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posted by KatRox1
A sense of alarm ran up her spine. Anna sprinted over to where the team was huddled around. She pushed Kid Flash out of the way. What she saw almost made her faint. Robin was there. And he was unconscious. Miss Martian was kneeling down next to him. "Crap. This is all my fault." Anna said. She knelled down next to Miss Martian. "Can I have some time alone with him?" "Sure." Miss Martian said quietly. They all backed up. Anna started to worry. Robin wasn't responding. She checked his pulse, it was shallow. "Please be okay." Anna mumbled under her breath. Then she noticed what was wrong. There was a large bruise on the back of his head. Without thinking she placed both hands on the bruise, concentrated with all her might, and waited. She lifted her hands. It was almost completely gone. Robin stirred. Anna fell back chuckling under her breath. She sighed. "You guys can come back now!" She said happily. They ran over. "So what was wrong with him?" Aqualad asked cautiously. "You guys have probably the luckiest team member alive. He was hit on the back of his head, hard. I don't mean to brag or anything but without me, he might not be alive right now." Anna was tired. She hadn't slept in 2 days. She was laying on the concrete, with her eyes closed. "Well in that case, thank you." Superboy said. "But I wonder how he got that bruise?" Anna asked. "It was your little has-been friend. That metal thing he had seemed to enhance his powers!" Kid Flash almost yelled. Anna shot bolt upright. Max. "Where is he?!" She shouted. "He got away. But we will find him. I promise. No one hurts our friend and gets away with it." Artemis said. "No! Max and Kane are my problem. Thats the reason I travel around. So he can't hurt any more of the ones I love." Anna said, much calmer now. "But-" Anna cut Miss Martian off. "No buts, I have to leave tomorrow if I want to get a lead on them." There was a brief pause before Robin was able to mumble out something. "A-Anna?" The team was surprised to learn her name. "Anna?" Kid Flash asked. "That's my name. Get over it." Anna laughed and hugged Robin. "Thank you." He whispered. "No," Anna said, "Thank you "
posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 6-

Robin grappled down and didn't believe what he saw.

And he laughed. 

"Not funny!" Barbara said.

"Sorry." Robin said, trying not to laugh.

Zatanna tried to say something, but the rag in her mouth wouldn't let her use a spell.

Robin looked at the two girls again with a grin plastered to his face.

Babs and Zatanna were tied together hanging upside down thirty feet in the air.

Zatanna said something to the effect of 'Cut us down!'

Robin meanwhile was holding his fingers up like someone would if they were framing something.

"Cut us down!" Batgirl exclaimed. "Joker has a nuke!"

Robin sighed and...
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Chapter One-

Revenge threw a few daggers towards the red-headed villainess.

"Nice try." Ivy said as the daggers flew behind her. "You'll have to do better than that."

"I did." Revenge said.

Ivy turned around to see the daggers flying back towards her. They Hit her in the head and exploded, tossing her back as a chemical deteriorated the throne of plants she had been sitting on.

"Wow." Robin said. "That"

Poison Ivy glared at the heroes for a second or two, then stood up and brushed off her costume as if a pleasant idea had just come to her.

"Well," she said. "I guess I'm going to Plan B."...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Sorry for the delay. WRITERS BLOCK! and much work in my many school clubs (mock trial and drama club WEO) but here it is. I'll try to make it as long as possible


The team was assigned a long-term mission. They would be sent to New York City to over see an event.
The event was an important meeting of worldly leaders.
Discussing money wars important political events that the League knew Shadows would attempt something.
Keeping it covert they decided to send the team in to keep low...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Noway! We'rehere? Ican'tbelievewe'rehere!!! Somuchfun!!! Sweet! Souveniers!”
Wally was jumping up and down in excitement. The others stood in line to get in.
“Dude! Cbhill out!”
“Rob, we're in DISNEYLAND!!!! You don't tell someone to calm down!”
“Okay. No sugar for that one,” Becca commented, pointing to Wally.
Wally's face fell and he buried his head in Willow's neck. Willow patted his head, smiling at Becca. Both girls held down laughter and continued on as they had been.

“Are you sure you should do that?” Robin asked his girlfriend.
Becca was currently looking around for the...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Three-

Robin's cell phone rang and he answered it.

"Robin, did you-"

"On my way." the Boy Wonder said, stepping into the zeta tube and hanging up on the Dark Knight.

