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Some shows in tonight's segment of the S.S.S.S maybe inappropriate for anyone under 13. Viewer discretion is advised.

Song: link

Sean: *Stops at a station* Ha. I knew we'd here this song again.
Emily: *Speeds by with her passenger train*
Tom: *Throwing rocks at a switch*
Snowflake: Why are you doing that?
Tom: No idea. *Hits the switch*

The song began to slow down. Set the speed to 0.5

Tom: Oh, so that's what it does.
Mily: It sounds better at this speed.
Sean: I kinda agree.
Pete: May I join you guys? I'm Pete Reimer from Ponies On The Rails, and I'm hosting tonight. We got a good schedule for you down below.


Ponies On The Rails - Back2Back


Trainz - Back2Back

Pete: Watch my railroad in action with two episodes in a row.
Sean: Your railroad?
Mily: You only control a portion of the whole railroad.
Pete: At least I control something. The same can't be said for you two. Now let's start the show.

Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Honey Bee From NaomiWinx

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss from DragonAura15

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 19

Safety Film's First, Actual Safety Second

January 2, 1953

Pete was playing poker with a few other ponies. He had fifteen dollars, while Hawkeye had ten dollars. Coffee Creme had six dollars. Percy, and Jeff each had five dollars. Gordon had twenty five dollars. Metal Gloss had eight dollars.

Pete: Ok everypony, the work day is going to start soon, let's make this round our last.
Hawkeye: Very well. Whoever is the dealer, give me four cards.
Jeff: You've got an ace, right?
Hawkeye: *Shows ace* Here, and accounted for.
Jeff: Ok. Coffee Creme, what about you?
Coffee Creme: Just two.
Jeff: Percy?
Percy: Three please.
Jeff: Alright, I will take one card. What about you Gordon?
Gordon: I don't want any.
Jeff: Metal Gloss, how many cards would you like?
Metal Gloss: I think one would be nice.
Jeff: Alright. Last, but not least our boss.
Pete: Only three cards, Jeffery.
Jeff: Ok, *Gives cards to ponies*

When the cards were received, the betting began.

Hawkeye: I'll go for two dollars.
Coffee Creme: Going in.
Percy: I'll raise it a quarter.
Jeff: *Puts in money*
Gordon: All in *Puts all his money in pot*
Hawkeye: You must be joking.
Gordon: I never joke around. With Celestia as my witness, I will win this round.
Metal Gloss: Anything you say Gordon. *goes all in*
Pete: *Goes all in*

Soon, eighty five dollars were in the pot.

Hawkeye: Alrighty then. *Shows cards* Five kings.
Percy: How did you get five kings?
Hawkeye: I don't know, Jeff was dealing not me.
Coffee Creme: Four of a kind, aces.
Percy: Aw man I have only three of a kind.
Jeff: Alas, so do I.
Gordon: Royal flush.
Hawkeye: Well, there's no point in seeing what everyone else has, Gordon wins.
Everypony except Hawkeye, and Gordon: Aww!
Gordon: *Takes eighty five dollars* Haha! Could today get any better?
Pete: No, but tomorrow will.
Hawkeye: What makes you say that?
Pete: Tomorrow, a film company is going to come here, and make a railway safety video.
Percy: Awesome. Me, and Jeff will show everypony what we can do when it comes to fixing track.
Pete: You all gotta show what you can do. This is very serious. So no slacking off, especially you Gordon.
Gordon: *Sticks out tongue*
Pete: I'm not kidding. One foul up, and you're fired.

When Gordon heard what Pete said, he went to work right away. His job was very easy, pushing freight cars very slowly in a train yard.

Worker: *Uncoupling freight cars*
Gordon: *Going slowly*
Red Rose: *sees chemical car* Oh jeez. Everytime a chemical car is in this yard, things always go wrong.
Worker: *Sees Chemical car* I'm going to put the brakes on this thing before uncoupling it. *sets brakes on*
Gordon: *Notices something* Why are we going slower? *Pushes lever to go faster*
Worker: *Falls off chemical car*
Red Rose: Gordon, slow down!
Gordon: Shut the fuck up, you worthless prick.
Worker: *Runs to coupling*
Red Rose: This is going to count as a foul up.
Gordon: You know what, if you think I can't do this, why don't you do it?
Red Rose: Fine, at least I won't mess up like you.
Gordon: *stops engine*

the chemical car was moving too much, and soon exploded, hurting Red Rose, and the other worker trying to uncouple it.

