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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Con Mane has returned.

We begin our story in Beijing, which was violently taken over by the koreans.

Con: *sneaks onto dock*
korean pony55: What was that?
Con: *kills pony* More like who was that?
korean pony21: I'll be right back I just wanna get some cider.
Con: *sneaks toward warehouse*
korean pony21: *shoots at Con*
Con: *dodges bullets*
korean pony21: All units, we have an intruder in the warehouse!
Con: *pulls out gun* Where is that manifest?
korean leader: What do you need the manifest for? Grenades? We made specially designed grenades to blow up an entire building. Now that you know this, I gotta let you go *kills Con Mane*

A few days later the C.I.E found Con Mane dead in the warehouse.

P: Bring him back to life!
Doctor: We can't. It's past 24 hours.
S: Well, at least he died on the JOB.
Moneybit: Yeah, *cries*
P: What happened that got you into this Con?

Fillies & Gentlecolts I present to you the 5th installment of Con Mane called...

You'll Only Live Twice


Doughnut Joe...........................Con Mane
Discord.........................Ernst Staverald Discord
Pinkie Pie.......................................P
Lyra Heartstrings..........................Miss. Moneybit
British ponies..............................M.I.6
Korean ponies..............................bad guys

Cars provided by

Equestrian Motor Works
& others that will be mentioned later.

The next day in Canterlot

Moneybit: Welcome back Mr. Mane.
Con: Thank you Moneybit. I better be more careful, cause I'll only live twice.
Moneybit: I hear ya.
P: Glad to see you're still alive 0007.
Con: Oh yes. Even though I died I'm on another life.
P: You're second. Now listen, I need you to go to England, and help M.I.6 stop someone from creating W.M.D's.
Con: What kind are we dealing with?
P: First it was grenades, now it's rockets.
Con: How big?
P: Big enough to destroy Manehattan.
Con: Well we can't allow that. I'm on my way.
S: Con. Wait up.
Con: Why?
S: P assigned me to go with you.
Con: Alright. Let's go to england.

So Con, and S along with his crew left for England.

Con: Where's the pony were meeting?
S: She should be over there.
Rareesa: Hello.
Con: Oh hey. Muffins are Derpy's favorite food.
Rareesa: Yes, but I don't know what they are.
Con: Now what do you know about the pony that's creating all those W.M.D's?
Rareesa: Nothing, except for that he's not a pony.
S: We must get going now. Where's your car?
Rareesa: It's that car over there *points at sports car*
Con: Sweet! I'm driving.

After 17 minutes of driving a sports car, Con arrived at a house.

S: Thanks for making us take the bus!
Con: My pleasure.
workers: Hello.
M.I.6 leader: Hello lads, what are you doing here?
Con: We're here to help you stop whoevers making all those W.M.D missiles.
M.I.6 leader: I also believe you have something for us.
S: Yes we do. Ok you guys, set up Little Mily.
M.I.6 leader: I'm quite curious Mr. ehh..?
Con: Mane. Con Mane.
M.I.6 leader: Oh right. I'm quite curious Mr. Mane, what is Little Mily?
Con: Oh she's a wonderful mare. Very small, quite fast, and can do anything. Just your type.
workers: *finish work*
M.I.6 leader: A toy helicopter?
S: No, it's not a toy. You'll see. Con, would you care to demonstrate?
Con: Sure. *climbs into helicopter*
S: You push this rotor, and it starts the chopper *pushes motor*
Con: *flies away*
Rareesa: Wow
Con: S! I see korean choppers heading toward me!
korean pony66: *shoot missiles*
Con: *blows up missiles*
S: *shoots pilot*
Korean pony42: We have a pony down!
Con: *shoots other pilot*

The C.I.E won, but they still had to find where the Weapons of Mass Destruction were being built.

When Con got back from flying Little Mily, M.I.6 found the building where the W.M.D's were being manufactured.

Rareesa: It's at the space station?
Con: Looks like we might be going to where Luna was for 1,000 years.
S: We're not going to the moon Con.
Con: Well lets just stop these ponies now!

So they left, in Rareesa's EMW & with some pegasi carrying the others.

Rareesa: Here we are.
Con: Let's do this. *grabs MP5*

Con, and M.I.6 stormed into the space station killing some ponies that got in there way.

S: *grabs pen*
Con: You gonna blow someone up?
S: Pens don't always explode *shoots tranquilizer*
korean pony72: Aaahh!
korean pony55: *shoots at Rareesa*
Con: I got this *kills korean pony55*
S: We need to get on that spaceship!
Con: Let me handle it *teleports his team onto ship*
S: Good.
M.I.6 leader: Now everypony get into a spacesuit.
korean pony21: Freeze!
korean pony33: Hold on, isn't that?
??: Con Mane. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ernst Staverald Discord. They told me you were assassinated in Beijing.
Con: Yes, this is my second life.
Discord: You'll only live twice Mr. Mane.
Con: Yeah, only. *shoots safety valve*
korean pony21: What did he do? *shoots Con*
Con: *uses magical shield*
M.I.6 leader: Looks like we're not going into space.
S: Quick, into the escape pods!
Discord: *launches them all* Nice try, until then Goodbye Mr. Mane. *leaves*
Con: Teleportation?
S: Now!

