Writing My New Story (Only Intro) Tell me what you think!!

alana_alexandra posted on Jan 02, 2012 at 05:17AM
The blood dripped from my dagger, turning the waxed linoleum floor crimson. The smell of copper and metal made my nose wrinkle, and I desperately wished for a pair of nose plugs. Maybe I would start carrying those around with me.
I stepped over the twitching body that took up most of the kitchen floor and went to the sink, washing off the dagger and my hands. I waited for the water to wash the blood down the drain. I sighed with impatience and annoyance at the thick dexterity of blood. Killing was the fun part, but the blood drove me mad. It was just too messy.
A pleading, strained voice interrupted my thoughts, “Please,” I turned to the person lying on the floor, her body straining in a desperate attempt to survive. At times like these, a person would do anything to preserve their life.
Her golden blonde hair lay matted and sticky against the bloodied floor, and spots of red dotted her face. I walked over to her and slid my dagger into the built-in sheath hidden in my boot. I squatted down next to her and peered down at her, reveling in my victory.
“Jessica,” my voice was soft and sweet, almost nurturing, “Just let it come easy. Your whole life everything just came so easy to you. Filled with so much frivolity and materialistic needs, your life was nothing.” She peered up at me with terrified blue eyes. My voice suddenly lowered and turned icy, “Even in death, don’t forget the superficial bitch that you were. I hope the afterlife won’t be as giving as this one.” As if on cue, her eyes glazed over, and her body stilled.
The blood dripped from my dagger, turning the waxed linoleum floor crimson. The smell of copper and m

Writing 4 replies

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over a year ago adamk said…
Interesting, I'm interested to know more about your lead character.
You should keep posting! BTW, what's the story called?
over a year ago daeEun_18 said…
.oOH! I think I super liked it. I can't wait to read more. It's really interesting. It's the kind of stories I like to read. :) so, what's the title BTW??
over a year ago sideshowbobbart said…
wow VERY interesting! i love it! what is it called? Is it about a killer? it's very very nice!
over a year ago icuSTALKER said…