Writing Nightfall #4:All Fear the Freak "COMPLETED"

adamk posted on Jan 15, 2012 at 05:21AM
Foreward:Since I recently finished my final draft of "Phantom", I've decided to rewrite the final three installments. Like the third entry, the events of this installment set things up for the penultimate entry. Anyway,
after I killed off Danny in book 3, I decided to write in a new character who was not the "Big Bad". My inspiration for the Freak was a "Scooby Doo" villian. I know sad, lol. But I fleshed him out a bit, and made him the most formidable foe for the gang at this point.
Anyway, enjoy!

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over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 1: An Update
If you walked past Ashley on the street, you'd probably assume she was a normal teenage girl. You'd be dead wrong. Literally. This is because Ashley is the last in a centuries old bloodline hidden from the common person. She was immortal, the last of the vampires. If you walked past Ashley's friend, Harold on the street, you'd probably assume he was a normal teenage boy. You'd also be wrong about this. Despite not being a vampire, Harold was gifted with the ability to see into the future. This would usually occur while he was dreaming. Harold was what most people, skeptic or not, would call a psychic. He was also somewhat telepathic as well, due to the fact he could read people just by facial expressions. About a year ago, Harold had been on the verge of dying from liver failure, until he was cured by Ashley's venom.
It was around that time that Ashley had turned his best friend, Danny Mason, into a vampire in hopes of saving his life. Ashley then recruited Danny and Harold in an effort to stop her arch rival Pike from killing the whole town, in the end, Ashley killed Pike, but several months later,
a new enemy appeared in the form of "Twilight", who planned to kill everyone attending the senior year prom at Crystal Cove High School to get revenge on Ashley. Eventually, Twilight's identity was revealed as that of her former ally Vincent. They stopped Twilight by blowing up the school, and it seemingly cost Danny his life in the process. Soon after, Harold graduated from high school at the age of sixteen. Something he never would have done had he not met Ashley. But about a month ago, Ashley and Harold were shocked to find their supposedly dead friend Danny was still alive, although they both immediantly noticed there was something different about him. At about that same time, a trio of demons known as "The Cursed Ones" were planning to release a powerful demon known as "The Freak" from the prison he had resided in for over five thousand years. Danny was revealed to have been possessed, but still alive, and regained himself by killing the creature that was possessing him. Soon after, Danny told Harold what he wanted most would happen soon. Those turned out to be his last words, and he died immediantly after in Harold's arms. Ashley and Harold managed to kill the Cursed Ones, but somehow, the Freak was released anyway. Ashley and Harold escaped, but the Freak is now free. Of course, they figured out what must have happened, since the ritural that would release the Freak only required blood, not just organs, the blood of the Cursed Ones must have completed the ritual. Afterwords, Harold moved into Ashley's apartment, and each waking moment was dedicated to finding a way to stopping the Freak before he caused the cataclysm, and I guess that is where the story begins.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 2:Waking Up
July 11,1996
The sun had barely risen over the eastern California town of Crystal Cove, before Ashley had officially looked through every book in her apartment. Her best friend, Harold Sunderland, lay asleep on the couch to her left. Looking at him, Ashley sighed. He would turn seventeen in just a matter of days, and yet he would spend that day worring about stopping the Freak's destruction. Despite the overwhelmingness of their situation, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him for that, although she knew he really wouldn't care. Harold at this moment, was in a deep sleep. She felt bad as she went to shake him awake, to tell him the bad news. Harold took a moment getting up, and Ashley knew it was because he'd barely slept at all the past several days. Eventually, he got up and put on his glasses. "What is it?" he asked. "I just went through the last possible book." Ashley said. Harold blinked for a few seconds to get full focus. "And, let me guess. "Nothing." he replied. Ashley nodded sadly. Harold sighed. "Maybe we could find something else..." Harold started, suddenly he began twitching violently, before collapsing onto the floor. "Harold?" Ashley asked, dropping to the floor to help him. Then, Harold saw something, he noticed a sign that read "Downtown Crystal Cove", and noted a black building covered in ivy, more images came, first a clock that read 5:45 am, a calendar which read July 14, the scene changed completely, to reveal himself with a bunch of people he didn't reconize. Then, he saw it. A horrifing demonic creature with long, shaggy black hair, and horns coming out of his head. It had a horribly disfigured face with purely black eyes, razor sharp teeth, and long, sharp claws in the shape of a blade, and looked just as sharp as one two. It was wearing a torn purple suit, which caused Harold to reconize it as the Freak from the illistations. Harold signaled to the crowd. "Fire!" They held up what looked to be modified flamethrowers, and blasted them at the Freak. The scene changed again, to reveal Harold pinned against the wall. The Freak, smiled a devilish grin, and gutted Harold with it's razor sharp claws. The scene changed again, to reveal Harold staring at his own lifeless body, with Ashley running towards it."Harold!" Ashley shouted, shaking him. Finally, Harold stopped his violent shaking, and began breathing normally again. He didn't open his eyes though, which Ashley expected him to do. After about a minute, Harold finally opened his eyes. "Are you okay?" Ashley asked him. Harold shook his head. "No. We don't have much time less than a week." he said. Ashley looked at him, puzzled. "What do you mean?" she asked. Harold stood up. "I know where the Freak is going to be, and I know when, I may also know where, but I'm not entirely sure." he answered. Ashley stared at him in awe. "You dreamed that?" she asked. Harold nodded. "There's something else." he said. "What?" Ashley asked. Harold sighed. "I saw myself die." he said. "How?" Ashley asked. "The Freak stabs me." he answered. Ashley continued to stare at him, then spoke. "That won't happen. I promise you that. After all, your dreams have been wrong before." she said. "You can't promise. My dreams have been right too." he reminded her. Ashley sighed, hoping he was wrong.