Later at Pete's office

Pete: Who's fault was it?
Gordon: Red Rose.
Pete: Why?
Gordon: She told me to stop very quickly which caused the chemical car to explode.
Pete: I see. Red Rose, your side of the story.
Red Rose: Gordon was going too fast, and I told him to slow down, but he called me a worthless prick.
Gordon: I was only going ten miles an hour.
Pete: That's not too fast at all. Red Rose, you're fired.
Red Rose: You can't fire me, I quit! I'm going to work for the Southern Pacific. *Leaves*
Pete: Well, that sure was interesting.
Gordon: Yes it was.
Percy: *runs in* Sir, we've got bad news.
Pete: What happened this time?
Percy: Somepony crashed into Metal Gloss' train, and Honey Bee is dead.
Pete: Oooh. Gordon, you're a unicorn. Can you teleport us to the crash?
Gordon: I don't know where it is, so I can't teleport there.
Percy: It's in Council Bluffs.
Gordon: Alright, *teleports to Council Bluffs*

The ponies that ran into Metal Gloss' train wisely skipped town.

Pete: How are you holding up there?
Metal Gloss: Good.
Pete: What happened?
Metal Gloss: We stopped at a red signal, then all of a sudden, this train comes ramming us from the front.
Pete: Whoever crashed into your train must not have wanted to deal with the consequences. Tomorrow is the day that the film company starts filming that safety video. We gotta stop with the crashes here.
Gordon: What if that's what they want us to do?
Pete: Then let's just pray that nopony gets hurt.

The next day, the film crew arrived to make the safety video.

Pete: Hello. What's your name?
Director: It's Jordan, now we gotta shoot a movie here, so let's get to work.
Pete: Right away Jordan.
Film Crew: *Setting up cameras*
Jordan: OK. I want a passenger train to stop at this station.
Pete: Well you're in luck. A passenger train will be stopping here in three minutes, and it's filled with passengers.
Jordan: Excellent. Please stand by the tracks, and tell us when it's coming.
Pete: You got it, but may I ask you a question.
Jordan: Shoot.
Pete: Wouldn't you be able to hear the train come in?
Jordan: Yeah, but I want to take very special precautions in making this film. I want to make it the best Railway Safety Film anypony has ever watched.
Pete: And when you're filming on this railway, it will be the best Railway Safety Film anypony can ever watch.
Jordan: Good to know.

Two minutes passed, and Pete saw the passenger train coming.

Pete: Get ready, the train will be here soon.
Jordan: Those cameras are rolling, right.
Camerapony: *Filming* Yes.
Jordan: Good.
Orion: *Getting towards platform*
Jordan: *Waiting for train*
Camerapony: *Continues filming*
Orion: *slows train down*
Jordan: *Very happy*
Camerapony: *Filming train*
Orion: *stops train*
Passengers: *Walk out of train*
Jordan: Ok, we got enough film. Good work.
Camerapony: Alright. *Packing things up*
Pete: Where would you like to go next?
Jordan: Oh, we're finished.
Pete: What?
Jordan: Yeah, you provided us with a very perfect intro. Now we're going into Portland Oregon to film the rest of the video, but don't worry. We'll still be filming your trains. *Leaves*
Camerapony: *Follows*
Pete: *Walks to bench* Fucking liars.
Orion: What's the matter sir?
Pete: The film crew arrived, and only wanted to film you arriving with a passenger train.
Orion: Am I going to be famous?! *Hovering in air*
Pete: Yeah, sure whatever.
Orion: Don't be like that Pete. Look, I know you wanted that filming guy, or whatever his name was to film an entire video around here, but look on the bright side. Being in the beginning of a video is better then not being in one at all.
Pete: You know what? You're right. When that video gets released in theatres, I'm going to invite all of you guys.
Orion: Even Gordon?
Pete: Maybe not him. He'd get cross about not being in the video.
Orion: He gets cross about everything. What does being cross mean anyway?
Pete: It's a British saying, for pissed off.
Orion: *Laughing*
Pete: *Laughs too*

Later with Hawkeye, and Coffee Creme at the station

Hawkeye: All that extra work for nothing?
Pete: Yeah, pretty much.
Hawkeye: *sighs* What do you think about this Coffee Creme?
Coffee Creme: I say, let's buy Pete a drink.
Pete: I thought you didn't drink Coffee Creme.
Coffee Creme: I don't, but I want to get you a drink anyway.
Hawkeye: We, want to get you a drink.
Pete: That's very nice of you. A drink, for the both of us then.
Hawkeye: I'll drink to that.

