against my skin.
KF looked at the park with me. "They don't have parks like these back home!"
"Totally," I agreed.
What are you waiting for, Jen? Go out there and have fun!
I ran into the washroom and changed into a yellow tank top and capris, then ran outside.
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posted by Candy77019
"Glad you're back!"
"Glad you're back!"
"Recognized Nightfury, B09" said the computer as I found myself on Mount Justice.
Megan flew into the room as soon as I got in. "Jenny! Glad you're back!" She stood in front of me, smiling.
Kid Flash zoomed to my side. "Yeah, welcome back! Um, where were you again?"
I laughed. "I was patrolling Gotham City when I ran into Mr. Freeze."
Erica walked into the room casually. "Anyone else?"
I looked down. "Maybe."
Aqualad folded his arms. "You wanted to tell us something."
At that moment, I remembered what Red Arrow told me just 15 minutes ago. "Right. I'm planning to go to New York to learn Firebending!"...
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posted by Skittles98
I was in a battle, me versus Joker. I punched him, he whacked me with his cane I swiped his feet out from under him, he whacked me with his cane across the nose. I went down, my nose bleeding everywhere. I heard the Joker laugh and the door to the room lock. I ran over, trying to pick the lock, but I was to slow. The dynamite in the corner exploded, killing me in the process. Suddenly, I was grasping for breath, breath I never thought I’d have again. I looked around and saw Ra's Al-Ghul standing at the edge of a pit, a look of horror on his face. Then, I was in a different place; I was running...
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posted by Skittles98
They were of a man in a red helmet, shooting at people, people dying.
They were of a man in a red helmet, shooting at people, people dying.
“That is impossible. My mother worked at a circus” Robin said
“Whenever she had spare time, she would visit the dojo and teach me some new gymnastics moves” I countered “She was like a mother to me”
“Okay then. Back to the present. Are you okay? You seemed a bit edgy when we talked. Or, more like when you asked me for directions” he smiled
“Yeah, I’m fine” I said as I walked to the high bar. I climbed up, then started doing chin up’s again.
“Okay, so you won’t mind if I bring them here, and get them to kiss?” he taunted
“Nope“ I replied. He left. I jumped up onto...
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posted by Skittles98
She was beautiful. She had clear green eyes, wavy reddish orange hair and wings.
She was beautiful. She had clear green eyes, wavy reddish orange hair and wings.
I opened my eyes to find a strange girl looking at me. She was beautiful. She had clear green eyes, wavy reddish orange hair and wings. Wait, WINGS?! Did that mean I was dead?! I grasped my heart, to feel if it was beating. It was. It also felt almost scorched.
“A-am I d-dead?” I managed
“Surprisingly, no. Thanks to your boyfriend, you’re still alive” she smiled
“W-water. D-do you have any?” I asked. She nodded then dribbled a bit of water into my mouth.
“What happened?” I managed
“I was walking on the sidewalk when I heard a huge boom. Then Kid Flash ran out, looking for help....
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posted by Skittles98
“Knock, knock” said a voice from the other side of my door.
“Coming” I said. I opened the door to find Wally in uniform. My smile faded.
“Mission?” I asked
“Yeah. Sorry, Night. The date will have to wait” he apologized
“It’s all right. Tell Batman I’ll be there in a minute, I just have to change.” I told him
“Okay” KF agreed. Once he had left, I changed back into my uniform. I slipped on my new boots, then headed out the door. I ran down the hall to the mission room. I was the last person there.
“Good, you’re all here. The Joker has escaped Arkham Asylum and has set...
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posted by Skittles98
I was walking out the door when someone grabbed my shoulder.
“I don’t care what you say, M’gann, I’m not going on a date with Wally” i said, turning around. Then I realized that M’gann wasn’t the one who grabbed my shoulder. It was the Dark Night. My whole face turned red.
“Night. I wish to speak with you” he said in his deep voice.
“Ok” I squeaked. We walked into the lounge and sat at a table.
“I’ve heard that you are an honest, clever, determinded, strong, girl who can stand up for yourself. I’ve seen you fight; You are an amazeing martial artist with great power and...
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posted by Skittles98
After I had a chance to eat something, I changed back into my uniform. I did my hair in a braid down my back. I walked out the doors to find a girl with green skin waiting for me.
“Hello” I greeted her kindly with a bow
“I believe these are yours” she said, giving me my fans
“Thank you” I replied
“No problem” she said warmly “By the way, feel free to join our combat trianing session”
“Thank’s, but I don’t want to embaress anyone” I smiled
“Come on” she pleaded “I bet Robin will be there”
“Who?” I asked
“The guy who you kicked in the face” she responded
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“Megan, I need your help. It concerns Sarah” I said urgently
“Alright. What do you need?” she asked
“I need you to fly the bio ship while I look for this so called house of Midas. Apollo warned me it has a huge security system though. I bet you it’s not very secure; I could probably hack it no problem” I mentioned
“Got it. I’ll be right there, just got to grab my cookies I just baked so Wally doesn’t stuff his face” she agreed. I laughed, picturing Wally stuffing his face with cookies. After M’gann grabbed the cookies and gave me one, we got on the ship and took off. I...
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When I opened my eyes and looked at the time, it was 7:30 a.m. I got up and changed in to my green sweater, my black leather jacket and my black jeans. I put on my shades and walked out the door. I walked down the hall to Sarah’s room and knocked on the door. No answer. ‘She must have gotten an early start’ I thought. I walked into the lounge to get a glass of water to find a glass already out. I went to the tap to fill it up and noticed water swishing around in the bottom. I squinted hard and realized that it formed a sentence. It said:
Robin, Melinoe the goddess of ghosts has captured...
