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posted by EmmettOk
ok i don't like the names i give first time give them new ones

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or the characters - unfortunately. I don't own the songs either.

VampMindReader107 - Edward

ClumsyLamb18: - Bella

PsychicShopaholic: - Alice

EmotionbyName: - Jasper

GrizzlyBear: - Emmett

Better_than_you: - Rosalie

Dr. Vamp Cullen: - Carlisle

Mother2Many: - Esme

ClumsyLamb18 has signed in

GrizzlyBear has signed in

GrizzlyBear: Power to the sheep!

ClumsyLamb18: Hello to you too, Emmett

GrizzlyBear: Hello Bellsy!

ClumsyLamb18: Emsy!

GrizzlyBear: Emsy? That's a new one.

ClumsyLamb18: Emsy!

GrizzlyBear: Bellsy!

ClumsyLamb18: Okay shut up now.

GrizzlyBear: Bellsy!

ClumsyLamb18: Not funny.

VampMindReader107 has signed in

ClumsyLamb18: Hey, Eddy!

VampMindReader107: Bells, you know I don't like that name.

GrizzlyBear: Yeah, Bellsy, he prefers Eddie-kins!

VampMindReader107: Emmett!

ClumsyLamb18: I wish I was-

GrizzlyBear: a punk rocker with flowers in my hair

ClumsyLamb18: In 77 69, revolution was in the air

GrizzlyBear: I was born too late in a world that doesn't care

ClumsyLamb18: Oh, I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair!

VampMindReader107: That was…random.

GrizzlyBear: Sorry, Eddie-kins!

VampMindReader107: Never mind, Emsy-Wemsy!

GrizzlyBear: Ugh! Don't like that!

VampMindReader107: What, you don't like Emsy-Wemsy?

GrizzlyBear: No!

VampMindReader107: Haha! Emsy-Wemsy!

GrizzlyBear: Right! You. Me. OUTSIDE! Let me put my killer hat on!

VampMindReader107: Shut up, Emmett.

PsychicShopaholic has signed in

PsychicShopaholic: Hey, everyone!

ClumsyLamb18: Hey, Alice!

GrizzlyBear: So, Edward, bitten any pillows lately?

VampMindReader107: Err…what you on about? Shut up!

GrizzlyBear: So, then, made any women faint lately?

VampMindReader107: You're just jealous!

GrizzlyBear: What? You think I can't dazzle people? Betcha I can!

VampMindReader107: Fine! Let's go!

GrizzlyBear: Fine!

VampMindReader107 has signed out

GrizzlyBear has signed out

Better_than_you has signed in

EmotionbyName has signed in

ClumsyLamb18: Rose? Is that you? Hey, Jazz!

Better_than_you: Hey, yeah it is me.

ClumsyLamb18: You changed your name.

EmotionbyName: Is there a reason why Edward and Emmett just stormed out the house saying something about dazzling people?

PsychicShopaholic: Hey Jazzy! Yeah, Emmett said that Edward isn't the only one who can 'dazzle' people so they made a bet.

Better_than_you: Right. This should be interesting. Lol.

An hour later…

VampMindReader107 has signed in

GrizzlyBear has signed in

VampMindReader107: Hahaha! Oohh, Emmett, you win! I could never have done that!

GrizzlyBear: Shut up! I'll give you the glory!

PsychicShopaholic: Oh, what happened?

ClumsyLamb18: Tell us!

EmotionbyName: What's wrong with dear Emmy-kins? Why you so embarrassed?

GrizzlyBear: -mumbles- not saying.

Better_than_you: Oh come on! Can't be that bad!

GrizzlyBear: Is!

VampMindReader107: I'll tell them. Well, I technically won with dazzling roughly 25 women, but Emmett, here, did very well with 'dazzling' – wait for it – 20 men!

ClumsyLamb18: ROFLMAO!

PsychicShopaholic: OMC! Why didn't you take me along?

EmotionbyName: Hehe, no wonder you're so annoyed! Although, is there something you should be telling us?