The End

On The Next Episode of Ponies On The Rails

It's the season 2 finale


Theme song >>>> link

Seanthehedgehog presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" from Seanthehedgehog

Coffee Creme from KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion from Alinah09

Metal Gloss from DragonAura15

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

And Featuring Stylo from Jimmythedragon

Episode 20

Another Way To Lie

January 7, 1953

It was a snowy day in Cheyenne. Everypony was working their hardest. Except Gordon. He was being very lazy, and refused to get a train out of the station.

Pete: Why won't you work this time?
Gordon: Because, I need help to repair this locomotive.
Pete: What's wrong with it?
Gordon: Everything. It's a steam engine. I want a diesel engine!
Pete: Gordon, I'm working on that, but unless you want Hawkeye to bother you, I suggest you be patient.
Gordon: Fuck patience. I want to drive a diesel!
Pete: *Sighs* You never listen. *walks away*
Gordon: *Climbs in locomotive*
Pete: *About to enter station*
Gordon: *Blows whistle twice*
Pete: *Turns around* Oh, now you decide to do your work!
Gordon: *drives out of station* Hahahaha! I love pissing off my boss. *Notices the cab* Aw, I left the fireman behind. Whatever, this engine burns oil anyway, so whatever. *drives faster*

Meanwhile in the station

Pete: *On telephone*
Operator: Operator, how may I help you?
Pete: Yes, this is Pete Reimer, controller of the Union Pacific. May I please speak to somepony in the Southern Pacific?
Operator: One moment sir. *Connecting call* You are connected to Michael Wolf, controller of the Southern Pacific.
Michael: Hello?
Pete: Michael, this is Pete Reimer.
Michael: Oh, hey Peter. What's up?
Pete: I need your help.
Michael: What's up?
Pete: Do you remember Gordon Suite?
Michael: Is he that orange unicorn that keeps giving you problems?
Pete: Yes. Today, he just lied to me about not wanting to do his work.
Michael: I'm sorry to hear that. What would you like me to do?
Pete: I was wondering if we could swap workers for a day.
Michael: Hmmm. Let me check my list. *Checking list of workers*
Pete: *Checking clock*
Michael: I've only got one pony that wants to change jobs for an entire day.
Pete: Oh yeah? What's his name?
Michael: Stylo.
Pete: Alright. Get Stylo here to Cheyenne quickly. I'll send Gordon to one of your train stations in Los Pegasus.
Michael: Sounds good Peter. *Hangs up*
Pete: *Hangs up* I didn't think this would get so easy.

At the station in Los Pegasus, Michael got ready to take Stylo to Cheyenne.

Stylo: Where are we going?
Michael: I am taking you to Cheyenne. Another worker wants to switch jobs with you, and see what it's like on our railroad. You must impress the Union Pacific's boss for me. Show them what a typical Southern Pacific worker is capable of.
Stylo: You got it. With all that training you gave me, I'll do my best.
Michael: That's just what I want to hear. Let's get going. *drives to Cheyenne*

It was a long way to go from Los Pegasus to Cheyenne, but by the time they got there, Gordon was ready.

Pete: Now, please don't try to cause any trouble during your visit.
Gordon: You got it.
Michael: *Arrives*
Stylo: *Jumps onto platform from train*
Pete: Whoa. We got ourselves a little daredevil over here!
Stylo: *Laughes* I am a pegasus Mr. Reimer.
Pete: Please, just call me Pete. Everypony calls me that.
Stylo: Alrighty then Pete. What would you like me to do first?
Pete: I would like you to work with Metal Gloss, and get a freight train into St. Foalis.
Metal Gloss: *Arrives* Hi, I'm Metal Gloss.
Stylo: Nice to meet you.
Gordon: *Enters Michael's train*
Michael: Hello Gordon, I'm Michael.
Gordon: Yeah, great to meet you. Let's get out of this hell hole.
Michael: Hell hole? Are you kidding me? You're lucky to be working on the Union Pacific.
Gordon: Let's just get out of here.
Michael: Ok, if you say so. *Leaves station*
Metal Gloss: *Enters freight train*
Stylo: *Enters engine* Ok, so what am I doing?
Metal Gloss: You'll be my fireman.
Stylo: If you insist. *grabs shovel, and puts coal in firebox*
Metal Gloss: What's it like on the Southern Pacific?
Stylo: It's good. Work conditions are great, and my boss plans to have the entire line dieselized by 1958.
Metal Gloss: Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Our railway will most likely be dieselized in 1959.
Stylo: Don't get me wrong, I like steam engines, it's just that operating a diesel is much better. You don't need to waste half a day with a fire just to get the locomotive going.
Metal Gloss: It only takes half a day if you work slow. I love steam engines, and I'm glad to be driving this one.
Stylo: Alright. The signal should turn green soon.