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 3:Cooper's Arrival
Harold parked his car in the underground parking lot at Crystal Cove's airport. He climbed out of his car, a grey 1991 Jeep Wrangler, and walked up two flights of stairs. He was picking up his cousin, Cooper, who was coming to town for his birthday. Harold could care less about
his birthday, but Ashley had encouraged his dad to throw him a party anyway. He knew he should be grateful he was even going to get to celebrate it at all, since almost a year ago, his doctors had told him he wouldn't last another year. He took a seat in a chair, and waited until he heard the flight from Detroit, Michigan was arriving. He walked to the gate, and watched as people walked out. He spotted Cooper in the crowd, a tall boy with black hair, unlike his blonde, and he had perfect vision. Looking at him, Harold couldn't believe he was taller than Cooper, who was nineteen. Cooper noticed him, and walked up to him. "Hey Harold!" he said. "Hello Cooper." Harold said, picking up Cooper's bag and slinging it over his shoulder. They walked through the airport and back down the stairs to the parking garage. "Nice car." Cooper said, noticing Harold's Jeep as Harold unlocked it. "Thanks." Harold replied, tossing Cooper's bag in the back seat. They climbed in, and Harold cranked the ignition, and pulled out of the garage and onto the street. "So, your dad tells me you're still testing negative in your tests." he said. Harold kept his eyes on the road while talking. "Yes." Cooper looked out the window. "Boy, Crystal Cove hasn't changed at all in the five years since I was last here." he said. He turned to Harold. "Your dad told me you had it kind of rough in the last year." he said. "What do you mean?" asked Harold. Cooper shrugged. "He told me you got stabbed by a psycho for starters." Harold briefly looked down at the place on his side where Pike had stabbed him a little under a year ago. He had retained a scar from the incident. "What else did he say?" Harold asked. Cooper continued on. "Well, he also said you barely survived your senior prom because someone blew up the school, and he also said your friend Danny died in the explosion." he said. "Okay, so I've had a hard year. It's also been good because I've been cured of my heart problems." he said. Cooper looked at him for a moment before speaking again. "I'm sorry." he said. Harold looked at him,
and noted that the apology was geniune. "That's okay." he said. They rode along in silence for awhile, then Cooper spoke again. "Your dad told me you moved out with your girlfriend, how's that been?" he asked. "Ashley's not my girlfriend." Harold said. "Your dad said she was your date to the prom, and that she kept telling him to throw you a party. Now that sounds like she's your girlfriend to me." Cooper replied.
When Harold remained silent, Cooper continued. "If she's not your girlfriend, why'd you move in with her?" he asked. Harold answered this time. "She's the only friend I have left, I just wanted to get away from my life for awhile." he answered. Cooper nodded. "If you say so. Anyway, is she coming to your party?" he asked. Harold shrugged. "I don't know. She's pretty busy most of the time." he said. "Studying for college?" Cooper asked. "By the way Harold, I saw your SAT scores, you could apply pretty much anywhere, where're you going this fall?" he asked. Harold sighed. "I don't know." he answered, hoping he would live to even see the Fall.
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 4:The Freak's Warning
Harold finally pulled into his dad's driveway, and saw his dad out in the front yard. "Hey Cooper! Hey Harold!" he said. "Hey Uncle James."
said Cooper, running up to greet him. Harold walked up to greet his dad. "Hi Dad." Harold said. His dad seemed happy to see him. "Harold!