GrizzlyBear: -growls- NO! Anyway! You're not entirely right, are you, Edward? You dazzled a few men too! 3 to be precise.

VampMindReader107: Yeah but you! 20? How did you do it? It's now fact that men are more attracted to you than women are! The women who you tried to dazzle were looking at you as if you'd gone completely! This is true, of course!

GrizzlyBear: You said the looking-through-the-eyelashes bit always works well.

ClumsyLamb18: Wow, never seen you so happy, Edward!

VampMindReader107: Bella, love, I'm ecstatic! That look, Emmett, always works for me.

Better_than_you: Aww, never mind, Emsy. You have me, don't you?

GrizzlyBear: Thank you, Rose. :)

Better_than_you: Though it is quite funny.

GrizzlyBear: Ahh! :) I'm alone! Going now!

VampMindReader107: Oh come on Emmett! Don't be like that! Look, in the future, I'm sure you'll look back on this and laugh. Like I am now.

GrizzlyBear: Yeah! Sure, I will!

PsychicShopaholic: Jasper, make him happy!

EmotionbyName: -sends happy waves to Emmett-

GrizzlyBear: Oohh! I wanna sing! Edward! Jasper! Sing with me!

VampMindReader107: oh, what? Not that song!

GrizzlyBear: OI! You owe me! You were making fun of me!

VampMindReader107: Fine!

EmotionbyName: What? What song?

GrizzlyBear: You'll see. I'll start!

EmotionbyName: Go on, then!

GrizzlyBear: -clears throat- They see me mowing the front lawn. I know they're all thinking I'm so white and nerdy! Think I'm just too white and nerdy. Think I'm just too white and nerdy. Can't you see I'm white and nerdy? Look at me, I'm white and nerdy. (Jasper!)

EmotionbyName: -sighs- I wanna roll with the gangstas. But so far they all think I'm too white and nerdy. Think I'm just too white and nerdy. Think I'm just too white and nerdy. I'm just too white and nerdy. Really, really white and nerdy. (Edward, why are we doing this?)

VampMindReader107: (God knows. To make Emmett happy, I think. Can't believe I'm doing this) First in my class in MIT. Got skills, I'm a champion at D&D. MC Escher – that's my favourite MC. Keep your 40, I'll just have an Earl Grey tea. My rims never spin, to the contrary. You'll find that they're quite stationary. All of my action figures are cherry. Steven Hawking's in my library. (Stopping now)

ClumsyLamb18: Ahh, it was funny!

PsychicShopaholic: Yeah, but why are you singing Weird Al Yankovich?

GrizzlyBear: I don't know. It was funny. Technically, you should blame Jasper as he sent happy waves!

ClumsyLamb18: Hey! Let's all change our screen names!

VampMindReader107: Why?

PsychicShopaholic: It will be fun!

EmotionbyName: Okay.

Better_than_you: But I've already changed my name once!

GrizzlyBear: You can be the judge! You could guess whose who! Let's get Carlisle and Esme!

Better_than_you: Yeah fine, whatever.

Dr. Vamp Cullen has signed in

Mother2Many has signed in

Mother2Many: What did you want us for?

GrizzlyBear: We want to change our screen names and wanted you two to join us.

Dr. Vamp Cullen: Okay, fine.

Dr. Vamp Cullen has changed names

Mother2Many has changed names

GrizzlyBear has changed names

ClumsyLamb18 has changed names

VampMindReader107 has changed names

PsychicShopaholic has changed names

EmotionbyName has changed names

Better_than_you: Okay, what are your names then?

MentalGenius: Hello, Rose

EvilPixie: Hey Rose!

PixiesBoy: Do you know who this is, Rose?

Better_than_you: You're Jasper. EvilPixie is Alice, that's dead easy. Edward, yours suits you very well XD

MentalGenius: Is that supposed to be a compliment or not?

Better_than_you: Take it as you wish.

SuperPrankster: Hey, Rosie!

Better_than_you: Hey, Emmett. Very obvious.

SuperPrankster: Goddamnit!

dr.: Hello.