Luckily before the spaceship exploded, Con got everyone off.

M.I.6 leader: Good work Mr. Mane.
Con: Thanks, but what about Discord?
M.I.6 leader: We'll worry about him later, but first we have another assignment for you to help us with.

And what might that be? Is it...

A. Killing Discord
B. Finding a mole in M.I.6
C. Preventing a mad pony from launching more missiles
D. Buying tea for Rareesa

If you guessed C preventing somepony from launching more missiles you are correct.

Con: So where is he?
M.I.6 leader: At the warehouse where you were killed.
Con: Oh great.
M.I.6 leader: Relax, with some practice you'll get ready.

M.I.6 was going to train Con with some karate.

Con: What exactly do I need to do this for?
M.I.6: Many koreans are experts in karate. Learning this will help you get the upper hoof.
Con: Well then lets do this.

So Con practiced with the other pony until..

british pony53: Ambush! It's the Koreans!
M.I.6 leader: What? Let's go Con, I'll have to teach you more karate later.
korean pony98: Keep firing *kills 53rd british pony*
M.I.6 leader: We have a pony down! Send reinforcements!
Con: *kills two koreans*
korean pony40: We need more reinforcements!
korean leader: Sorry, we cannot send anymore ponies out there.
korean pony40: Shit! Retreat!
Con: *kills more ponies*
M.I.6 leader: Easy! They're retreating.
Con: Alright. How about we practice more karate?

The two ponies soon got back to where they were practicing karate.

M.I.6 leader: *throws kick*
Con: *grabs leg & breaks it*
M.I.6 leader: Bloody hell, you learn fast.
Con: Want me to fix that?
M.I.6 leader: No, I think your ready.
Con: Excellent.
M.I.6 leader: Now all you need to do is travel back to time after your death, and get back your first life.
Con: That's all?
M.I.6 leader: It isn't as easy as it sounds.
Con: Well if I can only live twice, I wanna keep both forever.
M.I.6 leader: What if you die from being too old?
Con: I get my second life, and I come back as a foal. Good bye sir *time travels*

So let's see how this goes

Con: *sneaks onto dock*
korean pony55: What was that?
Con: *kills pony* More like who was that?
korean pony21: I'll be right back I just wanna get some cider.
Con: *sneaks toward warehouse*
korean pony21: *shoots at Con*
Con: *dodges bullets*
korean pony21: All units, we have an intruder in the warehouse!
Con: *pulls out gun* Where is that manifest?
korean leader: What do you need the manifest for? Grenades? We made specially designed grenades to blow up an entire building. Now that you know this, I gotta let you go. *shoots gun*
Con: You missed loser. It's not just grenades your making.
korean leader: Correct. We're also making missiles. Not only that, but we're launching the ones that belong to Germany & Mexico, making it look like they waged war against each other.
Con: Not if I can help it. *shoots korean leader*
korean leader: I'm hit, need backup now!

5 ponies then arrived at the scene.

Con: *kills all 5*
korean leader: *hits Con*
Con: *runs into warehouse*
korean leader: *follows*
Con: (Where are the missiles being launched)
korean leader: *grabs grenade*
Con: *shoots grenade*
korean leader: *blows up*
korean pony82: Stop! Hooves up.
Con: *hits pony* where are the missiles being launched?
korean pony82: *shoots Con's hoof*
Con: *pushes pony over ledge*
korean pony82: I'm still alive!
Con: Then tell me where the missiles are being launched!
korean pony82: On a boat. It should be in the docks.
Con: Thanks.

0007 then went toward the boat that would be launching the missiles.

korean pony96: We have an intruder!
Discord: Let him on, let him on.
Con: *pushes pony off boat*
Discord: Now kill him.
korean pony96: *grabs knife* Banzai!!
Con: *shoots pony* Wrong part of asia.
Discord: Welcome Mr. Mane.
Con: Hello Discord. So you're trying to get Germany into war with Mexico.
Discord: Yes, precisely. Not only that, but I'll be launchcing my own.
Con: What for?
Discord: To destroy all of China so that Korea can have it.
Con: Not on my watch *hits Discord with clock* Or on your clock.
Discord: It's not mine *grabs gun*
Con: *shoots it* Don't launch the missiles & I'll let you live.
Discord: I have to. *goes for button*
Con: *kills Discord* Finally! *time travels back to present*

None of the missiles were launched, but Con may deal with the same enemy in his next adventure, On Celestia's Secret Service

The End
posted by Windwakerguy430
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Phantom Ganon Sword

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Customer: Excuse me, this milk is expired
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Scene #1

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Sean: Hello?
Mom: Where are you?
Sean: That depends, where are you?
Mom: I heard from your principle that you got expelled, and killed two people! One of them was a police officer!
Sean: So?
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added by Seanthehedgehog
Source: woeihsrhnkslfhnsdhn
added by Seanthehedgehog
The final kill is achieved by punching a woman.