Writing Police Sketch

iluvPrinceMJ213 posted on Nov 06, 2011 at 03:21AM
There is a serial killer on the loose. He is in your town. He has been on the news for several months. Everyone is on the lookout for him, but no one knows what he looks like. There are no living witnesses to describe him.

You are walking home, and witness this killer's latest attack. You lived, because he did not see you hiding in the shadows. You got a good look at him before he left.

Now you are sitting at the police station. Officers are gathered around you waiting to hear what you saw. A police artist sits across from you, waiting to draw the man as you describe him.

You got a good look at him. You can see his face in your mind. But can you give an accurate description of what he looks like?

The police man speaks to you: "Ma'am, would you please answer the following questions to the best of your knowlege? Try to remember any details that stand out. If you think of something I don't ask, please speak up. Let's see if we can't get an accurate drawing of this woman or man (your character)

Did she have high cheekbones? Shallow check? Flabby jowls?: High cheekbones

Wide, sturdy jaw? Narrow pointy jaw?: Sturdy Jaw
Broad forehead? Wrinkled brow?: Non wrinkled forehead
A jutting chin? No chin? Square chin? A double chin? Does his double chin have a double chin?: Nice point and broad

Does he have full thick lips or pale thin lips?: Full thick lips

Big nose? Small nose? Was it long or short? Rounded? Bulbous? Crooked? Did he appear to have ever broken his nose in the past?: Perfect round nose no break

What about his eyebrows? Full? Thick? Thin?: Fair? Dark? Bushy? Wide spread? Did they connect in the middle?: Full and dark

Was there any facial hair? Sideburns? Bangs? Did he hair cover his eyes? Beard? Mustache?: Yes Bangs no facial hair its a girl and the hair didn't cover her eyes

You didn't happen to notice what color his eyes were did you? Were they wide set? Close together? Large? Small? Round? Almond? Popeyed? Did he wear glasses?: Slightly round but slightly almond eyes no glasses green eyes

Did he have hair? Was it think or balding? Did it look natural or could he have been wearing a wig? : Natural

What color was it? Brown you say? Was it a light sandy brown or a dark chestnut brown or could it have been more of an auburn brown?: It wasn't brown it was ash blonde

Did it look natural? Could it have been dyed? Did you notice any highlights or streaks? Was there a root line? Was it going grey?: Natural not gray
How long was his hair? Crew cut? Short? Ducktail? Ponytail?:
Brushed out

Was it messy or did it seem rather neat? Greasy? Well groomed? Hair sprayed?: Kinda messy
Straight? Thick? Wavy? Frizzed? Natural curls? Permed curls? Dreadlocks?: Wavy

How tall was he? Tall? Short? Average? Could you tell his exact height?: Average she was about 5ft 5in

What about weight? Was he thin? Underweight? Overweight? About average? Athletic? Muscular? Pot bellied?: Average

Would you say he resembled more of a clean-cut business professional or a more rough rowdy type or something else? Why would you say that?: Rough kinda muscular

Was he particularly handsome or a bit more plain or would you say he was down right ugly?
Did you notice the way he walked? Did he have a limp? Did he move slowly or quickly? Long strides or little steps?: Long strides then slow and then quick

How old would you guess he was? What made you think that?: 13 maybe looked real young

Did he have any distinguishing features? A mole? A birthmark? Any visible scars? Any deformities?: Scar on temple down

Smooth skinned or wrinkled? Pale? Light? Olive? Tan? Dark? Did he have a suntan?: Smooth and light olive

Could you tell what race he was? What made you choose this particular race? Could he have been any other race? Why or why not?: Biracial? Slightly darker than the average white person

Did you notice if he had any tattoos? If so, could you describe them for us?: No

What about jewelry? Did you notice any ear rings, nose rings, or other piercings? Was he wearing a watch? Wedding ring? Necklace? What did the jewelry look like?: Heart necklace

How was he dressed? What type of cloths was he wearing?
Of everything you can remember, what one thing stood out the most about him? What would make him stand out in a crowd?: Wore higher Ed Hardy clothing

If you would say he resembled someone famous, who would you say he most looked like?: Joey King

Your turn
last edited on Nov 06, 2011 at 03:27AM

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