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Song: link

Carter: *Listening to the music* Uh, what's happening?
Saten Twist: More music.
Master Sword: What did you think was going to happen?
Pete: Hello everyone, Pete Reimer here again. Now it's time for back to back episodes of talking trains. I mean, the show is Trainz. That's what we're watching. If they could spell the title properly though, that would be fantastic.

Theme Song: link

Welcome to a place called The Island Of Errol. A place that is run by five railroads. It has hundreds of engines, and lots of trains in the four towns, Mossberg, Hunterdon, Zorrin, and Eastwood.

This is the story of trainz.

Stop the song

Episode 12: The Big Storm

Weather reports were going around the Island of Errol about a big snowstorm. At least fifteen inches of snow were to be expected.

All of the engines all over the island were being informed about the storm.

Mr. Baldwin: A big snow storm is expected to come this way. I don't know if it'll hit every single part of the island, but we need to get some snowplows set up. We'll have them in the trainyard.
Sean: Do they know when the storm is supposed to hit?
Mr. Baldwin: Sometime tomorrow. Now I want all of you to do your jobs. Jeff, and Bryce, Bellette station needs refreshments for any passengers waiting to catch their train. I want you to deliver them.
Jeff: Okay. *Goes to yard to collect his train*
Bryce: *Follows Jeff*
Mr. Baldwin: Leon.
Leon: Yes sir?
Mr. Baldwin: I want you, and the other PA's to bring a heavy passenger train to Impala Station.
Stan: You forgot to call us by our full names.
Sebastian: You can't just simply call us PA's.
Xavier: We are the four random D&H Alco PA's.
Mr. Baldwin: Give me the extra info on your break. Now hurry up, you're wasting time.
Leon: Let's go boys. *Leaves the sheds*
Sebastian, Stan, and Xavier: *Follows Leon*
Sean: I don't know why, but that reminded me of a joke.
Mike: Heey, I love jokes.
Mr. Baldwin: Not now Sean!
Sean: *Ignores Mr. Baldwin* What do you get when you combine a bee with a car?
Mike: I don't know.
Sean: A Hudson Hornet!
Mike: *Laughs*
Sean: For those of you reading this that don't understand the joke, watch the movie Cars. It's kinda like this, only with cars.
Mr. Baldwin: That's enough. We are getting really busy with this snowstorm, and all you do is joke around. Now if you don't mind, I wanna give you your jobs without any interruptions.
Sean: Sorry sir. Go ahead.
Mr. Baldwin: Thank you. As I was saying-
Sean: But do you really have to get angry after I tell a joke?
Mr. Baldwin: If you don't stop talking, I'll give you to Mr. Bruce, and his cronies on the Northern Errol Line for free!
Sean: Okay. Forgive me.

Speaking of the Northern Errol Line, this is what was happening.

Robert: *Pushing freight cars onto a train* Mr. Bruce is taking this too seriously.
Matt: All he wants us to do is work work work, and he won't even give us snowplows.
Tony: One of these days, I bet he'll get replaced by someone who actually cares about us engines.

Mr. Bruce arrived in his car, and saw his engines doing nothing.

Mr. Bruce: What is going on here?! I don't pay you to sit around, and gossip!
Tito: You're not paying us at all.
Mr. Bruce: Of course not! What would an engine do with money?
Robert: The same thing you do with yours. Buy stuff.
Richard: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I have a TV, and Blu Ray player inside my shed.
Tito: Any movies?
Richard: Yeah, but they're all DVD's.
Mr. Bruce: Stop talking!! There will be a snowstorm on it's way here, and we cannot allow it to slow down our operations. We have to keep the trains moving!
Robert: You can count on us.
Tito: We won't let you down sir.
Mr. Bruce: Somehow I doubt it. Alright, carry on with your work. *Drives away*
Tony: We better do what he says.

As the hours passed by, the temperature dropped. It went all the way to seventeen degrees farenheit. Then, the next morning, it snowed. Lightly at first, but then it started getting heavier around 10 AM.

Tabby, and Bri were doubleheading on the passenger train heading for the bridge that would take them to Santa Cruz.

Bri: It's getting really cold over there.
Tabby: A good thing for us, and those passengers on our train that we'll be out of the storm.

They got on the bridge, and were off the island.

On the Northern Errol Line, Kenny, and Panzer were clearing the line with a rotary snowplow. A special type of snowplow that others refer to call a snow blower.

Kenny: *Pushing the rotary snow plow*
Panzer: *Behind Kenny* The snow is starting to get heavier.
Kenny: Yeah, but at least we are close to going over the bridge.
Panzer: What bridge?
Kenny: The bridge that goes over the Eastern Pacific tracks.
Panzer: Ah, I see. Our snow blower will blow the snow onto their tracks. Very smart idea.