Stylo was right. The signal turned green, and they were off.

Gordon was taken to Los Pegasus.

Michael: So, what kind of locomotives can you drive?
Gordon: Nothing.
Michael: Don't say that, there's gotta be something you're good at.
Gordon: Diesel. I'll only drive diesels, and that's that.
Michael: Then you can switch passenger cars in the station.
Gordon: Switching?! I wanted to take a train somewhere very far!
Michael: *Covering ears* First off, you talk too loud. Second, if you want to work on this railroad with a diesel, you need to switch cars in the station.
Gordon: Do you only have diesel switchers?
Michael: Yes.
Gordon: Why did I come here? *Goes to work*
Michael: *A little worried*
Gordon: *Goes to switcher*
Colt: Hey look. It's a fat pony.
Gordon: Shut up.
Colt: I don't have too! *Sticks out tongue*
Gordon: *Walks away* Kids these days. They don't know any better.

Michael was on the phone in his office talking to Pete

Pete: How is everything going?
Michael: Not too bad so far. We got in a little bit of an argument, but I straightened everything out.
Pete: Good. Now you can bring him to Cheyenne tomorrow, just like you did with Stylo.
Michael: Ok.

Back in the yards, Gordon was driving his locomotive too fast.

Gordon: *Nearly derails passenger cars*
Passengers: Ah! Those cars nearly left the tracks.
Gordon: *Stops too quickly*

Everything in the passenger cars was airborne for a little while, and then they fell to the ground, and broke.

Passengers: *Entering train*
Gordon: *Uncouples locomotive from train*
Passengers: *sees debris* What is this?! Why are there broken plates in this car?
Gordon: Did I do that? *Gets back in locomotive, and drives away*
Michael: *Arrives at station* I think it's time to check on how Gordon's doing.
Passenger: Excuse me, there's broken plates all over the floor in every passenger car.
Michael: How is that possible?
Passenger: I think it had something to do with the switcher.
Michael: I'll speak to him right away.
Gordon: *Waiting in siding*
Michael: *Arrives* Were you switching a passenger train too fast?
Gordon: I wouldn't say too fast, but-
Michael: I don't like being lied to.
Gordon: I didn't know I was going too fast.

Next day, it was time for Gordon to go back. When he returned to Cheyenne, Stylo was there waiting.

Pete: How was it?
Michael: Bad. Gordon kept lying to me. One time, he just beat up a pony for being Japanese.
Gordon: I thought he was a North Korean.
Pete: You're so pathetic.
Gordon: Hey, I'd like to see you do some work for a change. You never drive any trains at all.
Pete: I'm too busy with paperwork.
Michael: Anyway, how did things with Stylo go?
Pete: Great. Stylo really liked working here.
Stylo: Actually Pete, I could stay here if you want.
Michael & Pete: What?
Stylo: Michael, I would like to quit your railroad, and join Pete's.
Michael: Ok. *Goes to train*
Gordon: Great. Yet another pony on the rails.
Everyone: *Laughs*

The End

On The Next Episode of Ponies On The Rails

It's the season 3 premiere, and it will be published in February.