VamPassion: Hello, everyone!

Better_than_you: Where's Bella?

VampiresGirl: Heya!

MentalGenius: Hello, love.

VamPassion: I need to go, bye, everyone.

SuperPrankster: Bye, Esme!

VamPassion has signed out

dr.: Yes, I need to get back to work. I'll be home in half an hour.

EvilPixie: Bye, Carlisle.

SuperPrankster: Bye, Carly!

dr.: Emmett. No. I'll take your Jeep off you.

SuperPrankster: Oh, okay, bye, Carlisle.

dr. has signed out

SuperPrankster: -sigh- I'm bored. Eddie-kins.

MentalGenius: -growls- What?

SuperPrankster: Nothing. Just wanted to annoy you.

MentalGenius: It's okay. From now on, I can just annoy you by the fact that men are more attracted to you than women are!

EmmettFanGirlForever has signed in

ILoveEmmett has signed in

EmmettFanGirlForever: No! I love you, Emmett! Marry me!

ILoveEmmett: Noo! I love you more than Rosalie or anyone!

SuperPrankster: Uhhh, who are you? Alright! See? Girls love me!

Better_than_you: Emmett! Who are these girls?

MentalGenius: Haha! This is definitely my day!

EmmettFanGirlForever: I'm your number one fan, Emmett!

SuperPrankster: Uhh, I don't know! Don't ask me!

ILoveEmmett: Emmett McCarty Cullen, will you marry me?

SuperPrankster: Uhh, no, I'm already very happily married to Rose.


EvilPixie: Hehehe! This is good!

EmmettFanGirlForever: Don't listen to her! Ditch Rosalie and have me!

ILoveEmmett: No, no! Me!

SuperPrankster: Girls, girls, I am very flattered but no. I love Rose.

EmmettFanGirlForever: No, you don't. You love me, really.


SuperPrankster: But, Rose, I don't know them. I've never met them in my whole existence!

Better_than_you: Bitches! Get away from MY man!

VampiresGirl: This is very entertaining.

ILoveEmmett: NO! I WILL get him. Even if it takes me the rest of my life!

EmmettFanGirlForever: YOUR man? He's mine through and through!

Better_than_you: Says WHO? Bet you have marriage papers to prove it, eh?

EmmettFanGirlForever: Well, uhh, no, but I would have if he married me!

SuperPrankster: Rosy, calm down, now. You know I love you.

EmmettFanGirlForever: SEE? Told You!

Better_than_you: He was talking to ME!

EmmettFanGirlForever: How do you know that my name isn't Rosy?

Better_than_you: IS IT?

EmmettFanGirlForever: Well, uh, no but IT COULD HAVE BEEN!

PixiesBoy: It would be a good idea to leave now.

ILoveEmmett: Says who?

PixiesBoy: Says me. She can be pretty nasty when she gets REALLY pissed off. I have scars to prove it.

ILoveEmmett: Uhh, okay, bye. LOVE YOU EMMETT!

SuperPrankster: -scared- Just go please. Flattered as I am.

EmmettFanGirlForever has signed out

ILoveEmmett has signed out

Better_than_you: Emmett, are you sure you didn't know those girls?

SuperPrankster: Rose, I'm telling you I didn't know them!

Better_than_you: Well, they seemed to know you. They made that obvious.

SuperPrankster: I don't know them. Please believe me!

Better_than_you: Edward, is he telling the truth?

MentalGenius: Yes, he is telling the truth.

SuperPrankster: See! Rosalie, I don't know them!

Better_than_you: Okay, I believe you.

VampiresGirl: It was very funny, though.

PixiesBoy: Yes, very. Look on the bright side, Emmett. At least some girls like you!

EvilPixie: Yeah! Why girls are attracted to you is anybody's guess.

Better_than_you: Alice, leave Emmy alone. I know it's tempting to make fun of him.

SuperPrankster: Rose, I thought you were on my side.

Better_than_you: Yeah, well whatever.

VampiresGirl: Oh, be right back. Someone chucked something at my window.