Wally pressed his ring and his suit ejected. He quickly joined Robin in the zeta-tube.

"Recognized, Robin. B-01. Kid Flash. B-03."

A moment later the two were in the downtown area and Wally swore Robin transported to the spot where Barbara was on the ground.

Barbara's mask was off, and at the site of the scarlet speedster, she moved to put it back on.

"Don't worry." Robin said supporting her head. "He knows pretty much everything."...
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posted by Mclovin_69
The whole team was in shock and though Aqualad hated to do this, they had to fight Willow. Aero took out his bow and arrow and got ready to shoot, as Steel took out his daggers in a ready stance, and Willows eyes began to glow blue, the six heroes ran, Artemis, Meagan and Aqualad towards Aero, Robin and Superboy towards Steel, and Becca and Wally towards Willow. Willow teleported before Wally threw a punch and went behind him and hit him with a blue beam from her hand, Becca stopped cold before hitting Willow to see her powers coming from her hands, she never unleashed her powers, only when...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Two-

Wally was zooming around the Mountain, exclaiming his joy at the disappearance of Artemis.

"Somebody is feeling the aster." Robin muttered, heading towards the living room.

He had no sooner sat on the couch and touched the remote when Wally zoomed in at super-speed.

"Whatchawatchin'?" he asked at super-speed.

"News." Robin replied, switching on the aforesaid program.

"Bummer." Wally said. "Watch something exciting!"

Wally snatched the remote away and pressed a few buttons. A show about teddy bears sipping tea came on.

"Exciting?" Robin asked.

"Not the channel I wanted." Wally said, flipping...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Mother! Release them!”
“These are my friends. They must have come looking for me.”
Kendra nodded to the guards and the two teams were released. Luna stood beside Becca, eying the two groups.
“Hey! That's the girl I told you about! The one that took Becca!” Erin shouted.
As if on cue, both teams went into fighting mode. Luna arched her eyebrows. But before she could pull her swords free, Becca stood in front of her.
“Stop! There is no need to fight!”
Luna looked stunned while the others looked at Becca as if she had lost her mind.
“Are you crazy?!” Erin exclaimed....
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posted by Robin_Love
Queen Kendra
Queen Kendra
Becca opened her eyes. She saw blue ones staring at her and eyed the silver-haired warrior who had become her abductor.
“Where am I?” she whispered.
“You are home. I am sorry to bring you back like this. But my duty was to bring you home. My duty now is to protect you.”
“Protect me? From what?”
“Let me explain the situation first. Becca Stevens, you are not a normal human.”
“How do you know my name?”
“You were born here, in Attalin. You are of royal Attalin blood. Your father has turned against us and killed your family. All but two.”
“Me and Serepta.”
“Yes. You became...
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It was an average evening at Mount Justice. Megan was baking, Artemis and Wally arguing, Super Boy watching static, Scatty and Aqualad talking about warrior methods and how they have changed over time (ugh, boring) while me and Robin played a game of War.
“One…two…three…flip!” I said, flipping over my card. We both had kings. We set up three cards, leaving the two kings in the middle. I looked at the card I was facing with. A 3 of diamonds.
“One…two…three…flip!” Robin called. Just before we flipped our cards, the power went out. I smirked and switched my card, taking a King....
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Chapter Ten-

The door smoked before busting in. The Russian troops standing in the immediate area found metal holly leaves sticking out of their chest. They pointed their AK's at the intruder. Before they could fire however, gas hissed out of the leaves and the guards dropped to the ground unconscious.

Courage walked in the room and cautiously down the hallway. She busted down the door at the end of the hallway, but no one was inside.Checking the rooms, she soon came to a door that she couldn't bust down.

This was where Artemis was.

Planting an explosive on the door, Courage hid in a doorway and...
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posted by 66Dragons
Just a prologue quickie fanfic that acts as a prologue for Revenge of the Soviets


Robin was thankful when Revenge arrived. He could always somehow manage to keep the two lovebirds from destroying the Cave.

So naturally the first words out of his mouth were "Robin, I need your help with something."

"Get rid of them." Robin said, jerking his thumb over his back without looking up from his keyboard. "Then I'll help you as best I can."

Revenge sighed and walked into the training room where Artemis and Wally were arguing.

"That was illegal!" Wally said.

"Was not!" Artemis yelled back. "That was...
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Chapter Nine-

There had been no hesitation. No second thoughts this time. The address was hers. 

