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posted by mikaela_isabela
I was uncomfortable.
My neck was lying on the couch at an awkward angle. I could feel Nate’s feet on my lap, and I could hear him snoring quietly. I opened my eyes and saw that my head was facing towards the ground. I must have moved in my sleep. I yawned hugely and rubbed my eyes. They felt weird. Like they were prickling.
I moved Nate’s feet and backward rolled off the couch. I got to my feet unsteadily, trying to regain my balance. I looked out the window. Charlie’s cruiser was gone. It must be later in the morning.
I went into the kitchen, to find some breakfast when the phone rang.
I answered it before I had time to think.
“Hello?” my voice was thick from sleep; it sounded as if I had a cold, or had just been crying.
“Bella!” Alice’s wind chime voice snapped me out of my reverie. “You finally answered; I’ve been calling all morning. Are you okay? Is Leah there?”
Her voice was full of worry and concern.
“Um, yeah I’m fine Alice, why wouldn’t I be?” I was tired and confused, she made absolutely no sense.
“So you’re okay?” her voice was still worried. “Is Leah there?”
Her train of thought was making me dizzy and my eyes burn.
“Yes, I’m fine, and no, Leah isn’t here, why?”
“Leah isn’t there?” her voice was sharp now.
“No, Alice, what’s going on? You’re confusing me.”
She was murmuring something to someone in the background. This was starting to irritate me.
My eyes felt really sore now. I closed my eyes and rubbed them furiously.
Alice was still talking to someone in hushed tones.
I cried out in pain. It felt like my eyes were on fire.
“Bella?” Fresh panic layered Alice’s voice. “Bella, what’s wrong?”
I was panting loudly, still rubbing my eyes. I couldn’t answer her.
“Bella! What’s wrong?” Edward’s voice was in the receiver now. “Bella honey, talk to me!” his voice was frightened.
I couldn’t control my scream.
It was as if someone was gouging my eyes.
“Bella?!” Nate’s voice was behind me, worried, yet slightly wary. “Bells?”
He rolled me over. Strange. I didn’t know I was on the floor.
“Oh my god…Bella, I’ve got to get you to the hospital.”
The hospital? What was wrong with me? I was still panting.
“BELLA?!” Edward was seriously frightened now. The phone was still in my hand, “WHATS HAPPENING?!”
There was wetness on my face, but it didn’t feel like tears.
Nate helped me to my feet, and took the phone out of my hands.
“Hello?” Nate was talking into the receiver; I could hear the panic in his voice.
I couldn’t see, everything was black.
“Her eyes…they’re…bleeding.” His voice was scared. “I have to take her to the hospital, call back later.” He hung up the phone and towed me towards the door.
He grabbed his keys and opened the door. The bright light made my eyes hurt more.
I cried out in pain again.
“Bella!” Angela’s voice came from nowhere. “What happened to you? What happened to her?” she went from asking me to asking Nate.
“I don’t know. She was on the phone, and then she screamed, I ran in there and she was on the floor screaming. I rolled her over and saw her like this. I was taking her to the hospital.” Nate’s voice was controlled, yet it seemed as if he knew the words, like he’d practiced them before.
“I’m coming.” Angela’s voice was worried, yet determined. “I’m the only one here for her right now, so I’m coming.”
Nate dragged me to his car, and slid me in the back seat. Angels sat in the seat next to me and pulled my head on her shoulder. I whimpered, as my eyes stung more.
We got to the hospital in record time, and went straight to Doctor Gerandy.
I got holed up to a bunch of machines and wheeled off to the Emergency room by myself. Nate and Angela weren’t allowed to come in until after I had some tests done.
I had never felt such a burning pain; not since James bit me all those months ago in Phoenix. This burn felt ten times worse than that, and more potent. But this one wouldn’t turn me into a vampire.
The medicine they drugged me with made me constantly drift in and out of consciousness.
I dreamt that I was walking along the cliff I had once jumped off, in my effort to hear Edwards voice.
But I was not alone.
I turned and saw Nate, with Ben Cheney, Angela’s ex-boyfriend, and another boy, who looked vaguely familiar. There was also a girl. She was sitting on the edge of the cliff, just watching me pace. Yet Everytime I asked what was going on; the consciousness came back.
I could hear Doctor Gerandy and Charlie murmuring close by, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t make out what they were saying.
I was barely aware that I was being moved.
I must be getting placed in a room. I felt a warm hand on my forehead. This time I could hear what they were saying.
“Bella…my beautiful Bella…” it was Charlie, it sounded as if he were crying.
I stirred. “Dad…?” I mumbled, I tried to open my eyes, yet everything was still dark.
“Bella?!” relief was thick in his voice. “Oh, thank god!” I felt him kiss my forehead.
I reached my hand up to feel my eyes. There was gauze wrapping over them.
“Dad, what happened?” my voice was groggy, but the burning had stopped.
“They don’t know sweetie. Something happened to your eyes, but they’re about to take the covering off, so we’ll be able to see if there’s any damage.”
I nodded, trying to remember what happened. There was a phone call with Alice…then Edwards’s voice…then…nothing. I couldn’t remember anything else.
We stopped moving. I could hear Doctor Gerandy outside the door. I cringed back into my pillows, afraid of what he might say, or what the results will be.
The door opened.
“Ah, your awake Bella.” His voice was professional. “That’s good. Lets look at your test results, shall we?” I heard him approach the bed, flipping pages as he did.
