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posted by twilight-7
Edward's thoughts - bold
Kayla's thoughts - italics

I had managed to make it through a whole month of school without anything unusual happening. The murders had seemed to stop. No one in or around Forks had been killed so maybe the newborn had learned not to kill so often or someone had dealt with it. I felt kind of disappointed that I hadn’t been able to go after it and teach it a thing or two. I think it would be quite fun battling a newborn but since it decided to stop I guess I’ll just have to wait. Edward and I continued to have our silent conversations. It was weird, him being inside my head, but then how else could we talk about vampires and Azdis without being overheard? I missed Edward terribly when he wasn’t near me. We were alike in so many ways yet different at the same time. We were both fast, strong and mind-readers. But I was human, he a vampire, he was my enemy and I his prey. We could be ourselves around each other and at times we never spoke aloud to each other, just spoke in our minds. I hardly spoke to Charlie. After the change I felt he was expecting me to be out every night saving the world from horrible creatures but really all I wanted to do was be normal. If that could really happen when you can hear whoever’s thoughts you wanted to hear. Because of Charlie I was spending more and more time with Edward and I swear there was something he wasn’t telling me. He probably knew me better than I did; he had seen that much into my mind. but then he had this crazy idea that it was time that I met the rest of his family.
“I’ve already met the rest of your family!” I argued with him. That wasn’t totally a lie. I had spoken to Carlisle and Alice and waved at Rosalie, Jasper and Emmet once.
“Properly?” he asked. “You haven’t met Esme and she wants to meet the person who has been occupying so much of my time.”
“Edward,” I groaned. “Please don’t make me. I’m not very good at first impressions. When I first met you, I almost made you a murderer, and when I first met Carlisle, he was about to leave Forks.”
“Please, Kayla.” Edward pleaded with me. “For Esme. She’s dying to meet you.”
I sighed. “For Esme.”

