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posted by Windwakerguy430
~5:30 PM
October 9th 2079
Takedown TV Stadium - Janitor’s Hall~

Alice: (She was placing some clothes into a small bag, unable to stay here after what she did. The looks she had gotten from Beck, Gregory and Simon and despite it all, Apollo continued to treat her with respect. It was an awful feeling, knowing that the person who beat her in the fight continued to treat her as if nothing happened. It made her ill. As she was putting her things away, there was a knock at the door)
Carlos: (He opened the door and walked in) Hey, Alice. You okay
Alice: (She hid her bag underneath the blanket from Carlos) Y-Yeah, I’m fine
Carlos: Hey, Alice. I have something I want to ask you (He made his way inside and closed the door behind him)
Alice: Sure. What is it
Carlos: (He moved towards Alice, and held her head up gently by her chin) Alice, I want an honest answer. How do you feel about me
Alice: H-how do I feel? I respect you. You were there, protecting many others before us, always wanting to help them, no matter what. Anything else would be no good. I will always be by your side, Carlos
Carlos: (He couldn’t help but smile at Alice’s words)

~6:00 PM
October 9th 2079
Frankie’s Diner~

Apollo: (He sat on the opposite side, finishing his cup of coffee) So what’s this all about, sir?
Mr. Biggs: (He was drinking a cup of tea, rather calmly, as he sat across from Apollo) Hey, don’t worry. I’m not here to try anything funny. We’ll leave that for the show. Just because we’re in the show doesn’t mean we can’t at least have a chat.
Apollo: Alright. So why did you bring me here to talk
Mr. Biggs: Just about some things. I like you kid. You have guts and you have the will to continue.
Apollo: All for the dream of taking you down
Mr. Biggs: (He gives a humorous chuckle) That’s what I like to hear, kid. So, you’re next opponent is Shinji Tekumi. I hear he’s got something up his sleeve. You’d best ready yourself for whatever it is
Apollo: At this point, I’m ready for anything. Nothing can surprise me at this point
Mr. Biggs: Good, good. I’m sure of it. (He got up, setting a few hundred dollars on the table, most of it just being a tip) Oh, and one more thing. It’s just a hunch… But I think that someone you know… They aren’t what they seem
Apollo: W-What do you mean
Mr. Biggs: I’m just saying, there’s someone who is more than you think they are. I’ll be seeing you, kid (He made his way out the door)
Apollo: (He sat in silence at Mr. Biggs’ words) What does he mean? Someone is more than I think they are? What does that mean?

~8:30 PM
October 10th 2079
Takedown TV Stadium~

Apollo: (He made his way out to the stadium at the cheering of a thousand spectators. He knew the drill at this point, and was ready to get started. As he stepped onto the field, Mr. Biggs spoke into the microphone from his balcony. It was the typical thing he would do to greet Apollo, now Rank 5th)
Mr. Biggs: And in this corner, we have, Rank 4th, Shinji Tekumi
(As the crowd cheered, a Japanese man with combed black hair in a black suit stepped out onto the stadium. He made his way to Apollo before giving a polite bow)
Shinji: Hello, my name is Shinji Tekumi. I am the president of Shinji Technology (He takes out a business card and hands it to Apollo)
Apollo: I see. So what’s your deal? Is this card gonna explode or something
Shinji: Of course not. I never resort to such cheap tactics. My style is fit to my opponents
Apollo: Is that so. Then let’s get started
Shinji: Right to the point. I like that. Alright then. Then let us begin the duel (He looked down at his wristwatch and pushed a button on it. Once he did, a strange figure appeared in the sky, before it fell to the stadium. Upon impact, the crowd saw that it was a giant robot, designed to look like a Japanese shogun. The robot picked Shinji up and placed it inside of it’s head. From inside, Shinji could see through the eyes of the robot)
Apollo: What the hell is that?
Shinji: This is the prime of Shinji Technology: The Sho-Gun.
Apollo: I thought you said your style fits with your opponent?
Shinji: It does. You didn’t make it to the Top Five just by slacking off, did you?
Apollo: I guess you have a point there
Shinji: Good. Then let the fight begin
Sho-Gun: (Raising it’s massive katana in the air, it swung down at Apollo)
Apollo: (Just barely, he was able to dodge out of the way of the sword before it crashed into the ground, sending chunks of it flying in several directions)
Sho-Gun: (Grabbing hold of the sword, it swung again to strike Apollo)
Apollo: (He dodged once again, finding it difficult to get this guy) Shit, I’m never gonna hit this guy at this rate. Well, if this guy is gonna use some machinery, it’s only fair I do the same. Come, Red Devil!
(In a matter of seconds, the Red Devil came driving through the halls of the stadium and into the stadium itself. The car stopped next to Apollo, and he climbed his way into the car)
Shinji: Ah, I see you have your own machine to best me. I like your style. But let us see which machine is superior
Sho-Gun: (Raising it’s sword, it swung for another strike)
Red Devil: (Sensing the attack coming, it did what it could to back up and avoid the strike. Once the sword struck the ground, the Red Devil went forward and up the sword like a road. It moved up the sword and the hilt before reaching the arm)
Apollo: (Hanging from outside the car door, he waited for the right opportunity. As soon as the car came to the part of the shoulder, he swung his sword with all his strength, hitting the soft part of the arm. The arm began to shoot sparks and malfunction)
Shinji: Ah, of course, hitting the wiring. Good work, kid. But this just leads me to my next attack
Sho-Gun: (With it’s arm malfunctioning, it tossed the sword away and stood still. It’s chest opened up to reveal a massive chamber of missiles. It fired several at the Red Devil to blow it up)
Red Devil: (While on auto-control, it did what it could to swerve back and forth to avoid the attacks from the machine)
Apollo: (He opened the car door and got on the top) Alright, I’ve been making gambles continuously throughout this entire thing. Let’s see if my luck has run out just yet
(As another missile came towards Apollo, with all the courage he could build up, he swung his foot up to kick the bottom of the missile. The force of the kick, mixed with the fuel pushing it forward, sent it shooting in several directions. It continued to fly around before crashing through the left eye of the Sho-Gun)
Shinji: (He covered his head from the shattered glass, before he noticed the missile was inside the cockpit, and had activated) Heh, lucky kid
(From the outside, the audience watched as the head of the Sho-Gun, and Shinji with it, exploded, killing him and destroying the Sho-Gun)
Mr. Biggs: There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Shunji is dead. Apollo Juichi is now Rank 4th.
(The crowd cheered as Apollo breathed heavily from the fight)