“Hm…that’s odd.” His voice was confused.
“What’s odd?” Charlie and I asked this at the same time. If it weren’t a serious situation, we would have laughed.
“All of her results come back as normal…but how could they be normal? Your eyes were bleeding…” he seemed to be lost in his thoughts. “Well, let’s take a look see at your eyes, and see if they’re okay…”
I braced myself. Charlie squeezed my arms gently. He was just as anxious as I was.
Doctor Gerandy’s hands were taking off the gauze, I felt sick. Not a bad sick, just nervous.
It was no longer black. I could see a very white light, in my left eye.
“Unbelievable…” Charlie’s voice was stunned, but it didn’t sound bad.
I saw the white light in my right eye now. I blinked trying to focus on something. After about 6 blinks I could see. I saw both Doctor Gerandy and Charlie looking at me with stunned faces.
“What?” I asked, my voice shaking due to the nerves. “Is it that bad?”
I thought of several possibilities of why they weren’t saying anything. None of them good.
“Bella…” Charlie’s voice was full of awe. “No, it’s nothing bad…your eyes…their…their…”
“Green.” Doctor Gerandy finished his sentence for him, his voice equally filled with awe.
My jaw dropped. This had to be a joke. My eyes were a chocolate brown not green. I had never had green eyes, this couldn’t be real.
“A real pretty green too,” Charlie was saying. “Sort of a mix of blue and green…it looks like the ocean.” He smiled at me.
I looked from Gerandy to Charlie, trying to find hints of them joking.
There was none.
There was a light knock on the door.
“Can we come in?” it was Leah. She poked her head in just a fraction.
“Yeah, come on in Leah.” My voice sounded calm and sure, yet I felt anything but. She came in followed closely by Angela and Seth.
They all stopped dead when they looked at me.
Seth’s jaw actually dropped.
“Is that really you Bella?” Angela was squinting at me, but Leah had a smile playing around the edge of her mouth. Her voice was amused.
“Dude…that colour suits you!”
I looked at all the faces that surrounded me. My eyes stopped at Gerandy.
“Do you have a mirror?” I asked timidly; I was nervous, I was so used to having brown eyes; green would be an adjustment.
He nodded and left the room for a minute. It was silent while he was gone. Seth was still staring at me, his jaw slightly open, Angela was smiling at me fearfully, as if she didn’t think it was me, and Leah was trying her hardest not to laugh at my expression. I looked at Charlie.
“Bells, I’d better call your mom. She’s been calling every few seconds checking up on you. I’ll be back.”
I nodded as he headed to the door.
Almost exactly 2 seconds after Charlie left the room, Gerandy came in with a hand held mirror.
I took it from him nervously, holding it close to my chest.
I looked at the friends that surrounded me, and they all nodded in encouragement. I took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I lifted the mirror up to my face, and opened my eyes.
I gasped. It was like looking at a stranger. A very pretty stranger. The colour was like the water in the Caribbean ocean, that I’ve seen pictures of. Not quite green; not quite blue.
There was another knock at the door. I tore my eyes away from the stranger girl, and looked towards the door.
Nate was standing awkwardly in the doorway. He looked upset yet determined.
“Um, would you guys mind if I have a private minute with Bella?” his voice was strong and gruff. It sounded surprisingly like Charlie. I looked at him confused.
They all nodded and headed towards the door. Once they were all gone, he closed the door and sat beside me on the bed.
“What’s up Nate?” I asked, trying to catch his eyes. He made it hard by looking at the floor.
“I have to tell you something…about our family…and about what happened to your eyes…” he trailed off, finally looking up from the floor and meeting my eyes. I never noticed how green his eyes were before. Almost the colour of celery.
I stared right back never breaking contact.
“Go on.” I said when he didn’t seem inclined to go on.
He took a deep breath, and looked down.
He let out a gusty sigh and stared at me with such intensity that I felt the urge to step back.
“Bella…I know what kind of people you hang out with…and I use the term people loosely…I know that your boyfriend is a vampire and your best friend is a werewolf…”
My jaw dropped. How did Nate know this?
“Your not just some unimportant human Bella, you and I have a purpose in this world, and human doesn’t quite cover it.” he took another deep breath before he grabbed my shoulders in his hands. “Bella…you and I…we’re…we’re…” another breath, “Bella we are witches. It is our job to keep the vampires and werewolves out of the human eye; to protect the secrecy of the magical world, and to protect the human world from the unknown. You were born for this purpose, and your eyes mark you for what we are. Good witches. Green eyes are good, purple eyes are bad. We’re like vampires in that way.” He let go of my shoulders and put his hand under my chin so he could read my newly founded witch eyes.
“Bella, this was only the first of your transformations…the eyes are the starting point…your lucky…”he added bitterly, “Only your hair has to change now. Of course you’ll get thinner and stronger. And not to mention fast.”
I tried to figure out what my face felt like. It felt cold. I tired to blink in a healthy rhythm.
“You’re not the weak little human Bella now. Now; you’re the fast, strong and even more beautiful Bella. No more getting left behind, and no more of this damsel in distress business. Now you’re the hero…enjoy it.”
I stared at Nate’s eyes and held it for an immeasurable moment.
I smiled at him.
“When do I start?”
posted by DWLoverTBCEDT