I was stood in the living room of his house and there were six pairs of golden eyes on me.
“This is Kayla,” Edward introduced me.
I waved shyly at them, smiling.
There was only one person there that i didn’t recognise. She was small and slender, but not Alice-small, with a heart-shaped face and caramel-coloured hair. i assumed this was Esme. As soon as she saw me she walked up to me and hugged me. This surprised me as the only vampire who had hugged me before was Edward.
“Hello Kayla,” She spoke to me. “Welcome to the family.”
“Thanks,” I said, smiling at her.
Help me! I thought to Edward.
He wrapped one arm around my waist.
“She’s a bit shy, Esme,” Edward said, smiling slightly.
“Oh, there’s nothing to be shy about,” Esme smiled. “We’re perfectly normal.”
I nodded.
Help me.
Just be patient. Edward answered me. Let her talk to you.
Why can’t we just go upstairs to your room?
I was so nervous I felt like sprinting out of there. I knew this would happen. I would get here and meet Esme and I wouldn’t be able to speak because I would be so nervous that I felt I might throw-up if I opened my mouth. Suddenly a wave of confidence washed over me and my nervousness disappeared. I didn’t even need to ask where it had come from. I already knew what Jasper could do.
Jasper. Edward confirmed.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Mrs Cullen,” I said to Esme, now that I knew there was no chance of me being sick.
“Please, call me Esme,” Esme spoke, noticing now that I was a bit less shy.
I smiled warmly at her.
“I think I’ll take Kayla upstairs now,” Edward said and he guided me to a set of wide stairs. We ran up them, quickly.
That was scary.
You find meeting my mother scary but hunting down a dangerous newborn fun?
I shrugged.
We walked down a long hallway and passed a number of doors before coming to a stop at the end.
“My room,” he said, opening the door and leading me through. One whole wall of his room was purely glass. Another wall was stacked shelf after shelf of CD’s. A high-tech looking sound system was in the corner of the room. There was no bed but a very big black leather sofa.
“Very nice,” I said, looking around the room. I walked over and lay down on the sofa. “Very comfortable.”
Edward chuckled and sat on the arm of the sofa at my head. He very lightly stroked my cheek with his finger. I tried to keep my heart from racing at the touch of his cool skin but I failed miserably.
“Are you ok?” he asked me. “Do you need anything?”
I stood up.
“I actually do need a drink,” I said.
“No problem.” He said. “There’ll be something downstairs.”
“You have food in your kitchen?” I asked. “I thought you don’t eat.”
“We have to keep up the pretence of being human and that includes buying groceries.”
“Oh.” I nodded.
“I’ll be back in a minute.”
He left the room and I began to look around. I picked up a book that was lying on a shelf. To Kill a Mockingbird. This book looked like it had never been read. It was pristine. I opened it and flicked through it but the paper was still sharp. It sliced my finger.
“Ow!” I put the book down and shook my hand, hoping it would get rid of the pain. Obviously it didn’t.
Alice who was passing Edward’s room with Jasper looked in.
“You ok?” she asked.
“Fine, just got a paper cut.” I smiled to reassure her it was nothing but her eyes widened. My eyes slid to Jasper. The newest member to the Cullen Family and still adjusting to their way of life. I saw it all in slow motion. Jasper’s nostrils flared, filling his nose with the scent of my blood. Alice was too late in trying to hold him back and he charged at me. His eyes were dark and dangerous, his thoughts only filled with the thirst burning in his throat and how my blood would satisfy it. I panicked. This was different with Edward. I was prepared for his attack and we were only playing, this wasn’t playing. This was real and this was my life in danger. My muscles froze as Jasper advanced on me. I needed something to distract him with, something to hit him with that will divert his attention for at least a few seconds to make my escape. My eyes scanned the room for anything big enough. I saw a big mirror hanging on the wall. But Jasper would reach it before me. I panicked, wishing I could reach out, pull it off the wall and hit him with it. I could see it now, the mirror flying off the wall and smacking Jasper side on, knocking him over.