EvilPixie: Okay, what is it?

VampiresGirl: Err...

MentalGenius: What is it?

VampiresGirl: It's…erm…Mike.

MentalGenius: WHAT?

VampiresGirl: He's just…umm…declaring his 'undying' love for me.

SuperPrankster: Hahaha! Unlucky Bella!

MentalGenius: I'm coming right now!

MentalGenius has signed out

PixiesBoy: Bella, what's happening?

VampiresGirl: Err, Mike is currently standing in front of the house, begging me to dump Edward for him.

EvilPixie: Haha!

VampiresGirl: Oh, Edward's here. He's not happy. He's out the Volvo. He's shouting.

Better_than_you: Yeah, we can here him from here.

VampiresGirl: OMC!

PixiesBoy: What's happening?

VampiresGirl: Mike aimed a kick at Edward. Edward moved out the way and Mike ended up kicking the Volvo!

EvilPixie: Oh no! That's not good!

SuperPrankster: He loves that car!

PixiesBoy: Oh dear. Bella, what's he doing now?

VampiresGirl: Umm, oh! He is…um…looking at the damage, mournfully. Edward turned to Mike. OH! He's livid! Haha, Mike ran off. Oh! Edward is…stroking it. If he was human, he would be crying.

EvilPixie: Is he muttering at all?

VampiresGirl: Erm…oh…yes. He's saying 'Poor Volvy. My poor Volvy!' He gives his car an affectionate name?

Better_than_you: Haha, yeah. Told you he loves that car.

VampiresGirl: I'd better go, calm him. Bye.

EvilPixie: I'm gonna go now. This sounds good.

SuperPrankster: I'll follow.

SuperPrankster has signed out

EvilPixie has signed out

PixiesBoy has signed out

VampiresGirl has signed out

Better_than_you has signed out
"Well I suggest that you all go and get the rest of the pack, I will check out Emmett. Alice, Rose and Jasper should watch them, Edward you should go get Esme and... erm Bella." Carlisle suggested.
"WHAT?!" Edward and Jacob yelled at the same time.
"Carlisle, are you insane? There is NO way I will bring Bella here." Edward said.
"I can't belive I'm saying this, but Edward is right. This is the last place she should be." Jacob agreed.
"Listen, she might be the only one who can talk to Charlie to figure out what is happening." Carlisle explained.
After a long thought, Edward decided that his...
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Here is an excerpt from an article written by A. De Witt, a professional counselor, discussing infatuation and true love. I read several other articles on this topic (written by psychologists, medical professionals, and theological experts)and many say much of the same thing (except those who are more medical in their approach and tend to talk about dopamine, adrenaline, and brain activities as related to infatuation and love). I found it fascinating as it related to the relationships found in the Twilight series:

"Infatuation is like a drug, or a form of madness. You are taken over by a whirlwind,...
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So we, as Twilighters, all know that even IF we both like Jacob and Edward, we're secertely more devoted to one than the other. Come on, addmitt it! You can't help but love that crooked smile of Edward's just a little bit more than Jacob's big grin. And what's so great about a white body? I want my man tall (prefrably 6'7 around there) and dark.
So here, on this soapbox of happiness, we're going to go over the amazing traits, that Edward and Jake DON'T have in common. If I leave something out that you think one has, leave it in your comment! Shout out your Jake or Edward support!

-He may...
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As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob—knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which?

Yes, yes, here it is…the long awaited third book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. It’s been...
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Renesmee's name derives from an amalgamation of the names of Bella's mother, Renée, and her mother-in-law, Esme. Her middle name, Carlie, is a portmanteau of Bella's father-in-law, Carlisle, and Charlie, Bella's biological father. Jacob Black gives her the nickname "Nessie" because he says her full name is a "mouthful." At first, Bella refuses to use this nickname because of the obvious allusion to the Loch-Ness Monster, but eventually warms to this name along with everyone else by the end of the story. This nickname, in addition to Jacob's imprinting upon Renesmee, made Bella furious enough...
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*From Renesmee's view

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