Song (Play at 0.5 speed): link

Pete: The music's speed hasn't been fixed yet, but that's nothing to worry about. As for the message at the ending, ignore that. We'll be showing the season 3 premiere of Ponies On The Rails way before July. Now it's time for a break, and we'll be back at 8:30.
Link: Well, what's next
Tetra: We need to meet the island swordmaster, Orca
Link: Orca? You mean that creepy old guy?
Tetra: Oh come on Link. How bad can he be
(Later, in Orca's Dojo)
Orca: Oh, hey Link. It's been a while
Link: Uh... hey Orca.
Orca: So, you want some candy. It's over here. Just step into my basement and-
Link: Actually, I'm here for for you to teach me a new move so I can leave
Orca: But why would I teach a little kid a dangerous move
Link: (Holds out underpants) because children's underpants says differently
Orca: Okay, I'll teach you
(A few minutes of preparation later)
Orca: Okay, Link....
continue reading...
posted by Windwakerguy430
Chuck: So, we've been waiting for like...three hours
Stacey: It's been five minutes Chuck
Chuck: Well, I just want to know when something happens Explosion) Something happened. Gotta go check it out
Stacey: Wait, you don't even know where it is happ- (Chuck leaves)
Chuck: (Sees soldiers robbing casino vaults) Hey, you can't just do that
Soldiers: (Aim guns at Chuck)
Chuck: ..................... Uh............ Please don't shoot.......
(Later, after the fight)
Chuck: (Panting) Man, I hope that is the only time I have to do that (Phone rings) Hello
Stacey: Chuck, it looks like that three other casinos...
continue reading...
................... What the fuck.............. Seriously......... What the fuck................... What is this abomination of a fanfic................ just what the fuck is this disaster..................... Well, one things for sure, it's known only as Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life.
Now, first off, Warning, this is not something you want to see. Unless you are okay with its awfulness, turn back now. Anyway, this fanfic is, THANKFULLY, short. But, there is so much a fanfic can do in just twenty seconds. Trust me, this fanfic does it. And it is horrible. Anyway, it starts with a nine-year-old..........
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Hello everyone. Today, we will be looking at the meme Forever Alone. Now, before we talk about what it is, lets get a little history.
After the Rage Guy, this was the second of the rage comic characters to appear. He appeared as a character in a 4chan comic known as April Fools and it shows him as a disappointed or lonely person. However, he didn't gain popularity until he appeared in his second comic known as Prom FUUU, which soon gained hundreds of fans.
After that, Forever Alone began to flood rage comics all over the internet. He was shown. He is shown to use humor in the suffering of people who are still single.
Now, it is time for the score. The final score for this meme is a Fail. I'm sorry, but I just feel as though that this meme is a little overused. If it wasn't used so much, I may not hate it, but sorry, I do. That's it for this review, I will see you all next time
(Hello everyone. A quick note. This is a reaction article. In it, I will type down every last word I say and you can see how I react to whatever it is I do. Will I do more of these. I don't know. But, with that, lets start with the reaction)

Okay, so its started... And we got us some thunder clap... Very scary... Ohhh... So, we get some Japanese kids talking... In Japanese... Thankfully, there are subtitles..... Oh, we get a backstory. Thats good........ And, we get some kids talking about ghosts in the dark. How cliched........ On dark stormy nights. CLICHED!!!....... Cliches! Cliches everywhere.........
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Wind: Okay, I know you guys are mad, but-
Link: Your damn right were mad
Wind: Well, that’s good to hear. But, I really need to get going and-
Tetra: Oh no. You’re not going anywhere until you tell us why it took a whole fucking month to make another After Adventure episode.
Wind: Well, I could tell you….. but, there is some a job you need to do, so bye
Link: A job, you think we’ll get money for it
Tetra: I’m not sure. I guess we’ll have to check
(Some Time Later)
Link: Okay, where is the treasure. I followed that guys map
Link: Hey, where is the treasure
continue reading...
So, I want to talk about an amazing anime that has so many fans. I watched it, and I can see why people like it so much… BUT, although I do like it… It has its problems. That anime is Death Note.
Now, Death Note is an anime that is about a school student named Light Yagami, who finds a dangerous book called the Death Note, which gives him the ability to kill anyone whose name is written in the book. This then leads him to create a new world order and kill all the worlds criminals, but he is then being hunted down by the police and L, the worlds greatest detective, but always manages to stay...
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Link: (Wakes up) Huh, what happened
King of Red Lions: Oh, Link, good thing your safe. After your Pokemon burned down that building, I got you out of there
Link: Huh (Sees Tetra) Holy shit, did me and Tetra-
King of Red Lions: No
Link: Goddamn it
King of Red Lions: Anyway, we need to go to the sacred realm again, because............. Well, lets go (Goes through portal)