Nice to see you, It's been nearly a month!" he said, hugging him. "I can't believe this. Tomorrow my son celebrates his seventeenth birthday,
then you go off to college this fall. If only your mother could see you now." he said, tears running rapidly down his face. Harold felt tears run down his face as well. If his dream was right, tomorrow would be the last time he would see his dad. He noted Ashley's car appearing down the street, heading towards his house. Mr. Sunderland followed his gaze. "That's Ashley's car right?" he asked. Harold nodded awkwardly.
He didn't know exactly how his dad felt about Ashley, as they had never really had a conversation, at least not with him around. Cooper followed their gaze to Ashley's car. "Your girlfriend drives an Impala?" he asked stunned. Harold nodded. "A ' 68." he said. "And she's not my girlfriend." he reminded Cooper. Ashley parked behind Harold's car, and climbed out. "Hello Mr. Sunderland." she said, acknowledging him.
"Hello Ashley." he said. Ashley walked up the driveway, and Harold spoke. "Ashley, this is my cousin, Cooper Andrews." he said, motioning to Cooper. Ashley shook Cooper's hand, and Cooper let loose a look of surprise. "What's wrong?" Ashley asked. "Nothing, just your hands are freezing." Cooper replied, warming his hand. "Sorry, I just had the air conditioning on full blast in my car." she said. Cooper smiled. "It's okay. It is hot outside today." he replied. Mr. Sunderland motioned for Cooper, Ashley, and Harold to come inside. Harold grabbed Cooper's bag out of the back seat, and walked inside. Ashley had arranged for them to spend the weekend at his dad's house, and she had brought most of Harold's things from the apartment. To his surprise however, he found his old room remained the same as he had left it. He dropped his bag onto the bed, and sat down at his computer desk. He had gotten a better computer that was in Ashley's apartment, but he remembered all the stories he had written on the one he was looking at. At this moment, Ashley walked into the room. "What's up?" he asked. "We need to talk." she said, tossing him an envolope. Harold caught it. "What's this?" he asked. "A message the Freak left at my apartment." she said. "Read it." Harold stared at the envolope in shock, and opened it. It read "The elixiar if life is forced to bend, on 7/15/96,
the world will end. You can do anything in your power, but nothing can stop humanity's final hour." the letter ended there. "July 15?" Harold said confused. "What? Does that mean anything particular to you?" Ashley asked. Harold nodded. "That dream I had yesterday, where I died, I saw a calendar that said 'July 15' on it." he said. Ashley's eyes widened. "Was it dark in your dream?" she asked. Harold nodded. "There was a clock that read '5:45 am', and I don't know how much time passed between then, and when the Freak kills me." he said. Ashley sat down on his bed. "You aren't going to die. I swear that to you." she said. Harold suddenly remembered the flamethrowers that drove the Freak away. "I may know the Freak's weakness." Harold said, sitting down in his chair.
"What?" she asked. "Fire." Harold answered. "In my dream, he seemed scared of fire." "Seemed?" Ashley asked. Harold shrugged. "He seemed ready to back off. After that it flashed to him killing me." Ashley looked at him. "Harold, I'm not going to let you die. I swear." Harold shrugged. "Don't make promises you can't keep." he replied. Ashley left to unpack soon after, and Harold fell asleep about twenty minutes later. Hoping he would live past the week.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 5:Harold's Birthday
Harold woke up early the next morning, and sat down at his computer. He pulled up the last file of his story. It was titled "Nightfall: Part 3:Phantom" he skimmed through it really fast, and discovered it left off before he and Ashley had went to the warehouse. He decided he would finish it, yet he only did it because he felt every story needs an ending. Only, instead of continuing up to the current event, he would write his own ending. He finished the story for "Phantom", then started a new story, which he decided to title "All Fear the Freak". He knew he wouldn't get to finish the story, but he decided that he would write it anyway. Just as he began typing, he felt sick. His head was spinning. Before he knew it, he was on the floor. He saw Ashley and someone else, who he assumed was... Cooper? They were facing the Freak in the same factory he had seen before. He looked over and noticed himself, laying apparently dead and covered in blood against the wall. The image changed again, and he saw the Freak burst into flames. The scene changed again, and Harold saw himself again, only this time, he was on the couch in Ashley's apartment. Suddenly, everything went black. Harold woke up, wondering what he didn't see. "What's happening?" he asked himself. His visions had become more and more frequent since Danny had died. He reluctantly turned off his computer and went back to bed, wondering what was going to happen next.****
2:22 pm
July 13,1996
Ashley, Cooper, and Mr. Sunderland set the table, wondering when Harold would come downstairs. Cooper had gone to check on him already, and found him typing hastily on his computer. When asked what was the matter, he quickly said he was finishing his story. Finally, after about five thirty, Harold came down the stairs. Everyone told him happy birthday, and he blew out all seventeen candles in two tries. After eating a piece of cake, Harold went back upstairs. At about nine, Ashley went up to see what was wrong. "Almost done." Harold replied when she entered the room. "With what?" Ashley asked. "The last chapter of my story." he answered. Ashley sat down on his bed and waited about ten minutes while Harold typed out the rest of the story. When he finished it, he turned off his computer. "What?" he asked.
