Wilfre Updates

an icon was added: Wilfre over a year ago by dimentioSPM
a comment was made to the icon: Wilfre Icon over a year ago by Molly6
a comment was made to the poll: is Wilfre youre favorite character? over a year ago by Molly6
fan art was added: Shadow Wilfre over a year ago by rubykh
a comment was made to the answer: try to save us (BUT HE ALREADY TRIED!) over a year ago by rubykh
an answer was added to this question: If Wilfre was with you what would you do? over a year ago by anglelau
a comment was made to the question: If Wilfre was with you what would you do? over a year ago by rubykh
an answer was added to this question: If Wilfre was with you what would you do? over a year ago by kat7574
a pop quiz question was added: When did Wilfre fall in love with Mari? over a year ago by rubykh
a pop quiz question was added: Is Wilfre truly evil? over a year ago by rubykh
a comment was made to the question: If Wilfre was with you what would you do? over a year ago by shadowwilfre
a question was added: If Wilfre was with you what would you do? over a year ago by shadowwilfre
a video was added: DTLTNC final battle over a year ago by shadowwilfre
a video was added: Wilfre theme over a year ago by shadowwilfre
a pop quiz question was added: What game did Wilfre first appear in? over a year ago by shadowwilfre
a pop quiz question was added: True or False, Was Wilfre a raposa? over a year ago by shadowwilfre
a comment was made to the fan art: wilfre over a year ago by shadowwilfre
a poll was added: is Wilfre youre favorite character? over a year ago by shadowwilfre