But as soon as they got onto the bridge, the rotary snowplow stopped working, and they were trapped.

Panzer: This can't be good.
Kenny: This has proven to be... Very. Annoying.
Panzer: We need help.
Andrew: *Pulling a short freight train, and is plowing the line*
Panzer: Andrew!
Kenny: No. We cannot allow any engines from the Eastern Pacific to help us.
Panzer: Kenny, we are stuck here. For all we know, all of the other engines on our railroad are too busy to help.
Andrew: *Stops by the bridge* Hey, do you guys need help?
Panzer: Yes! Please hurry.
Andrew: You got it.

Andrew knew he had to find help quickly, so he went into Hunterdon, where he saw Ethan plowing his line.

Andrew: *Stops* Ethan, we need your help.
Ethan: What's the matter?
Andrew: Kenny, and Panzer are stuck in the snow, because their rotary snowplow stopped working.
Ethan: Okay. What can I do?
Andrew: Tell Mr. Wright about it. See if he'll let you go on Mr. Bruce's line, and help those two get free.
Ethan: I'll go do it now.

Ethan hurried to Mr. Wright, and wasted no time telling him about Kenny, and Panzer being stuck in the snow.

Mr. Wright: Are you sure about it?
Ethan: Yes sir. Andrew saw them, and told me about it.
Mr. Wright: I'll send Jeremy to help them, and I'll call Mr. Bruce.
Ethan: Thank you sir. *Goes back to work*

Jeremy was a big diesel. Mr. Bruce, and his engines got along with him very well. When Jeremy got to the Northern Errol Line interchange, Mr. Bruce was there with Jack, and Ferris.

Jeremy: Hello guys.
Jack: Hi Jeremy.
Ferris: It's great to see you again.
Mr. Bruce: Now Jeremy, Ferris has a snowplow on him, and is coupled up to Jack. I want you to couple up to the other side of Jack facing backwards.
Jeremy: Okay. I'll get to a turntable quickly, and turn around so I can get coupled to Jack backwards.

After Jeremy got turned around, he coupled up to Jack, and was ready to go.

Ferris: Let's do this you two. *Pulls Jack, and Jeremy*
Jeremy: *Pushes Ferris, and Jack* See you later Mr. Bruce.
Mr. Bruce: Don't come back until you rescue Kenny, and Panzer.

Speaking of Kenny, and Panzer.

Panzer: *Freezing*
Kenny: *Freezing* How long have we been here?
Panzer: Not long enough. I want to freeze up, and get sent to another railroad.
Ferris: *Arrives with Jack, and Jeremy* Hello you two.
Kenny: Finally. You arrived to help us.
Jeremy: Of course we did.
Jack: Let's just hope your snow blower doesn't break down again after we rescue you.
Panzer: Actually, it just ran out of gas.
Kenny: Can you refuel it?
Jack: We need to get you out first.
Ferris: And I'm sure they have some extra fuel at the depot in front of us. You can use it for your rotary snow plow after we save you. *Uncouples himself from Jack, and moves foward*
Panzer: Where's he going?
Jack: He'll continue forward until he can find a switch onto your track.
Jeremy: I think he's gonna pull you while we push.
Kenny: *Looks up at the sky* Hey. It stopped snowing.
Panzer: Well that'll make things easier.
Ferris: *Goes onto the switch, and goes onto Kenny's track* Okay, now to get my snowplow onto my back, and go in reverse until I get back to Kenny, and Panzer.

* * *

Ferris: *Has his snowplow on his back, and goes in reverse to Kenny*
Panzer: Do you see him?
Kenny: No. Not yet.
Ferris: *Gets closer to Kenny*
Kenny: Oh, I see him.
Ferris: *Stops* I have plowed part of the line for you. Jack, take my snowplow, and get in front of us. Me, Kenny, and Panzer will follow you.
Jack: *Gets Ferris' snowplow on his front* Okay, let's go.
Jeremy: Right behind you. *Pushes Jack*
Jack: *Goes forward*

Jack, and Jeremy got to the switch Ferris used to get on Kenny, and Panzer's track, and got in front of the three engines. They plowed the snow off the line until they reached the Mossberg depot. From there, the snow blower was refueled, and Kenny, and Panzer were able to continue on by theirselves.

Jeremy: Well, I'm glad we were able to help out.
Jack: Yeah. It's always a good thing to help out a friend when they're in trouble.
Ferris: Let's go back into Zorrin. *Goes back to Zorrin*
Jack, and Jeremy: *Following Ferris*

The End


Theme Song: link

Welcome to a place called The Island Of Errol. A place that is run by five railroads. It has hundreds of engines, and lots of trains in the four towns, Mossberg, Hunterdon, Zorrin, and Eastwood.

This is the story of trainz.