“Kayla! Run!” Alice screamed at me.
I looked at Jasper, who was lying on the floor, covered in shards of glass. I didn’t know how or cared how it had happened – I just ran. I ran out of Edward’s room and down the stairs. I ran out of the house and into the woods that surrounded his house. I heard someone behind me, running just as fast and I only stopped when I heard Edward’s thoughts.
Kayla, stop. It’s Edward. Your safe.
I stopped running but the fear didn’t leave me. When I didn’t turn round to face him, Edward wrapped his arms around me. Only in his arms would I feel totally safe.
“I’m bleeding,” I whispered to him, trying to step away. I didn't want him to feel guilty over nearly killing me.
I’m fine. He wrapped his arms tighter around me.
“No, go,” I told him, trying to wrestle my way out his grip. I stuck my bleeding finger in my mouth trying to disguise the scent.
“You know you’re breath will only smell of blood,” he chuckled at me.
I won’t speak then.
He chuckled again.
Did you chuck that mirror at him? I thought of the mirror crashing down on Jasper and wondered if it had hurt him.
It didn’t hurt him, though he is feeling very guilty for scaring you. I didn’t throw the mirror at him, you did.
I frowned at him. I was nowhere it.
You did it with your mind.
I did?
He looked at me, a slight smile on his lips.
You truly do not know your own power, do you?
Obviously not.
Edward let me go, knowing what I was going to do. I removed my finger from my mouth now that it had stopped bleeding and I looked on the forest floor for a broken branch or twig. I found a twig and I concentrated very hard, envisioning with my mind it levitating in the air. And it did. I clapped my hands together and laughed. I let it fall and did it again and again and again. I would never tire of this.
I know you won’t
I turned to look at him and he had an amused expression on his face, probably because of me being fascinated by the littlest things. I made the twig fly at him, hoping it might hit him in the face but he caught it and snapped it with his hand. I was so occupied with my new telekinetic powers that I wasn’t really listening to Edward’s thoughts. I caught only a glimpse of them and it was enough to break my heart.
“No,” I ran back to him and wrapped my arms around him tight. “I know what you’re thinking and don’t do it.”
“Kayla.” Edward’s voice sounded pained.
“No, it was my fault,” I told him sternly. “Mine. Jasper didn’t mean to. He’s new at this vegetarian thing.”
“Kayla, it’s dangerous for you to be around my family. If I thought newborns were bad I should have brought you home sooner.”
“No,” I repeated. “You can’t. You can’t stop leave me.”
“Kayla. If I wasn't here, you wouldn't see me and I wouldn't put you at risk. It’s for the best.”
“No, it’s not.”
“It is.”
He sighed. “I only want to protect you.”
“I can protect myself,” I said. “I stopped Jasper, didn’t I? I threw a mirror at him, for Christ’s sake!”
He couldn't leave me, I wouldn't let him. If I had to stand here all day with my arms wrapped around him I would.
“Give me one reason why I shouldn’t stop seeing you?”
I panicked. I couldn’t think of anything other than ‘because I said so’. I still had my arms around him and held him even tighter, fearing he would leave right at that very second if I wasn’t quick enough. Tears began to fall from my eyes and I couldn't stop them. I tried to think of how I would feel if he left me now and all I could picture was this big hole he would leave in my life. Then it hit me.
“I love you,” I whispered.
posted by BuffyFaithFan1
YES this is the same person who wrote BLOOD LUST and STORYTELLER and BLEED IT OUT (storyteller 2) and I just have to say that I'm
really greatful to all of the fans out there telling me to keep up the work! So thanks, and even thought I'm on writers block for both books! I will continue them sometime soon. I finished STORYTELLER (as some of you know)...and I started BLEED IT OUT, and I didn't know where to go with it so I just got stumped! Same on BLOOD LUST...but someone did get the first part of it...and I can't say cause then you'd bug that person for it...but chapter 14 of BLOOD LUST will...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
TRUE BLOOD season one ON DVD!!!
TRUE BLOOD season one ON DVD!!!

