Windwakerguy430 Club
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Random picture, with no connection to the story
Random picture, with no connection to the story
I made this when I first started writing. So the grammer isn't very good..

Grady Edwards. A constant on the run serial killer, that is always changing his name. Today he met Susan at the grocery store, he introduced himself as David Harris. He pretended to be divorced, but in reality he murdered his old wife, and her family. "Yep, she was mad at me for my constant tenancy to take shit in the pool" David said. Everyone took a step back. David walked away. Unaware of the danger it will eventually cause Susan asked David to stay with her family. He agreed.

Susan's oldest son, Michael was returning from military school. His family had a surprise party waiting for him, and when he arrived the party had started. Michael met David and he lead the two down towards the basement. He tried befriending him over drinks. "We will bring the family together, farther and son" David said. "STEP farther" Michael said. "Of curse" David said with a grin. "What if mom disagrees?" Michael asked. "Then I'll have to kill her" David whispered to himself. "WHAT!" Michael cried. "WHAT!" David cried. "Did you just say your kill my mother" Michael asked. "No" David said quickly. David started bring him upstairs. "This has been a nice chat" David said quickly. "but David" Michael said, but David closed the door on him.

For a while things seemed pretty ordinary. Until that day came, where old Mrs. Martin knocked on their door. She was talking to Susan but nobody heard them. She later told David that Mrs. Martin said she saw a killer named Granny Edwards on America's most wanted, and he looked just like David. They both laughed, well David pretended to laugh, he was nervous. "This will make me a big hit with the neighbors" David joked.


Getting worried, David checked America's most wanted for Granny Edwards, and sure enough there he was. Mrs. Martin knows to much. David had to "take care" of her.


There was a knock on Mrs. Martin's door. Mrs. Martin answered it, but nobody was there. Unknown to anyone David somehow sneak in. After a small audience scare, using a cat. David appeared and grabbed Mrs. Martin and tossed her towards the open door to the basement. Mrs. Martin catched herself. David walked up to her. He looked at her for a second. Then randomly screamed the famish quote "THIS IS SPARTA!" The kicked her she literary flew over the stairs and cracked her head open at a wall at the bottom. She was dead. David closed the door and walked away, quietly laughing to himself.


Earlier that day David met Kelly, Michael's girlfriend. "Be careful, people may get the wrong idea about you two" he said. "What do think people think about you moving in with my mother" Michael snapped. David violently grabbed his shirt. "WHAT DID YOU SAAY!" He screamed. But then suddenly calmed down, and remained that way. "By the way Michael, you know how you wanted that job, well the manager and I had a little chat, and he agreed to put you" David said. "What kind of chat?" Michael asked.


David pointing a fully loaded Desert eagle at the manager. "YOU WANT A BULLIT IN YOU!?" He screamed angrily. "NOO!" The manager screamed. "GIVE HIM THE F***IN JOB!" David screamed. "Alright" the manager said.


"A nice chat" David said. Suddenly David stared seeing them as his old family, and was getting overly anxious, but soon snapped out of it as.

The next morning, Michael woke up to sirens next doo r. The family asked David what's going on. "You know the old lady next, she fell down the stairs and broke her neck" David told them. "Ou that poor women" Susan said hold up hands over her mouth.


Michael was becoming specious of David. He told his girlfriend Kelly, but she wasn't buying it. "Look what he's doing know" Michael said pointing to the distance. Shows David chasing a chipmunk with a spiked baseball bat. The chipmunk ran up a tree. "YA! THAT'S RIGHT RUN! YOU COWARDLY PIECE OF RAT SHIT!" David screamed at it. "What's wrong mister Harris?" Kelly asked. "Just mind your own damn business" David snapped. Kelly was about say something when David screamed, "SILENC! I'll KILL YOU!"


David took Michael to dinner, at a restaurant. David told Michael about his daughters. But Michael got worried again as David seemed to miss say his daughters names.

Michael told Kelly, but she STILL wasn't convinced. "He's hiding something" Michael said. "Doesn't mean he's a killer" Kelly said.

Susan's youngest son Shaun was playing video games super loudly. Susan kept saying tune it down, but he wasn't lessoning. Finally David grabbed the back of his neck. "MAMA SAID! TUNE IT DOWN!" David cried violently. He turned down the volume and walked away. Leaving Shaun staring at him with fear in his eyes.