~11:20 PM
October 10th 2079
Sun Lee’s Dojo~

Sun Lee: (He was reading from one of his books when he heard a knock at the door) We’re closed! Come back tomorrow!
(The knocking continued)
Sun Lee: (Annoyed now, he set his book down and made his way to the door. He opened it, seeing a shadowy figure) I told you that we were clo-
(Before he could continue, he was shot in the chest. His eyes widened from shock, as he fell back. The blood from the wound began to seep through his clothing, as he lied there and bled out. The figure watched away with the gun, the illustration of a tiger on it)

~9:30 AM
November 3rd 2079
Takedown TV Stadium - Janitor’s Hall~

Apollo: (He sat in his room, angry and depressed. Alice was gone and Sun Lee was dead. He sat in silence, and was angered by the sudden events)
Carlos: (He knocked on Apollo’s door) Apollo, man, I know that what happened must have upset you, but you can’t brood on it forever
Apollo: I know. I should be used to death by now. I’ve taken so many lives, but when someone I know is killed… You think this is karma?
Carlos: I don’t know, Apollo. I really don’t. But I know that Alice didn’t do it
Apollo: She’s gone, and she clearly was against me. There couldn’t have been anyone else who would do it.
Carlos: But why would she want to do that
Apollo: She said that… That because your dream was to fight the strongest, she thought that meant Mr. Biggs, but after you said there was someone stronger… I guess she thought Sun Lee was the strongest and wanted to prove it.
Carlos: Well, what are you gonna do
Apollo: What I’ve been doing. I’m still gonna finish what I’ve started, and become the champion. But if I do find Alice… God help me
Carlos: Apollo, please, she was a friend of ours
Apollo: She was your friend. Yours and the others. She never wanted anything to do with me, trust me.
Carlos: But after you spared her? Do you think she would still think badly of you?
Apollo: I don’t know. Maybe she was so hurt by her defeat she wanted to prove something
Carlos: (Sighs) I swear, you’re helpless. Well, you got another match today, so be ready
Apollo: Yeah… I know.