King of Red Lions: Well, here we are
Link: (Breathes for air) Why the fuck didn't you warn me
King of Red Lions: I can't help it. I'm a boat. I don't even have lungs. Anyway, just go in there, and take Tetra
Tetra: (Wakes up) Did someone...
continue reading...
So, it’s been awhile since I did an anime review… again. I think I’ve only done, at the most, three. And that’s only on the top of my head. I do want to review more at a later time, including ones like Midori, which I have heard is very, very hard to stomach. Perfect for this series. But, for now, I’ve got something just has hard to face. Maybe. Let’s just say that, throughout the anime I have seen, blood and gore hasn’t been a major factor in these shows. Was there blood and gore, yes. But it was either very minimal or was in the background the entire time and was not the main...
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I could spend today talking about the glory that is Silent Hill 2 and why it’s my favorite horror game of all time, but I don’t feel like talking about that today. No, instead, I want to talk about one thing. One specific thing, and it’s this. Pyramid Head, the greatest horror character ever, with his creepy appearance, disturbing actions, and a haunting backstory that’s one of the most important in video game history, or even in the history of horror… and how he was completely ruined in one fell swoop.

Now, before we start talking about how crappy Pyramid Head has become, we...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Art by Deathding
Art by Deathding
When it comes to video game remakes, you usually get something that’s either impressive, or just the same game with some pretty graphics. Some of the best known and best love remakes of all time are Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, Grim Fandango, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, Super Mario 64 DS, and Pokemon: Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. But, there is one remake that I love more than any other. You all probably know what it is, and you all know the impact that it had. After playing this remake, not only did it improve the original, but it’s impossible to enjoy the original after this...
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I've always been a good speller. Some people just have the knack while others struggle their whole lives to spell even the most rudimentary words. With the advent of the internet came widespread apathy towards proper spelling. I'd just assume join the masses but I'm sure I'd never forgive myself—not after everything that's happened. Allow me to explain.

In sixth grade there was a spelling bee at my elementary school. Long story short—I won. It wasn't fair, really, considering the fourth and fifth graders were involved, but I didn't let empathy sour the moment. My classmates were thrilled...
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added by Windwakerguy430
posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - Rainbow Dash
Edward Richtofen from Call Of Duty: Black Ops - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - Applejack

Now, let's begin with the intro

Theme song: link

Japanese Men: *Singing* My Rittre Pornstar. My Rittre Pornstar. Ah ah ah ah, My Rittre Pornstar.
Twilight: I used to wonder what friendship could be.
Japanese Men: My Rittre Pornstar.
Twilight: Then I found out it was for faggots.
Rainbow Dash: I think I can....
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Masters of breakfast and champions of flavor, these two have been eaten as a delightful morning snack for ages. But the ultimate question still remains....... Who is better?

For what feels like the longest time French Toast and Pancakes have been competing, and today it's going to be settled. Right here, right now.

I'm Jared and it's my job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out who would win a DEATH BATTLE.

Contestant #1: French Toast

Also known as German, gypsy, or Spanish toast, French Toast is a popular morning choice consisting of bread, eggs, and often milk or cream.

The earliest...
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WARNING: These songs will make you wish you were never born. Seriously, if you think you know bad songs, you haven't seen anything yet.
WARNING: These songs will make you wish you were never born. Seriously, if you think you know bad songs, you haven't seen anything yet.
Music! :D One of the most well-known types of media out there and I'd be telling the most BS lie in the world if I said I hated it. Music is a wonderful thing that we can listen do at practically anytime we want for a little more entertainment and drastically increases our mood, no matter what the situation.


And then there's THOSE songs. The ones that make others wish they didn't exist. These toxic melodies aren't just bad, oh no. They're god-awful. An insult to humanity. These despicable songs should be burned in the flames of Hell.

Whether you like them or not, you have to admit...
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You know, I'm pretty sure we all have those shows out there that we know exist and even sometimes know are really good, but just refuse to watch. And that's what this list is about.

The anime on this list are all anime that I was originally going to check out and even finish, but I either gave up on it or just stopped.

And yes, a few of these shows I did actually watch to a certain point, and I know that's kind of cheating for this list, but it's my list, so SHUT UP! =D

#5. One Piece

Let me start off this entry by saying that I LOVE comedy anime. And honestly, what can I even say about it? It's...
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Cliches. I absolutely DESPISE cliches. It shows that the writers are too lazy to come up with anything original, and IT TICKS ME OFF.


BUT there are those cliches that you just can't help but love. Whether it's because they're cool, funny, or downright awesome, you just can't resist loving the crap out of them! And it's no wonder they never seem to leave.

My name is Jared, and today we're counting down My Top 10 Anime Cliches!

#10. Deserved Slapstick

What I mean by this is a character doing something wrong/bad and paying for it. It's not only satisfying to see the douche-bag of a person...
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