Stop the song

Episode 13: Just Getting Started

It was a splendid day on the Island of Errol. Grayback was waiting for Andrew to arrive with freight cars at the Eastern Pacific interchange. Ethan was nearby keeping Grayback company.

Ethan: Did Mr. Wright tell you the good news?
Grayback: What good news?
Ethan: A part of our line is nearly complete.
Grayback: Oh yeah? Which one?
Ethan: Part of the line that heads towards the Eastwood & Mossberg line. We're going to have one of our tracks go at their station, and we'll have three of our own stations built at other parts of the line.
Grayback: Fantastic.
Andrew: *Arrives with freight cars* Here you are guys. I'm sorry that Shayne, Carter, and Jerry aren't here, but they're busy helping repair part of the line.
Grayback: Tell all three of them that I wish them good luck.
Andrew: Will do. *Uncouples from freight cars, and goes onto a different track. Then he leaves* I'll see you two later.
Ethan: Bye Andrew.
Grayback: And now to get these freight cars to Mr. Wright.
Ethan: You can take all of them, they don't need to be shunted.
Grayback: Thanks Ethan. *Couples up to freight cars, and pulls them*

Grayback wasted no time delivering the freight cars. When he got to Mr. Wright, he saw Brandon bringing in empty freight cars.

Brandon: I was just on the section of our line that's almost finished.
Grayback: Ethan told me about it. How is everything going?
Brandon: Magnificent.
Grayback: For a moment, I thought you said Maleficent.
Brandon: *Laughs*

It was then, Mr. Wright stuck his green microphone out of the building.

Mr. Wright: What's going on fellas?
Brandon: I just arrived with more empty freight cars.
Mr. Wright: Alright, leave them here, and I'll get Alex to take them to the Northern Errol Line. Grayback, I want you to help out Alyssa with her train. She's having trouble.
Grayback: I'll go see what the problem is. *Goes north*

Alyssa works on one of the tracks going north. Today, she was having trouble on a spot of tracks covered in grease. When a locomotive is pulling a train, it needs traction, but grease makes the tracks slippery, and it is difficult for an engine to get enough grip on slippery rails.

Grayback: *Stops in front of Alyssa* Heading back to Mr. Wright, huh?
Alyssa: Yeah, but I'm stuck on greasy rails.
Grayback: Alright, I'll try to get you out. We need a rope, or something for me to connect to you without getting on the greasy part of this track.

A chain was found, and placed on both the engines on their front couplers.

Grayback: Okay, are you ready?
Alyssa: I'm ready when you are.
Grayback: Okay. Pull your train on 3. 1, 2, 3. *Pulls Alyssa*
Alyssa: *Pulls her train, but her wheels slip for three seconds*
Grayback: Are your wheels getting any grip?
Alyssa: Barely.
Grayback: I'm gonna drop some sand. *Drops sand onto the rails*
Alyssa: *Slips, but her wheels gain grip from the sand* Hey, it worked.
Grayback: Good. I don't suppose you need my help anymore.
Alyssa: Nah, I'll take it from here.
Grayback: Good. *Gets chain off of him, and Alyssa. He then goes back to Mr. Wright*
Alyssa: *Follows Grayback with her train*

By the time they got back to Mr. Wright's house, the only engines they saw were Alex, and Ethan.

Alex: The line was just completed. Mr. Wright wants you to follow us to Mossberg Station.
Grayback: Right behind you.
Alyssa: *Puts her freight cars in a siding, and uncouples from them*
Alex: *Goes to Mossberg Station*
Ethan: *Follows Alex*
Grayback: *Follows Ethan*
Alyssa: *Follows Grayback*

Jessica, and Leah were waiting at Mossberg station on their line. Ms. Scarlett was pleased to see Mr. Wright as well as his engines.

Ms. Scarlett: You have all done a fantastic job getting your railway connected to ours. Together, we will have lots of passengers travel around more parts on the Island Of Errol.
Jessica: As a reward, our controller would like to donate five passenger cars to your railway. We hope you keep them for a very long time.
Leah: Ms. Scarlett only asks you one favor. She wants her railway to be 100% steam, but that can't be accomplished if you have diesels coming here bringing passenger trains.
Ms. Scarlett: No offense to any men.
Grayback: We're fine.
Ethan: Besides, Mr. Wright has us assigned to different parts of our line.
Brandon: Not me. I work on part of this line.
Mr. Wright: Well, then we'll have to come up with something.
Brandon: I hope so.

Mr. Wright was glad that he got a part of his railway completed, but he was worried about Brandon. What would happen to him if he didn't have any trains to pull on the railway?

Could his career be finished? Find out next week, same train time, same train channel.

The End

Song: link

Pete: And that's it for tonight. We're not coming back on July 1st, because we're celebrating the 4th of July. We're also taking the 8th off, in order to celebrate the month of July. See you on the 15th. *Waves goodbye*
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