"What's wrong?" she asked. Harold sighed. "Nothing." he said. "You sure?" she asked. Harold nodded. "If you're sure." Ashley said, giving up. Ashley got up and left the room. Harold walked over to his bed and took off his glasses. He laid down on his bed, and stared at the ceiling for awhile, wondering if he really was going to die tomorrow. After awhile, he finally fell asleep.
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 6:Cooper's Dream
Cooper waited at the foot of the steps for about thirty minutes before Ashley came down. Mr. Sunderland walked in as she walked down the stairs. "What's wrong with Harold?" he asked. Ashley sighed. "I don't know. He wouldn't talk to me. He's gone to bed." she replied. Mr. Sunderland sighed. "I guess I'll go to bed too." he said. Then he told both of them goodnight and walked down the hall to his room. Cooper stared at Ashley, who noticed immediantly. "What's wrong?" she asked. "It just occured to me, have we ever met before?" he asked. Ashley
actually took a moment to think. "No. Why?" she asked. Cooper shrugged. "No idea. I just thought you looked familiar." he said. With that, Cooper went to bed as well. Being a vampire, Ashley didn't really need to sleep. Even if she did, it would be hard to. If what Harold said was true, tomorrow would be the day they would face the Freak for the fate of all humanity. Ashley walked back up to Harold's room about an hour later, and found him asleep. If what he seen was also true, he could die tomorrow. She had already lost Danny, she didn't think she could lose Harold too. Besides that, she had promised him herself she wouldn't let him die. She stared down at him sadly, he was the only one who knew from the beginning what she was, and still cared about her. Not even Danny had known when they met that she was a vampire. She went back downstairs and stared into Mr. Sunderland's room. This man had already lost his wife, and spent the past six years thinking he would lose his son. What would happen if he did after all he'd been through? Ashley shuttered at the thought. She finally went to her bedroom, and lay staring at the ceiling for quite sometime, thinking.*******
July 14,1996
3:34 am
Cooper got a glass of water and went off to go to bed. He walked into his room, and plopped down on his bed. After watching the ceiling fan turn for about five minutes, he drifted off to sleep. He immediantly knew something was wrong, even though he was asleep. He saw flashes of images, finally he could see something clearly... He saw Harold and someone else he knew...then he figured out it was Harold's friend Danny, whom he had only met a few times, then he saw Danny had turned pale, but Harold hadn't. Then it dawned on him, Danny was as pale as Ashley was. But what did that mean? The image changed again, to show a man with black hair shoving a brass blade into Danny's chest. Black blood began squirting everywhere. The image changed again to show Danny with something coming out of him, something inhuman, finally he saw Ashley, blood all over her face, as she bit into Danny's neck. Cooper awoke covered in sweat. He knew his dream was a vision, and he had to warn Harold. He walked over to Harold's room, but found it empty. "Cooper?" came a voice from behind him. Cooper froze, this was Ashley's voice. "Stay away. I know what you are." he said. "What am I?" she asked. Cooper backed away. "You're a vampire. What did you do to him?" he asked. "To who?" asked Ashley, who seemed mildly shocked he was a vampire. "Harold. What'd you do to him?" he asked. Before she could answer, they both heard a car start up, and after looking out the window, noticed Harold's Jeep speeding away. Cooper turned to Ashley. "What are you going to do to me?" he asked, scared stupid. Ashley sighed. "Nothing, but I've got to go." she said, racing out into the hall. Cooper hesitated, then followed her. "Where're you going?" he asked. "After Harold." she answered, grabbing her car keys. "I can't let you..." Cooper started, but Ashley stopped him. "Fine. Come with me. But if I don't go right now, Harold will die." she said. Cooper was still shocked. "How do you..." he stuttered. "Come on. I'll explain on the way." Ashley said. Cooper hesitated again, then raced out the front door after her.