David approached downstairs and saw Michael and Kelly making out in the pool. "Are you sure it's a good idea, for them to be so passionate at their age?" David asked.

Susan's ex husband arrived today. He Shaun and Susan's daughter for the day, Susan was also gone for the day. Michael and Kelly began kissing in the pool again. It was interrupted when they saw David. David said he was leaving them alone for a bit. "You two play nice now" He said, then left. As soon as he did Michael began searching through his stuff for evidence that he is bad. Before was able to finish David returned. And Michael and Kelly had to run back towards the pool.

David and Michael were glaring at each other all through dinner. Suddenly the doorbell rang, Shaun and his sister came out with their old dad. He was super angrily. And violently pointed at David. "IF YOU EVER LAY A HAND ON ONE OF MY KIDS AGAIN! IT'LL BE THE LAST F***IN THING YOU EVER DO!" The dad screamed angrily. "What the hell are you talking about?" Susan asked. "THIS MAN TRIED TO CHUCK SHAUN OVER THE STUPID VIDEOGAME VOLUME!" He cried angrily. "Susan told him to tune it down, and he didn't" David said. The other dad lost it and started getting violent, but Michael pulled him away and took him outside.

The dad quickly calmed down, and he and Michael agreed to keep an eye on David.

David apologized to Shaun, when they were alone, Susan began getting angry with him, but David promised not to do it again.

Susan's ex husband came over today. Where he was greeted by David. He apologized to David for his impression last time. "It's alright" David assured him.


David disappeared into another room. "You know Michael want's me to keep an eye on you, and to be honest, I'd like some answers" The ex dad said. "Do you hear me?" The ex dad cried. "Yep" David said suddenly appearing behind him. Before the guy realized what happened David broke a glass vase on his head, knocking him unconscious.

David threw him into the basement. And suffocated him in folding paper. "Damn, I forgot to tell you how crazy I am" David said to the motionless body. "Do want to catch a movie?" David asked the body. The body remains motionless. "HEY (kicks body) ANSWER GOD DAMMIT... Ou right" David said.

David threw the body into the fridge. "I need some cold meat". David opens the fridge, but freaked out because he forgot about the body he threw in a couple seconds ago.


"Hey honey, I accidently broke your vase" David lied, holding up the vase pieces. Susan laughed. "Don't worry… IS THAT BLOOD STAINS!" Susan cried. "No it's… ketchup, I… dropped a heavy, amount, of ketchup… Ya that's it, liquids are heavier then you think, think of water buckets for example, their like one thousand pounds" David said. "Ok" Susan said, obviously buying it.


David sat on the computer and saw the email, which read.

Hey sweetie,

I need to talk to you about David. I think he's lying, about EVERYTHING! I'm sending someone to keep an eye on him. As for me, I need to catch a plane.

David's eye twitched. He picked up his phone. "Yes, I'll like to make a call about canceling a flight" David said into it.


David came up to Susan's sister at the pool. And violently started drowning her, by throwing her head in the water. Once she was dead, David threw the rest of her body in the pool.


Michael wanted answers once and for all. So he sneaked into the basement. He eventually stumbled on the body of his ex dad, locked in the fridge.

David kidnapped Kelly, and locked Michael in basement, so Michael couldn't do anything

David was losing it at this point, he was taking a bunch of knives and hammers, getting ready to kill. Susan came down. "What's with all the noise?" She said tiredly. "THE BOY IS THE PROBLEM! HE HAS NO RESPECT!" David cried. David picks a pencil. "YOU GOTTA BREAK HIM IF NESSASSARY!" David cried and tried to snap the pencil, but failed in doing so, he threw it away in anger. "Anyway… You can't do that you're too soft" David told her. "What the hell are you talking about?" Susan asked. "I thought I could make this work, I thought you could be Mrs. Granny Edwards, BUT NO!" David cried and slammed his fist on the table but suddenly started screaming in pain. "What did you say?" Susan asked. "No that's not right, who am I here?" David asked. "David, what are you" Susan started. "DAVID! David Harris" David said and then began making a mussed up psychopathic laugh. Susan screamed in fear and ran upstairs, David chased her with a knife.