She was going in.


Revenge picked himself up off the ground and threw another punch at the hooded assassin.

"I think you've killed enough people." he said, gasping as Reaper's scythe cut him on his side.

"Just meeting my quota." Reaper replied.

Revenge stumbled back from Reaper's blow to his leg. Reaper came at him again, swinging his scythe and laughing like a maniac.

Revenge threw a few daggers in front of him and a smoke cloud erupted....
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Eight-

"Revenge to Watchdog, over."

"Watchdog reading, loud and clear."

"Hack city systems now."

"Roger, I'll see Reaper coming before he gets close."

"Let's hope so."

"What about Draxx and the police?"

"They're in place."

"And the target?"

"Took a sudden trip to Gotham this afternoon."

Revenge squatted on the rooftop. For the fourth night in a row, rain poured down in New York City. New Years was approaching fast and better weather would be nice to start off the new year.

The wind was cold and bitter, but Revenge didn't pay much attention to it. Just his rage and his target. Revenge wasn't Batman....
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posted by Robin_Love
“You want your own team.”
Another statement.
“Correct. The four of us have grown quite close but we've also learned a lot from each other. I, for one, have learned that teamwork can not only change you but the circumstances of a mission.”
“And I learned that eventually every detail will come into play so you must watch everything very closely,” Devin added.
“I learned that you can never guess the outcome of a situation,” Jade admitted. “Everything can change.”
“And I learned that, if you need a partner, Becca's probably the best choice.”
Erin leaned her arm against Becca's...
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posted by Robin_Love
Anton Devette smiled at his daughter.
“Becca. What a remarkable young lady you've become.”
His daughter glared at him with hate and malice.
“And I'm amazed at how well you've tracked me down.”
“Just because I'm autistic doesn't mean anything,” Becca spat. “I'm smarter than you think. But you wouldn't know. You cherished my sisters better. Just because I was the runt.”
“And you outlived everyone. But me of course.”
“Only because you decided murder was best for the family. Until mom gave me and Serepta up. Then you killed her and hunted us. But you were also the devil that haunted...
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posted by Robin_Love
Here are some episode names I found! IDK who posted them but give them my thanks if you know! Because this is seriously cool!!! I really hope you enjoy this!!!! I know I am! Now we just have to wait for the actual episodes! *sigh* They never learn! But we shall try our best to hold on Damn this is getting long!!!! Sorry!!! XD

1. "Independence Day" Watched
2. "Fireworks" Watched
3. "Welcome to Happy Harbor" Watched
4. "Drop Zone" Watched
5. "Schooled" Watched
6. "Infiltrator" Watched
7. "Denial" Watched
8. "Downtime" Watched
9. "Bereft" Watched
10. "Targets" Watched
11. "Terrors" Watched
12. "Home Front"...
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posted by YJTTFAN
I'm not normal that's a fact, I like being myself its just would be nice if I didn't have to make an excuse to see my boyfriend and close friends. We'll I'm not, just suck it up and deal with it, Becca. I tell myself. Just go to bed.


I can't sleep, the person who maters to the most is a few doors down. But I don't want to look I? Ugggggggg. She knows I love her but I want to make it count, to do something! Come on,Dick, THINK!! There has to be something! But she knows me, every single bit.........except. I grin to myself.


I wake up in the middle of...
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posted by Robin_Love
A warm sensation over took her. It spread all throughout her body. Her fingers moved an her toes wiggled. She cracked her neck and stretched. The needles left her body and the helmet fell away from her head. She opened her dark brown eyes and they glowed an amber color. A ripple of amber light spread throughout her cell and she was free from her tank. The door of her cell opened and she went towards it. The alarms had been silenced by her magic and no one was around to see her. The magic had also released the others being held captive. With a smile, she entered one of the many rooms belonging...
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posted by Robin_Love
“It's been a month! We haven't found Young Justice! And Becca ditched us!”
“Erin calm down,” Devin tried.
“NO! Becca was supposed to help us! She left me in Arkham! She went with Catwoman! What kind of a person does that?”
“I-I don't know!” Devin exclaimed. “I don't know. But I do know that Robin needs me right now so I'm going to focus on the main problem! What about you?”
“I-I-I...Young Justice.”
“Then let's go.”
“You're going to need my help.”
They turned, looking to see Becca standing there.
“You? Why you?” Erin asked with disdain.
“Because while you all thought...
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