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 7:The Freak of Crystal Cove
Downtown Crystal Cove, 4:49 am
Harold pulled up outside the black building he'd reconized from his dreams. He unbuckled his seatbelt, and climbed out of his car. He looked at his watch which read 4:52 am. He had about an hour left before the Freak arrived. He looked through the window to see there were people inside working. He remembered the same people from his dream. He snuck inside and down the stairs. He eventually found what looked to be an equipment or storage room. He ducked inside and found some things that could be used to build flamethrowers. He knew this only because he was proficient in chemistry. He looked around, and thought to himself how in the world he was going to explain to the people upstairs about the danger. But in his dream they seemed to believe him, so he was pretty sure he would. Now he just had to think of what to say...
5:12 am
Ashley's car sped around town, looking for the building Harold had described. Cooper sat silently in the passenger seat. Ashley briefly turned to him, then returned her eyes to the road. They remained silent for about five minutes before Cooper spoke. "So, you're not going to kill me?" he asked. Ashley sighed. "No." she said. Cooper remained silent for about a minute before talking again. "Is Harold a vampire?" he asked. Ashley shook her her head. "Not exactly." she said. Cooper looked at her in shock. "What do you mean by that?" he asked. Ashley explained to him about Harold's psychic abilities. "That sort of explains it." Cooper said. "Explains what?" asked Ashley. "How I know. I dreamed about everything that must have happened to you, Harold, and Danny. Ashley was momentarily shocked, but regained her focus. "Danny was a vampire. He died about a month ago." she replied. "So, if my dream is real, is everything over?" he asked. Ashley shook her head. "Harold and I accidentally released a demon last month, and if we don't stop him tonight, or rather this morning, the world will end." "What demon?" Cooper asked. "The Freak of Crystal Cove." said Ashley. Cooper stared at her in horror. "That's just a legend." he said. Ashley sighed. "I'm afraid it isn't." she said, and they continued in silence.
5:26 am
"Look, you have to believe me! If you don't use the supplies in the basement, you'll all die!" Harold shouted. "Get out of here!" said one of the workers." "You're crazy kid." said another. Security guards approached and grabbed one of Harold's arms each. "Let's get you home." they said. "Wait!" Harold started, but suddenly, the lightbulbs in the building all exploded. Darkness filled the entire building. Suddenly, the doors to the building burst open. Everyone stood in terror as a shadow walked inside. It had shaggy black hair, with horns coming out of it's skull. It's
face was horribly disfigured, it wore a torn purple suit, and flashed it's bloodstained teeth as it revealed it's razor sharp claws. "It's some kind of freaky ghoul!" said one of the workers. The monster walked inside, and spoke. "I prefer 'the Freak of Crystal Cove.' " it said, before a sinister smirk formed on it's disfigured face.
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 8:Harold vs. the Freak
Run!" screamed Harold. The guards released him, and pulled out their weapons. "Don't! It won't work!" Harold shouted. "Get everyone to safety!" said one of the guards. Harold nodded sadly, and motioned for everybody to head into the basement. He barely turned around to follow them when he heard one of the guards shriek in pain. Harold turned to see the Freak had grabbed one of them. The other officer kicked his partner's weapon over to Harold, and began open firing on the Freak, whose eyes flashed pure black as it bit into the captive officer's side. "Run!" said the other officer over the screams of pain coming from his partner. Harold grabbed the gun off the floor and followed the workers to the basement, listening to the horrible screams of pain over gunfire.
5:34 am
Ashley turned onto another street, and looked at the clock under her dashboard. "Where're we going?" asked Cooper. It suddenly dawned on Ashley, and she didn't know why she hadn't thought of it in the past hour she'd been circling the city. Cooper had lived in this town before he went to college, he may know where the building was. "Cooper, this is very important." she said. "Okay, what is it?" he asked. "Do you know of a black building? One covered in ivy that may have just reopened?" she asked. Cooper thought a moment. "There is that one warehouse on Beachfront Blvd." he said. "How far away is it?" she asked. Cooper looked at her GPS. "About five minutes if you hurry." he finally replied. "Can you navigate to it from here?" she asked. Cooper nodded. "Why do we need to go there?" he asked. Ashley turned to him. "If we don't get there as fast as you said we can, Harold will die." she said. Cooper went pale, and told her to turn right at the next turn.