"Bill, I have to go home!" I said slipping my shirt on.
"Why?" He asked me.
"Cause Josh is gonna' come over here wonderin' where the heck I am, and he will see us in bed togheter!" I said and he smiled.
"Fine!" He said and he got up and started to get dressed.
"But you can come over and get blood from him!" I said and...
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posted by sh0rtiinedward
i hope you like my story sorry for the spelling and stuff like that im trying my best!!!!!

Rennesme POV
When you love the one, who left you no options at all,and change you campletely how can you fight with the world to not lose him?

What about if your life depend on the person, what would you do to tell him what you really feel about him and that you want to be with him FOREVER!!!!!!

And you have just one more chance to do it!!!!

posted by Edward_lover101
cool huh
cool huh
Everyone must have left, because no one was here except me and Edward. I was more that ready to get some sleep. So Edward gave me some privaticy. I took a hot shower, and put on some pj's. I walked to Edward's room. there stood Edward, as perfect as ever. I waked over to the bed and layed down. Edward came over and layed next to me.
"Bella are you ok? You were so upset back at the medow. What did Jacob do that made you fell that way. I mean you don't have to tell me, if you don;t want to." Edward was curious. I could tell. "Edward, Jacob wants to know why I love you so much. And when I give...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I was finishing up the spaghetti when a loud crash echoed from the front room. I couldn't see what it was. I was about to get up, to check it out, when Edward strolled in and sat next to me. I stuffed the remaining amount of spaghetti in my mouth, watching him. He grabbed my plate and headed for the kitchen. I followed. I had some questions for him.
"What was that noise I heard?"
"I threw something down the stairs. I was angry, but I have something for you."
That took me by surprise.
"For me?"
I doubted it could be better than the present he'd already given me. How could any present beat him? He...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I put the box on the floor carefully, I didn't know if there was anything breakable in it. I peered inside. I closed my eyes and inhaled, I was angry, I wanted her to keep things, to remind her of me, but she mustn't not have wanted to. The CD I made her in its jeweled, plastic case was sitting on top. I pulled it out and put it aside. The diamond heart I gave her, to go with Jacob's carved wolf. The stereo from her truck, a copy of the gift Emmett, Rose and Jazz gave her for her 18th birthday, the one that I replaced. All of the notes that I left her. And a black velvet box. If I could cry...
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posted by lovethecullens
Hi Everyone!
I am sorry that I haven't posted any new Dusk chapters recently. It has been HECTIC in my house. I am finishing up my semester of school, taking care of my uncoordinated brother who fell off of a roof (don't ask LONG story, all i can say is dumb boys and their stupid toys LOL), plus taking care of my crazy girls & husband. On top of that I am very excited to say that I have finally came up with a project of my own for a fictional story that I am hoping to eventually publish if I am blessed enoughto have that opportunity (keep your fingers crossed for me :) I don't want to say...
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posted by Pirate_4_life
I let myself fall into a deep sleep, trying to block out the pain. Although the intensity had reduced, just as before all the images of that night I changed came rushing back like a tap in my mind had been turned on. They were now accompanied by the images of my grandmother and the feeling of complete guilt. If I had just acted like a grown up, took some responsibility for what was happening it could have been very different now.
I wake up with tears in my eyes. I sit bolt up ignoring the pain ripping through my body. Although most things about me had changed, that is the one thing that remained...
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posted by qtpievy
I was totally unprepared for what I was about to face. How could I leave my one true love alone so fragile and unprotected, but surly she could stay out of harms way without the vampires in town. I knew that it would be a while before she actually hinted that I was leaving and I knew that she would cling with every thread of hope. But this was for the best. I think.
I pulled into Charlies spot not wanting to look at the empty house so I spent the few minutes it took for Bella's truck to come billowing around the corner, with my love.
Holding her warm hand, I was so attuned to her that I could...
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posted by Twilight597
Ok i know this took a long time. well its because i live in ohio and we are having OATs(ohio achievement tests) for the end of the year and i just took the reading one so we get a break for one day and thats 2maro and the rest of today so i dont know when i will get chapter 3 up either its done but writen and i have to type it. this one is a long one just for the wait but its really only long becasue the song lyrics oh and i changed My Hero to Loves Not A Competition(but i'm winning) so on with the story and i also dont have a name for this other then practicing so any suggestions please tell...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I was giddy as we got on the plane. I couldn't believe she agreed to come with me. As we took our seats. I hadn't felt this good since, that fight with Victoria. I mean, sure I stayed with Bella, but I thought we would get married, I thought she would have picked me. I mean at first, she had said that she would marry me, but now I realize, she wasn't completely honest with me. I know she is a bad liar, but I guess I just wanted to finally have her say yes, and to finally have her choose me. She must have thought that I would still make love to her, before we were to be wed. I thought she loved...
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10. Sing “Discovery Channel” by the Bloodhound Gang in your head whenever he is near.

9. Hotwire his Volvo and take it on a joyride.

8. Tell him the relationship he is having with Bella is practically paedophilia and he could be sent to jail for it.

7. Ask how Tanya is.

6. End every argument with “Bite me, Edward.”

5. Call him Romeo both behind his back and to his face.

4. Whenever he complains or argues, reply with “What are you gonna do Edward? Go to Italy?”

3. Tell him his hair isn’t bronze, it’s ginger, and he should stop denying himself – he’s a ranga.

2. Whenever he leaves a room or says goodbye, get down on your knees and beg him not to go, not again.

And the Number One way to annoy Edward Cullen?

1. Take his silver cell phone and change the ringtone to “Like a Virgin” by Madonna.

Source: link
posted by Pirate_4_life
I have thought about writing my own story for quite some time, with my main influence being twilight-7. She has an amazing writing style and has kept me and many others enthralled by her captivating story. I don’t want anyone to think that my stories will be in any way shape or form nearly as good as hers but I will give it a try and if no-one likes it then I will simply give up and try something new.
Suggestions and comments will be kindly welcomed throughout.

Chapter 1.