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posted by Skittles98
I was getting out of bed when someone knocked on my door. It was 6:00. I had slept in by an hour. I walked over and opened it to find a note on the floor in a plain white envelope with a golden emblem on it, sealing it shut. I opened it and it said:
Beware the Sorceress. Do not trust her.

That’s all it said. I flipped it over, looking for more. There was nothing.
“Hello? Is there someone there” I called. I heard a creaking to my left. I looked around. No one was there. I ran back into my room and grabbed my katana. I walked back out, katana in front of me, looking...
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posted by Skittles98
When I got to the place where the justice league was being held, I easily found Bane. I used my nose to smell his disgusting scent of burning rubber. I found him in a big empty room, only a chair in it.
“So you’re the big bad Bane. You don’t look so tough to me” I mused
He laughed his Spanish tainted laugh and put something into the back of his head. Suddenly, all his muscles doubled in size.
“Does that stuff make your brain bigger too? Or does it stay the same size, as big as a pea?” I taunted
I made a face then charged me. I smiled. He was stupider than Robin let on. Robin gave him...
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posted by Skittles98
“Sarah?” Zeus asked
“Yes Zeus?” I responded
“What was that very important information concerning Olympus you said you’d give me if I healed Apollo anyway?” Zeus asked
I told him my dream, skipping the part about Robin being the person dragging me along.
“I see. It is as I feared. My grandmother is becoming powerful again.” Zeus said when I was finished.
“What will you do?” I asked
“I will warn the other gods. That is all I can do” Zeus replied “But for know, let us party!”
While everyone else partied it up in the throne room, I sat on the balcony, alone. Since gods in...
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"Dude she`s creepy worse than Artemis." Said Wally
Artemis hit him and responded:Im not creepy and quit calling her that stupid.

Kaldu`r said:Yes she`s from another planet but so is M`gann and alot of people from the league but that dose`nt mean they`re creepy.
M`gann said:She`s probably alone and since we haven`t talked to her we should atleast do something nice for her Wally,Because i know what it feels like to be different just imagine how she feels.
It was time for training so everyone reported to the training room.
"Fireblaster"said Black Canary
I forgot im not her im Starfire I thought.
I responded:ye-yes?...
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posted by Skittles98
As I looked back at my friends from my shadow portal, all waving I realized Robin wasn’t there. It was just like Robin not to be there saying good bye with everyone else.
“Where are you going first?” Kalder asked
“The Spercheios River in Greece” I replied
“Good luck, my friend” Kalder said as I entered my shadow tunnel
After walking for five minutes, I saw the exit.
“We’re almost there” I told Annabeth
“Sarah, can I talk to you” Nico said pulling me aside
“What is it now, Nico? Wondering how I did this?” I asked icily
“Sarah, can we put are feud behind us and focus...
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posted by Skittles98
As I walk through the valley where Apollo’s being healed, I take a look at my hands and realize their shaking. I walked over to Zeus and realized he was sweating.
“Zeus are you okay?” I asked with concern
“I can only temporarily bring back his immortality. He has five days before he starts ageing again.” Zeus confirmed
“Why? Can’t you fix it permanently?” I wondered
“Not without two things: a rare golden jasmine, only found in the Underworld. I also need an equally rare golden Rafflesia arnoldii, only found on Themyscira. Finally, I need a Golden apple from the garden of the Hesperides”...
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“YA” I yelled to Astéri as she came out of a nosedive
“I’m not sure I like this!” Robin yelled over the wind
“Calm down! As long as you trust me, you can trust Dusk” I replied
“Fine. But I still don’t think this is the best stealth technique” Robin said
“Who said this was for stealth?” I laughed
“You did!” He yelled
“I lied to get you up here” I yelled back
“I admit that was clever cause you would never have gotten me up here otherwise” Robin replied
“Isn’t the view beautiful” I murmured
“Yeah. Perfect for a ride on mythical horses” Robin commented
I noticed...
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posted by Candy77019
Megan groaned after a while of flying.
Megan groaned after a while of flying.
Megan groaned after a while of flying.
"What's wrong?" Aqualad asked her.
She sighed. "I could see Red Hood from here, but the bioship can't come close enough!"
I unbuckled and stood up. "So we run from here," I concluded.
The hatches opened under all of our feet and we headed toward the man in the red helmet.
"Megan, Superboy, and Erica, since you three can fly--"
"Leap," Superboy interrupted.
"You three must stay ahead of him. The rest of us will attack him from behind."
"Got it!" The three of us shouted at him.
We flew (or super-leaped) over the Red Hood and made a wall right in front of...
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"Hello?” I called into empty space
I was on a desolate mountain, remnants of a great civilization everywhere. No matter where I ran, it all looked the same. Then I saw it. A flash of a familiar cape. Someone grabbed my hand and started pulling me along the path.
"Come on! She’s coming! Hurry!” said the person dragging me along.
"Robin?” I asked “Is that you?” the person who was dragging me along, turned his head and I realized it was Robin. But he had dirt and grim all over his face for some reason.
"Too late” said a scratchy female voice “I’m here”
I tired to find the source...
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posted by Skittles98
When we got back to Mt. Justice the next day( yeah that all happened in one night.) Batman said we had the day off but to stay here incase something came up. We watched the Percy Jackson movie. I regretted bringing it.
"Sarah, movies are never as good as the book. It happens every time, don’t worry” Robin soothed
"Fine, let’s go do some combat training then” I said then I walked over...
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