5:39 am
Harold tossed a flamethrower that he'd made at every person he could. "Ok, we need to wait." he said. "Wait?" shouted one of the workers. "What is that thing? I called itself the Freak of Crystal Cove, but that's a myth!" they said. Harold shook his head. "I'm afraid it's not." he said. "What about those officers?" said another worker. "We're just going to let them die?" he demanded. Harold pulled out his handgun he'd received
from the guard. "Not if we hurry." he said. "Follow me." he said. They left the room and walked down the hall and up the stairs to find a horrifing sight. The first guard the Freak had attacked lay dead on the floor, ripped to shreds. The other was backing away. He turned and saw Harold and the others. "I told you to get out of here!" he shouted. "Now!" Harold shouted. The workers fired up the flamethrowers,and shot them at the Freak, who began backing away. "Continue!" Harold shouted. The workers closed in on the Freak. Then something unexpected happened, the flames from the flamethrowers ran out. The Freak let loose a horrible evil laugh. Harold looked and saw the workers were terrified. "Get out of here!" he shouted. The workers ran out of the building and into the night. The officer hesitated. "You're not coming?" he asked. "I've got someone coming to help me." he said. "Good luck kid." said the officer, and with that he tossed Harold his other gun, and raced past the Freak and out the door.
The Freak continued it's laughing, and only stopped when Harold shot one of the bullets in it's face. It let out a shriek of anger, not pain. "I'm going to enjoy killing you!" it said in it's raspy voice. It raced towards Harold, who continued his dual firing.
5:43 am
The officer raced out of the building, and nearly was run over by a black Impala. Ashley and Cooper stepped out of it. "Is he okay?" Ashley asked. The officer shook his head. "I don't know. I just got out of there. He saved everyone." he said. "Get out of here." Ashley said. The officer nodded, and raced to his car. "Wait here." Ashley told Cooper. "No! Harold's my cousin. I need to help!" he said. Ashley knew she didn't have time to argue, and they raced inside together. They immediantly saw the Freak, pinning Harold against a wall. "Harold!" Ashley shouted. The Freak looked at her with a wicked grin, then stabbed it's razor sharp fingernails into Harold's stomach. Blood squirted across the room, and out of his mouth. The Freak took off out a window. Ashley raced over to Harold, and found he was still alive. Cooper followed closely behind her. "Harold?" she said, tears running nonstop down her face. Cooper looked at her in desperation. "What are you waiting for? You've got to help him!" he
shouted. "Cooper..." Harold said, blood dripping from his mouth. "Ashley. Help him!" Cooper begged. "How?" she asked. "Turn him!" he begged.
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 9:Aftershock
Ashley stared at Cooper in shock. "Turn him?" she said. Cooper nodded. "You've got to. He's been your friend ever since you got to Crystal Cove, according to his dad, and apparently from the look on your face, he's known what you are since the beginning. You can't let him die now. Not like this!" Cooper shouted. Ashley looked at Harold, and saw he was looking at her. "Ashley...Please..." he said. Ashley looked down at him, and then to Cooper. "Do you really want him to die? Especially in this much pain? Think of what his dad will say if Harold turns up dead today. Scratch that. You do what you think is right." he said. Ashley turned to see Harold was dying, he'd already lost so much blood. This was her last chance. She had to decide. She remembered that what Cooper had said was true. Harold had accepted what she was since the beginning. She owed it to him to try to save him, even if it was fifty-fifty that he would be fine, that's still half a chance. She took a deep breath, and swiftly bit into Harold's neck. Cooper noticed, that the minute she bit into him, Harold's eyes flashed white light. Cooper stared in horror as Ashley used her fangs to shoot venom into Harold's bloodstream. After about five minutes passed, she released Harold. Cooper immediantly noticed Harold's wounds looked like they had at least partially healed. Harold however, seemed unconscious. Cooper turned to Ashley. "Is he dead?" he asked.