I sit alone in my room in silence, 7pm, another sleepless night ahead. Although I don’t seem to get tired, I just sit and...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I started packing right away, I was rejoicing. This really hot guy was taking me away from the drug lord, plus, he likes me back. I couldn't wait to get out of this stupid apartment. The only reason I lived here was because the drug lord paid for it as long as I turned in the money.
That thought stopped me in my tracks. If Max said I was supposed to pay $500, then the drug lord would come for the other 200. I just hoped he wouldn't come until I was already gone. I would leave him a note.
I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. Dear DL:

I'm leaving, so you won't be able to find me, it's a place...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
(I found a song that goes GREAT with this chapter, and its called NO GOOD by KATE VOEGELE, and then there is also KINDLY UNSPOKEN by her too! And for CHAPTER ELEVEN, at the very end of chapter ten and throughout chapter 11, HALLELUJAH by KATE VOEGELE works AWESOMELY with that! Check them out, and enjoy CHAPTER 12 ~BuffyFaithfan1)

CHAPTER TWELVE: Its Gotta Be This One...
I always wonder if this is truely me u know? I've been thinking of this lyric from...
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posted by barbie91lala's my little story..
It's a compilation of my role play, so a lot of people participated on it.
I started it with BellaBrooke and BellaCullen96 (who I both thank a lot) and we role played as Bella (me), Edward (BellaBrooke) and Alice (BellaCullen96) at first, but then some other people thank you to the others!
hope you like the story!

CHAPTER 1: Almost perfect night

i was walking really angry along the dark streets of forks when suddenly little rain drops began to fall on my head. that made me feel worse...why did i say those things to him? i should have learned to shut...
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posted by Twilight597
Chapter 2

I awoke to a loud voice telling us to put our seatbelts on. I groaned but sat up and put it on. I saw the boys were up already looking out of the windows to Italy.

I looked out my window and it was beautiful. I noticed Jane walking over to me, “How I wish I lived here! It’s just wonderful.” I exclaimed.

“Uhh… yeah I guess.” she replied.

I sighed when the plane touched the ground a few minutes later.

When I saw the light meaning we can get up, I stood up and walked over to the door where we came in from and stopped dead in my tracks.

Standing in front of me was a giant man...
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posted by Chrisztine
Okay, so this is a crossover between Charmed and Twilight. I've added characters. That way Twilight and Charmed characters alike stay intact. This is like a preview. I don't know if I'm continuing with this. It kind of depends on how you all feel about it, so please let me know!
If you've got any questions, just let me know too.
Here goes!

I sat around, fidgeting. We were all at the club and I couldn’t concentrate. I think I was also making noise. ‘’Stop that, you’re driving me crazy!’’, my sister Rachel said. Yeah, I was making noise. ‘’Sorry Rach, I’ll try to stop.’’ ‘’You’d...
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posted by xxEmo92xx
I hit Alice with one of my pillows. She was still sleeping(or pretending to any way) and I hated to feel like I was the only one awake when I was sleeping over Alice's. I don't know why. "What!?" She yelled at me. I laid back down on my pillow and quickly closed my eyes. I soon awoke half an hour later, only to find Alice, who was already dressed and had on a light shade of grey eyeshadow ,and for some reason she was wearing rectangle glasses, like the ones I had.
"Hey! Why are you wearing my glasses?"

"Oh! You startled me! I love wearing your glasses! I like em'"

"I can see by all of the short...
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posted by xxEmo92xx
Two days later, Alice and I are sitting in my bed talking about the Volturri thing. "I am so glad you're cool with the whole Volturri thing. I love being your friend. If we would have let our diversity separate us, we would probaly be at our own houses with our boyfriends."

"Actually, no. I am not dating Jasper anymore."

"What!? Why!?"

"I caught him with another woman." Alice began to sob a little.

"Do you know who?"

"Yeah, it was that Jessica girl. THey were kissing behind the school. Plus, when he came through the door, he was thinking about if I knew about Jessica."

"How do you kno- oh yeah,...
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