~8:30 PM
November 3rd 2079
Sangria Town Park~

Apollo: (He walked down the park path, the edges covered with flowers. At the end of the path was a single area, all lined with purple flowers. The moon was out at this time. Apollo noticed a figure sitting atop a tree. It was a woman with long black hair, wearing a black sleeveless dress and black stockings. She looked down at Apollo, as the moon shined behind her)
Apollo: So, you’re Rank 3, huh? Didn’t think it would be a cute girl. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to get to this
Girl: Please, don’t treat me any differently because I’m a woman. I’m as strong as any opponent you’ve faced. Hell, if my rank says anything, I’m stronger than what you’ve faced. My name is Luna.
Apollo: I’m Apollo, and I’m the guy who’s gonna beat you
Luna: We’ll see about that (She reached behind her and pulled out a scythe. She swung it around on the opposite side, showing it to also be a machine gun) Then come on (She readied her gun and began to fire upon Apollo)
Apollo: (He used his sword to deflect the bullets. Having bettered himself at it since his fight with Bronco, he was able to deflect them better. He made his way towards Luna, continuing to deflect her bullets)
Luna: (The moment he was close to her, she swung her weapon around and used the scythe to strike at him)
Apollo: (He used his sword to deflect the blow from the scythe, the sparks lighting up the darkness, allowing them to see their faces)
Luna: Hmm, you’re not bad yourself… For a killer (She swung her scythe up, sending Apollo back)
Apollo: Thanks
Luna: Well, let’s not stop now. The night is still young (She readied her machine gun again)
Apollo: (He ran towards Luna, his sword ready to deflect the attacks)
Luna: (She began to fire the machine gun in random spurts)
Apollo: (He was only able to deflect a few bullets, as they were coming in unpredictable patterns. Seeing as it was now harder to block, he began to dodge the bullets that she fired)
Luna: (She continued to fire at Apollo, hoping to tiring him out as he dodged)
Apollo: (Seeing through her plan, he decided to come up with a plan of his own. He continued to dodge the bullets while slowly making his way towards her)
Luna: (She continued firing, as she tried to predict Apollo’s next move)
Apollo: (Now that he was right next to Luna, he was ready to attack)
Luna: (The moment she saw Apollo was next to him, she began to swing her weapon around to ready her scythe)
Apollo: (He swung his sword up, knocking Luna’s weapon out of her hand as it flew to the other side. Apollo looked at Luna as she was now unarmed and at his mercy) You’re finished
Luna: Looks like it. But don’t get cocky just yet! (She made her way to her weapon to attack again)
Apollo: (In his reflexes, he swung the sword at her foot, and sliced at her ankle. She fell down, gritting her teeth in pain, as she lied on the ground)
Luna: I guess you really are the winner, huh
Apollo: That’s right
Luna: Well, you know what to do, right
Apollo: Yeah (He aimed the sword at her neck, but he hesitated to do so)
Luna: Apollo, you have to kill me. If you don’t, then your win is forfeit. If I don’t die here tonight, you will be disqualified
Apollo: I know, I know… But I don’t have the guts to kill a woman
Luna: (She sighed) You’re such an idiot. You are always thinking of what’s best, but you’ve killed so many already
Apollo: (He turned his back to her, unsure of what to do)
Luna: (As Apollo had his back to her, she grabbed her weapon and made her way to Apollo, limping as she did so)
Apollo: (He turned around the moment Luna was behind her)
Luna: (She had a chance to kill Apollo, but instead of doing so, she placed her hand on his cheek) You’re an idiot, Apollo. You really are. But you’re a good man. A wonderful man, even. (She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek)
Apollo: Why are you saying this all of a sudden
Luna: You may see us as killers, but some of us, even we have honor. I wouldn’t kill you with your back turned, and I wouldn’t strip you of your deserved victory (She held her scythe up, the blade around her neck) Thank you… For this final battle
Apollo: What are you trying to say
Luna: Goodbye, Apollo
Apollo: (As soon as he saw what was going on, he couldn’t help himself. He extended his hand towards Luna) Wait! Stop!
(Before he could do anything, it was too late. Luna sent her scythe downward, and in an instant, she decapitated herself. Her body fell to the ground, limp, as her blood covered the flowers next to them)
Apollo: (He looked at the body of Luna, he was mortified at the sight. He stood there, looking at her body. He took her scythe and placed it around her arms, standing there in silence before he turned and made his way out of the park)


(A figure within a tank with blue liquid and wires in his body slept silently. In an instant, his eyes shot open. One was a clear blue eye, and the other was a red light, as he looked forward, thinking to himself)
???: Rank 3 is dead. My opponent is coming for me. It’s finally time I had someone to face off against. This whole event has turned out to be interesting.
If there is any game that is batshit insanely fun and stupid at the same time, completely screwing up all logic in the process, it is no doubt Saints Row IV. I mean, what other game has you start off the game with killing terrorists and climbing on a missile while Aerosmith plays and blowing it up over Washington D.C. and instantly become the president of the United States with Keith David as vice president…. No game does that. And then… there’s the DLC. OH BOY, THE DLC.
Now, I just want to state that I NEVER buy DLC. Believe me, I once bought Majora’s Mask clothing for Super Smash Bros...
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Well. Another Christmas, another year of stress, later leading to total bankruptcy because of the expensive PS4 you bought for your children, and you’ll be forced to starve while your parents work multiple jobs just to get by. What a magical time of year. So, naturally, whenever this time of year comes up, I play every video game I can find and look over at all of the Christmas themed levels in it. Weather it is a huge mound of Christmas with lights and ribbons, or if it’s a small mound of snow, Christmas is always a nice thing to see in video games. So, today, I want to share with you...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
You know, I made quite a lot of fans on Fanpop…… So lets lose every single last one of them in one fail swoop. Now, there are a lot of fandoms. Sure, a lot of people look at them as terrible and annoying idiots that are lost in their own little world, but, they aren’t nothing compared to the worst fandoms ever. Now, if you are a fan to these things, I am not saying that you are a terrible person, or an annoying person. I am just talking about those more hardcore fans who will defend their opinion like it’s a goddamn fort. Now, with that said, let’s start the list.