Ashley looked at Harold, and shook her head immediantly. "He's a vampire." she said. Cooper was amazed. "How can you tell?" he asked. "I can sense it." she answered. "Help me get him to my car. You can follow me back to my apartment in his." she said. Cooper nodded, and grabbed Harold's legs, as Ashley grabbed his arms. They carried him out to Ashley's car, and placed him in the backseat. "Ashley tossed Harold's car keys to Cooper. "Stay close behind me. In case the Freak shows up." She said. Cooper nodded, and climbed into the Jeep. He cranked the ignition, and pulled out onto the road after Ashley, wondering if Harold would be okay. Eventually, he pulled into the parking lot of an apartment complex, which he assumed was where Ashley lived. He parked in the space next to Ashley's car, and climbed out and went around
the side. "Help me." Ashley said when she spotted him. She opened the back door, and pulled Harold out enough for her and Cooper to grab ahold of him. Then they stealthily carried him up three flights of steps, and paused next to an apartment. Ashley unlocked the door, and they carried Harold inside. "Over here." Ashley said, motioning her head to Harold's bed. Cooper nodded, and they placed Harold onto the bed. After taking a moment to catch their breath, Cooper turned to Ashley. "So what now?" he asked. "Do we wait for him to wake up?" Ashley shook her head. "Presuming he's still sane, he'll be to weak to help when he wakes up, and again, presuming he's sane, he'll want to help." she said. Cooper looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean if he's still sane?" he asked. Ashley went into an explination about the fifty-fifty odds.
"That's why you didn't change him immediantly?" Cooper asked. Ashley nodded. "I don't know what to expect. But you were begging me, and you were right. I couldn't let him die." she said. "What now?" Cooper asked. Ashley stared at him, and then at Harold. "We'll wait until morning. If he's not awake by then, I'm heading after the Freak to put an end to this." she said.
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 10:The Next Day
The sun rose slowly over Crystal Cove, signaling a new dawn, and a new day. Cooper and Ashley had watched Harold for the past two hours, and
nothing had changed. Finally, Ashley spoke. "The Freak said the world would end today, he didn't say when, but he did say today. "I have to go find him. Harold said he was weak against something. He just didn't say what." she said. Cooper stood up. "I've go to go too." he said. Before Ashley could say anything, he continued with his arguement. "Look, you may need my help. If what you said was true about Harold, and since my dream was true, that means I'm psychic right?" he asked. "I don't see your point." Ashley replied. "Look, you said Harold had visions when he was awake. What if I do, and it helps you against the Freak?" he said. Ashley had already considered this. "Harold's abilities are further along than yours." she said. Cooper made a noise in frustration. "But what if you do need my help?" he asked. Ashley considered this. "What about Harold?" she asked. "I'll leave a note for him." he said. Ashley thought a moment, then reluctantly agreed. Cooper quickly scribbled a note that read. "Ashley and I have gone to find the Freak and end this. Be back soon. Cooper." he put it on the table next to Harold, and followed Ashley
out to her car. "Do you know where we're going?" he asked. Ashley nodded. "I think he'll go back to that warehouse where he escaped." she said. Cooper was puzzled. "Why would he go there?" he asked. Ashley looked at him. "Call it instinct." she said, and sped off.
40 minutes later
Harold woke up feeling dizzy. He ached all over. He struggled to get up, and noticed the blinds were up. He looked down at his skin. It was ghostly pale. He quickly looked in the mirror, and saw he had fangs under his upper lip. He began gasping for breath due to shock. He looked down at his bloody shirt where the Freak had stabbed him. He quickly pulled it up, and saw a scar there, although he didn't see any other trace of a wound. He looked around, and saw a piece of paper in Cooper's handwriting on the table. He picked up his glasses off the table to read it when it hit him. He could see without them. He looked at the note. It read, "Ashley and I have gone to find the Freak and end this. Be back soon. Cooper." Harold looked around the room. He saw his car keys on Ashley's bed, and quickly grabbed them. He raced out the door to his car and climbed in. He closed his eyes and saw Ashley and Cooper were at the warehouse where the Freak had escaped. He cranked the ignition. He had to make a stop before heading over there.
Ashley and Cooper pulled in front of the warehouse where the Freak had escaped and Danny had died. Tears ran down Ashley's face as she remembered Danny, and how he had died trying to stop the Freak's escape, yet they had failed to do so, which meant his sacrifice meant nothing. Maybe if they could stop the Freak, they could finally avenge his death. Ashley turned off the car, and Cooper noticed her tears. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing." she lied. She was thankful when Cooper didn't press any further. They climbed out of the car, and walked into the warehouse. Ashley knew she was right about the Freak being here, yet she couldn't shake the fact that she was on a suicide mission. She thought about Harold. If she died, he wouldn't have anyone to help him, if he was sane that was. Cooper looked around, and shook his head. "Looks like he's not here." he muttered. "Think again..." came a raspy voice. Ashley turned to see the Freak standing behind her. Smiling an evil grin.