Things I own, a ticket stub for Water for Elephants. Things I don't own, Twilight, Edward, Rob. I think you get the drift.

Okay, I would like to say how sorry I am that it took this long to update. The reason is that Project Team Beta is betaing this story as well. So, it took a while to get them caught up. Now that they are, updates should be a little more normal.

As usual, much thanks goes out to state of delusion for her great work on this chapter. Also to to PTB for catching what we didn't get. Okay, enough of me talking, but stick around at the end. I have something important to say....
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posted by uniquezandy
Alecs POV
Life was the same. Guarding, the Volturi castle was boring. All of us were gathered in the living room.(the one with vivd colurs, expensive electrics and really comfrtable chairs). It was quiet and peacful, until.. "Aaagh!" Screamed my dear sister. Oh no.
This can't be good.
"This is an outrage! Volturi listen up. The Cu.. Cul.. I can't say it with out wanting the desire to kill.!" She screeched. Most of us were confused; but I knew my sister better than anyone. "You mean the Cullens sister?" I questioned. "Yes! They are all coming for a visit. They will be staying here for 3 years!"...
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posted by karlygirl26
Chapter 2)

When we arrived at my house Charlie, my dad, was home. I slumped my book bag over my shoulder and climbed out of the truck. “I love you,” Edward whispered. “Love you.” I said back to him walking away. He got out of my truck and disappeared into the woods. I looked back at him but he was already gone. I walked inside the house to Charlie, who already ordered pizza and was watching ESPEN. I threw myself onto the couch and Charlie looked up from the TV. “Bells? What’s wrong?”