David cornered her in a bathroom. Susan picked up a piece of glass. And as David was about to stab his knife into her, she put the glass in his neck. "IS THAT ALL YOU GOT!" David cried before falling down.

Susan met Michael and Kelly downstairs. But David has appeared to have waken up and chased them into the attic.


"DADDIES HOME!" David cried. He took out a chainsaw and again started making that that messed up psychopathic laugh. Unfortunately for him he stepped on a skateboard and fell down the edge.


David, who survived unharmed, met a new family and introduced himself as Chris Ames.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Con Mane: Diamond Tiara's Are Forever - 2013

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. Pingas

Number 7, and counting. I present to everyone Diamond Tiara's Are Forever.


Doughnut Joe................................Con Mane
Diamond Tiara...............................Miss. Filly
Silverspoon....................................Miss. Silver
Carrot Top.....................................Bambi
Berry Punch...................................Thumper
Pinkie Pie..............................................P
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added by Windwakerguy430
added by Seanthehedgehog
posted by Windwakerguy430
(Cody stands in front of Wind outside as Wind sits on a bench)
Cody: So Wind, remember when you said that Mal-Mart barely pays their employees
Wind: Yes
Cody: Well, you were right… but, with lots of hard work, and having to sacrifice our food, James and I were able to buy a car for us to use
Wind: Wait… You two have a license to drive
Cody: Of course. Got it from a Cheery U cereal box. Anyway, here is the new car
(Nothing happens)
Cody: James, you gotta show the car when I say that
James: Just give me a second. This shift stick is stuck (Drives up to the two in a white golf cart)
Wind: … This...
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Art by Alinah_09
Art by Alinah_09
In 1931, the classic horror movie monster, Dracula, made his film debut. It was one of the major horror movie classics along with Frankenstein, Wolfman, and The Mummy. It was later followed by a bunch of sequels, ranging from good, to total garbage. Never did any of them ever live up to the glory of the classic Dracula movie. They tried (Most of the time), but never could they capture the same feeling as the classic 1931 movie. But, the closest we had ever gotten to being the next successful Dracula movie (In my opinion), was Francis Ford Coppola’s Dracula.

Now, sadly, the classic 1931...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Wind: (At the pharmacy getting pills)
Cody: (Runs in) Wind, did you hear
Wind: ….. No.
Cody: That knew superhero movie by MC is out
Wind: You mean the one where they turned one of their characters into an emo?
Cody: It looks stupid at first, but it’s actually really cool. Didn’t you hear about it
Wind: Well, given that I can’t get away from it no matter where I look (Sees the movie advertised on several posters, billboards, and newspapers) Yeah, I heard about it
Cody: Oh, I can’t wait to see it
Wind: I can wait, however (Looks through the pills)
Cody: What are you looking for?
Wind: I need...
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added by Windwakerguy430
posted by Windwakerguy430
(The following is not meant to be taken seriously. Please do not murder and then sue me)

So, you failed at everything else in life and want to become Youtube famous? Well, it’s your lucky day, you sad fuck, because I am going to tell you how you can become internet famous in just five easy ways.

Step 1: Do A Review

Now, your review (Or rather, your pointless opinion that no one gives a shit about) is what makes a perfect review. Weather it’s movie, or tv shows, or anime, or the most overused of them, games, you too can be the perfect whore by pleasuring companies with a folded hundred dollar...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Long ago, the world was ruled by the immortal dragons, where they were all immortal. Except for Seath, the scaleless, legless albino dragon. He was mocked by his brothers for the color of his skin. So, naturally, he was so PO’d, that he wanted to do whatever he could to kill all of his brothers, because why not. So, after searching forever, he was able to find three lords. Gravelord Nito, a giant dead guy made of a million other dead guys who was responsible for the diseases in Lordran (Thanks for the herpes, prick), The Witch of Izalith, a women with a whole lot of children and was up...
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Top 49 Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker Islands (Least Favorite to Favorite)

49: Tingle Island
48: North Triangle Island
47: East Triangle Island
46: South Triangle Island
45: Star Belt Archipelago
44: Crescent Moon Island
43: Five-Star Isles
42: Horseshoe Island
41: Star Island
40: Seven-Star Isles
39: Mother and Child Isles
38: Greatfish Isle
37: Ice Ring Isle
36: Southern Fairy Island
35: North Fairy Island
34: West Fairy Island
33: East Fairy Isle
32: Thorned Fairy Island
31: Two-Eye Reef
30: Four-Eye Reef
29: Three-Eye Isle
28: Six-Eye Reef
27: Five Eye Reef
26: Cyclops Reef
25: Angular Island
24: Spectacle Isle
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added by Seanthehedgehog
From the movie Hot Rods To Hell. The band is really great.
We all have those animated movies that we can't help but LOVE SO much. Whether it's for the music, animation, comedy, or even personal reasons in general, you can't help but push the replay button 50,000 times and never get tired of it.