#5: Anime - Now,...
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added by Windwakerguy430
posted by Windwakerguy430
I was in the darkness again. I couldn’t see anything. Every night, I would come here, unsure of where I am. Suddenly, I saw it. A white house. It was two stories tall, with a walkway that stretched for what felt like eternity. The windows were curved, all of them having red curtains. But, what stood out was the white door with the black doorknob. Why was this hear. It looked threatening, but at the same time, it seduced me, tempting me, wanting me to turn it and open the door. I slowly reached toward it. The distance of my hand the the doorknob slowly decreasing. I finally placed my hand...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Applejack was walking around Ponyville. All the ponies were having a wonderful time, and the weather was like a summer day in August. It was wonderful.

Applejack: Twilight, what's up?
Twilight: Man I still sound like a black man, but things are alright.
Applejack: do you know when Celestia will let you become a princess again?
Twilight: I have to cast a spell that can fix broken windows. Do you have any?
Applejack: Maybe, you can go check in the attic in my barn.
Twilight: Thanks man.

Twilight went to Sweet Apple Acres, and checked where Applejack told her to. Just then Rainbow Dash...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Song: link
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

St. Foalis Maressouri, 6 PM.

A crowd of thousands of ponies gathered at the Gateway Arch to experience a comedy show that was being filmed live in 4k. The comedian? Tom Foolery.

Crowd: *Clapping, and chanting* Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom!
Tom: *Arrives at a temporary stage under the Gateway Arch*
Crowd: *Cheering, as they continue to clap*
Tom: Thank you everypony.
Crowd: *Continuing to cheer and clap*
Tom: Thank you very much....
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Song: link

Sean: *Slowly pushing a DJ stereo down the tracks*
Passengers: *Headbanging while doing a rock sign with their fingers*
Ian: What have you done to my passengers?!
Sean: Gave them some enjoyable music.
Kevin & Liam: *Headbanging*
Stylo: Who's hosting?!
Blossom: I am. We have back to back episodes for The Real Powerpuff Girls, then at 8:30, we'll show an episode from Ponies On The Rails, and Trainz.


People: *Watching the 2016 Powerpuff Girls*
Tom Kenny: *Appears on the TV screen, and talks in his narrator voice* Ladies, and gentlemen, you finally get to see my gorgeous face. Also, you...
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I was really not looking forward to this game. Drake of the 99 Dragons is infamous for being a broken, buggy, glitchy mess… more so than the games I’ve played thus far. It was a game that was heavily advertised when it came out, having boasted about having the team that worked on Batman: The Animated series. Published by Majesco and developed by Idol FX, Drake of the 99 Dragons was meant to be the start of a massive franchise, with Drake of the 99 Dragons getting a comic book franchise and even an animated TV show. But due to the game being Drake of the 99 Dragons, it was dead on arrival....
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Dragon Ball Z, a show from many people’s childhood, myself included. It was a show that had stylish animation and art to it, insane battles, and a show where characters would die. In the 90s, this shit was hardcore. Dragon Ball Z has dwindled in popularity recently, still very much popular, but not as much as it once was, probably due to Super being… the worst fucking thing. Hey, speaking of the worst fucking thing, Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22. Why 22, we’ll get into that. Published by Infograms in America, but Bandai in Japan, the game was developed by Tose Software, who has made...
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Song: link

Sean: Welcome back to Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. We will not be here next Friday since that is the first Saturday of the month of July, but we will see you on the 13th. And now, here's The Seven-Ups.

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

The Seven Ups

Near Grand Central Station in Manehattan

Buddy: *walking along street*
Ponies: *driving cars*
Other ponies: *walking down street*
Buddy: *sees window washer*
Police: *waiting in alley way*
Buddy: *enters building*
store owner: Hello sir, how are you?
Buddy: Fine, just fine.
Stallion: *Carrying a vase as he walks downstairs*
Buddy: *Looks...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

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