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 11:The Freak's End
"It's him!" Cooper shouted. The Freak smiled. Ashley stared at him. "You...evil little..." she started, but the Freak interrupted her. "I prefer 'The Freak of Crystal Cove'. Besides, you're no better than me. I know what you are." Ashley was unimpressed. "What am I?" she asked. "The last vampire." the Freak said smiling. Ashley shook her head. "Not anymore I'm not." she said. The Freak looked at her puzzed. He clearly didn't know about Harold. "Remember Harold Sunderland? The teenage boy you tried to kill?" she shouted. "Oh yeah. He had guts. I'll give him that.
But I had to rip them out of him." Ashley was becoming furious. "Well you didn't. He's a vampire now." she said coldly. The Freak seemed impressed. "But he was psychic. I trust you knew that risk. If he becomes evil, that would really help me. Let's face it though Ashley, you know a vampire can't win against something like me. You knew it was suicide to come here, yet you still did. Why? Is it possible after the hundred and fifty or so years you've been alive that you're ready to die?" he asked. Ashley was taken aback by this question. "Of course not. I came here because I can't just sit by and watch you destroy the world." she shouted. The Freak smiled. "You really think it matters what I've done? What I'm planning to do? You're just as bad as me." "I'm nothing like you. You're evil, you're a demon." she said. "High ranking demon, so evil I've been sealed away for five thousand years. I'm not just going to let the world get away with that! But don't change the subject. You're evil too. Think of how many people you've drained alive. Ashley. Think of every time a person died, because you got carried away. You've probably killed more people than I have." he shouted. Cooper stared at Ashley and then at the Freak. "Don't let him get to you Ashley!" he shouted. Ashley looked at Cooper, and sighed. "He's right Cooper. I have killed people." she said. Cooper looked at her. "You've also saved people. That's something he's never done. Think about Harold and Danny. You gave them both a second chance at life. You stopped Pike from a killing the whole town in a mass murder. You stopped Twilight from killing the entire senior class. Sure you may not have stopped his escape, but you haven't failed yet Ashley. You can still stop him. You can save the world, and I'm sure Harold would agree with me that would be the ultimate redemption for you." he shouted. Ashley felt tears running down her face. "But I can't. I don't know how to stop him." she said sadly. The Freak smiled. "Well, it looks like you did waste your time coming here after all. It's time for you both to die. And when I'm done, the world will end. And there will be nobody else to stop me." he said happily in his raspy voice. Ashley looked at Cooper. "I'm sorry." she said sadly. The Freak took a step towards Ashley, then let out a screech of pain. Cooper opened his eyes, and Ashley stared in shock. The Freak had caught on fire. Flames continued to engulf the Freak. Ashley and Cooper turned to see where the flames were coming from, and to their surprise, they saw Harold, gripping a flame thrower. He continued shooting flames at the Freak, who let out a shriek of horror and pain, before falling to the ground. Harold continued shooting, until the Freak breathed it's last breath. Ashley and Cooper raced over to Harold, and hugged him. "You're okay?" Ashley said. Cooper looked at him. "How'd you know where we were?" he asked. Harold finally spoke. "The same way I always did with Ashley and Danny. I closed my eyes, and just saw the way Ashley sees. I saw you weren't in any immediant danger, so I went out and got the supplies to make this flamethrower." he said. He turned to Ashley. "Am I alive?" he asked. Ashley shook her head. "You're a vampire Harold." she said, and with that, they walked out of the warehouse.
over a year ago adamk said…
Ashley, Cooper, and Harold sat inside the bar they usually hung out at. Cooper had moved in with Harold's dad, who seemed to be happy to have somebody else at hime. Harold moved back in with Ashley, who had began teaching him how to be a vampire. At this present time, Cooper was downing a Root Beer, while Harold was having his usual Mountain Dew. Ashley wasn't drinking anything, because she was still thinking. Harold had seemed to have no noticeable side effects after his transformation, except the fact that he seemed immune completely to the sun, something that had taken Ashley about fifty years at least to become immune to. He also wasn't squeamish to blood, although he would only drink it off dead things, as Ashley worried that being a newborn vampire, he may get carried away on a living animal, much less a person. Cooper on the other hand seemed cheerful. They had decided that Harold would go to Crystal Cove University in the fall, which meant Harold could finally live his life. And more importantly, with the Freak gone, the world was no longer under threat. Ashley knew however it most likely wouldn't stay that way for long, as Harold had once again told her that the journey she was on wasn't over, saying he had a strong feeling about that. As Ashley stared at Harold, she wondered if he would live forever. She had asked the same question about herself, and still didn't know that answer.
All she knew was, that Harold was almost a natural at being a vampire, and she knew that if anything ever happened where they were seperated, that he would be fine. At least, that's what she hoped...