And that's what this list is about! Every day (Or two) I'll be posting another part to this list, so keep that in mind while you read this!

Sit down, relax, and get out your soda! Because WE ARE COUNTING DOWN..........

My Top 10 FAVORITE Animated Films!

#10. The Road To El Dorado (Dreamworks, 2000)

This is a perfect example of a movie that just doesn't get as much...
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Okay, so I finally found a fanfic that doesn't have rape, pedophilia, bestiality, incest, or self-harm...... That doesn't mean the fanfic is good. The fanfic is called Kill the Killers.
It starts with all sorts of creepy pasta characters. So, it shows Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, and Slenderman reading horrible fanfics about them. And I admit, these are some god awful fanfics they wrote. How appropriate. Bad fanfics in a bad fanfic. So, each killer goes to teach the authors a lesson.
Jane goes and ties up the author of one fanfic and shoves buttons of a keyboard into her throat. Once that's...
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School Days.......... There is no intro. Lets just get this over with
(Warning. This article contains spoilers)
Now, I want to start off by saying that School Days is the worst anime I have ever seen. Let me repeat that. THE WORST ANIME I HAVE EVER FUCKING SEEN!!! Its like someone got a hold of some awful fanfiction and turned it into an anime. So, lets start. This whole anime is based off our main character, Dickhead Fuckface..... Oh, sorry, I mean Makoto.... AKA Dickhead Fuckface. Incase your wondering why I'm saying this, well its simple. I fucking hate Makoto. He is like David from The Pokemon...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello everyone, and welcome to Boss Bits. This time, well be talking about the top game on the XBox. Nintendo consoles have Mario and Playstation has Nathan Drake. So, what does XBox have.... Master Cheif that's who, from the Halo game. The Halo series is an FPS game. Oh boy.... Actually, it's a pretty good FPS. Most FPS's are just "Hey, here's a guy shoot him. Hide behind cover. Wait for dumb ass soldier to pop his head out and shoot him. Get to a part where you have to die for story reasons so you can say "WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT"!!! No, none of that is in Halo. Halo actually has a great...
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When I was a little kid, I played this one video game called Vigilante 8: Second Offensives. In that game, there was a level where you can find a meteor and a giant ant would come out and attack. Since then, I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of giant bugs in fiction. Only a few years ago did I find out about this movie, 1954’s Them!. This was the first giant bug movie, which depending on your taste, is an accomplishment or a failure on the movies part. So, for the third day of Cultober, let us take a look at Them and see what makes it such a classic film for the time of the 50s.

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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: Not Warner Brothers
posted by Seanthehedgehog

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! Pingas!

Pinkie's Ghost

It was a dark night, and there was lots of fog. Then, the ghost pony was seen running through the streets of Ponyville. He was killed in an accident on Halloween, and every year on the day of the accident, the ghost pony runs around ponyville, shreiking like a lost soul!

Rainbow Dash: Pinkie, what are you talking about?
Pinkie Pie: The ghost pony. Snips, and Snails saw it last night.
Rainbow Dash: Where?
Pinkie Pie: They didn't tell me. Oh, it makes my legs wobble to think about it.
Rainbow Dash: Ha! You're just a gullible pony....
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Song: link

Saten Twist: Season 2 is over. I shall be the host.
S.B: No you're not. *Pushes Saten Twist off a cliff* Someone good is gonna be the host, and that someone is me. I'm from Trainz, and welcome to Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. Now in case you're wondering, S does stand for Sean, and I am the one who wrote these stories. Everything we're showing this night is from The Adventures of Thomas & Friends.

Episode 18

The Stolen Coaches

The narrow gauge engines on Mr. Percival's Railway, enjoy Market Day. They get lots of passengers, and lots of visitors.

Today was Market Day, and...
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