I spoke into the couch pillow. “Edward and his family are going away for a while and they don’t...
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posted by Angelcatz11
Jacob Black's POV

When I awoke the next morning Renesme was snuggled up agianst my chest, I smiled down at her, Remembering what happened the night before. I gently moved the ruby red curls out of her eyes and kissed her forehead. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. She smiled and kissed me back. After a few moments her face changed into a serious worry face. "Crap, I've gotta go! I-if my parents find out I'm gone they'll kill me!" She cried. She got up pulled and blanket over her and gathered up her clothes. I layed sideways starring at her. "What?" She asked. "Whats wrong?" I asked her. She shook...
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AN: Alright, welcome back to my crazy world. I own a valentine card with Edward on it. Does this mean I own Edward? No, Meyer calms all. I'm just playing with them a bit. As always much thanks go out to state of delusion for making this readable. Okay have fun.

Chapter 2

I am the Walrus

Sitting in an English garden waiting for the sun.

If the sun don't come, you'll get a tan

From standing in the rain.

-The Beatles

"Alice!" I called into the sitting room. "I can't find my red and gold earrings, the ones with the Spanish Roses embossed on them. Do you know where they are?"

"They're in the black velvet...
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posted by mmourer
I had finally arrived in Silverton my new “home” but there was something different about this town it actually did feel like home though I had no idea why.     I had already unpacked all of my furniture and everything so I was moved into my new house and I was going to go watch TV for a while before going to “bed”. I would begin school tomorrow which made me happy because I would having something to do.
    Today was my first day of school at S.H.S. (Silverton High School) and I had no clue what was to come of it. Today I decided to go with something...
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Note: I do not own Any of these characters except Amelia, Elizabeth and Ely. I do not own the Twilight Saga.


I woke up today, a married women. Married to a wolf, a beautiful wolf. And a sister in law, to a loving 3 year old. I went hunting when i woke up and caught a deer, i took it home because Winter is coming up and all the animals will be asleep.
" Alice, will you drop me off to nursery because Elizabeth is ill?" Amelia asked
"Yeah, OK." I replied
"Are you working?"
"I think...I have to phone Tom and ask. I think I am because there is a big house that needs decorating on Oak street."
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By Twilight_News |
According to MTV:

“Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart are among the first to confirm that they’ll be attending, making the pair a recurring feature on the red carpet (remember their adorable joint presentation of a “scary movie”-themed feature at last year’s Academy Awards?), and they’ll be in good company with a host of other celebs including Zac Efron, Taylor Swift, Emma Roberts, Leighton Meester, and Mila Kunis. ”

Other celebrities tend to walk the red carpet, so be on the lookout for more names to be at the show on January 5th. Twilight was up for a ton of awards, expect Taylor and Kristen to pick up a few as well as possibly be presenters.

You can also catch live Red Carpet coverage on @Ustream at 4:30pm PT / 7:30pm ET on Jan 5! link
So I entered this one shot in for the A Christmas to Remember Contest, there were some problems, which once got fixed,the deadline was up.
I'm allowed to post here. This a All Human & Alternative Universe Fanfic.

A big thanks to Cesca & link

PenName: Soulless Monster
Title: Silken Time
Rating: T
Summary: An adopted child spends Christmas with his family, a story of his different Christmases.
Pairing: Edward & Bella

Silken Time

Age: A few months old. Dec-25

“Maybe we should get her.” a hushed voice whispered.

“Darling, she’s sweet.” the man gazed fondly at the girl that his wife...
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posted by karpach_14
jake sat by me and held my hand. Not like a friend, but maybe more. What am I thinking, I just broke up. This is insane. My life is like being written, everything is changed all the time, first you think something is going to last, and then it changes its weird, but I cant change it. Or can i?
“ness you act like It was just a joke” my mother told me.
“it was a joke I was just getting too attached to it that’s all, I should have known that something so nice couldn’t be real, but I guess time will pass and I will get used to it, right jake?” I asked him and smiled at him. he looked...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 19
Ivan opened his eyes a little and then a little more until he opened ham all the way.
“nessie?” he said quietly. He remembers me. I looked at him and he had a smile on his face and then I tried to put up a smile too but I failed miserably.
“ivan , how did u get in an accident?” I asked him. Eager to know.
“when I left the reservation I was driving back home but then I remembered your face how you looked at me before you left so I turned around and started driving back to the reservation but then a car came out of nowhere and that’s all I remember” he told me.
“the good...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 16

