Writing Crystal Cove-A Murder Mystery

adamk posted on Aug 31, 2011 at 05:07AM
January 13,1996
The wind blew across the cliffs that overlooked the watery lengths of the cove. On this perticular
night, a boy of about seventeen years of age was sitting on the cliff that had the best view of the water. The boy's name was Casey Wilson. He was the star of Crystal Cove High's track team. He looked down at the letter he clutched in his shaking hands for about the four hundreth time. It was late at night, and in early January nonetheless, and he was shivering. The snow had already began falling, and the forecasts had been very confident it would snow from the late hours of the night into early morning. Casey turned and looked through the dark once again. He looked at the letter once more. It read "I know you're secret. Meet me at the cliffs that overlook Crystal Cove, come alone. Casey felt stupid for not coming armed, but he really had no idea of where the location of the guns in his house were.
He looked at his watch. It was six minutes past eleven thirty. He sighed. He was going to die of frostbite or hypothermia if he didn't leave soon. Finally, just as he was ready to give up, he saw a shadow that resembled a person walking up to greet him. "Casey?" asked the voice. "Yeah." he replied. He only replied because he knew who the voice belonged to. Before he could speak, the person who had just arrived raced over and shoved Casey off the cliff. His screams echoed throught
the entire cove. The person stared down for a moment, then climbed down to him. They felt no pulse in his wrist, and he wasn't breathing either. He was dead. The person then pushed Casey's body into the lake, and waited until it sank under the water. High tide was set for early the following morning, and they knew even if Casey's body was ever found, they would never suspect he was murdered, and even if they did, they'd never find the killer. The snow began to fall more heavily, and all was silent as the person walked away from the cove.
last edited on Aug 31, 2011 at 05:14AM

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over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 1:Missing Persons
Sheriff Scott Perkins stood outside the house, waiting on the front
porch. He rang the doorbell again, and continued pacing. He knew the Wilsons personally, and was just about as shocked as they were
when they had called him that morning telling him their son Casey was missing. He had responded to the call personally, this was half because his son Lyle was best friends with Casey, thus he knew Casey about as much as he knew Casey's parents. After another
minute had passed, Cole Wilson opened the door, his wife Marcie beside him. "Sheriff Perkins? We didn't expect you to get out here so quickly." Cole said. Scott smiled. "One of the few perks of being a small town." he responded. "May I come in?" he asked. Cole nodded, and motioned for him to come inside. Scott took a seat on the couch, and waited for Cole and Marcie to sit down before speaking. "Now, you say you woke up this morning and Casey wasn't here?" he asked. Marcie nodded. "Cole and I searched all over the house, and Cole drove around town looking for him while I called you." she said. Scott nodded. "At least you called the police before both of you left. Every second is crucial if we want to find Casey." Scott said, then he turned his gaze to Cole. "Casey is 17, could he have stayed the night at a friend's house?" he asked. Cole shook his head. "He wouldn't have done that without calling me or his mother. I swear that to you." he said. Scott sighed. "I know it's hard, no parent wants to wake up to find their
kid missing, but I can't report him missing unless he's been gone 48 hours. But I'll tell you what, I'll get some of my people out on the streets out looking for him." "We will find him. I promise."
he replied. Cole nodded. "Thank you sheriff." he said. Scott nodded, and left the house, hoping very much that they would find Casey alive. Just as he was wondering how to tell Lyle about his best friend having gone missing, he heard his radio in his car sending a message. "Sheriff Perkins? Are you there?" it asked. Scott ran to his car and picked up the mike. "Yeah. I'm here." he said. "Sheriff, you remember how the Wilson's reported their son missing?" came the voice. Scott felt a sense of dread as he spoke again. "Yes." "They found Casey Wilson's wallet on a body that washed up over the state line. The wallet was ruined, but the driver's license wasn't. Since it's over the state line, the FBI has been notified. They're sending someone over to investigate." the voice said. Scott was speechless. Not only was his son's best friend dead, but now he had to go back inside the Wilson's house to get them to go ID their son at the station. Feeling numb with grief, Scott slowly turned around and walked towards the house.
over a year ago adamk said…
Chapter 2:The Investigation Begins
Route 38
6:14 am/January 15, 1996
Special Agent Mark Kirby loved the wilderness.He felt once you've been to Washington DC, or any big city in general, you couldn't get enough of the wilderness or how beautiful it was. He was taking
in the scenery as he drove along Route 38 towards the quiet town of Crystal Cove, as he drove over a bride, he took a moment to look over the side and watch the sun rise. He'd been driving for the past seventeen hours nonstop. Checking his map again, he noted he would reach Crystal Cove in about fifteen minutes. He was anxious to get into town and get started on the case. He continued onwards for about ten minutes before he noted the sign that welcomed him to the town. Checking his map again, he noted the police department wasn't far from where he was. Crystal Cove, he also noted, was so small it was surprising to him it was even on the map at all. As he neared the police station, he noticed that someone was standing outside. He slowed his car to a halt, and got out. The person walked up to him, and Mark noticed he was wearing a sheriff's badge. "Hello." said the Sheriff offering his hand. Mark took it, and shook it. "You must be that FBI guy." he said. Mark nodded. "Special Agent Mark Kirby." he replied. "Sheriff Scott Perkins. It's nice to meet you I'm sure." said Scott. Mark released his hand. "So, Sheriff Perkins, if you don't mind me getting straight to this..." Mark began. Scott answered quickly. "Please, call me Scott. Everyone around here does." he said. Mark nodded. "Ok, Scott, what can you tell me about the death?" he asked. Scott sighed. "The victims name is Casey Wilson, he's seventeen years old, he is, oh, was, the star of the High School's track team." he said. Mark sighed, "Did you know him?" he asked. Scott nodded. "Him and his parents. He and my son have been best friends since grade school. He was devistated when he found out. So were Casey's parents. I had just gotten through telling them that I'd send someone out to look for him when I found out."
Mark sighed again before speaking. "Do you know anyone who would want Casey dead?" asked Mark. Scott shook his head. "Not off the top of my head. I asked Casey's parents that same question, and they also said they didn't know." Mark thought a moment. "Did Casey have many friends?" he asked. Scott nodded. "A few, not very many. He mostly hung out with a few kids on his block. I've sent someone off to interview them. Mark was silent for a moment, then spoke. "Scott, I'm going to need two things." he said. "Ok what?" asked Scott. "First off, I'll need directions to the nearest hotel." Scott nodded. "We only have the one, the Night Inn, it's about two blocks from here." Mark nodded. "Thanks." "What's the other thing?" he asked. Mark turned to him. "I need to talk to your son." Scott was surprised. "Lyle? Why?" he asked. "Because he was Casey's best friend. He may know someone who wanted him dead."
said Mark.