“she didn’t want to tell you because she didn’t want to make people think she’s different that’s all” I told them.
“well obviously she would have been different if she told us she was a wizard” uncle Emmett said.
“exactly and u would treat her differently but she doesn’t want that” I told them.
“nessie today not tomorrow!” my father yelled.
“I got to go , so jake wen can I come?” I asked him.
“today if you want” he told him.
“u’re the best” I told him and hugged him. I ran towards the house ivan following me.
“wat do u want?” I asked him....
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 5
“this is not my daughter” my father said. And shook his head.
“our daughter just grew up and needs more attention Edward” my mom said.
“bella this isn’t our renesmee this is…” I cut my dad off.
“this is who? Dad just because I changes doesn’t mean im not ur daughter” I told him. It took him a very long time to say anything. I got so tired of everything I left then and ran to my room. I gathered a lot of clothes and put it in my luggage. I went down stairs and to my car.
“nessie wer r u going?” my mom asked. I didn’t want to hurt anyone here, it was all an accident,...
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Now that Twilight is almost over, will The Hunger Games movies fill the void for fans?
—Elliott, Connecticut, via the inbox

You speak of the upcoming book-to-film adaptation about a dystopian society that sends its children into annual outdoor cage matches to the death, yes?

Well, the pre-production rumors sure are as heated as they were in the days before Twilight hit the screen. But does all that anticipation necessarily equal a replacement to the vampire cult?

Let's start with the casting frenzy, which may or may not launch the next Kristen Stewart:

Kick-Ass actresses Chloe Moretz and Lyndsy...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
End of Chapter 16:
“I believe you…..” I was about to say I believe you but I was cut off by a blood curling scream through my head that just clicked something in my mind that felt like it switched something on. Then all of sudden I knew who’s scream that was it was my daughters and just by her scream I could jump out of whatever state I was in and I was able to feel and see again and ready to take whatever I needed to keep my kid safe.

Chapter 17th:

The first thing I saw when I awoke from whatever it was Alec, Jane’s brother who can disable you from sound, seeing, and that moment he...
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Many outlets are circulating a rumor that Robert Pattinson has signed on for his next movie.

According to reports on sites like Glamour UK, the Twilight star and Emma Watson “are to get steamy in a lusty new art-house flick” called Dark Arc, the remake of a 2004 release.

Casey Affleck is supposedly in discussions to complete the film’s “love triangle” connecting an artist, a graphic designer and their muse.

However, the growing speculation online is not correct.

Pattinson is not involved.

A representative for Pattinson tells Gossip Cop the report is “untrue.”

Follow @GossipCop on Twitter for accurate celebrity news!
posted by whatupiloveyou
Just a warning this is a short chapter. I have no more ideas. Thank you for all the people who stayed with this story!
Disclaimer: I don’t own twilight. Go to my profile ad take a quiz and help me decided my next story. Please and thank you.

Alice POV: (Before she picks up Edward from the airport)

I’m so glad Edward was coming back. He should be landing in about 7 hours, if my visions are correct. Who am I kidding, when am I ever wrong. It took Edward forever to come back to Bella. I have to go tell the rest of the family. I can’t wait to see Bella again. I miss her so much.

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posted by KatiiCullen94
The voice of an offical worker brought me back to live from feels like an awaking.
My leg was grinnign inn ache and wrist was thrubbing. Looking up with drugged vision, i managed to define and remember the flawless features of Charisle Cullen.
"Bella, your ok, you just had a little accident yesterday. broke your wrist and ancle, i will let you out tomorrow, but i will have you on crunches, rekon you survive on those ? or those weapons for you?" He said smile, shaking off his serious tone that spoke the bad news. i was releived as i was shocked.
i dont even remember an accident, nor do i even...
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madapanda's favourite character: Edward
madapanda's favourite character: Edward
1. Who is your favourite male character and why?

Edward's my favorite male character. I've always been interested in characters that have lived for a certain amount of time, and they carry something with them all those years. They aren't able to let it go so to speak. For Edward, it's guilt. Everything that he's done, he thinks he's a monster and that he's damned to live an eternity of emptiness. But Bella comes into the picture and appeases that guilt. She fills that emptiness. And you see Edward change. She works in Edward and he eventually realizes that he is capable and worthy of love....
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